Picking Up ... (Death Note) [Yuna&Veinexes 1x1]

"The whole investigation has been that way since we learned what we did before the accident... Our discovery of the murder weapon, the way it was used and everything, it all seems more strange then it needs to be. It's thanks to that damned discovery of the weapon that we had to become like this, and the person in charge knows the most about the dang thing." He nodded, though you could not see it, agreeing with you on some of your points. "I hope that we can be unclassified soon Kira's killings have slowed slightly in the past months as support for him grows in the people, it sickens me to see him praised like some sort of god."

... Accident? Doing a quick scan over the files, she didn't see anything regarding such a thing. She had missed something, hadn't she? "... What accident, exactly, are you referring to? The weapon, I'm assuming, is this Death Note I've found information upon, correct? It seems ... quite technical." Pulling up the file with all the notes on it, she began re-reading it. "Especially with all the rules to abide by. It's ... quite the double-edged blade."

Her head looked up as she allowed the words 'several months' to repeat in her mind. "...Has it now? But ... isn't that going against the rule regarding 30 days? According to the book, this means Kira should be dead. But he isn't; and I know for one simple reason. It would be known not just within the news of Japan, but everywhere."

Now things were beginning to add 2+2 and other harder equations faster in her mind. That settled things ... she had to talk to Near when she was done. Her head shook no as she smiled. "Oh don't worry. I think ... I am better understanding everything now. Within no time, we will get Kira. Make no mistake. My apologies if you do not know exactly why all this information is missing. Sorry on the abrupt call and thank you for your time."

Not allowing him a chance to ask again whom she was, she set aside the list of people on the Investigation team. Typing in an address onto her laptop, she arrived at Google Earth. Tracing the number she had called a few days ago, she began to watch. The man had just admitted the person in charge which, as far as she was concerned, was the first person she had spoken to knew a lot. In fact, it was beginning to seem like he knew quite a lot. More than he was willing to share; so she'd begin doing a new version of research from afar. If he wouldn't speak honestly with her, that was fine.

Granted, she didn't like resorting to this at all; but she would not let L down either. Zooming in as best as she could, she began waiting for the cameras to adjust. While waiting for that, she began dialing up Near. She couldn't help but wonder ... if their views on the current Investigation were now the same. If so, then maybe they would begin to form a similar enough theory. One thing - a nagging theory for now - had been repeating in her mind thus far though. She was pretty sure Kira was in Japan, now more than ever despite Near having hinted this already.
as the cameras adjusted you could scarcely believe where the location was. A luxury hotel in the downtown area seemed to be host to the call she gave out, perhaps one of the suites was being used as the base. Or at least a temporary one, only ten minutes from your current location on foot. The satellite imagery showed someone through the curtains in the upper floors, only one of the few that seemed to be functioning. You could not tell who the person was or even their gender, however it was strange for such a luxurious place would be so empty.

The phone rang twice before being picked up, "Yes, this is Near speaking, who is this?"

...This person's rather bold to have chosen a rather obvious place ... It seemed, however, they had somewhat seemed to have planned for this given the not-so-clear view she was getting from the cameras. Drumming her fingers beside her laptop keyboard, she continued staring - trying to get a better view of whom was using the suite - even when Near answered. "It's me, Suki. I did get in .... though not without some convincing. I finished talking to Aizawa-san and he said a few things that intrigued me." Trying to get a better view in different angles, she bit her lip in annoyance as she continued.

"For one, apparently he can't even contact his family ... at all. Even to inform them he was well or anything. It seems like the Investigation team is on quite the tight leash ... as if they're being forced to hide something. Someone even maybe. Not discussing what's being done on the assignment ... that I can understand. But being forbidden to call at all? That .... seems like it's a bit too controlling personally. It may be just me ... it's not the main thing anyways."

"Another ... is still the lack of information about this Light Yagami I keep seeing in the files. Without an obituary, we can't rule he's deceased. With all he's been involved in, there would definitely have been something regarding his demise ... he's too vital of a role in this puzzle. And yet with the lack of everything I've been able to find on him ... I can't help but feel like ... he's purposely hiding, almost."

