The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

Finally! After what felt like forever, she indulged herself in the feeling of his hot seed shooting into her. She held her own back just a moment for feel it happen, licking her lips all in just a moment before she too went spiraling out of her very senses, her walls clamping around him as she moaned into his ear. When it passed a few moments later, she was limp in his arms. She had been worn out even before all this happened, but now? Now she was just plain spent.
He smiled and held her close laying back against the pillows and holding her against his chest as they both were really tired. He kissed her hair lightly not caring that he was still semi-hard inside her as he lay there holding her softly. “Mmmm I love oyu Terra.” he softly leaned down kissing her neck and rubbing her hips and back lightly smiling to himself loving the depth of closeness that he felt with her now that he finally had told her everything about himself making their relationship complete.
She smiled as she could feel he was indeed still hard inside her. Her lips finding his neck, she nuzzled and nimble at it lightly, "I can't believe you are still ready for more." Not entirely sure that their bodies were strong enough to go on anymore this evening together. "Don't you hate when you want to do something... but..." she didn't think she needed to finish her thought there.
He smiled and kissed her neck softly. “Well I haven’t been with the perfect woman for over two weeks what do you expect when I spend the night in her bed?” he kissed her neck again laying back and just sighing. “I know I would love to as well but I don’t think I even have the energy tonight to do it again though I would love to.” He chuckled softly kissing her lips softly. “We have all of tomorrow to be together maybe we should just sleep tonight?”
She was already half way there as she slipped off him to sink into the bed beside him. Terra's eyes were already shut when her head finally came to rest on the pillow. "Mmm hmmm," she moaned to him. Clearly, their play have worn her out that last little bit that she had left in her keeping her awake this night.
He smiled as she so cutely fell asleep and gently rolled over pulling the covers over both of them and wrapping his arms around her pulling her softly up against his body. he kissed her shoulder holding her close as he soon fell deep asleep also. He was so tired both from their love making and having hardly slept for the past few days and would sleep well into the morning.
Thought she was indeed spent, still she woke at her normal time. It pleased her that she was waking with a smile on her lips. It was a nice feeling to have. Had it been a dream or reality? She got her answer when she could just feel his presence in the bed. Not to mention his arms pulling her against him. She rolled to look at his sleeping face, able to tell just from looking that her husband was still deeeeeeeep asleep. Carefully, she made her way out of the bed and rang for Sarah to come. Giving her maid instructions that breakfast would be in her room as well as some hot water to wash up. After that she sat on the bed, but watching him sleep, finding such joy in a simple thing.
Nathan slept soundly for hours after the sun was up finally about mid morning slowly opening his eyes realizing that she was not laying next to him. he looked up and smiled seeing her sitting on the bed. He reached out taking her hand. “What are you doing out of bed love. I thought I made it clear that neither of us were leaving bed today.” he was smirking and only playfully pulled her back into bed sitting up a little himself.
She laughed slightly as she gave him a quick yet tender kiss, "Someone had to see to food and you didn't look like you were going to be waking anytime soon." She nipped his nose lightly, "And you see? I was right." Moving to get out of the bed again, "Now I can finally ring for them to bring breakfast up..."
He laughed softly slipping out of bed putting on his dressing robe. He walked over behind her kissing her neck as she called for breakfast his hands wrapping around her waist. “Mmm I missed you Terra. these weeks apart have been so hard to bare.” He gently brushed his hand over her cheek and chin turning her chin lightly as he leaned over and kissed her softly.
She was in the process of slipping her own robe on, letting it rest off her shoulders a moment as she kissed him, moaning slightly into it. "Mmmm, don't remind me. And to think..." she smacked his arm lightly, "If you have just TOLD me when we got married we could have been having nights like last night since then!"
He laughed and lightly spanked her ass gently. “I’m never going to hear the end of that am I? till the day we die you are going to be reminding me that I didn’t tell you and cost us both several days of pleasure.” He smiled clearly playing with her making a joke about how she kept bringing that up.
"A few days?" she replied back with a hint of surprise as she leaned in to kiss him softly yet with such passionate love in her lips it made her own head spin a little, "Darling... if you had told me the truth when we were wed, we would STILL be in bed on our honeymoon..."
He laughed gently turning her around and lightly pinning her to the stone wall. he kissed her deeply his hand brushing her cheek as he held her there. “Mmmm well you are the one that left the bed this morning my love I just came to get you back to make up for some lost time.” He smirked his knee pushing between her legs and rubbing up against her softly the feeling of lust and desire still filling the room from last night.
She gasped a little, "Nathan!" Terra scolded with a little smile. "The servants will be coming up with breakfast! What if they find us like this?" Not realizing that they had already been seen in the middle of acts of scandalous pleasure the night before and by now, the entire castle knew that it's lord and lady where wild lovers.
He smirked and kissed her neck nibbling lightly before he pushed her robe open to expose her breasts to his free hand as the other pinned her hands above her head. “Mmm if the entire castle doesn’t already know that their lord and lady are deeply in love and make love with wild abandon then something is wrong with the gossip mongers.” He smirked and rubbed his knee up into her harder knowing that they would hear the door first and had a few moments to cover themselves before they were seen.
"Nathan!" she gasped in pleasure as he pinned her up and gave her pleasure with just his knee. "You.... you.... oh don't stop that!" she finished the thought that started as a way to make him stop but certainly ended much differently then what the idea has formed in her mind as. "How can you do this?" she asked. "How can you make my loose myself like this?"
He smirked and nipped at her neck and then down over her collar bone. “Mmmm its because I love you Terra and every ounce of that love is poured into you as I touch you.” He smirked and nipped softly at the tops of her full breasts his hand rubbing one of them softly as he took the other in his mouth and sucked at the nipple hard. The whole time his knee was pressing up against her pussy using her own weight to grind her against him.
Terra whimpered in pleasure and dismay as he did such delicious things to her body it made her want to orgasm right there in that moment with him. The way he held her against the wall, she felt like his prisoner in the chains of pleasure. She hoped at that moment to be locked up a he'd throw away the key! It was a moment soon intereupted as the knock of the main door rang through the room, followed the the creak of it being opened. "Nathan!" she whispered in warning and pleasure at the same time.
He smirked and rubbed his knee up harder against her till he heard the door open. He growled softly in need and frustration. He pulled back letting her down gently and tying her robe closed. He smirked and then stepped out into the main room of her suite. Making sure that everything was well hidden from the servants that were bringing it in. of course Arnold and her hand maiden were there waiting for their chance to talk to their respective boss.
"My lord," both servants said at the same time with a bow while the others set up their breakfast at the table. Arnold looked to Sarah, "Why don't you see to your mistress's needs?" His head turned back to Nathan, "I shall see to my lord's needs."

