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Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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Danny walked over to her a little nervous and shy, isn't she going to think it's weird that I'm just walking up to her and talk to her? she doesn't know me? what is she doing to say? "umm excuse me," he calm his thought and just went for it he was trying to change himself right, she was going to be a good step. "I uh heard you play the violin and it was very good, I just wanted to ask you why play such a sad song in a nice place?" as soon as he said that his thoughts can back even longer. Waiting for her to respone self doubt was creeping back.
Luna looked over at Danny and jumped a bit. When he asked her a question, she shook her head, keeping silent.
He saw her jump and instantly inside thought he messed up he hasn't even been here for a day and messed up on two girls already. What in the world is wrong with him? Why couldn't he be more confident, kind of like his roommate he didn't have a problem talking to that sexy cheerleader, so he wouldn't have a problem with this either. "I I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just like the song that you played, my name is Danny." hopefully that could maybe ease things down, he thought but helf of him just wanted to hide or go somewhere else to avoid embarrassing any futher.
Luna sat her violin down and took out a pen and paper from her small bag and wrote, "Luna. I don't talk" then she handed him the paper.
he looked at the paper and nods thankful for not making a fool of himself. He remember a while ago one of his friends were mute. "Okay, do you know any sign language or is this how you talk." he said handing the paper back to her. Sighing some relief he wondered how did it happen, but he remember some sign language from before.
he relaxed a little, he didn't question the fact that his first conversation with a girl here was though sign language, it kind of made it easy for him. signing 'my room is 1280 I found they the room are kinda small but for the most part the people here are pretty nice.'
Owen headed back to his room and saw Danny talking to Luna. He smiled to himself and was happy a guy like him was talking to a beautiful girl. He walked over to them. "Sorry to interrupt but I'm Owen and I wanted to let you know there's a pool party tonight. " He passed out the flyers to them. "You both should come." He smiled at them before patting Danny's shoulder to kind of tell him nice work. "If you two need anything... Anything let me know. 1290 is my room."

He turned and began passing more flyers out especially to every female.
Luna looked over at Owen and nodded a thanks. She then turns to Danny 'have to take my violin back. I'll see you at the party.' Before she took off with her violin she decided to thank him with a kiss on the cheek.
Mikhail stomped through the halls and bumped into Luna. watch it! he yelled out causing her to run and cry at the same time. The talk he had with his father pissed him real bad. He felt like punching someone in the face to let out his frusteration.
Luna nearly fell on her violin when Mikhail bumpped into her. She began to cry when he yelled at her and ran in the speed of light towards her dorm. She wondered if the fact she doesn't speak was the cause of his temper.
Danny blushed and rubbed his cheek, signed 'thanks I see you there.' before waving at her goodbye and going to his room and almost passed out on the bed. Did that really just happen?
Luna plopped on her bed after she placed her violin away and began to think about what she did to Danny. A small smile formed on her lips as she drifted off for a small nap.
Owen turned and looked at the commotion coming from Mikhail. What a jerk! He excused himself from the ladies he was talking to about the party and walked over to Makhail. "What is your problem?" He began to stare him down again.
Mikhail turned his attention at Owen and growled It's for me to know and you to find out. He turned his back on him and began to walk away.
"I understand that you're upset about something but don't take it out on an innocent girl who has done nothing to you. There is no place for assholes in this school." Owen looked around to see if anyone else needed anything. He was already tired of Mikhail, he needed an attitude adjustment.
While Luna was in her room, she got a call from her agent. They needed to do a new music video for her dad, to impress his boss. Not wanting people to know, she grabbed her bag and went out the door and down the hallway. On her way outside she saw Owen so she waved at him.
Owen stopped and looked at Mikhail. "I'm sorry there a way you can stay?" His eyes followed Luna down the hall as he smiled at her and gave her the little nod. His hand went up and waved back at her. She was beautiful that was very clear. He wouldn't mind getting to know her more.
Ali looked around her room a little relieved to finally have found it. "Thank you so much. I will be forever grateful." She smiled at him before setting her books down. "Yeah that would be fun for us to hang out. I'm glad I made a few friends." She giggled a little and turned back to him. "Since you know where I am now you don't have to be a stranger yourself..." She smiled at him winking and talking almost in a seductive tone. She went on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
Mikhail calmed and turned around. Unless you can convince my dad that soccer is my life then I'll take back everything I've said and done. Deal?
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