Pausing to let everything sink in and simultaneously continue to try to get a better angle to see whom was in the room, she bit down on her lower lip again. "But the main thing that got my attention that Aizawa-san mentioned was it had been several months since Kira last made an attack. However, according to what you sent me, if the user doesn't do anything within 30 days, they die. But that can't be true ... because there also would have been an announcement about the death of Kira. So ... with this being quite the technical book and all, I'd say the 30 day rule is very much fake, ergo wherever you got this page copied from .... it is not the real Death Note. At least that's what it seems."

Moving some of her hair behind her left ear, she continued her attempted studying. The satellites usually had a much clearer view ... was this being purposely distorted? And if so, why? Was this person used to being spied upon? They seemed to be hiding about as much as the information regarding Light Yagami ... and it was making her wonder more and more why. "What do you think of all this, Near? Aside from the fact that the leader definitely knows more and is - for whatever reason - not saying anything ..."
Near listened to her findings, she close it sounded like, and that worried him slightly. "Try not to dig to deep, you'll expos yourself to much and with this killer that is an issue. "He started thinking on what she had said about the Death Note being fake. "I don't think it is a fake, perhaps the best assumption would be that the rule is fake." He spun in his chair looking up at the ceiling as he did. He didn't think she would be so quick to latch on to these small hints and jump right in. "Where are you at the moment?"

The picture sharpens, however the shadow is still distorted. More through curtains then anything.

A soft smile that Near couldn't see crossed her lips. "I have been ... no worries. L taught me a couple things, fake names ... things of the like. I haven't felt ... in danger or anything. I doubt, from what I have read and heard of him, he'd stall this long." Right? Then again, she had even said it herself ... or repeated it from Aizawa rather. If nothing had happened from him in a few months ... her head shook no. That didn't yet mean anything. Still, she was now seeing Near's points easier. Thinking over the idea on the rule, she nodded. "....I suppose only the rule could be fake."

At the question of where she was, she stood up finally. Keeping the camera where it was, she then began walking around. Her footsteps could be heard as she began checking every corner, every possible space to ensure she wasn't being eavesdropped or spied on somehow. She would have - Suki hoped at least - noticed something out of place sooner ... but better to do so now than speak up and it be too late to notice. Satisfied when nothing was found, she went back in front of her laptop. "At the same location you faxed the papers to ... in my efficiency."

...Did he know something she didn't? Biting down a bit harder than usual on her lip, she added slowly, "...May I ask why you're curious on this?" Her eyes finally gazed back to the shadow, intrigued a bit. What was it looking at? She'd be more worried if it were herself but .. she knew it couldn't be. After all, she was about 10 minutes away from this location. No human had eyesight that good ....
Near nodded thinking about what to do. "I'll see about sending someone to assist you then, I just wanted to make sure of where you would be. This would okay yes?" He hoped she wold agree to this. She was an ally, but also a rusher.

Suki went silent to seriously think on this. It had been true she had started alone ... and hadn't been doing too horribly. Still, with the very limited help from the Investigation Team ... maybe this would be easier. A light nod left as she bit on her lower lip to hide a sigh. It was a bit annoying to swallow her pride up like this ... but at the rate things were going, she was getting nothing more than assumptions. She would need definite proof and with the only one being the fake rule in the Death Note ... she would need much more than that to figure out whom Kira was. "...Very well. May I know in advance who I'm about to meet though?"
Near was pleased that she was so co-operative this time and smiled, "I think I'll send someone from the FBI over to help with the investigation, I don't know who yet. You will be able to tell it's them from the badge though." He spun again thinking, "If you do stake out the area you've found try to be discrete and careful about letting anyone know who you are."

A light frown crossed her lips on the initials 'FBI'. While they were all for catching people, they were as strict as any police officer on abiding by the typical rules. Normally, she would be also; however, she was seriously contemplating breaking some - quite a few - rules in order to keep her identity safe. "Will do. I need to start getting ready then. Ja ne." Shooting an annoyed glare at her screen, she hung up. .. At least that's a definite start; the location ... Setting her phone down, she began getting right to work.

