Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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He grabbed a pair of sweats with a draw string and one of his basketball t-shirts for her. He handed it to her. "Bathroom is in there. Make yourself at home. "
Instead of replying, Dom simply held his hand out in front of her and watched as she inspected it. Normally he would have refused help, but seeing his own hand made him accept the aid.
Luna thanked him and went into the bathroom to change. When she was out, her hair was tied up in a messy bun. "So Owen. Out of curiosity, out of all the females in this academy. Which one catches your eye?"
Lowering herself to the ground, she made herself comfortable, knowing this might take a few minutes. She gingerly took his hand into her own, careful not to put much pressure on it. She inspected it thoroughly, noticing a few splinters from the bark, and reached for the tweezers in the first aid kit. "I promise to be as gentle as possible, but this may not feel very good." She began going to work, gently pulling out each individual splinter until none were left. She had now realized that her manners were lacking, and had forgotten to introduce herself. "I'm Ashley by the way." She muttered, her focus set on cleaning his wounds. She reached for the alcohol pads to clean out the dirt.
He nodded when she mentioned that the experience wasn't going to feel good. He expected as much after inch long splinters had entered his hand. He winced every time she pulled a splinter out, clutching his leg tighter and tighter. She introduced herself once she was done with the splinters and out of politeness, he introduced himself to her.
"Dom." He simply said, leaning his head against the tree and breathing heavily as if he had just run a marathon.
She smiled "Dom, that's a nice name.". She was attempting to keep his focus off whatever pain he may be going through. She finished cleaning out cuts and bandaged it up nice and snug. "Any better?" She was admiring her work.
While she changed he also changed into last years warm up pants and a white tshirt. He grabbed soda for both of them. Handing one to her before hanging up his trunks. He walked back in sitting on his sofa. How to answer her question. "Well...this girl is kind of mysterious. I want to know her story. Her name is Luna..." he smiled at her.
"Thanks." He replied, feeling his hand ache from the splinters. "Loads." He said, opening and closing his fist so that he could get used to the pain and not have it bothering him. He used the fingers from his injured hand to inspect the bruises surrounding the other hand's knuckles, remembering the hammering he gave to the jock.
Luna looks up at Owen taken aback by his anwser. "Okay, what do you want to know?" She asked with a smile.
She watched him for a moment, wondering what could have possessed him to injure himself to that extent. "You might want to get it looked at. Just to be safe." Tucking her items back in her bag, she glanced around. They were alone. She thought about venturing off but felt bad. She didn't want to leave him, not like this.
"I don't need someone's expertise on what's wrong with my hand." He said, not looking up from his hand.
He understood where she was coming from but he neither needed nor wanted some doctor's advice on what to do with his hand when they might/might not know what they're doing. Dom just doesn't need to bother himself with the hassle.
He thought a moment. "Everything. Mostly Zelda...How she came out why it was once passionate to perform but no longer. But more about the real you..." He studied her a moment. "Why did you ask who caught my eye when we were just kissing in the pool."
Ashley frowned at what she assumed was meant as hostility. She couldn't help but snap back. "Gee, is this the thanks I get for helping? I was just trying to be nice." She sat there, legs tucked into her chest, arms wrapped around her legs, and decided to stay quiet. People weren't always the nicest to her, and she had a hard time recognizing kindness towards herself
Luna started with the first question, about Zelda "it started out as a youtube video. It spread worldwide and soon a man came to take her singing sky high. He soon became her father. She stopped taking interest in singing because of one guy. And as for the third question, I just thought with all these real good looking girls, you liked one the kiss....I'm not sure what to say about it." Luna had never talked this much, this was gonna take some getting used to.
Dom only exhaled hard in annoyance at her response.
"I wasn't talking about you." He said, folding his legs and crossing his arms as best as he could without hurting his hand too much.
She glanced over towards him from the corner of her eye and muttered "oh, sorry.". Now she felt silly for acting the way she did. She continued to sit there in silence, hoping she wasn't being bother. It was just a comfort to her not being alone.
Dom then looked at her before he replied.
"It's fine." He said with his broken smile. "What do you draw?" He asked, his eyes now focused on her.
Ashley wondered how how he knew she liked to draw. Perhaps he'd seen her around. She'd never talked about her drawings before, it showed them to anyone for fear of being told they were horrible. She reached into her bag and pulled out a thick black book, filled with various different sketches. She opened it up and thumbed through it. "I draw a lot of random things. Sometimes people, sometimes nature, other things of my imagination"
Dom listened on while she talked and then he basically explained how he knew that she drew things.
"So you drew me, then?" He said, still looking at her.
One part of his wondered what Luna and Owen would be doing but his mind dismissed the thoughts out of fear and sorrow. For now, talking to this one girl might take his mind off of the other girl he met when he arrived here. Most of him still missed that girl from his past because at that time, he was never lonely, never angry, never sad. Here, it was all he could do.
Ashley blushed when she heard him mention her drawing of him. Some people may construe it as stalkerish. In this case that wasn't so. She was just fascinated by the perplexity of emotions playing across his face. She tried to blow off and pass by the question casually. "Yea I draw a lot of people."
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