Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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Suddenly, Luna was in front of him and by her expression, she had already noticed his bruise. He guessed it wasn't as covert as he was hoping. She handed him a note and reading it, he wrote underneath her message his reply.
"A fight, it's nothing." He gave her the note, fixing his coat and his shirt underneath.
Luna read the note and her eyes widen slightly. She then wrote back, 'glad he didn't cause a lot of damage' she handed him back the note.
What she wrote made him smile, something he thought he had forgotten to do but at least someone was capable of bringing it out of him.
"You should've seen his friend." He gave her the note.
He took the note but his smile didn't fade. "Yes. Contrary to popular belief, I can take care of myself." He wrote back, handing the note to her.
Luna read the note and nodded before writing back, 'I'm sure you can. Oh are you coming to the party?' she handed him the note
Dom read the note and pondered his answer. Was he going to the party or wasn't he? He wrote his reply.
"Yeah, but don't expect me to socialise though."
Luna smiled and wrote back before handing it to him, 'It's okay, Im not very social either when it comes to crowds' she handed him back the note
He nodded as he read it, absorbing the information. He quickly wrote his message. "But you're still going."
Luna read the note and began to hesitate, panic even. She had to think of something fast "Im...Im...Helping my dad with a few band members." Luna mentally facepalmed herself and called herself in her mind, 'stupid'.
Dom looked up at her and then back down at the note, writing his response. "When you do, tell me so I can at least take you back to your room before I go back to mine." He gave a smile that he hadn't practised in a while and it might've probably turned out crooked.
Luna exhaled in reflief and nodded before writing a reply 'sure, I like your smile by the way. It's nice sort of mysterious as well.' Luna handed him the note.
He wasn't expecting her to like his smile, even though it wasn't the best, whatever his best looked like.
"It's a terrible smile." He wrote back to her.
She giggled and that made Dom blush slightly, another thing he thought he was incapable of. Inside his mind, he was suddenly reminded of who he was waiting for. His smile faded and looked down. He gave his reply.
"Thanks. Shall we go to the party now?" He said.
Dom nodded and kept the note in his hand while they made their way towards the pool where the party was taking place. The volume of the music was so loud that the bass was more deafening than the music itself. He slowly made his way to a least crowded area he could see which was just a few feet from one corner of the pool. The rest was densely populated by students.
Luna couldn't believe it, it was like her last concert. She saw Dom go off to where the least amount of crowd was. She then checked the time. She could only stay for 2 hours and a half. That gave her enough time to talk to Owen for a bit before she had to go. So she began searching for Owen.
Danny laughed "It's alright, If you want something to ineract with you always have me." 'What kind of lame line was that?' he said as soon as he closed his mouth, 'something to ineract with?'
Dom found a group of drinks huddled by the side of the pool. He sneakily went over and grabbed the least alcoholic one, eager to keep his mind clear while he was here. He returned to his place and looked up to see Luna go off somewhere. Talk about not being sociable He scoffed, taking a sip of his drink. He looked around to notice some feminine eyes on him, none of which he required the attention of. He was here to observe, not conform to their way of living.
As Ashley ventured around looking for a good place to relax and sketch, she noticed a bunch of students heading in the same direction. She decided to follow, wondering what was up. The loud thumb of music could be heard off in the distant. It quickly became obvoious that a party was in full swing, and she decided to go check it out. Parties were always a good place to take pictures. She loved being able to capture a person's pure essence, and the best way to do so was when they least expected to be photographed. Walking through the crowd, she snapped a few pictures, while looking for a quieter corner to seclude herself.
Before Luna could even talk to Owen, she checked her time and was taken aback when time flew by. It was time to go. She left the crowded area and went to go look for Dom. Her cell rang as she ran "yes hello?" She answered the other line was her agent, wondering where she was. "I'll be there son. Hang on." Then she hung up and searched some more.
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