Grabbing her wallet, she headed out of her place and headed over to a drug store. Thankfully, she knew exactly what she was looking for. Grabbing several boxes of hair dye and hazel contacts, she paid for them all before heading back. Normally, she didn't even consider using so many .... but she was pressed for time. She had no exact hide on how long she had before this person would show up; but while she knew she had a head start, she would take it.

Emptying the contents of the three boxes, she began pouring the mixture all together. If one thing of dye lasts several good months ... this should be close to a year ... Nodding, she put the gloves on and headed to the bathroom to finish up. Once she got in, she stripped, put a towel over her to cover her back, and began applying the dye. Thankfully, her hair was long and would need quite a bit anyways. Once she got every inch, every strand, she took the gloves off and began waiting. However, since it was three doses, it was an hour as opposed to the usual 20 minutes.

While she had time, she began thinking ... on names. She would inform Near in a text ASAP on what she was doing ... but only him. "...Yuna Takeda ..." She murmured, smiling in approval at the name. Keeping the towel held so it wouldn't cause the wet hair to land on her back, she headed to her chair, sitting before her screen. She would keep waiting ... regardless of whether the shadow showed any better hints on what the person truly looked like or not, once the hour was up, so was she and back into the bathroom. Turning the shower on, she adjusted it to the right temperature before stepping in.

Hanging the dirty towel up first before getting in, a soft sigh left as she stepped in. A dark brownish color fell upon the floor of the shower. Making sure to get every ounce of the dye out, she then applied all the conditioners in her hair. It was supposed to - from what she read - ensure her guise would remain as long as she had estimated. Moving away so the water wouldn't hit her, she waited a bit more, though this time less than ten minutes. Once that was up, she stepped under the warm water again, her eyes instinctively closing. Waiting for the conditioner to leave, she stepped out.

Wrapping her hair up in a turban, she pulled a bathrobe on. Grabbing a spare school uniform, she laid it out on the bed before going back to the laptop. Heading to the high school's web site, she downloaded and printed out an application. She'd get to that part later. Right now, she still wasn't quite done with her make-over, her new persona she would take up. Grabbing one pair of the contacts, she looked over the box. A sigh of relief left as she read that they could be slept with in even if it wasn't recommended. Still, it would be better to know she could in case she pulled an all-nighter. Heading with them to the bathroom, she gazed at herself in the mirror.

Within seconds, her normally blue eyes became hazel. Plugging her hair dryer in, she unwrapped the turban. Even with it still somewhat wet, it seemed like the dye had began to do it's job. Biting her lip anxiously, she hoped it had worked. Turning the dryer on, she began to dry it. Oh it took a while, no doubt ... but once she finished and gazed at herself, the girl really had made herself seem like a completely new person. She had gone from a raven haired, blue-eyed girl to a brunette with matching hazel eyes; all in the span of almost two hours. Not too bad, in her opinion.

Still not done .... She reminded herself as she got dressed into her skirt and blouse, knee-high socks, and stilettos. Grabbing a camera, she enabled it to automatically take pictures of herself; but not yet. First she made sure it would be at a good angle so it would get her face for a new ID; school and nation-wide. Once she was ready, she hit the button and ran into place. Setting it to take three pictures, she stood still for them all to finish.

With the time she had left, she knew she could get at least a few more done. Thank gods for the weekends ... it would give her time to be ready for the upcoming week. As she finished filling the application out, she let out a long yawn. It'd been a very long day and knowing she had more to work on still ... made her weary. But she had definitely felt accomplished all the same.

Putting the contacts away and then slipping out of her uniform and into a nightgown, she sent Near a text with the following:

I will be addressing myself as 'Yuna Takeda' from now on. Did a long make-over. This should more than definitely keep my identity safe ...

