The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

He blinked as she was so adamant about it and just sat there flabbergasted for a long moment. He knew she was right but he had run out on her so many times, and now they could truly enjoy each other. He didn’t want to just leave her hanging hot and bothered like he had been making her before the servants came in. he looked into her eyes sighing, “But Terra…”
She wrapped her arms around him quickly, "No, don't argue. You'll eat something, take a bath, and they you will go. I won't keep you. You will leave this place before the sunsets. You will go, put our king back on his thrown, and come home to me again before we even realize we miss one another." Terra knew the truth of it was that he could be gone for a long time, but it was best to lie to herself about it then let herself get upset over it.
He sighed and gently reached out his strong arms pulling her over into his chair straddling him. “I love you so much Terra.” he kissed her deeply his hands rubbing under her robe and over her naked hips and sides. “I don’t deserve such a woman as you to be my bride.” He smiled and kissed her again before sighing deeply and nodding. “We had best get started I need to be out of here as soon as I can be. So that I can come home sooner.”
She held her arms so tightly around him she started to feel like her arms were hurting. Not wanting to let him go, but knowing she had to let him go for the greater good. "It is I that do not deserve you. Oh Nathan... I love you so much." Kissing him tenderly, she felt herself getting hot again, so as reluctant as she was, she pulled back from him. "The food will get cold..." she tried to distract them both.
He kissed her again and then stood up letting her rub down his body slowly. He looked into her eyes before he smiled and turned them both toward the food. They didn’t have very long to get things together and Nathan rang for Arnold. Quickly passing on the information that his horse needed to be ready and his fox clothes laid out for him. because he would be leaving soon.

After Arnold left Nathan quickly ate and then went to take a bath cleaning himself quickly before pulling on a simple shirt and pants to go to his room where he would enter the passage that led down to the stables. He looked over at Terra holding out his hand. “Don’t make me leave your side yet, come with me to the stables?”
She found herself unable to eat much knowing it was their last meal together for who knew now long. It was the first time, she realized, that they would part knowing ahead of time it was about to happen. All other times he had either slipped away or had to flee at a moments notice. This was the first time Terra had to sit at the table with him, looking at him, knowing he was about to leave. While he took his bath, she threw on a simple dress laced up the front to at least have clothing on rather then just a robe.

When he stood before her dressed, she thought this the end. Happiness filled her though when he asked her to go with him a while longer. Taking his hand, she smiled and nodded to him. "Please. I would enjoy that very much."
He smiled and took her hand slowly leading her out of the room and slowly down the hallways. He didn’t want to hurry because the sooner they got to the hidden stables the sooner he would have to leave her. he slipped an arm around her waist pulling her close and kissing her hair softly as they neared his room. He opened the door for her closing it behind them before going over to his fireplace. “I want you to see where I leave from my love.” He turned the candelabra beside the fireplace and the back wall slide aside as well as the fire itself. he picked up his clothes for being the fox as well as the cloak and then held his hand out for her once again to lead her into the secret passage.
As they entered his rooms and she saw his clothing sitting there waiting for him, she felt her heart breaking within her. This was harder then she thought it would be and she swore to herself that she would make sure she was sleeping if ever he needed to leave her again. Thinking this was as far as he'd let her go, she waited for her goodbye kiss but when he offered his hand instead, she smiled softly and took it, following him down the passageway, watching it close behind them. "How will I find my way back without you?" she asked, not knowing this passage as she knew the others. This one was dark and led her downward with him.
He smiled and gently drew her closer the passageway wide enough to walk side by side. there were torches every short distance so you could always see the next one from the last you passed. He led her slowly down the stairs which were slightly slick. “There is only one path that leads to the stables, just follow the torches and you will get back because there are no other passages.”
She nodded, as she tried to descend the steps with him. It was to tight for them to walk on the same steps together so she took the chance to walk one step behind him. And it turned out to be a good idea as near the bottom steps, her slippers slipped on the slick steps and she stumbled forward with a gasp.
He moved quickly feeling her slip and stepping in front of her to catch her body on his chest. His arms wrapped around her holding her close to keep her safe. The nearness of her body instantly sparked that fire that they had pushed to the side inside their bodies. They had been so focused on him having to leave and save the king that they had forgotten they had been about to make love this morning when the news came. His body responded to hers instantly getting hard as he looked into her eyes holding her soft body against his.
At first, Terra's heart was racing from the shock of the stumble as she resting safe in his arms, close and protected by him. After the initial shock went away. She found herself staring into his eyes and her heart was racing for another reason all together. Her body still ached for him and the closeness made her now more then ever want to be wrapped around him and welcome him inside her. But time was not on their side... "Thank you..." she said softly as she tried to move away and continue on the path.
His body wanted her badly, and she was his wife and he would tell by the look in her eyes that she wanted him too. He sighed and nodded as she stepped away and walked on knowing she was right. They had to go and go soon. he was right beside her against his hand in hers even though a little ahead to keep her safe on their way.

