Picking Up ... (Death Note) [Yuna&Veinexes 1x1]

Even before his hand had gone up for the 'grope', she had went on with her next step. Her right hand shoved his hands above his head and against the mattress. Once it tried to move, her head shook no. "Nu-uh ... when I want to win, I do it. You're going to have to beat me if you want control back ..." Oh it was so very tempting to add 'Kira' at the end of that .... but she restrained from doing that much. Even if it would have egged him on, it would have done so in both good and bad ways Suki knew. Purposely keeping a few nails nearby a select few veins in his wrists that should they get cut would be rather bad for him, she continued to ride, moaning and panting in delight as she found herself in control.

The fact it wasn't just her in control, but over the man she and Near had been seeking, seemed to add quite the adrenaline rush. In her own way, she had won in several ways against him and with how much stimulation she was getting and giving .. it was adding on. Keeping her right wrist firmly pressed upon his, she began dragging her tongue along his right ear, moaning into it as she rode up and down his entire cock. She resumed what she had been on the table, pulling up so only the head was in then shoving him back inside. Now that she had more room, however, he began sinking even further and deeper in her, making her shake and moan harder and louder.

Her pace began to quicken, her breasts bouncing. Never once allowing her grip on his wrists to loosen or her fingernails to leave their spot, she felt herself getting even closer. After a few more up and down movements, her head tossed back as she came. But even before her orgasm fully finished, she continued to ride, getting herself close to another even.
As his wrists were pulled away and held over his head, he couldn't help but twitch himself at the force she was using and calculated maneuvers she had used to take him down. Sweat began to drip from him as he panted and moaned. He couldn't understand it at first. It was so strange for this to be making him so aroused. It was most likely because of his usual experiences as Kira or Light. He was used to being in charge of everything. Now not knowing for a moment on how he was going to get out of this, or even if he could, that fear began to fill him with a strange sense of arousal.

He looked up at her. She didn't seem like the same girl he had picked up at the school from yesterday. He had thought her to be a person he could lord over and use, only to now find himself being taken in such a disgraceful manner. Used like many of the people he had done to in the past. He felt himself getting closer just as he was sure she was. He couldn't hold back much longer as he felt himself jerk inside her, his hips beginning to buck up as she fucked down. "Uh ... uhh....ahhhh!" He felt himself explode inside her, cumming hard.

Normally, Suki had her ego pretty well in check. But there was something about glancing down ... and knowing she had - literally and metaphorically - a hold on him that was making it increase with each passing second. "Oh? What's this?" Her own sly smirk crossed her face as she looked down. Whatever voice was in the back of her mind begging her to shut up was being blocked out now as she went on. "Accepting this so soon? Does Light-san enjoy it then?" The more she watched him, the more tempting it was to reveal she knew more of him than she had hinted thus far. But she wanted reassurance he wouldn't try to pull any fast stunts even after this sensual act, which was one of the main reasons she didn't dare address him as Kira.

The dossiers had proven that though the notebook didn't appear to be in this room, he would have had a way to kill her. Assuming he'd really go that far, that was. A part of her knew it seemed silly to wonder why he wouldn't .... but the reminder of a possible heir came to her mind again. Sometimes it was simple reasons like that alone which was enough for one person. Her lips licked as he came not too long after her, licking and tugging a bit rougher at his ear.

"Oh? You do like this hm?" She murmured, moving her lips away from his ear. Her free hand turned his head away. Without waiting for consent or giving hints, she began nipping and teasing at her mark, her 'brand' of sorts she had given him. Teeth grazed along his skin but didn't draw any blood. Fear was getting him one thing for certain; turned on. She could feel he had hardened quite a bit from being forced to remain still. For once, he was the helpless one, not a mere criminal. For once, he would have to watch and endure whatever was given to him. From self-taught psychology lessons, she knew this was definitely confusing and tormenting him. His mind was probably not the only thing racing fast along with his heart.