This partner, she assumed, would have their own place; so she could work on the rest when they weren't around. True, it would be hard with them being FBI ... but certainly not impossible. But more than that, she didn't intend to have anything left by the time they arrived. Setting an alarm for 05:45 AM, she finally laid down. It didn't take long for her to pass out, purposely leaving the Google Earth up in case it got a better view that she could look at when she woke up.
Near hung up and pulled a database from his files of the FBI agents who had worked previously with Wammy. It would be easier and less dangerous to bring in some veterans in on this instead of any new bloods. Making his selections he continued to narrow the choices down before calling it a night when arriving at a final choice.


Light sighed as he walked about his personal suite. He had two of these so called gifted children gunning for him. Near and Suki, they seemed to have some of L's talents. At the moment Light was more worried about Near though, Suki seemed a bit more likely a person he could handle.

"Light, you still worrying about those kids from Wammy ruining your plans ehh? Thought you weren't scared of people like that anymore?" Ryuk laughed as Light shot a glare at him, the Shinigami had still been hanging around, he was a necessary annoyance for now. "Even if they're not L, they still oppose me, oppose Kira, that cannot be allowed." He looked out the window over the area, his enemies were out there somewhere. Tomorrow he had agreed to be a guest speaker at his old High school, he looked at his screens of data and sat filling in a few colorful deaths for the scum he had chosen today. With a satisfied smirk knowing their deaths would be completed without fail he went off to bed.

A low groan left as the alarm went off. "Tempus fugit indeed ... " She murmured, rubbing the sleep hastily out of her eyes as she got up. Heading to her laptop, she sighed wearily at the lack of any better hints. As she hit the X on the tab for Google Earth, she pulled another up for the high school. First, she sent off an e-mail to the principal as herself, as Suki, saying she had to make an abrupt transfer due to an emergency. In a way, it wasn't a complete lie. She was moving ... in a different way but doing so none the less. And the situation was definitely an emergency; just one no civilian could know of.

For some reason, she figured an excuse out to not have all of her papers in a relatively short amount of time. She knew her background, her new story and smiled proudly. "Hell this is going smoother than I thought ... " She murmured, changing back into her uniform. She wouldn't have enough time to make the new birth certificate or photo ID ... but she would have enough to get herself ready to be introduced to the high school as Yuna Takeda.

As she slipped into her uniform, she couldn't help but feel a bit weird ... and simultaneously admire the new look at the same time. It was exotic ... a bit out of place but nothing horrid. That was okay though; she was going to be a transfer student. Most didn't seem like they belonged in Japan anyways; her backstory only made it all the more perfect. Gazing again as she finished getting dress, she turned to see the red digits reading 06:15 AM.

Grabbing the trash bags that had the dye, she then grabbed the box that had held the contacts. Setting the actual contacts in a drawer in the bathroom, she went outside to throw away the evidence that suggested she should - or still was, technically - Suki Kimura. Heading back into her room, she slipped the contacts in and grabbed the new application, along with her wallet and backpack. The wallet would have ample money to pay the principal for the fee ... and lunch as she was in too much of a rush to make her own.

Giving herself one last look, she exhaled deeply. "....Here goes ..." She murmured, heading out. Step after step left, the clicking of her heels echoing on the ground. As she stepped into the school, she headed into the principal's office. This, thankfully, was the easiest part. It would be being guided into her 'new' classroom ... and able to hope the guise held up. Standing beside her assigned seat, she waited patiently for the day to officially begin. So far, so good ... She noted, realizing no one thus far had tried to call her 'Suki' or give her knowing looks.
The class greeted their new transfer happily, being a unique ethnicity of half Japanese helped her have an air of awe and envy around her from her introduction to the class. Halfway through the day the students were called into the auditorium for a speech given by the principal. He gave a standard speech on values, dreams, and the coming year that recived a standard applause. The true show started next.

A shrill scream rose from the senior division of the auditorium as a handsome young man walked to the podium. His eyes looked about the group with a analytical gaze as he smiled and waved to his adoring fans. This man was the one you had been searching for, Light Yagami.

...Really now? Well well ... and where have you been, Light-san? Still, she hid the questioning look upon her face, a genuine smile across her lips. Of course, she had her different reasons than the others students; none they could know of. Moving a strand of her now brown hair behind her hair, she made eye contact every now and again; but never too often it would look ... out of place. The day was going rather smoothly but now that Light had suddenly showed up, she couldn't help but also be a bit ... worried, uneasy.

