Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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She watched as the stranger walked off. A small frown showed on her lips. She had wondered if she done something to upset him, although she couldn't imagine what. Her thoughts were disrupted with the shout of someone else diving into the pool, and she quickly sidestepped as to not get wet. She pushed her way through the rest of the crowd and found her sketchpad right where she left it. She could see the kind stranger from where she was sitting, and studied him for a moment. Without thinking, she began to sketch him. He was one with a story to tell, his face gave that much away. Since catching emotions was her thing, she kept her focus on his facial features, imagining exactly the way he looked while standing in front of her.
Zelda had to excuse herself. When she was out of the clearing, she answered the cellphone. After what seemed an hour of speaking to her agent, she went off to her dorm and changed into Luna.
Owen moved walked around still socializing then finally he moved out into a corner. He needed a moment to himself. It was like him to be very social and he always wanted to have fun but part of him wasn't feeling the party that night. He had a perfect view of the whole pool area. He sat down and drank a moment. Even though he was in a room full of people he felt kind of lonely. He highly considered going back to his room...alone.
Luna after getting undressed and back in her green and black bikini, Luna came out and went back to the party. She entered and looked around, it wasn't long before she found Owen with hid back faced to her. She walked towards him and tapped his shoulders when she approached him.
He turned and looked at her. Owen didn't know if he should comment on the show Zelda did or not. "That Zelda...she's pretty awesome huh?" He smiled a little and wrapped his arms around his legs, keeping an eye on everyone but still focusing on Luna. "Having fun?"
Luna nodded, "she was something and not a big fan of crowds. Makes me uneasy sometimes." Luna pulled up a chair and sat next to him.
He looked at her confused. "Not a fan of big crowds huh?" His eyes looked at hers, they were just like Zelda's. He knew that he was right about the two of them. "She sure does have a lot of fans it seems. Especially that guy..." He nods in Dom's direction.
Luna looked over towards Dom she was wondering why he was looking at him. "Indeed she does. You know, she never wanted the famous life."
Owen watched her closely. "Sometimes that happens. Does she at least like or love what she does?" He thought a moment. "That's the main thing. Doing something you love and enjoy." He smiled at her.
Luna looked at him hard. "She did once loved it but something changed her." Luna bit her lips a bit, careful not to acidentlly bleed them.
He studied her still looking in her eyes. "So why still do it? Maybe she should find a new passion or try to find it exciting again."
Luna shook her head, "it's all she knows, she is a people pleased. There be a riot if she quit. There was one the first time she decides to retire."
His eyes just watched her. He felt sorry for her. He couldn't imagine being stuck doing something she didn't want to do. He was the star basketball player. He lived and breathed basketball. He couldn't imagine doing anything else. "That has to be hard. I couldn't imagine...She probably hates being busy all the time...just wants a normal life..." Owen knew sort of how she must feel. He ran the school but mostly just wanted to be a normal student. He wanted a girlfriend and to play basketball to get a scholarship. No one really knew he him. He had "friends" but they were more like acquaintances.
Luna nodded. "My father's company owns her. They would rat on and on, her music teacher stresses her, and her agent isn't very bright."
Owen now was on a mission. He couldn't have her leaving. His mind started taking off on ideas on how to help her and have her stay. His father was a powerful business man. Maybe he could help. "Maybe I can find a way..." He smiled at her.
Luna smiled back then frownded a bit "even so, her mother is very powerful. She is a dutchess and very hard to per sawy. So double the stress."
Dom concentrated on Owen and Luna's conversation, if he does anything to her which she doesn't like, Dom would at his throat. He didn't care if he was some big shot's son, nor that the school basically worshiped him. Dom doesn't bow down to anyone, especially someone who thinks he can do whatever he likes without consequences, Dom was those consequences.
Owen thought a moment. "What made it fun and passionate before? Maybe I can bring that back for her." His eyes looked deeply in her eyes. He couldn't imagine living a double life. "Maybe having a friend with her could help. Or a new drummer." He smiled and winked at her.

His eyes shift to the pool. "You want to swim?" He smiled at her warmly.
Luna smiled back and answered his question hm...I suppose it was it was just because it wasn't way to professional and they would laugh whenever one makes a mistake. Luna shifted her eyes towards the pool and nodded. "I love to swim."
He gets up offering her his hand. "Then lets go swim." He smiled at her. "I think you could use some fun in your life."
He lead her to the pool. Owen noticed Danny and Willow and he smiled. Looking back at Luna and nodding in their direction. "Looks like they are getting along well..." He stopped at a chair and took his shirt off. " I can be a bit of a people watcher. Sorry if its creepy but I like seeing people happy and smiling because they are just in company of someone special." He smiled at her. She was that person right now for him. She could make him smile a real smile. "I get jealous sometimes seeing everyone so happy..." His smile fadded not because he was lonely but she or Zelda was probably lonelier than he.
Luna didn't pay much attention at first to what he was saying, she was too busy adimiring his abs. She soon snapped out of it "oh yeah I'm glad he's happy as well. Come to think of it, they look real cute together."
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