Picking Up ... (Death Note) [Yuna&Veinexes 1x1]

Her cries of pleasure got louder and more frequent as he pulled almost all the way out only to thrust back inside. Whether he had meant to or not, in the midst of one of the thrusts, he hit her g-spot. Another loud scream left as she followed suit, cumming and not seeming to be able to stop. She knew back in her mind, Suki should have pleaded for him to stop to prevent pregnancy. But this was feeling too good ... and it didn't seem like either of them wanted to stop at the moment. "OH LIGHT ... MMMMM ...." She bit down on her lower lip, shuddering against his body as she kept riding, her grip on his shoulders tightening. Her body trembled hard, her juices continuing to coat his cock as she rode eagerly, frantically almost even.
As she continued to pump and explode upon him he continued pressing roughly into her, letting his own seed spill in and from her with her juices. He grunted as he felt her continue to ride and constrict, pounding harder before throwing both of themselves back to the bed and ravaging her into the mattress. His tongue slipped out as he began lavishing her breasts with quick licks up to the hard nipples. ho legs spread wide and held over his shoulders as he continued to hammer into her.

A gasp left as she felt herself moved from against the wall to upon the bed. Somewhere between thrusts, she found her legs secured over his shoulders, giving him quite the angle. Her body had been trying to calm down ... but the constant thrusts and assaults were doing anything but helping. Her head tossed back as she screamed and moaned loud, especially when her erect nipples got licked. "OHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Her muscles squeezed hard as she came on top of the orgasm she had barely just finished.
Feeling her muscles clamp down as she came again he went rigid and met her with another explosion of his own. Time seemed to stop for both of them as the instinct, satisfied, began to fade. Their bodies calming as Light slid out falling on the bed next to her. The covers were pulled up over the both of them. Damn...maybe I overdid it...just a...bit. he had exhausted himself after the exertion.

A slightly shaking pair of hands wrapped around his waist as she let her head collapse on his chest. "Wow Light-san ...mmm..." Her eyes closed, her body trying to regain more of it's composure. She allowed herself to stay silent and still for a bit, afterglow seeming to cover her along with the blanket which if it was still wet, she wasn't noticing it at the moment. Finally, her eyes opened as she looked up to his collarbone she had roughly nipped at and smirked lightly, "Sorry about that. I'd say we both went a bit wilder than we expected. But I don't regret it ... and it felt like you didn't either, lest I'm much mistaken." Her head lifted to press a soft but passionate kiss on his lips before resting back on his chest. "Though ... didn't we kinda just go from dating to lovers in a matter of hours?" She asked half-teasingly, half-seriously. It was one way to test him as she recalled he swore he wouldn't go back on his word; and the concern that had made her ask for that reassurance would be that this wasn't going to be the last time she would be with him. Not that she wouldn't go through with her plans to search the room ... but even if he was Kira, maybe this could be turned around somehow. People could change others she had heard ... maybe she could be what made him change, for the better. It may seem too hopeful ... but truth be told, Suki wasn't sure she could go against him. She had definitely fallen for him ... but she wouldn't forget the mere possibilities and hints he had given her this night that he really may be Kira, along with all she had been doing to research the serial killer.
With Light's more logical side back he cursed himself for losing control of himself so easily. He was snapped back to reality by Yuna's question. He had promised and he supposed he could always use a change of scenery now that he's found someone else. He smiled. "Of course I meant it. We'll talk about it later. I really did a number on myself and you too I'm sure." He said, laughing. His body felt numb. He'd never expected to go that wild. "We'll talk about it more in the morning, okay?" He said softly, letting his eyes close as he began to drift off.

She gave a shaky nod against his chest. "Mhm, definitely. But it was very worth it." She murmured softly, her own content smile crossing on her face. Hopefully her internal alarm clock would still wake her at 05:45, as usual. She doubted he would be conscious by then, just from gazing and hearing his fatigue. Hell he was already falling into the temptation of sleep first; something she had expected to do with a couple factors but one of the main ones being how many orgasms she had. "Sleep well, Light-san ...." She whispered, allowing sleep to overtake her.
You indeed are woken up first thanks to your scheduling. Light, having been relatively safe these past few years, felt no pressure to set such a schedule. The lights were off in the entire suite as you were allowed to have full access to wherever you wished to go.