For so long, she hadn't been able to find anything on him. And now, after taking a new persona, he suddenly decides to show up? The timing had been as nerve-wracking and perfect as when Near had first contacted her. Her head shook lightly no. He couldn't have known! She'd made damn well sure no one had watched her transformation last night. This ... this was just a coincidence right? Calm yourself! There ... there has to be a reason. This appearance doesn't necessarily mean anything. Besides ... if anything, this is your chance maybe. Maybe he will finally give hints why you haven't been able to find anything till now ... and see if he truly should have been cleared of suspicion of being Kira from the get-go ....

Nodding lightly to herself, she looked back up. Butterflies - or something - were definitely flying around in her stomach, in anxiety but a bit of anticipation still. This would be, no doubt, one of the most vital days for her to try to make progress on the Kira case. She had to get through it, no matter what it took. Remaining silent, she began to listen, definitely curious as to what he had to say.
Light reached the podium and clacked a stack of papers together as he began his speech. Unbeknownst to everyone else, standing behind him was the large form of Ryuk who's smile seemed to be eternal on his face.

"Hello everyone, my name is Light Yagami." "Though some of you may know me as Kira." "I'm here today to talk to you about overcoming hardships and trials through out the year to come. As you may have heard from other students, the newspapers, or even the television. My girlfriend was one of those unfortunates killed in the hunt for Kira." "Yup just like you planned right Light?" "However that loss strengthened my resolve, to pursue my career in criminal justice. To help bring this murderer and others like him to justice!" "Though some may take longer then others heheh." The crowd erupted in applause as he wiped his eyes slightly and waved out to the students.

She hadn't heard or found anything out about a girlfriend of his having been murdered by Kira. Mentally noting that, she took careful notes on everything about him; his stance, his choice of words, the expression upon his face. Didn't Kira only - or usually - target criminals though? Unless his former girlfriend had been some sort of delinquent, it seemed as out of place as all the other facts she had been learning about thus far. Her head lowered as she began to think - heavily - on everything. Regardless of whether Light was Kira, he had confirmed one thing. Kira was definitely a man, as he had just said 'arrest him' in his speech.

In a way, it did somewhat narrow things down. It meant things couldn't be planted on a woman, especially with Kira being a unisex name. But there was still the timing of his showing up ... why had it happened now? And why had everything about him seemed to have vanished before now? ... Something is still off ... Raising her gaze, she watched Light walk off. Her weary smile widened as she joined in on the applause. She still, unfortunately, had more on her 'to-do' list even after school ... steps to help her finish up with her new persona. Those, somewhat regrettably, would be done first as they were more vital to completing the process of truly becoming Yuna Takeda.
As Light walked off stage he waited until he had left all sight or sound of anyone around him. He threw a glare back at Ryuk, "Your commentary was unnecessary you know?" Ryuk shrugged still grinning, "I just wondered if you'd react to any of it. You didn't though and it was a bit boring, but hey those girls out there seem to adore you." Light smirked, he had always been a casanova of sorts, Misa had been putting a cramp in his style from that with her obsessive clinging to him. "Maybe you need some fun time with a new target huh?" Ryuk chuckled, Light was human after all, and human's had needs.

As 'Yuna' appeared in front of her locker, she tapped her fingers lightly against it. She should text or somehow inform Near about this. But while she had time, still, before her new 'partner' appeared ... she did want to try to do as much as she could on her own. Besides, I'll have plenty to tell him later on... Giving a light nod, she decided to go with that logic. .... What next now? A sigh left as she pulled her backpack off her shoulders. She began to open it and look for her roster.

That was when all her books and binders spontaneously fell out of her locker, making her drop her backpack in the process. "Owwww ... fuck fuck fuck ....." Of course, she murmured the curse lowly to avoid being heard. With another sigh leaving, she began trying to pick everything up and put it back away in her locker. Unfortunately, her schedule had not quite been the same from when she was 'Suki' ... so she hadn't fully memorized it yet.
Light had been wandering the halls when he spotted the fallen books and binders from the female students locker. how about that one, she seems like a good catch. He thought to himself as he walked over bending down to help her. "Heh, these old lockers still play the same tricks no matter the year huh?"