Luckily for Light? Kira? Whomever this was ... she had not brought any type of cord or rope nor had looked for any. Getting up to try to do so now would also reveal she had snooped around in places he had not shown her so she forced herself to remain upon him. Her clit was becoming hard like her nipples were as she kept riding, moaning and panting loud and hard. Every time she shoved down, Suki would apply more pressure upon his wrists to ensure he cooperated and remained still enough. And yet, a part of her didn't want him to remain this way the whole time. She'd seen him rough .... but not quite desperate. And some deviant part of her mind was hoping, silently begging, he would do just that; use any and all means to regain his control knowing he was too used to it. She doubted the loss of it was helping his tormented side. Her head tossed back as she felt herself close again, moaning louder - nearly a scream - of bliss and delight.
He was already ashamed of himself for having succumbed to all of this. Her attentions of licking and nipping at him hadn't helped him any. As his cock remained rigid, it twitched deep within her. He was still worried about his wrists but he had to do something. He got a bit of an idea as he moved his hips, moving them up when she would thrust down. He started moving faster, pressing his hips up into her, trying to take back the pace. He couldn't move his wrists due to the nails but his legs were free. He waited until he had her on one of her upstrokes before pushing up hard with his hips and then rolling them to try to roll her onto her back. He knew he risked his wrists this way but he doubted her nails would be able to pierce right away. Turning her over to her side, he began to thrust into her, trying to get back on top of her and back in control.

At least she was trying. But Suki had ... somewhat expected him to try a stunt. Not that exact one, no. But with the fact she had expected anything at all, she was half on her side, half not. Her legs wrapped tighter as she began to push herself back upon Light. One thing he did manage to do was make her wrists leave his from the momentum and the force of the thrust. Also, her nails had only been placed there for threat; even if they had moved they would haven't have drawn blood unless she made them. Luckily for him, she'd only been giving him good incentives to behave more than anything. Even if a part of her knew she should get back now that she had found L's murderer, she also knew it'd do no good for herself or L though especially the latter. He wouldn't want her avenging him like that.
He felt her fighting back against him. He could probably overpower her a lot easier if he had wanted to stop thrusting into her. But that wouldn't be fun for either of them. He did note that her wrists had left his as he now grabbed hers. But instead of pushing them back like she may have expected, he pulled them down to her sides. Continuing to move in and out of her, he would try to push forward with every thrust to get her to her back. He leaned forward and kissed her deeply as well.

Even during the struggle, Suki's mind had been racing and thinking. It had been long and difficult .... but she finally knew she had to do all she could to reassure him she wouldn't leave him regardless of what may or may not happen. Besides, this way it'd make things a bit more with the ... level of secrecy between them. Still, she had made it in her mind so she wouldn't fully reveal herself. But it would be enough so they would be at a more fair level with one another. Right now, she had been ahead of Light with knowing so much of him, especially that he was Kira. Now ... she was ready to make it even.

A soft smile crossed as she returned the kisses, pulling her lips away as she dragged her tongue along his ear a bit. Moaning softly into it, she murmured softly, her hands moved up though not against his grip but if anything, with them, as she held him close to her. "Mmm I don't care how much you push me around when we're like this ... but don't even during the hardest of times ...." She purposely paused to add a bit of suspense. It was very low, barely above a whisper but still audible as she let the last word leave her lips, "....Kira-san ...."
He continued to pound into her hard, expecting another push back. When he didn't get much of a push but more of a soft touch it surprised him but he swore to himself not to be taken off guard. His body went stiff - in all places for that matter - as he could feel himself being frozen by her words. Wait! K-kira?! She knows? Or is that a guess? Or some sick fantasy? What happened? If she does know, then why is she letting me do this to her? I thought that she hated Kira? If she's just teasing, why would she pick Kira of all names? Maybe she thinks he needs to get laid or something and that's why he's so mad at the word? I'm so confused.

However long he'd been in his mind, he blinked himself out of it but not quick enough. She had already reclaimed her dominance on top of him. His hands had let go of hers when he heard the word 'Kira'. He looked up at her as the sensations she was giving him returned to the forefront of his mind, eliciting a soft moan. It was official; he just didn't get women.