The existence of the Death Note would be the ultimate proof she needed. Not only, mind you but biggest. Waiting to ensure she could slip out of his arms and not wake him up, she let her eyes adjust to the darkness. Once they finished, she began carefully getting up. Suki already knew, thanks to the tour, where she had wanted to head off to. There had been a desk with drawers on both sides; a piece of furniture like that could have easily held the notebook. Slowly opening one drawer at the time while making as little noise as possible, she began checking each for any item that could trace him back to whether he was Kira or not.
Most of the drawers seem to contain file folders and some notebooks but none like the one described. A large book, at least 700 or more pages, sits in another drawer. The title reads "The History of Law". You can definitely recognize it as the book he was talking to you about earlier. Upon opening it, you see a signature inside, dispelling any doubt this was the present he had been speaking about.

Exhaling deeply but still softly, she pulled each file out. One by one, she began reading each. ... This have to do with this missing information about him maybe? That had still bothered her for quite a while. He had been such a vital role ... why would he just seem to disappear the way he had? Unless he had been trying to hide something, there shouldn't have been a reason for this. Mentally cursing herself now for having left her phone at the efficiency, she began slowly reading after ensuring she had them all laid out.
The files you found are dossiers on the various criminals that Kira has killed, such as details of their crimes, their trials, whether they were convicted or not, etc. Nothing too incriminating though, it'd be needed for the investigation. In the back of each file, in a folder sheet, was the name of the criminal written down as well as a description of their death. It seemed to be hand-written.

She bit down in annoyance on her lower lip. This was seeming to go nowhere. But when her eyes caught the hand-written pieces of papers at the back, her head couldn't help but tilt. ... But this was all already written down. Unless .... Was it a page from the Death Note? Putting all but one away, she picked up the small slither of paper up to get a better look at the handwriting.
Pulling the paper from the sleeve yields interesting results, first that yeah it's a piece of paper with writing on it, not just a copy. The second is a large white face looking own at you from the ceiling with a strange grin.

Suki had been ready to put the paper in her purse to take back and try to analyze the handwriting. But then ... there was that damn feeling of eyes upon her again. Swallowing nervously, she looked up and nearly dropped the paper. It then dawned on her ... she was still nude, making her cover her breasts quickly. "Holy .... um ...." She looked down to the paper, trying to keep herself calm. Keeping her voice steady and low in volume, she looked back up as a thought hit her. "...Were you what Light seemed so ... anxious to see last night at dinner? And what I kept feeling was watching me?"
A few stray blinks as he rose a finger "Oh... you an see me now, man that's a shame, now I can't do those things anymore... hmm.. But yeah I'm Ryuk."

But ... how? What ... huh? She stared down at the paper for a bit more before looking back up to Ryuk. "...This ... is from the Death Note, isn't it?" The book had sounded like an even more technical person than Light had written the rules. This ... Ryuk ... maybe he had been the one? She gave a nod. "But.... yes, Ryuk. I can see you perfectly now." Assuming he would say yes to the first question, that would be even better proof for her to know Light truly was Kira. She wasn't sure if it was the mere thought or something else ... but suddenly she began to feel sick, literally and metaphorically.
"Hmm? Oh that sheet of paper? Yeah it's from the note, that much is obvious." HE noted her suden stop at questioning as she looked a bit under the weather, "You feeling okay?, you don't look so hot."

"So ... Light ..." She gazed over to the still sleeping figure as two and two began to add up to four. L had been right ... he was Kira. And she'd not only just found out but slept and had fallen for him. "I .... don't ...." Quickly putting the slip of paper where she had found it then the file away, shutting the door as quickly and simultaneously quietly as possible, she then ran. Sure he got a free view of her back side but her body was beyond caring. She had to get to the bathroom.