For a few seconds, her heart almost stopped. ...Gods is that?! Her eyes looked up, almost unable to believe it. But sure enough, the voice did indeed match the one she had heard not long ago. "...Light-san! Um ... it seems so. I wouldn't be sure, really. I just transferred here today. Bad luck's been following me since ...." Her head quickly shook. "Never mind that. Um ... thank you though. You didn't have to. I'm sure you're busy with your vital role in the criminal justice system." This ... was real wasn't it?

The sight of him still there as she re-put what should and shouldn't be needed up was proof of that. When she found herself standing at her full height, she felt even shorter than usual. Her shoulders could easily be used as an arm rest if he wanted with her being barely under five and a half feet [5'4] tall. Relooking back to her schedule, she chuckled as she realized it had been the end of the day.

"Heh, I guess all those books made me lose a bit of my IQ otherwise I'd have known I just needed to grab homework." As she began doing so, she also knew now would be one of the best times to try to talk personally to him. But ... she felt her nerve quickly leave at the mere thought. She had an easier time researching on him from afar. To try to suggest such a thing? He'd never accept anyways ... She bit down on her lower lip and as the last book got put away, she turned back.

"Gods I'm so sorry!" Her head bowed lightly. "They really did hit me harder than I thought. I know you but not vice versa. I'm Yuna .. Yuna Takeda. Nice to actually meet you in person. I've heard a lot from various media sources, news mainly, about you."
Ryuk's smile widened when the girl introduced herself, h kept the knowledge he had hidden from Light though, oh but he was so excited now. maybe it would start getting fun again.

Light smiled oblivious to this new knowledge, "Well then, maybe later on I could show you around the city if you wouldn't mind, perhaps dinner or a movie?" Light knew maybe moving fast wasn't the right thing, but Ryuk was right, He had wanted to go fishing for some new playmates every now and then.

".... Um ...." Now Suki had to pinch herself. This ... was almost too perfect it felt like. Wincing lightly as she still saw him there, she gave an anxious but genuine smile. "...Sure. I'd ... I'd be honored to. Um ... is 19:00 okay with you then?" Sliding her backpack over her shoulders, she felt her body barely restraining itself from trembling in front of him. So many emotions were flooding her .. anxiety, achievement, but perhaps the most dominant ... was the feeling of being so very content and excited.
He smiled, "Sounds good to me. I'll swing by the school and pick you up then." he smiled as he walked out Ryuk following behind him. He had to get ready and that involved a few things, First he had to set up a few deaths, Second a good excuse for the team, and last an excuse for Misa to leave him be.

"Alright! See you soon!" Once he left, she rested to regain her composure as her body trembled. Gods this .. this is for real! I'm ... about to go out on a date with Light Yagami ... Pushing herself off from against the wall, she headed back to her apartment. This would definitely be worth putting the fake birth certificate, ID, and everything else that had been needed to get done off. The second her feet stepped into her efficiency, she let her backpack drop and fall on the ground. A quick shower and change of wardrobe were direly needed.

Going in order of her 'to-do' list, she stripped and tossed her uniform into the hamper. Even by the time she was getting into the bathroom to turn the water on, she was still shaking in a bit of disbelief. Exhaling deeply, she forced her muscles to stop trying to malfunction and work properly as she stepped in. The process of washing herself off was easy, taking no more than ten minutes. It was drying her hair and picking something out that all took longer, with about ten to get her hair dry.

Finally, she went to her closet. Still nude, she began going through what few dresses, skirts, and blouses she did have that weren't for school. "Hm...." She murmured lightly. She wanted to make a damn good impression so that this would not be the last date she would go on with Light. "Oh come on ...." She murmured, biting down on her lower lip a bit. For a bit, she seemed to not be finding much of anything.

