Picking Up ... (Death Note) [Yuna&Veinexes 1x1]

A part of Suki had almost wished she had gone on and brought her cell phone, if nothing else for a way to keep track of time. A couple 'what if' scenarios had gone through her head, but she shook her head no. A man of his status ... that would be embarrassing if he went back on his word like that ... Sure enough, after a bit, a noise caught her ears. Looking up, she saw Light step out of a car. Her head shook no in understanding as she smiled to him. "Oh no, it's fine. I figured something like that may have happened. With your ... position and all, it's not exactly too amazing to hear."

Her smile widened as she bowed her head in appreciation and got in the passenger's seat. Her head looked up in thought before to Light whilst putting her seat belt on. "Hm .... I kinda learned to appreciate quite the variety of foods. My mother was Japanese and my father American so between my mixed heritage, I grew up around quite a bit of different meals. Besides, I don't know exactly what's in this part of Japan. I literally just finished moving in ... about last week; pretty recently. So I haven't had much time to get used to anything here, including major landmarks or anything."

A couple other questions were - had been - going through her head; but those could wait till they got to ... wherever they would end up. Inhaling softly, she noted the cologne also. "That's a nice scent. What kind is it?"
"It's mixture of Vanilla and Mint, I usually use it for special occasions which this constitutes as." thinking of places nearby he decided that she may appreciate a more traditional restaurant then. Soon one came into view, pulling up to the front he let the valet park the car while walking to the Maitre'de handing them a slips of paper that ushered a smile form the man, "Right this way sir and madam." The table they arrived at was near the windows and gave a nice view of the night outside. The menus listed many traditional fine dining dishes as well as a few humble dishes as a burger or salad. "Don't worry about the prices I have this." he said quickly anticipating a shocked question on that very thing.

"...Oh?" Suki was direly trying to keep this as professional as possible but gods was he making it difficult. ... How was he suspected of being Kira? The longer she was around him, the more she began to truly wonder. It almost did seem like there had been some sort of mistake but ... were it anyone else who had thought this to be true aside from L, she would dismiss it. But it was because L had thought of him being Kira from the get-go ... and she wouldn't immediately give up on him. But this was either a mistake or one hell of an act. Only time would reveal which; though a part of her was hoping it was the first. If he was trying to get her to fall for him .. it was beginning to work, which astonished her. It wasn't easy to get her mind off a 'work-focused mindset' usually.

Slipping her purse around the back of her chair, she couldn't help but find herself stare at the sky outside. "....Wow, Light. That ... that's incredible. Um ... what made you choose me among all the others? I know there's plenty of women from the high school - or anywhere really - that you could have chosen. So amuse me for a bit if you wouldn't mind as to why I got your attention so much." While waiting for an answer, she began to go through the menu.

"...You sure? I ... " But the look she could detect in his eyes hinted he was quite serious. "...Very well. Thank you, Light-san." Her eyes went back to the menu. A couple things were easily catching her eye ... she really hoped he wouldn't mind too. But, unfortunately, it had been a while since she had a nice filet mignon.
He smiled, hiding more of a smirk in his mind. His thoughts had been to use his full force at her while she would most likely be not expecting it. It would allow him to control the pace of this encounter and hopefully move things at his own pace. As she commented on the sky a silent Yes! echoed in his mind, "It is amazing, a world like this can produce both beautiful and monstrous things, though I am seated with the former at the moment." Her next question about why he had chosen her was another bulls eye for him to hone in on, "You looked the most unique of the group, and had a much more mature demeanor around yourself. I could of gone with one of the shrieking fangirls, lord knows I have quite a few of them, but that would not have been as enjoyable as you are proving to be." Water was brought to the table as well as a bread bowl. Taking a sip he nodded to her question on if he'd been sure about paying.

