Freezing while on my way to pick up medications. The windchill is ridiculous today and I was getting brain freeze walking against it. lol I am literally hiding in a bus stop shelter to take a bus back home when I would never do that given it's only a ten-minute walk, but it really does suck that bad.
Getting my son ready for school, he is actually excited since his new boots were delivered like a half-hour ago. I've never got a package this early in the morning before.
Revisiting my dumb video game idea that's basically a spell casting RPG... but you cast spells by performing tricks on a skateboard.
Calling it, Knights of Shred
Debating bed or trying to hook up my old video game systems. Nostalgia is gnawing at my insides now that I pilfered my old RPGs from the 'rents garage of wonders.