They were soon entering a large underground hall filled with pillars of stone, that as they walked made them pass through archways. Soon ahead was the place that he stabled his horse who was standing waiting saddled and bridled already for him. he stopped by the horse and lightly draped the cloak over his saddle patting his flank softly.

Without even thinking about Terra being there he pulled his shirt off and the comfortable pants. He quickly dressed in the normal garb of the fox clasping the cloak around his neck only the mask needing to be put on. he turned to look at his love stepping closer to her under a shaft of light that found its way through the ground above them. His mask was in his hand as he stood there looking down into her eyes, before kissed her deeply his hands finding hers. “I love you Terra.”
She held onto his hands, the cloth of his mask between their skin touching. A reminder as they kissed of who he was and that he was soon going to get onto his horse and ride away from her. That thought made her grasp his hands tighter and press her lips only harder against his. For the first time, a tear fell from her eye and slipped down her cheek. When she pulled her lips back, she hand the mask now in her hands and took it, placing it over his eyes and tying it in place. She took a moment to step back, looking over the full picture of him. She sighed, "I love you... and I'll miss you so much."
He was crying softly a few tears rolling down his cheeks as she placed the mask on his face changing him from Nathan, duke of mount point, into the Fox protector of the innocent and defender of the unjustly accused. He brushed his gloved hand over his eyes dashing the tears away before he kissed her again lightly. He turned and mounted his horse his hand holding hers lightly for a few moments before he turned the horse toward the exit.
She stepped back, giving him and his horse the room they would need leave her standing there, watching him go and leaving her worried if she'd ever see him again. He looked to strong and proud atop his horse, full dressed like the man she had first fallen in love with. She had forgotten how glorious the Fox really was until this moment. It had been so long since she had seen him as the dashing bandit... tears stung her eyes a little though they did not fall. "I love you, Fox..." she told him before he would ride away, speaking to him now as who he was now.
He sits there for a long moment wrestling with himself before he dismounts quickly and comes back over to her, cloak flowing. His arm slips around her waist pulling her tight against his toned body kissing her deeply as he pinned her lightly against one of the pillars, the fire of his need and desire for her pouring through his kiss.
For a moment, as she watching him descending upon her with this cloak flowing, it was like she watched it in slow motion. By the time that everything seemed to return to normal speed once again, she found herself pressed up against the pillar, squashed between the hard stone and his hard body. One kiss, passionate and wild, set her body aflame once again. Her hands reached out to grasp his shirt and tugged him against him, returning his kiss with her lust.
He kissed her deeply his lust pouring into her as his hands moved down to pull her skirts up letting the soft leather gloves under her skirt to brush over her thighs. He growled into the kiss giving into the burning need that was rising in him not bothering to hold back as she responded to him in kind. He lifted her lightly up off the ground holding her close hoping she got the message of what to do with her skirt pushed up around her waist and his hands holding her close pressed against the pillar.
She got the message and sent her own back as her legs rose up and quickly wrapped around his waist, locking her ankles to keep herself set exactly where she was. "Nathan..." she whispered against his lips, the need for him clear as she tugged his shirt from his pants and just slipped her hands under the fabric, to rub her hands over his skin.
He growled softly against her lips whispering, “Terra,” laced with heavy lust and need. He quickly used his hips to pin her against the pillar holding her there as he stripped his gloves off and pushed one hand under her skirt to rub at her panties. He brushed his fingers over her slit through her panties before pulling them to the side and slipping two fingers into her to see how wet she was for him.
"MMM!!" she moaned out as his fingers plunged into her soaking wet and hot sheath, making her shiver and in pleasure and anticipation of more to come. There was no doubt that she wanted him and wanted him badly. Her body wanted him all morning and now was no different. She just did not want it to stop now, and so to urge him on, she rubbed her hips against his hand, showing him she wanted him and would not be satisfied without getting him and from goodbye sex from him.
He wasn’t going to settle for any less either and when he found her soaking wet he smirked. He pulled his fingers out roughly and quickly untied his pants as his free hand moved up and pulled on the strings holding the top of her dress up. Opening her dress a little he leaned down and nipped at the tops of her breasts as he finally let his thick hard cock out and pressed it up against her opening holding her panties to one side.
The whole while, Terra was licking her lips, watching his hands work in two places at once. The rushed desperation of this joining between them was like nothing she even felt before. Well, she had felt it inside pretty much every moment she was ever looking at him, she was always ready for him and wanting him. It was just wonderful to be acting upon it for once. Even if it was the first and only time it could happen for them. As she felt him nuzzling his top against him, she whimpered, "Yes... Oh.... oh, please..."
He wasn’t one to deny his wife anything, especially when he wanted it just as much. He didn’t hold back at all and just pushed forward burying his entire length into her in one thrust. His hand at her dress pulled open more letting some of her breast out his mouth wrapping around a nipple and sucking hard as he started to thrust into her. they had needed each other so badly for so long and then to have only one night together…it wasn’t fair but it was the way things had to be. He thrust deep and hard into her nipping at her full breasts before moving up to kiss her deeply.
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