"Touche. Well said indeed." By the time he answered her second question, it was taking every ounce of will power to not blush in front of him. "I .. well ... thank you. I'm not used to this kind of attention it's ... new to me. But I'm definitely not going to complain." Moving a strand of her new brown hair behind an ear, her eyes quickly looked down to the menu again lest he see the slightest hints of crimson giving in and slowly painting across her face. Keeping the menu held in front of her face with her left hand, her right grasped the cup of water.

It almost seemed like a bit of a bitchy move .. but she had to try while she had the opportunity. Setting the menu down, she rested her hands in her lap. "So if it's not too touchy of a subject, may I ask if there was a prior inspiration before your former lover? Kira has been my way ... of self-teaching myself psychology, or trying to. I personally agree that criminals need to be dealt with; however, I wouldn't quite say one should appoint themself judge, jury and executioner all at once as he appears to be doing."
In the back of his head, Light already knew that. She didn't look like anyone who would have anything like this on a regular basis and as he planned out, that was why he was doing this. "That's quite a shame. I'd thought you have at least one or two guys get this far with you in your lifetime by now. I guess they don't know what they're missing."

Light took a sip of his water while he listened to her musings. "Before that, my father had given me a book on criminal justice and the penal system. He is my hero and works for the police department. I have high hopes of following in his shoes someday as soon as I can make my way there to his level. I agree with your views on Kira. He is harsh on criminals, though I won't say they don't deserve it. I believe he thinks he's trying to make a better world by doing this. Maybe he thinks it's a divine mission or something by doing it. Either way, we'll know the true answers once we find him and bring him to justice."

He went back to the water, taking a sip before receiving a shocked look to his eyes, which he quickly dismissed. Coughing slightly, he put the water down. Ah, excuse me for a moment. I did rush here for a moment and didn't have time to get much settled before I left. I'll be right back." Taking a slight bow, he walked towards the men's room, walking in as another patron was heading out. He washed his hands for posterity as he looked up at the mirror. Behind him he could see the smiling face of the Shinigami as he looked over his shoulder.

"Wow! She cleans up pretty nice, doesn't she Light? If you put her and Misa together, you'd think she was the idol and Misa's more the fan girl."

"Is there any reason you're here? Other than to provide commentary or for your own amusement?"

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you that on your way back, you should pick up some more apples. We're running low at the house. Also, I had to get out of there. You wouldn't believe what that girl is like when you're not around and it's even worse that she can see me, so she tries to start up conversation. She scares me sometimes."

Light shook his head. "If you're going to hang around, keep quiet then. And if I happen to make some much needed headway with this person, you will leave."

"Awww ... fine, fine. Though it would be interesting, I'll give it that. Hehehe ...."

Light shook, a slight shiver going down his spine at the mere thought. What he wouldn't give to be alone again. To still have his power but to be alone again. "Just don't try to cramp my style and if you see any dishes that catch your eye, try to control yourself."


Light returned to the table, sitting just as the appetizers arrived. "Sorry about that ... I was trying to impress you so much that I kinda embarrassed myself."

Her head shook no quickly. "N-no. You're ... my first date of any kind I've ever had. Who'd have thought? My first with Light Yagami. That's ... quite the feat." She almost choked on the water she had been sipping at his last compliment. "...T-thank you. That ... means quite a bit." By the time she set her glass down, a bit of the lipstick smeared off on it, hinting - if he hadn't noticed it - she did indeed have make-up on now.

Finally, he went on to the Kira subject. Mentally noting the answer regarding his father and to see about doing more research later, she smiled to him. "With all I've heard, I'm sure you'll get there soon enough." Though he supposedly agreed, anyone could technically do that and be lying. Still, she noted it all the same in case this wasn't an act she was hearing with her own ears and simultaneously seeing with her two eyes.

Despite how brief it had been, she did still see the shocked look that had crossed his face. She didn't see anything that could have caused it ... but she knew she hadn't been seeing things either. Still, she kept her smile upon her face as she nodded. "Sure. I was taught early on why patience is such a good virtue to embrace." Watching him leave, it at least allowed her time to think.

