Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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"They do." He smiled before jumping in. The water was perfect to him, not too warm or cool. He almost wanted it colder. Resurfacing he smiled at her. "Come on in, it feels great!"
Dom watched on as Luna followed Owen into the pool and seeing that she was fine with being around him, Dom knew that his presence was becoming a burden on himself because he wasting his time and on her as she obviously didn't need him. He stood up straight and put a hand through his hair. Being lonely wasn't the best thing that you could do and if anything, he hated it. But it was the price he'd have to pay if he was ever going to find her again. He walked away from the party, someplace quiet where he could think. The first place he thought of was his dorm room and being the socialite that she was, his roomate might not have been in.
Owen splashed Luna as he swam around a bit. "Oh im sorry. I didn't get your eyes did I?" He moved close to her to look in her eyes concerned.
He laughed. "You're so gonna get it." He splashed back and grabbed her to toss her in the water. It had been a long time since he really smiled and laughed like this especially because of a girl.
He knew it as much as anyone else did, he didn't need anyone's help or concern or even sympathy. As he walked to his dorm, he made sure to remind himself that getting infatuated with a girl who's as private as he is, was stupid and irresponsible of him. It was a betrayal of his principles. Luna doesn't seem too private now that she has Owen, probably a sign for him to forget. He's perfectly willing to forget, but he'll never be forgiving.
Ashley glanced up from her sketch to notice her subject of interest was beginning to walk away, "Dammit" she muttered to herself. Glancing back at her art, she could see it almost complete, but something was missing. She'd have to finish it another day. With a heavy sigh, she closed her book and glanced around. People seemed to be having a good time drinking, dancing, chatting, and even couple people were splashing around in the pool. Deciding not to risk any further damage to her camera, she stood up and hurried her way out of the party, making her way back to the dorms.
Luna sherieked as Owen tossed her and splashed her. She swam towards him "this fun" Luna looked at him and not able to resist no matter how much her mind warned her, she kissed him.
Dom stopped thinking about Luna, making his way his dorm room and hoping to find it empty. In fact, his room mate was present but she was locking lips with a jock on his bed. Seeing them drove him up the wall. He stormed to them, taking the jock's shirt in his claws and pulling him off of her. He pinned him to the floor, slamming his fists into the guy's face and ignoring his room mate's pathetic attempts at stopping him. He was eventually pushed off and the jock made for the door, but Dom was already on his feet. He ran forward and landed a heavy boot into his back, sending him into the wall. Then the jock lay on the floor in pain while Dom sent another kick into his abdomen. By this time, he was no longer concerned with going to his dorm now that he had interrupted his room mate, so he diverted somewhere else as he walked down the hall.
He kissed her back. His lips gently pressing against hers. His lips then formed a smile as his eyes looked in hers. His arms moved to wrap around her body. If this was how his year at school was going to go he knew it would be a good one with Luna being a part of it.
Luna felt him kiss back and wrap his arms around her. Her mind set off a warning system don't get too attached! Do you want to lose another?! Luna then withdraw from the kiss and hugged him.
Ashley slowly made her way back towards the dorms. The sounds of the party gradually diminishing in the distance. It was such a nice day, and she hated to waste it. She found a quiet spot under a tree and made herself comfortable on the soft grass. It tickled her legs as she stretched out. It was hot, and the shade felt good. The skin of her bare legs felt much better being out of the sun.
Owen held her close. He knew she wasn't like most girls. His hand moved up and down her back. He just moved around the pool holding onto her.
Dom made his way outside towards the Quad where he saw that his previous spot under the tree was still vacant and he quickly walked to it. Getting there and upon seeing the tree, he let one of his fists hit the bark with all of his strength. He retracted his fist to find that splinters had entered his hand and was, in fact, bleeding. After what he was experiencing, he didn't care. He sunk into a sitting position, holding his fist while he waited for the pain to subside.
He looked at her a little surprised. "Sure." He smiled and climbed out of the pool helping her up.
He wrapped a towel around her then grabbed one for himself. He dried off then rubbed her arms over the towel. Owen didn't want her cold. Grabbing his shirt before heading toward his room with his arm around her, his hand on the small of her back.
Ashely was relaxing in her own little world when she got the feeling to look up. Not too far from her, she saw a guy, the same one who spoke to her earlier, underneath a similiar tree. He didn't appear to be happy, and seemed to be in pain. She thought about minding her own business, but decided that maybe she could be of some help. Rising to her feet and brushing off the grass, she worked her way over to the other accompanied tree. She approached the guy slowly, not wanting to risk setting him off. "Are you ok?" She spoke quietly, noticing the blood that now oozed from his hand. It was clear that he wasn't, but didn't what else to say.
Luna dried herself then followed Owen out of the party and towards his dorm. Though her mind still set off a warning system, she decided to ignore it.
Upon hearing a voice above him, he looked up to see the photographer from earlier now standing over him.
"I'm fine." He replied just before he winced when he tried to sit up.
He tried to pull one of the splinters out but as soon as he got a grip on it, it sent shocks through his hand. He couldn't move the hand because it was like having metal pins going through it. If you moved, the pins would just slice through your hand and there'd nothing left of your hand. He was forced to keep his hand still, looking into the distance while his mind wondered. After some time, he rested his forehead against his closed fist and breathed slowly, finally calm after his tirade.
He made his way to his room. Unlocking it and walking in flipping the lights. "Want some dry clothes? I have sweats or shorts you could put on." He wanted her comfortable. He moved to his dresser getting clothes for himself waiting for her answer.
She chuckled to herself, knewing that would be the answer he gave her. "In all honesty, you don't look fine." Ashley watched as he winced with the pain his hand was now in. It looked pretty bad. Reaching into the bag she had slung over her shoulder, she pulled out a first aid kit. Experience had taught her to carry a small one around because you never know when it will be needed. Opening it up, she found the tools needed to clean up his injury. "May I?" She asked "It looks pretty bad."
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