The confusion was so very clear on his face ... and she couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes, I know. I won't say every single thing; but I will say how I know. I found the dossiers ...." Sure enough, she rolled herself back on top. Her own soft moans mingled with his as she rode, enjoying the feel of him so deep inside of her. "And that in the back of them all was a hand-written sheet with the same information of the criminal's names, date and time of death all written down. It seemed weird that information which had already been recorded would be repeated. So ... I grasped one and I understand why I felt like I was being stared at. I can see what you do; I met Ryuk earlier."

Her own pace slowed to tease him, as if to get back at him for the stunt he had pulled earlier. "I should get back at you for whom you took ... but he wouldn't want that. Then again, nor would I. Let me help you ... both of you. Your willingness to aid out in justice is good ... but the method truly is the wrong way of going about it. Please .... let me help you. I'll make sure we both get through this okay given I wasn't supposed to fall for you like this. I'm sorry ... for using you. At first anyways. But everything I've said to you .... has been true, especially regarding my emotions for you; both of you - Light and Kira."

Her eyes closed as she continued to let soft moans leave, riding at a nice, steady pace. "Like I said not long ago, I love you no matter what. But please ... work with me. Let me help get things sorted for you. Let me help you start anew. I will tell you everything about me when I know you won't try to write my name down and make my heart stop. I will say that Yuna is not my true name nor do I really look like this. But you will see the real me within time and learn of me. For now, just call me Yuna Until then though .... let me help you. Please ... I don't want to lose you."

Fingernails gently ran through his hair, her eyes never leaving his the whole time she spoke. The same shakiness her voice had during breakfast had now returned in her voice and body. She'd said all she needed to without fully revealing herself. Now all Suki could do was hope he'd accept not just her offer but fully take her as a person, a lover. It was certainly nerve-wracking though, knowing he had killed his own ex. Her eyes closed as she continued riding, sending up silent prayers.
He listened to her until she stopped. Hundreds of thoughts had been flashing through his head of how to somehow stop her from revealing him or anything. He cursed himself for underestimating her and letting his guard down just for what amounted to a quick lay. It was magnificent .. but that was besides the point. He looked around at the mention of Ryuk's name, cursing the Shinigami. What was his deal? Why didn't he warn him about this? Where was he?!

He finally began to calm down. She had said she wanted to help him. He hoped she wasn't just blowing smoke. "You really mean that? I've been trying to make Kira more accepted. I never once thought of stopping. How would we be able to use the word that L used to me? Atone for all that I've done? For all Kira has done?"

"Whoa! Sorry about that! Thought you kids would be done!" He had only slightly peeked as he was able to cover his face haphazardly, albeit he had gotten quite an eyeful before doing so. "Well, I'll let you kids finish up."

Light threw an angry glare towards Ryuk. You could see Kira in his eyes. He opened his mouth to shout but was stopped short as he elicited another moan.

She gave a sincere nod, never having completely ceased riding even while she had spoken and listened to him. "Of ...of course I do." She bit down on her lower lip as he went to say he didn't want to cease. Suki had been afraid of hearing those words, unfortunately. "I'm .... not exactly saying stop. But ... the way you're going about it, stop that at least." Her fists clenched as she heard L's name. That was all it took; her tears she'd been hiding finally began to fall. Her head shook no as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I... I'm not ...."

The abrupt sound of Ryuk's voice made her gasp and pull the covers over their lower bodies. "DAMNIT RYUK! WHAT THE HELL?! YOU GOT A FREE SHOW EARLIER! SHOO!" Thankfully, he seemed to intend to leave as in a matter of seconds he had left as quickly as he arrived. A sigh left her lips and it dawned on her that with how close Light still was to her, she'd accidentally screamed in his ears.

"....Sorry." Wiping her tears away with the back of her hand, she looked back down at Light as she tried to calm herself down. "Anyways, I'm not sure myself honestly. But .... that's what I'm trying to say. Let me help you figure this all out so ... we can get this all straightened out. Unfortunately, I'm not sure either given you're damn close to being unable to be forgiven. By some anyways." Her eyes closed as she inwardly cursed Ryuk. His timing really had been horrid and now her lack of being able to figure anything out wasn't helping much more.