Suki couldn't help but wonder as she found herself 'praying' if Light had meant for this. Assuming, that is, she was sick for a specific reason. She didn't usually react like this to such news .... and now she was hating herself for not having asked for a pill. Waiting for her body to finish, she slowly stood up. Grabbing some paper towels to wipe her face off, she flushed then washed her hands. Still keeping her breasts covered, she walked back out, her head shaking to Ryuk.

"...I'm going to re-sleep on this all. I did want to hear whatever talk he had in mind, though. But this .... is a bit too much." Slipping back into bed, she held Light close to her, hands trembling a bit. She was horrified at the mess she had just gotten herself into. Worse than that, she had no idea how Light would react if he found out she wasn't really Yuna or that she knew his darkest secret. It scared her. He had killed so many, even L; what would save her? The possibility of an unborn was all she could hope for at this rate. Her eyes slowly closed as her head went back to his chest. Even if she didn't fall back asleep, she'd wait for him to wake up at least.
Sleep overtakes you, albeit uneasily. When you do awaken you smell breeakfast being cooked, your stomach rumbles reminding you of your encounters with the toilet bowl earlier, however it smells to good to pass up. As you walk outyou can see Light frying up bacon and eggs.

A low groan left as her stomach clenched. "Shut up ..." She murmured, slowly beginning to rub her eyes. Staying in the bed, she wandered how to go about everything. She wouldn't be able to keep everything away forever, including all she had learned not long ago. Well ... she could but it wouldn't be good. Not if she genuinely wanted to try to have a chance with him ... assuming she could figure a way to help him. Maybe she could make him give up his Kira side somehow. A low sigh left even as she bit her lower lip and grabbed another bathrobe. First thing would be first; whatever talk he had in mind plus definitely giving him a real wake up call, even if it was only a possibility for now.

Hoping her stomach wouldn't act up and yet kinda wishing it would at the same time - to help show her point - she slowly walked out. A weary but at least genuine smile was on her face as she bowed her head. "Morning, Light-san." Sitting down in an empty chair, she watched him cook. "Sleep well?" She asked, her smile widening as she continued watching him, though using peripheral vision she made sure it was just them for now. She'd have to pull the same stunt he must have been doing in the restaurant if he was still here; ignore him for now.
He smiled back as he kept frying the eggs. "Well enough, though I was a bit disappointed when I woke up. Mainly because you looked too nice to wake up so I had to let you sleep longer." He plated the eggs and bacon while bringing a plate over to you, setting it over. He retrieved his own plate, sitting down across from you. He didn't seem to be in any better conditions than you in being dressed, wearing a t-shirt and boxers.

For the moment, it seemed like Ryuk was gone. Good .. she could keep her cover regarding those findings hidden. A light blush covered her cheeks as she chuckled. "Oh? What would you have done should you not have felt the need to let me sleep longer?" Bowing her head eagerly in appreciation, she wasted no time in picking her fork up and beginning to eat, starting with the eggs. She doubted she'd get ill from this but if somehow Suki did, it'd be worth it. Already one bite was direly making her begin to feel a lot better.
He smiled as he began eating too, taking a moment to chew before answering her question. "Well, if I weren't so inclined to let you get your beauty rest, we might not have even gotten to this breakfast or lunch for that matter." He threw another smile your way as he continued eating. "Oh, do you have anywhere you need to go today?"

Her own smirk crossed. "Maybe after our talks. I have ... my own I need to add given an ... awakening of sorts I had earlier. In fact it was probably one of the main reasons I was still asleep when you woke up, otherwise I would have joined you." She looked down to think seriously on his last question. She should be in more of a hurry to head back, she knew. Especially if by now her 'partner' had arrived but noted she was gone. Her phone being at the efficiency ... it would look to Near as if something were direly wrong. Something was, yes. But not as direly as he may be worrying about. Oh she did not look forward to their next talk. Ideas of how it may go began to repeat in her mind before she forced them away for now.

Her head shook no as she looked back up. "Not really with it being the weekend. I can get work done fast enough. I can wait till tomorrow that being said. If you don't mind nor are going to be swarmed with your own work, of course." She added. "Mmm thank you. This is really good."
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