Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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"Why would I laugh, it's a very good book when I read it I didn't run into a person I walked into a wall. My name is danny by the way," inside his mind was working on the three people he met so far, the sexy cheerleader who he thinks is the girl that knows she is hot and uses it. Luna the quiet and mysterious one, and now the cute bookworm talking to him and so far both of the first two was already taking by now doubts was starting to set in that someone was about to show up saying that was his girlfiend.
Owen smiled at her. He shut the door behind him so no one else could hear. "I knew you could talk...Hi...." He shook his head in confusion though. His eyes glance in hers.
It was when the ring leader gave him a push that brought the rage out of him. Dom grabbed the back of his neck and landed several punches into the jock's face. All three of them got a lot more resistance than they expected and while Dom repeatedly pounded the jock's face in, he could feel their fear on his skin. His victim was forced to lay down onto the floor from the damage to his face but when Dom turned, one of the other jocks did something very illegal. He used a baseball bat to swipe Dom across the face and the impact knocked him out cold. A hit from a guy who had muscles for brains and no sense of fairness.
Willow smiled and said "cause everyone else has laughed at me called me names saying i was never gonna get a boyfriend cause i read to much ". she blushed again and said "sorry my name is Willow Jones and I love to read as you can by now tell but try as i might the liberry seems to keep me busy always getting new books before i have a chance to read them all". she bit her bottom lip and knew he was going to walk away now saying she was boring.
"There nothing wrong with reading, and trust me I'm the last person to tease you for not having a boyfriend seeing as I get tease for not having enough 'game' to get a girlfriend." He got a peice of paper and wrote his room number on it "I'm in 1280 so if you ever wanted to come over and we and read stuff together if that okay." he thought to himself Oh my god, am I actually hitting on a girl what is she going to say? this was new it must be something in today or god just giving him another chance to get it right
"I would love that your in room 1280 iam just a few doors down in 1289 next to some guy named owen " she then took out a peace of paper and wrote her room number down and then added some book titles she was reading down on it and added "in case you wanted to read these next i always wanted to read the hunger games an thought i read that three book series if you have not read them you can get them from the liberry and we can read them together ". she felt strange here was this guy asking her to come read how on earth did she get so lucky could it be she found a nerd like herself. she blushed again at the thought.
he smiled "okay that is just down the hall then, are you coming to the pool party?" he was kinda weird to hear himself like this but this was what he wanted a change in his personality to be bolder and more outgoing and so far it was working from not saying anything this morning to talking with a girl like it was nothing now. he looked at his watch "oh, man I have to go and do my youtube video, I'll see you, if you want to come while I'm shoot you can, nobody see your face."
Willow smiled and said ";alright i will come and if you wanted I can go to the pool party with you for i was not going to go cause i felt kinda like a outcast here and did not want to burden people with my problems ". she smiled at him as she thought about her job on the side how she sat on the computer and wrote about books for a mere sum of 150 a week . It was Enoch money for her for she had no bills to pay for her parents had got her a scholarship to go to this school this year. To get her away from all the bully';s in the last one.
Dom woke some time later with a hand on his arm, shaking him awake and a monster headache especially concentrated on his cheek. He started lifting himself to his feet but could feel his arm being supported as he did. He didn't need help from anyone and he gladly pushed them away from him. He was disorientated and dazed, the jock had hit him with all his strength and it did a lot of damage to Dom's senses. He was able to drag himself into his dorm room, to find his roommate now present. He ignored her attempts to introduce herself and slumped down on his bed.
Danyy got to his room turn his laptop on put on the voice recorder and started to speak "Hello, everyone out there on youtube, you could be anywhere in the world and instead you're here with me and I thank you for that and to all my fans and subscribers. Today we are going to be talking about transitions and no not my amazing cool skill with flash, we are to be talking about real life transitions." He went on to play his character role C.A.H. Boy, answer questions made up some new questions ending with a story about his life. Then he went to edit his work drawing the animations and working it out. "Well now you know I do a lot of online work, from marketing to commenting, and I'm a youtube partner. So what do you think?"
Owen looked around at his room. "Thanks..." He was still confused that Luna was speaking. "So...how come you're talking now? What brings you by." He motions to his bed or chair to have her sit.
Willow watched with interest and said "cool i like it i work online too just at a book site where i read books and write about them it does not pay much but its money and enoch for me to life by for now". She smiled as she watched him work on his computer. She looked around his dorm room and said "nice room mine is kinda boring with posters from books i have read that have been turned into movies but other then that not much sense all i brought with me was cloths and a laptop ".
"a lot of my stuff is in the closet, this is my roommates stuff out here. Our work is kind of the same huh." finished with his product he uploads it to youtube and then turns his computer off. while he was danny in the real world CAH boy was one of the big names in youtube but since it was mostly animated no body would looked and know that it is really him when he finishes editing. He looked over to Willow "What your major here? what are you studying for?"
Willow smiled and said "Iam studying to become a writer i figure from all the books i have read why not become a writer myself ". She went by her real name on the site where she writes about books but its not a well known site so she just anther name to give comments about books no one cares who writes them just reads them to know if the book will be good to read so she pretty much was in her own world most of the time with like hardly any friends till now Danny was her first friend and a boy at that but she did not put too much stock in it for fear that some girl would show up and clam him. she liked where things where going and hoped they could become good friends.
"Cool, do you have any stories in the works? " danny sat down on his bad on patted next to it for her to sit down next to him, he didn't want he to be standing up all the time and since he was closes to the bed she could sit next to him.
Willow got up and walked over to him and sat down next to him and said "no not yet still working on a good story but i know if i keep reading it will come to me";. she looked at him with a far away look. She blushed as she sat there close to him she put her hands in her lap not sure what else to talk about now.
"well I'm going to get ready for the party make yourself comfy while I get ready." he said standing up and going to the closet.
He sat in a chair backwards looking at Luna. "I like my space. My parents take care of a lot of the funding here so they ask for me to have my own room. I'm not going to lie sometimes it can be rather lonely." Owen looked at her closely. "How are you liking it here?"
willow smiled and said ";when your done i need to get ready so if you wanted i can show you my dorm room";.
Owen nodded. "You'll love it here. I guarantee it. Are you gonna make the party? " He smiled at her. He wanted to know more of her story but didn't want to intrude.
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