Lying beside Light, she held him close to her. "Maybe .... start using the book to help out the Investigation Team? Not go against them? But ... we'll figure something out." Her head buried on his un-bitten shoulder as she continued crying softly. "I really am sorry ... for all I had to do. But I also stand by what I said. Until I know you're not going to try to write my name down I'm not saying. I will let you know the real me when we figure this out. That I do swear."
As he watched Ryuk leave and heard what 'Yuna' had said about the free show, he wrapped his arms around her. Holding her, he ran a hand up and down her back, trying to calm her as best he could. He didn't know why she'd suddenly broken down and it was kind of strange seeing how strong she had previously been. But that's how women were sometimes, changing with the moments. He kissed her cheek softly, knowing not really what else to do. "...Sorry." He finally said. "I know you really want to help me but I don't even know how to help myself. One thing I'm sure of is that you're a lot different than Misa and even my ex. I'm pretty sure for them, going out with me or being with me is almost just more of an accomplishment than a need. With you at least, it feels like you genuinely do care about me. And not just because I'm Light Yagami and Kira. Something a bit more than that. Sorry if I'm not making any sense."

A shiver trailed down her back as she took deep breaths to try to calm herself. Exhaling through her nose, her eyes closed as she felt Light hold her. That was definitely comforting to know; that it wasn't just her whom had wanted him. He also wanted - maybe even needed - her as well. Sniffling lightly, she bit harder on her lip as she nodded. "I ... can see about talking with .... my boss of sorts." Near was as reasonable as L had been; maybe he could help Light atone somehow.

She finally managed to nod as he went on about how he noted she was different and smiled. "Well yeah, of course I am. I told you I was different." She had been ready to ask whom Misa was ... but that got interrupted. "....No! .... " A frustrated groan left as did she, slipping quickly out of the bed and into the bathroom. If Light had thought the morning sickness she had mentioned earlier had been a lie, he now knew it was anything but that as she began puking, making her whimper and cry more.

She'd grabbed her hair and made sure it remained back, her head over the toilet bowl. Gasping and panting as it seemed to subside, she wiped her tears away. "....Gods is the sickness always this bad?" She murmured, still staying on her knees. She would wait to make damn well sure it wouldn't try to come back.
Walking in, he helped her up. "I wouldn't know, this is the first time I've seen it." He held Yuna from behind for a few moments before going and start up water to draw a bath. Leading Yuna over, he helped her into the bath. "This may help." He said, carefully lowering her into the hot water. He continued to let the tub fill stopping it after a few moments and then joining himself.

Both the bath and the feeling of Light behind her were helping Suki calm down. Exhaling softly, her head rested on her knees which she had pulled up to her chest. Her eyes closed as she began trying to think of something ... anything to help out. Her head shook as a light sigh left. The best thing that kept coming to her mind, it seemed, was indeed to speak with Near. She would see about being able to negotiate first without revealing whom exactly Kira was the same way she had hinted she wasn't just Yuna to Light. Nodding at her plan, she slowly stood up as she finished.

This time, however, she didn't bother with a bathrobe. She'd already gone through two rather quickly, something told her it would be pointless to get another. A nervous smile crossed her face as she kissed him softly, at least drying off with a towel. "I ... am going to lie back down. If Ryuk wants to get over soon and .... mention whatever he had wanted to, fine. But he's not seeing much more than bare shoulders from me."

And with that, she went back to Light's bed and slid under the covers again. True to her word, the biggest hint that would suggest she was at least semi-nude if not completely still was the skin that the sheets barely hadn't concealed. Most were around, if not exactly upon, the shoulder area. Her eyes closed as she resumed her deep breaths. Panicking and freaking out like she had would do nothing but encourage her body to get to having a miscarriage sooner which, ultimately, could do her in even if Light didn't write her name down. And that'd definitely be the last thing she'd want, hopefully Light as well. Though her eyes remained closed, her ears stayed alert for hints of when Light would be done with the bath.
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