Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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Mikhail was dancing with a nearby cheerleader as if he were drunk. Mikhail had also forgotten about his father but didn't care or give a crape. This was a party and he was enjoying every minute of it.
Dom remained in his place, his eyes turning into slits while his pupils darted around, taking in all the information. Some about unfaithful boyfriends/girlfriends, others about eating habits, maybe addictions such as drugs. He was able to get the lay of the land and he was keen to more about his enemies' weaknesses than they knew about his. The advantage was too great an opportunity to give up. Flashes of a camera made his eyes land on a girl who was more comfortable taking pictures than socialising. He also noticed Luna still wandering around, he didn't who or what she was searching for. He left her to her vices.
Luna needed to hurry the hell up. She finally saw Dom a while later and charged right after him full speed.
He saw that Luna's eyes fell on him and as she made his way to him, he realized that he was what she searched for. In anticipation of her arrival, he placed the drink on a nearby table and straightened up, fixing his coat.
Luna caught up to him breathing heavily. She quickly wrote on a piece of paper 'ready to go or do you want to stay?'
He could hear her breaths and he waited while she wrote her message and gave it to him, still committed to her vow. He read and then replied.
"I've got no more reason to stay." He handed it back to her.
Dom then nodded and followed her on their way out of the party. He even noticed the disappointed expressions on a few girls' faces as they thought he was with Luna. He never thought of being with anyone else except the girl he once knew.
Luna checked the time on her cell 15 minutes. She only had fifteen minutes and it takes her a while to change. She wrote as they walked, 'how do you feel about running?' She handed him the note.
After snapping quite a few photos, and recieving a few digusted looks, Ashley decided to make her way to a lesser crowded portion of the party area towards the exit. There was a seat over there with her name on it, and she gladly took it.

Pulling out her trusty sketchpad, she took the opportunity to drift into her drawings. Generally she preffered a quiet place to practice her art, but a party wasn't something she'd miss out on, especially if that meant photo ops or meeting a new friend.
Dom saw her note and quickly read it and instead of replying, he did as she requested. First, he let her start running so that she could lead them to her dorm and all he has to do is escort her. He began running behind, making sure not to nip her heels while he did.
Luna nodded and ran towards her dorm, Dom behind her. She started to pick up a bit more speed. She gained that from fan members.
He sped when he noticed that she was gaining some distance between them. It wasn't long before her and Dom were running through the hallways of the dorms, looking for hers.
Luna thought why her dorm had to be so far. She was getting tired and through the hard running and not drinking, she nearly collaspe.
Dom could feel their pace getting slower and even though he wasn't that tired, she was close to just flopping on the floor. He took her arm and wrapped it around his shoulders, his hand drifted to around her waist and he supported her weight while they ran, hoping that he wouldn't get tired from carrying her and running at the same time.
Luna felt Dom's arms support her as they ran she tugged on his sleeve a while after, motioning him to stop for they reached 2235, her dorm.
He felt a tug on his sleeve and he decided that was her way telling him to stop. He stopped running and released her body so that she could unlock the door. He grabbed the note she gave him earlier and he wrote a message for her.
"Do you want me to stay? Or should I go?" He asked, handing her the message.
Owen was being a good party host talking to as many people as he could. He was welcoming and polite making sure everyone had a good time. He looked around for Luna but was more disappointed as time went by and he didn't see her beautiful face. He started to get distracted. He hoped she was okay. Owen continued to socialize and drink. He wanted to enjoy the night before he had to work hard at his studies and sports.
It wasn't long till after Luna changed into Zelda that she received a message indicating that "Zelda" will attend this academy. Luna rolled her eyes at that and placed her wig on. She later head out and down the hall only to be stopped by a jock who had just gone to take a piss. Shit!

(Zelda) http://depositphotos.com/7398644/stock-photo-Young-punk-girl-in-leather.html
Willow smiled at Danny and giggled saying "do not worry i came here with you so your not getting rid of me that easy". she bit her lip and blushed for she sounded cocky and that was not her or was it. she turned her head and decided why not do things and actuley party like the rest. She took Danny hand and went to get them some drinks.
Zelda had to get away from him but he chased her into the party, worse of all she had her head mic and guitar attatched to her. The good part, her wig didn't come flying off. She was also glad the crowd was huge so she hid amongst it.

The jock lost her but found Owen, he tapped on his shoulders and whispered in his ear, 'Zelda is in the building.'
Dom decided to stay with her but only remain at a distance. He could protect her if and when she needed it, so he headed off towards the party while she got changed. He then made his way back to his quiet corner, arms folded, he watched as Luna made her entrance by sneaking into the crowd. He noticed that her hair had changed, she basically was someone else. He guessed that helped out her cause to have a normal life.
While sitting alone in the quiet corner of the bustling party, intently focused on her drawings, she got this feeling to look up and scan the crowd. Her eyes fell on the musician entering the party. She loved to snap photographs of them, especially during a performance. The pure, raw emotion musicians expressed while signing was so beautiful, so mesmerizing. Without hesitation she snatched her camera and got up, interweaving through the crowd to look for her desired target.
“Who said anything about getting rid you?” at the party he notice some stuff, for one Owen was everywhere, greeting, talking, he was all over everything though look like he mind was somewhere else, second some guys were going through the party looking for a girl name Zelda, video game references much, whoever Zelda was she must have been someone important to them but he figured that she had other ideas then going with them. ‘It’s only day one and already we have drama, how crazy is this school going to get?’
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