First thing was first ... she needed to fan her face and try to make some of the crimson fade. He hadn't - thankfully - brought that up. Her head began to rest on her forehead ... but stopped, recalling she had put concealer on and didn't want to ruin it. Closing her eyes, she reflected upon a specific phrase he had said not long ago in regards to Kira.

"He is harsh on criminals, though I won't say they don't deserve it."

Why would someone who's supposed to be biased believe criminals deserved death by Kira's hands? That alone definitely made her wonder quite a bit. Taking some of the bread, she nipped on it as she continued to think. Damnit L ... I wish you could speak to me somehow. What am I missing? There was something you had to have seen in him in order to have suspected him. What did you see that I'm not? An internal sigh was heard as she added, Forgive me. I probably look somewhat like an idiot dating the person you were so certain to be the man we're seeking out. But I really am trying to keep this professional, I swear but ...

Her head lowered as a low but now audible sigh left. It really hadn't helped that Suki had never had the chance to tell L of her feelings. Her head shook as she wiped away tears that had nearly escaped her eyes. Not now. Get a hold of yourself. And that was when both Light returned and the appetizers arrived. Bowing her head lightly to him, she smiled softly. "Oh no ... it's fine. I looked rather stupid getting hit by all my binders and books earlier. Don't worry too much on it. Though, you okay? You paled for a sec, almost like you saw a ghost or something. At any rate.... trying?" Her head shook no, some of the crimson still on her cheeks, "You ... definitely are doing that, Light-san." Lowering her head slightly, she murmured softly, "Itadekimasu." before beginning to eat.
Light tried not to show any hint that he'd gotten a bit worried now. She was definitely not a normal person since she was able to pick out his facial expression in a moment. It seemed that ever since Light obtained the Death Note, he continually ran into more and more amazing people. He had come to realize something. It almost seemed as if the Death Note was attracting these people, almost as if the book had a mind of it's own and wanting to see Kira's downfall as well. He scolded himself in his head Idiot ... it's just scraps of paper bound in a black book. It's just a tool and I already know how to use it; it doesn't use me.

He began to eat, having suddenly gained an appetite. "Like I said, it was just a momentary lapse. I think I was taken aback more than anything."

Ryuk wandered around the table, looking at the dishes before ducking down a bit. He disappeared from sight before re-emerging while coming through the table and stepping out of it. Light tried not to look at him, instead focusing on the meal in front of him. He would only look up occasionally if he could make it seem like he was looking at Yuna. One of these times, Ryuk had been standing behind Yuna. The large shinigami bent over the girl, looking down before popping his head back up and issuing a thumbs up. As promised, the Shinigami said nothing.

Though Light had sworn it to be a relapse, Yuna recalled the look on his face. That wasn't taken aback, that was horrified ... of something. Ever since he had gotten back, he seemed distracted. She understood the silence during the meal but before it? Again, something felt off which made her inwardly sigh. She really wanted to try to see if she could prove him to not be Kira. She was ... actually enjoying being with him, even with the short time she had truly been around him. Deciding to focus on the appetizers for now, she continued eating. Her head bowed in appreciation to Light. "Mmmm this is really good. Thank you."

A feeling that Yuna knew of suddenly hit her; the one that suggested she was being watched. Her head turned a bit ... but saw no one. Her head shook as she chuckled. "Heh, sorry. For a second, I felt like I was being stared at. But ... I'm probably over-thinking from school and things like that. Never mind me." Moving a strand of her hair behind her ear, she went back to eating ... though the feeling never truly faded.

As she finished her set of appetizers, she wiped her face off with the napkin and put it back in her lap, waiting for the main courses. She stayed silent for a bit, trying to figure out what the right questions to ask now were. Snapping her fingers as if she had just remembered, she added softly, "I did mean to ask this before your temporary leave and, again, sorry if this is touchy. But according to what I've been looking up, Kira usually targets criminals. I doubt your ex was one so ... do you have any theories on why she was targeted?"
Light was annoyed by now but he wouldn't let it show on his face. She said it felt as if something was watching her, which is almost the same way he felt before he touched the Death Note. He wondered if Ryuk's presence could actually be felt by her and if so, the Shinigami was becoming a liability. He finished a short time after her, thinking about the question she just asked.