Once Sarah was in the next room, giggling with her lady, as well as the servants gone, Arnold moved aside with Nathan to speak with him, "I have received a message from Jacob. Everything has been made ready for your return. No sooner will you return to them they will be ready for immediate departure, but...." and he hushed his words even more so, "time grows short. A spy has delivered information that the king's health weakens. He is apparently being slowly poisoned and if it continues he will not last long enough for the rescue..."
Nathan smiled watching his love enjoying being with someone else and glad that she had someone that she could be so open with. He turned back to Arnold and his face darkened at the news. Even with his sexy wife there ready for him and both of them wanting to be together badly the news was almost enough to make him leave right then. He sighed deeply and nodded taking Arnolds arm. “Thank you Arnold, I will leave before midnight but I most spend some time with my bride…the king would wish it that way.” Nathan’s father and the king were long term friends and the last thing that the king had expected was for the son of his hunting buddy to make such a mark in the kingdom or to have married such a beautiful wife.

Nathan turned back to lightly knock on the door before pushing it open watching whatever it was the girls were doing knowing that Arnold was smart enough to have left already. “May I have my wife back now Sarah?”
Sarah had her arms filled with discarded clothing from both of them while Terra sat at her dressing table, looking into is as she brushed out her hair. The pair were giggling when he entered. Terra looked at him through his reflection in the mirror while Sarah started to head for the door, "Of course my lord. I was just cleaning things up around this place." She could not help but smile as she passed him and gave a light bow. A moment later the outer door was heard closing and they were alone together once more. "What did Arnold have to say?" she asked through the reflection in the mirror.
He waited till he was sure they were alone before walking over to her leaning down and kissing her neck. “He said that our time might be cut even shorter.” He sighed and pulled up a chair behind her kissing her neck and taking the brush from her hands beginning to help her brush her hair. “The king is ill…he has been being poisoned over a long period of time. The spies we have in there don’t know how long he will last. Jacob and the prince have moved the time tables up.” He kissed her neck again sighing, “I need to leave before midnight tonight rather than early tomorrow like I had planned.”
She gasped and turned to face him, "You need to go now..." she told him, not ask him, but stated it more as a fact. "If the situation is that grave, Nathan..." she sighed a little, "I don't like having to share my husband with others but you are the only thing that can stop a catastrophe from overtaking our kingdom. The people need you to act. As much as I want to be selfish and keep you, I know that if you can end this then perhaps I can have you to myself, all to myself from that moment on."
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