Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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Owen went searching for Zelda and then he spotted her outfit and hair. Making his way over to her with a drink for both of them. "No one told me we would be having someone famous joining us. I'm Owen. Are you here to be entertained or entertain?" He handed her the drink. He smiled at her but still looked for Luna then he looked back at Zelda and a confused look came over his face. He knew those eyes...
Dom watched Owen approach Zelda as he normally would've done around any other celebrity. Of course, Dom knew who she was once he had seen who Luna became when she wasn't a mute. He remained quiet as he observed Owen's behaviour as he spoke with her. From the distance he was at, he could tell that Owen was suspecting her appearance, assuming Luna told him. Either way, the other party-goers were quickly becoming aware of her presence.
As Owen approached her all she could think of was crap but she managed to keep a straight face. Both, I'm here to entertain and be entertained she took the drink handed to her and hoped he or any of the other students would recongize her.
Willow smiled and was just about to answer when this comotion about some girl named zelda came into the party. She had never heard of this girl zelda but it seemed she was populer. Willow looked at Danny and said "have you ever heard of this zelda girl it seems she has drawn all this attation to herself from all those guys that must suck ". Willow was happy that not too many guys ran after her but knowing that some might by the way danny seem to stick around gave her hope that she can be liked by a guy . she was glade he would stick around her even thou this zelda girl popped in.
Though Zelda was famous, she hated the attention but even as Luna, she still gets attention. Why couldn't she be more invisible? Wait...Dom! Of course maybe he could teach her.
Danny looked at willow "no, I don't remember seeing a girl named zelda," stay near willow though he does feel like he feeling a deja vu feeling watching her running away "So what do you want to do first? This is actually my first time being to a pool party, so I'm not really all that cool."
Owen looked at Zelda closely. He just smiled. "Well enjoy." The look on his face told her he figured her out. He wasn't sure how to react but he wasn't someone to break her cover. Owen wondered if that was why she didn't speak to anyone, she was afraid someone would put it together who she was. He sighed a little. "Well I'm sure you have plenty of fans and people wanting to hear you or speak to you. I won't keep you." He smiled and began to walk away.
With camera in hand, she weaved through the crowd, working her way towards the celebrity that everyone was buzzing about. The crowd was so thick, that even her tiny physique was hard to squeeze through in certain places. She recieved quite a few dirty looks along the way, but she paid no mind. It only took her a few moments to get in sight of her target, and immediately began snapping pictures. This is what she lived for. The raw emotion of everyone around was now captured as art.
Zelda smiled back and thanked him as she went off for a drink. A few people crowded around her for autographs and pictures. Father, why did you have to make me famous?
Willow giggled and said "same here but come on lets go get some drinks". she grabbed his arm and tugged him away from the girl Zelda in case he decided to join the crowd and leave her behind. Once she got over the drinks she saw Zelda there and wanted to move some where else but decided to act cool like the girl being there did not bother her. she picked out two drinks and handed one to Danny and said "after this maybe we go dance".
Mikhail, after he was done dancing decided to take a dive in the pool. Having a Navy Seal father, he learner how to swim when he was only a year old and to hold his breathe a few minutes longer than the average human at the age of thirteen.
Danny knows what it is like to be left alone after showing up with someone and nods at willow. "Dancing huh, alright if you can keep up with me we can go dancing." started to drink.
Soon enough she was demanded asked to sing, so she placed her guitar in front of her, turned the mic on and started singing. She sang three songs total before her agent called.
Willow sipped her drink and grinned "alright your on". She finished up her drink and waited for him to get done. she soon dragged him out to dance as soon as Zelda started to sing.She had to adimit the girl was a good singer she would look her up later on youtube that was for sure.
As the music began to play, Ashley moved towards the front of the crowd to get a better view of the beautiful singer, accidently bumping into a few people along the way. Out of courtesy, she adjusted the camera settings so no flash was needed. She knew how much of a distraction flashes can be.
Danny smiles as she pull him to the dance floor thinking of all the dance he has seen before. He danced pretty well, not amazing or any special dances to turn too, but he could keep a beat and not embarrass himself out there. After the three songs where up, He lead her to the pool. "Alright, now you have to come and swim with me."
Willow giggled and said "alright sounds fair ". she give him a sweet smile as she followed him to the pool. She took off the jean shorts but left the tank top on . She knew if she swam with the jean shorts it would be hard to walk in them afterwards.
Willow blushes as she stands there in her pink binki and white tank top. she just pulls a stand of her hair behind her ear not sure on what to say .
he then takes her to the pool and jumps into the deep in "come on in, can you swim?" he asked he didn't think that she would stay with him this long, hopefully he won't have something stupid happen.
Once the music stopped, Ashley decided to make her way back through the crowded pool area to find her sketchpad. She had hoped it was still on the table where she left it. While walking past the pool, someone had jumped into the deep end, causing a big splash. She ended up getting wet, including her camera. This pissed her off. Without thinking, she screamed "hey! at least shout canonball or something to give us dry people a warning!!"
Dom's attention suddenly shifted when a girl screamed by the pool. She was dripping wet, including the camera she wielded in her hand. He put down his drink and walked by her, putting his hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, calm down." He said, rather calmly, hoping it worked on her. "Your camera's fine."
She was too busy inspecting her camera to notice that someone had walked up next to her. His touch made her jump, almost causing her camera to slip between her fingers. Even though it was wet, she seemed to get a good hold of it before really breaking it. She looked at him for a moment before toying with her camera once more. She wasn't seeing any damage, and that made her feel better, but his reassuring words worked, and she regained composure. "I think you're right. It should be fine. I'd be devistated if anything happened to it though. Thanks." She managed to give him a soft smile.
He nodded, trying to smile but only achieving his crooked grin. He really needed to work on his facial expression because this was appalling.
"I'm glad nothing did happen to it." He spoke, taking a small step back towards his place. "You seemed like you were going someplace so I'll leave you to that." He gave his crooked smile again before going back to his place and eventually, finishing off his drink with the final sip.
Willow smiled and said "yea i can swim alright watch out gonna dive in". she took a few steps back and yelled "in coming " so that she would not get anyone wet on the side of the pool and anyone underth could get out of the way. she ran up to the edge of the pool and dived in.
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