"It's only a theory but we think that Kira can somehow control actions of people, at least up to a certain point. So, he orchestrated the death of the agent. She was probably just an experiment for him. She was just an unfortunate bystander I'm guessing, not even the main target. Heck, we only went out a few times. My father was working on the case at the time to find Kira. This was probably supposed to be a message to him, trying to get at me through my father. I know the shot was intended for me but she jumped in the way." A somber look returned to his face as he looked down.

Trying to keep ignoring like she wasn't only with Light, she listened slowly to his words. ....Control people? It still didn't fully explain why he would have made someone go as far as they had. But more than that, she felt horrid at the moment. It was obvious, even before his head had lowered, that she really was pushing her luck with this. Or perhaps the better wording was even if she wasn't, Suki was definitely feeling horrible about this at the moment.

Her own head lowered, out of respect, before looking back up to Light. "I'm so sorry. I've probably seemed really rude by inquiring so much of your past and Kira. But that's not what we're here for." She offered him a light smile as she continued on. "Let me try to make it up somehow. I definitely feel horrible though ... prying into affairs that aren't my business to begin with but worse than that, making you recall bad memories. Sumimasen ...."
Light smiled before looking up. "Maybe after dinner then, we might find ourselves in another place." He said with a sly tone in his voice. He didn't know how much she knew, it was clear she was intelligent but with real life dealings, he wasn't sure. The main dishes arrived as you thank the waiter, tipping him slightly. He smiled at Yuna, sending up his own prayer before beginning to eat. He hoped she would take him up on that. It would be easier to move to his next step then.

"...Alright." She wasn't sure if the sly tone was a good or bad thing. Unfortunately, he had definitely gotten her curiosity and, as L had constantly told her, she knew she had to watch for that sometimes. But right now, she not only really wanted to make up for how rude she had been, but see what exactly he obviously had in mind. "Sounds fair. You're taking care of quite a bit, even transportation. I'd say it's more than fair you have my cooperation in return; though don't worry. It's not only that reason I'm agreeing. You also definitely got my interest on what you have in mind." Returning the smile while simultaneously hiding her anxieties on where they would head after next, she began to follow suit and eat with him.
The rest of the dinner passed quickly. Being true to this word, Light paid for the whole thing before leading you back out to the car. A short drive later, you arrived at a familiar looking hotel. "This is where I stay when I'm off-duty. I thought you might want to see it. It's a pretty nice place." He led you to the elevator, hitting a button for the floor with a suite. Before long, you find him opening the door to a very luxurious room as he begins to give you a tour around it, pointing out such things as a jacuzzi, a mini-bar, and a very large bed.

Her hands remained in her lap even on the drive over. The closer they got, the more her heart raced. W-wait ... is ... that ...? Sure enough, the same place she had found not but yesterday came into view. W...why ... ?? Her mind began trying to understand what the real meaning behind this was. The tour was a bit too simple ... was it really only that? Still after a fast drive then elevator ride, she found herself in the same room she had been trying to gaze at from afar. Oh the irony of this situation.

A small chuckle left as she followed close behind him, noting how elegant it all looked. "Personally, Light-san ... if I didn't know better, I'd say you already found your way in your dad's footsteps. All the same this ... this is really nice. Though it seems like a bit much for only one person to have ... maybe that's just me though." She added quickly. Her heart had - if anything - raced faster as he pointed out the very three specific things. Ideas flew through her mind but ... she didn't want to make assumptions; not yet.
He smiled, taking her shocked reaction to be different than what it really meant. "Well, since you are a guest, could I offer you a drink?" He walked over to the mini-bar, retrieving a berry mixture, shaking it and pouring it into a chilled glass. He brought it to her. "Don't worry, it's not alcoholic." He said, smiling. It was the truth at least. "Afterwards, maybe I could interest you in a soak to relieve the tension from earlier?"

