Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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After Mikhail was done f*cling one of the jocks here, he went on into the gym to shoot some hoops before getting ready for the party.
Danny get his clothes and a towel and goes into the bathroom. He later comes out with black and red swimming trunks, some googles on top of his head, a baggy red t-shirt and a brown towel around his shoulders. "alright lets go to your room."
Willow stood up and lead the way to her dorm room and on the way there she said "you look ready to go for a swim and look nice". she hoped her complament worked. She opened the door to her dorm room and said "oh my roommate is not here oh well ". she closed the door behind them once he was inside. she then said "well here we are and make yourself at home gonna go get ready".
"Thanks," he said walking into her room, he sat down on the couch and waited for her to come back. 'this is going good he thought to himself.' a lot of time being alone, which he was a lot of time gave him time to think. He wondered if this was going well, was he going to be just another friend or was he going to be a boyfriend, nerds hooking up with nerds that a shock, but it was not like he had a chance with the cheerleader, or anyone he met so far because everyone was out of his league even Willow, though she might be the closes one so far. He had no deep dark hidden side that made him appealing but he also knew that girls tend to hang around guys who are already in a relationship. He's not close friends with her but he doesn't want to be that guy that cheat even if it's an upgrade cause that leaves hurt feeling, but what about her? if she had a chance would she kick him to the crib to date somebody better, would he even be mad, cause it wouldn't be the first time that has happen.

By this time he has the towel over his head looking down weighting the option of getting into a relationship that wouldn't go anywhere or end up in the friend zone with the only girl here he has a good shot of dating.
He smiled warmly at her. "What brings you to my room? Just a friendly visit or can I do something for you? Either way I'm happy you came by and you're always welcome. " His fingers drummed at the back of the chair.
Luna smiled at him Just a friendly visit when he drummed his fingers against the chair she wondered if he played drums. Say, do you play the drums?
He smiled. "I do actually. Why?" His eyes glanced in hers. He really found her interesting and wanted to spend more time with her.
Luna's smile widen and brightened I play the drums too as well as any instruments you throw at me. But I would like to hear you play it sometime
After Mikhail took a shower, he put on his swim trunks and a shirt. He was about to leave when his phone rang. hello? Mikhail asked/greeted once he answered this is your father. You'll be leaving in a week Mikhail hung up, not wanting to hear more. He then decided he was an adult and can do whatever he damn well pleased.
He thought a moment. "I don't have my drum set here but there's one in the music room. Whenever you want to hear me just let me know. Can I hear you too?"
nice and sure you can. I best go back and get ready. Luna stood up and gave Owen a hug and a small peck on his cheek before heading towards her dorm.
Willow came out wearing a white tank top over a plain pink binki. "okay ready to go ". She had a beach towel around her neck and on it was tinker bell. She did not have any shorts on just the tank and binki feeling exposed so she grabs a pair of jean shots and slips then on real quick. she walks over to him wearing flip flops with tweety on them and says "looks like we are going together i hope i do not bore you to death". She wants to grab a book but thinks twice about he probleys wants to swim together.
Mikhail stalked out of his dorm and walked down the hallways. He thought Owen had talked to his father into per swaying him to stay, had he not?
Owen hugged Luna and smiled as she gave him his kiss. "Thank you. I'll see you at the party." Went to change into black swim trunks and pulled on a white undershirt. He grabbed a towel and headed out of his room for the pool.
he looks up at her and nods "Alright lets go then, I don't think it will be boring." standing up and walks behind her and closes the door after her.
Starting at a new school is never easy, but it's something that Ashley is accustomed to. Bouncing around foster homes, changing schools all the time, it really was nothing new to her at this point. Normally she kept to herself, and she liked it that way. It was always much easier to say goodbye when best friends weren't involved.

Walking onto campus for the first time, she looks around and smiles. She has high hopes for this school, for her new home. For the first time, she's finally establishing some permanent roots.

Looking at the map, she slowly works her way to the dorms, stopping to admire the picturesque scenery along the way. Upon reaching her destination, she takes a deep breath and opens the door to her new home.
Luna made it to her dorm and headed straight for her bag then the bathroom to get ready. In just a few minutes she emerged wearing a black and green bikini. She then grabbed a towel and headed out not taking notice when she enter/left the dorm that two people were in there.
Mikhail was a few miles away from the pool. Though he loved partying, he cant stop thinking about his dad. Oh why did mum marry him?!
Luna was on her way to the pool when something stopped her. The music room. She saw a violin and couldn't resist. Violins were her kryptonite and the very violin she owes was handcrafted by her now desceased boyfriend. Luna walked towards the violin, tuned it a bit before playing. Luna brought it up to her chin and began playing.
Willow smiled and walked down to the pool with Danny . She tucked a hair behind her ear thinking ";okay this is new for me going to a pool with out a book i feel so empty handed.
It didn't take Ashley long to find her room. She tossed her stuff down on the bed and looked around. The room was rather small, but rather cozy. She'd had worse and could easily deal with the small space. There was no sign of any roomates, but that didn't mean there wasn't one.

Walking over to the window, she takes note of the gorgeous day outside and figures to take the opportunity to do her favorite thing. Snatching up her camera and sketchpad, she makes her way back out of the dorms and into the sunlight.
Dom was lying idle in his bed and hadn't noticed that he had fallen sleep until he was woken by the touch of a warm, wet cloth on his cheek. His eyes flipped open and as a hand came close to touch his face with the cloth again. His hand darted out and grabbed her wrist, his eyes sharply looking at her.
"What are you doing?" He asked rather aggressively.
"You're hurt..." She replied, innocently.
"Don't touch me, ever." He said, letting go of her wrist and sitting up.
He rubbed his eyes, as if that would relieve the headache. He grabbed the wet cloth and dropped it on his pillow, standing to exit the room and leaving the girl to regret the roommate she had been given. He wasn't nice at times, he knew that. But he couldn't stand being touched by anyone else other than her. Only she had permission to do so. He walked silently through the hallways, noticing a mirror, he stood before it to inspect his face.
She must've kept the cloth on his cheek for awhile because the bruise had almost disappeared completely. It still hurt but at least he wouldn't have to look at the pus swelling on his face. Whispering noises made him turn to see a couple of other students sneaking away from their dorms. His curiosity made him follow them to where several other students were congregated. It seemed that a party was on and Dom decided that that would be a good time to observe his fellow students. Find out stuff about them without them knowing about him. Something he did often as he strolled towards the party.
Luna set the violin down and stalked out of the room and down the halls only to run into Dom. She noticed a slight fading bruise on him and wrote, 'what happened?' then she handed him the note
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