Edgewood Academy--Always Open

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Dom watched her expression change. It seemed to him that she was acting mute, the reason for which she hadn't given but his attention turned to the other thing she said.

"What do you mean by 'taking demands'? He asked her, giving her the note to write on.

He hoped she didn't mind him speaking to her, if she did, he'd have no problems with handing her notes either.
Luna read the note then wrote back 'they'll start asking why I became mute and they'll want me to actually start talking in like parties, conversations, etc.. I just can't. One man took my courage to speak with him.' She handed him the note holding he would understand.
Dom took the note from her, reading it in his head, he nodded to her in understanding. Like her, even he hated conversation which was one of the reasons why he was rather introverted. He wrote a simple sentence on the note, followed by a smiley face.

"You can trust me." He handed her the note, giving her a smile to accompany it.
Luna read the note and smiled calmly before giving him a quick hug to symbolize that she trusts him.
Dom expected her to at least smile which she did but did not anticipate that she's hug him, even though it was a quick one. He felt awkward about people touching him and making contact. Despite his awkwardness, he still felt the warmth of the hug and her trust come through to him.

"How long have you stayed a mute for?" He wrote onto a page he ripped out of his notebook and handed the note to her.
Luna read the note given to her and write her reply 'since I was 15'. She was now 19 and it had been four years since she spoke.
He had to say that he was shocked by her answer. He took the note and wrote a reply.

"That's a long time. How did you manage without speaking for so long?" He wrote, handing the note to her.
Luna read the note and gave a small shrug then wrote back 'felt so broken about not being able to talk to him that I decided to give up speaking to anyone. No one knows about this except you'. She handed him the note and waited for his reply.
Willow saw the girl who did not speak get all the attation so she left them all to head back to her dorm. She found her book she was reading then headed out to a bench near by Dom. She sat down on the bench and opened up her book for she really wanted to know if she was right on who did it. she hoped so but this book was hard to judge it seemed like one man did it all the evidence pointed to him but yet deep down something was wrong with the picture . she thought about doing the notebook and pen idea to figure out the murder case but decided to not go back to her dorm room.
Feeling tired, Luna decided to sit down. She began to think. She did speak to Dom now she wanted to speak to Owen, to Danny but she was afraid, she cant.
He read her note and looked back at her, trying to see what she was thinking.

"Who is he?" He asked, handing his reply back to her.

He looked around and saw that someone had decided to sit down on a nearby bench to read her book. If he looked carefully, some distance away, stood two guys and one of them kept looking over at them. Only reason someone would keep glancing over at Dom is probably because Luna was here. Despite not wanting to speak, she did attract an awful lot of attention to herself.
Altair smirked liking the first comment. "Forever grateful? How far does this gratefulness go exactly." His smirk was wider and he winked to her. "Yeah I guess it would be fun, I can be great company." He was careful not to get friend zoned so quickly. When you were in the friend zone it was rare that you could ever get some action. "Oh dpn't worry I'll come stalk you to your room." He smiled but it was quickly turned into a grin when she kissed his cheek. It was nothing new but he knew he had a shot now. "Got a cell?" He pulled out his phone to give her his number and get her's.
Luna looked over then wrote 'that's Owen and Danny. Owen runs this school' she handed him the note then started moving her mouth, wanting to speak.
Willow looked over at Dom from the top of her book and thought he is cute but decided not to say anything for everytime she talked to a boy she went on and on about some cool book she read he ran away. she loved her books and not just some fiction books eather she read anything she could get her hands on and seemed to know a lot. She went back to her book and bit her bottom lip she was close to the end and things where looking like she was right but then bam she was wrong it was the guy helping the cops out along . she jumped up off the bench and yelled "what no way". she then blushed and pretended to countue reading but if anyone looked closely could see she was not reading but marely looking at the last page.
Dom took the note from her, reading carefully so as to absorb all the information. The last few words were what really dug into his mind and that's what his next note was based off of. He quickly wrote a reply and handed it to her.

"He doesn't own me." It read and leaned back in time to see the girl who was reading a book near to them, jump to her feet and yell.

She quickly recovered and went back to her book. Clearly she had missed something in the book, Dom thought.
Owen excused himself and went to his room to make the phone calls he promised Mikhail he would to his father. He explained his situation to his old man and his father agreed to try to help them out. Owen was grateful for that, sometimes his father could be a jerk and push him to be a better student and athlete. His motto was if he was going to help out the school his son would be the best student there. Owen tried but it was hard with sports and everything else. Part of him just wanted to be a teenager and have fun in school.

After hanging up with his father he flopped on his bed and wondered what Luna's story was. He saw her talking and he wondered why she faked being a mute. This intrigued him more and wanted him to get to know her even more but he wondered if he should just leave her alone. His hand ran through his hair.
Ali smiled at Altair's question. She took a step closer to him looking in his eyes. "How far you want it to go stud?" She winked at him before taking his phone from him. Her fingers punched in her number and then her name. "There I put it in for you. You better call me or I do know where to find you." She turned to start unpacking, as she moved away her hips swayed and she bent over her back pushing her butt out at him.
Danny looked down and thought about it "If you going to go after her you can I only talk to her once it's not like I already claim her or anything." he he then nods and goes his own way wondering what will school be like here, as guys and girls are already hooking up. he was sure his roommate had no problem trying to get the girl.
Willow saw that the boy had seen her and knew she could not stay and pretend to read any longer she jumped up and ran past Luna and Dom on her way to her dorm room . She had her head down hugging her book in deep thought when she ran right into Danny and fell over dropping her book . She looked up and said ";sorry i was running and i got excited cause i know now who did and i was wrong this time".
danny rubbed his back and got up reaching his hand out to her "It's okay, I'm tougher then I look," he looks down at the book, "Oh, I read this book, it was really good the ending was a great surpising twist you wont see coming."
Dom could only watch as the girl that was reading her book ran past him and Luna, out of the Quad. His only reaction was a tad surprised at the speed of her exit. He ripped another page out of his notebook, writing a message for Luna while he got to his feet.

"I'll see you later." Was all it said and Dom departed towards the dorms.

He thought of the girl he once knew, the one who went away and he was left to hold onto whatever she left behind. She had made him into this and if Owen was going to demand Dom's allegiance, that was when they'd see what he's capable of doing. He dismissed the thoughts once he felt his anger moving into his mind. He couldn't let it cloud his judgement, which it did when it was loose. His only distraction was to watch a guy staring right into the ass of cheerleader unpacking her stuff. By her behaviour, she was meant to be seductive. Dom remained by the doorframe, keeping his body hidden as best as he could.
Luna nodded and head back towards the school. As Luna walked towards her room, she practiced speaking. Though it was a whisper, she was building up a bit of courage. She came across Owen's dorm, took a deep breath and knocked.
Willow brighten up and said "really you read the book and oh i know i just finished it myself no i have like 13 more books back at my dorm i was going to read". she blushed when someone got her started on books she got carried away. She gave him a sweet smile knowing he did not run or get angry with her. She took his hand as she got up and said ";thanks for not laughing at me ".
Dom couldn't stay there for long, the memories of her were coming back to haunt him and darken his mind. He started walking, absent-minded down the hallways. He let his legs carry him wherever while his mind wondered away from reality. He felt like he had woken up when he was being pushed around by some jocks who thought he was easy prey. A fight? Dom was thinking. Don't know how to fight. Or do I?
Owen sat there a moment before hearing his door. He got up and opened it seeing Luna standing there. He smiled at her. "Hi..." He opened the door wider offering her to come in. He wasn't sure what she wanted so he stepped back and grabbed a notebook and pen for her.
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