Inhaling softly, she helped confirm the lack of alcohol to help with that truth. She was about to take a sip when the offer came up. All the crimson that had faded returned. "Well... when you said date, I hadn't overly planned for this so ... I don't really have anything proper to switch into." Her head lowered a bit as she took the drink, swallowing a bit nervously. "I ... guess though ... if you have a spare towel or something that can suffice." The more this was going, the more accurate her assumptions seemed to be going .... and she wasn't sure how to react on it. Was this good? Risky? She wasn't sure whether she should even be going along with this in the first place.
He nodded, not expecting her to have had anything. It was another way for him to control the conversation. He smiled at her, "I do have an extra robe and some towels." He said before fetching them and handing them over. "I'm going to go get it started. See you in a moment."

When you got done changing and returned, the tub was already bubbling as he had set it up. He smiled at Yuna. "It looks very nice on you." Though it will look much better off ... In his mind, he was already moving onto the next phase. Even if she was or wasn't really expecting anything, he knew a few buttons to push.

...Gods what am I doing now? Besides possibly being an idiot and let her emotions take over her logic, she wasn't sure. Double checking to make sure she wasn't being watched, she took everything off, starting with the shoes and folding them up. Each article of clothing got set on an empty chair, with the shoes on top of everything. Looking between the bathrobe and towels, she took the item she knew would keep her entire body hidden. Waiting for her body to cease trembling - which it had started to do as she slipped into the bathrobe - she bit down on her lower lip before heading out to meet Light.

She had to bite down from letting a gasp out. Not only had she gone out on a date with Light but was now seeing him ... shirtless. "Thank you ..." She replied, slowly getting in with the robe still on. It was uncommon .... but not unheard of all the same. A low sigh left as she plugged her nose to submerge her head, getting even her brunette hair wet.

Letting go of her nose once she resurfaced, she sat beside Light while simultaneously giving them both a bit of distance. "You ... look nice also. This night ... has definitely been one of my best ones. I ... don't think I can begin to thank you enough for this." Her head leaned back against the edge as she tried to get her body to remain as calm as possible.
"Thank you very much." He responded as he reached over, fiddling with the controls a bit. The jets seemed to stop for one moment before starting again. The new placement of the jacuzzi's air blowing add ons had been more focused near your body although those weren't the only things he seemed to have up his sleeve. Slipping partially out of the water, taking a spot behind Yuna, he reached up before beginning to massage her shoulders. He used the tips of his fingers to knead above her shoulder blades, pushing with his wrist against her small of her back.

Her legs crossed and now more than ever, she was glad she had gotten the robe. They were the only thing hiding her nipples which were steadily becoming more and more erect. Her breathing was getting a bit heavier; but it didn't give in until she began feeling her shoulders get massaged. "Gods Light ... you're ... spoiling me way too much. But thank you ..." Her head leaned forward a bit as her eyes closed. With how fast this was progressing, it didn't really seem as rude in her head anymore to inquire what she had been wondering ever since the sight of the hotel had come into view.

Swallowing softly after she bit down on her lip, Light could see a nervous but at least genuine smile on her face in the water. "...I didn't think people usually did much quite like this on the first date. Isn't that where there's some sort of saying about it being bad to kiss or do much more rather .... sensual on the first date? Assuming ... that was what you were considering when all was said and done that is." Her head was almost feeling like it was beginning to spin ... she had a feeling she was right. For a number of reasons, she knew it would be foolish to accept this. But a small, selfish part of her really wanted to go through with it all despite the dangers this may put her in. Trying to listen to logic and her heart was becoming much easier said than done with each passing second.
Hearing her speech beginning to encompass certain things, he smiled. "You seem to be holding a lot of tension. It's not the best and can lead to early troubles." He continued his manipulations. He wanted to dare something yet but at the same time he didn't. He moved his hands, or at least one of them, off her shoulder and onto her side. He let his fingers move along her right side. Sometimes he would let his hand slip, lightly brushing against her thigh. He smiled now to answer her question, "Like you said, I'm spoiling you. And you seem to be enjoying it quite well." Dipping his hand that had been on her side he stopped at her thigh. He began to move his fingers in light circles around the thigh, coming a bit close to dipping his hand between her legs and continuing to rub. The other hand that had been on Yuna's back continued to massage, although it had to alternate shoulders back and forth.