Finally, however, she found a perfect blouse and skirt to wear. Now ... for shoes ... Going through her closet, she found a nice set of heels to wear. Gazing at herself in the mirror, she gave a satisfied look. "...Make-up? Or no?" In the end, she decided at least a little bit, even if nothing happened besides talking. Walking back into the bathroom, she brushed her hair out, grabbing a few pouches. She began applying some concealer, blush, and a small amount of deep crimson lipstick.

Gazing up and down at herself one last time, she swallowed nervously. Turning her cell phone off, she set it on her laptop desk. Grabbing the key to her efficiency, then began putting everything away that would hint what she had been working on - her 'identity change' - all away. Mainly in case he offered to walk her home. As another precaution, she cleared her internet cache, especially of all the times she had tried to find his personal information.

After doing a bit of cleaning, including making her bed, she glanced at the clock. It was 18:25. "Well, Suki ... here we go." As a last sigh left her lips, she headed back to the school, carrying a small purse that had her wallet and keys. Keeping the purse draped over her left shoulder, she waited for Light to appear. Gods please let this work .... She silently prayed, hoping the attire she had chosen, along with small bits of make-up, would please him.
Light had gone home and washed up already. He was preparing now for his night out, dressing very finely but trying to keep it casual with a t-shirt and jeans. He was admiring his own handiwork in the mirror until~

"Liiiiiiight, why do you have to goooooo?" came a very apathetic whine from behind him. Misa hung herself upside down off the bed, her face in a pout.

Light sighed. Why was he even still putting up with this? With Rem gone, he had no reason to fear putting her down. He kept reminding himself though that unlike Ryuk, she would assist him with her eyes as well as how strange it would seem if two girls he dated had been killed off by Kira. Although he could probably turn that in his favor. "I told you already. I have to meet with somebody for a business. It's nothing to concern yourself with."

"But you're always going somewhere! And we never spend time together anymore! Even after we started officially dating now, the tabloids keep writing weird stories about us ... and we haven't even done anything!" She sniffed the air slightly as she rolled over, now looking at Light. "You're wearing your good cologne. You're meeting a woman aren't you? Who is she? Is she prettier than me? Younger? I'll kill her! I don't want you to go!" She threw herself onto the bed and began pounding at the pillows and shaking her head back and forth as Light walked over to her.

Reaching down, he placed a hand on her back, stopping her tantrum before roughly closing his fist and yanking her by her shirt to a sitting position. He pulled her towards him into a rough kiss.

Although it shocked her at first, Misa began to respond, lifting her hands to try to encircle Light before her let her go, pushing her away, leaving her there with her mouth agape.

"You shouldn't say such things like that. You know I care about you and they mean nothing to me. I'm hurt that you would even think I'm doing something like that to you. Don't you care for me enough to trust me around other girls?" Light did his best to put on a pained expression. He'd gotten very good at it when he had to use this before.

Misa's eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry. It's just when I hear about it, I can't control it. I love you so much. Of course I trust you! I know you'd never do anything to hurt me! It's just those other girls ... I don't know if I can trust them. What if they try to steal you away from me?!" When she finished speaking, she lunged forward, attempting to grab Light's arm which he pulled up, causing her to fall.

Light just looked down at her, part of him pitying her. Of all the people he'd deceived, killed, and used in his stint as Kira, she was definitely the most pathetic, not even requiring hard to try to fool her. It's true like they say, he supposed. Love is indeed very blind. "I've got to get going now. I'll be back later."

"But Light!" But it was too late. He'd had enough of wasting time on this conversation. She was going to make him late and that wouldn't make a good first impression. He closed the door behind him, heading to the parking garage before beginning on his way towards the school, arriving shortly after the appointed time to see Yuna standing there.

He was amazed at first and then smiled inwardly to himself. Her outfit had suggested that she was a woman with some class, much different from Misa, or most girls these days. It was a very welcome change. "Sorry I'm late. I got held up with work for a bit. I hope I didn't make you wait too long." He opened the door for her, letting her get in before joining her. "Any particular foods you like? I know quite a few gourmet restaurants around here."
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