"I ..." She stopped, trying to get a careful set of words to use. Nodding slowly, she went on, "...have my own discreet job of sorts I do if I'm not at school. Nothing illegal but at the same time, my boss is very strict on me saying more than I have now." Another nod left as he admitted he was spoiling her; though she knew it wasn't only that. Still, it had gotten her body to - as he said - react very well to the attention. "W-well ... true but ..." A shiver trailed down her body as a soft moan finally left. "I'm ... still .... in my last year after all."

Her breathing got even heavier, her heart frantically racing as soft moans continued to leave. "... Just ... be honest with me, Light. If ... if you want me to remove this ...." She laid a hand upon the sash of the bathrobe, "And .... to lose quite the valuable part of myself tonight, promise me something. I don't usually ask these sorts of things ... but with this, I'm going to make an exception. If you can promise me that if we go far enough ... that this won't be a one-night stand. I'm not going to lie .... even though I haven't been with you long, I have taken quite the liking to you."

Realizing the words may have come off a bit harsh, she went on to explain better, "It's ... merely a reassurance for me. I'm not saying you would sink that low but ... I am saying I've heard of it enough. I suppose it's one reason I've never done this sort of thing before; to avoid getting too attached and hurt." And yet despite those exact words, she could hear herself screaming for her to stop. Still, she didn't want to ... even if he was Kira. All the same, she wasn't going to give up on L or Near and reveal who she truly was.

"But .. please. No matter what happens before this night truly ends ... don't let this be the last time I see you." Her own hand finally rested upon his that was on her thigh, gently intertwining her fingers with his. Forgive me, L-senpai .... I know this must look horrid ... but ... All she could do was keep praying; not just for L's forgiveness but that this wouldn't haunt her later on.
Oh how he loved the feeling of it all. Such a high he would get every time he'd finished, he just couldn't get enough. He'd won. It was like a drug to him ever since he beat L, his life had been a bit dull. Even though he knew he did the right thing in preserving himself. He nodded to her question, keeping his fingers with hers as he leaned forward a bit, kissing the back of her neck and collarbone. His hand on her side moved forward, cupping one of her breasts through the robe, slowly massaging it while a thumb rubbed the nipple through the fabric. He definitely wasn't thinking of this being the only time, that was for sure.

He stopped kissing for a second. "Don't worry. I am a man of my word and though I may sometimes hit snags in my life, I always keep my promises."

Gods help her. She knew she probably shouldn't be loving this so much. But she couldn't help it. The kisses made another set of shivers trail down her body, a moan soon following as he began massaging her breast. Her head leaned back against his chest as she kept panting and moaning heavily, her eyes closing as she thought on his words. She bit down on her lower lip as another shiver trailed down her body. Even in her light moans, her voice could still be understood, "I ... I'm holding you ... t-to that then, Light-san."

And with that, she pulled at the sash. Moving away only to set it on an unused edge of the jacuzzi, she then stood in front of Light, completely nude. In the midst of her make-over, she had also used a home waxing kit..... everywhere. But especially in between her legs; the black would have all but given away she wasn't whom she appeared to be. Thus the only hair upon her was on her head. Resting a slightly shaking hand around his chest, resting on his back, she helped him sit down so she could better reach him.

Knowing this may very well seal things officially - moreso anyways - she leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. Now that she was standing, slight but easier to notice fragrances could be detected. Between his fingers and the jets, she had gotten very turned on. Even before he'd massaged her nipples, they had been hard. Now ... she had all but barely avoided signing her life away to him. The only thing still truly keeping her safe was her fake identity.
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