The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

She gasped, a slightly theatrical one, "Why your grace! How scandalous a suggestion! What would society think of us?" She moved then to sit up, reaching out and running her fingers through his hair as she growled slightly, "I simply love the idea. You will need to take painting lessons."
Nathan thought for a moment before smirking. â??Well I do know how to paint one way.â? He started to lightly trail his fingers up over her thighs and up between her breasts, and then around her nipples. â??I can paint with my fingers and that could be so much better than doing it by brush.â? He smirked leaning up kissing her stomach lightly, looking up into her eyes before he slipping his arms around her pulling her close into his lap and the chair.
She smiled as he pulled her into his lap, her legs straddling his hips as she settled into his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck as she got settled there, "Mmmm, finger painting hmm? What kind of canvas do you need for that?" she asked with a smile, knowing exactly what kind of naughty little comment she had set him up for.
He smirked and leaned in kissing her neck soft, growling deeply. â??Mmmm well, it is a very rare canvas, something that is so hard to find it only comes once in a lifetime.â? He smirked pulling back to look into her eyes as his fingers started exploring her body slowly. â??It has to be smooth, mmm and soft.â? His fingers brushed over her sides lightly. â??It has to have curves in all the right places.â? His hands brushed her breasts cupping them for a moment. â??Long and supple is a vital element for it as well.â? His hand brushed down over her hips and thighs. â??In other words, the canvas has to be simply,â? he looked up into her eyes, â??Perfect.â?
She could not help but smile brightly at the way he played with her words, "You paint pictures with your words as well my darling..." she commented with a smile as she moved her lips to kiss at his neck. "Mmm, and just where do you find such a canvas like that? It sounds like it would be impossible to find a perfect canvas the way you speak of it."
He chuckled lightly looking up into her eyes his hands brushing his cheek. â??It nearly was impossible to find, and when I did find it I nearly lost it.â? he gently slipped his hand up behind her neck pulling her close his lips almost brushing hers. â??But here it is, my perfect canvas. My wife.â? He kissed her deeply holding her body tight against his own wanting to feel everything about her.
She smirked as they kissed, just letting him for a time, running her tongue occasionally across his lips before she pulled her lips back just enough to take a breath and whisper a moment to him, "You have a golden tongue. It weaves tantalizing words that melt your wife's heart and wraps her around your finger with ease."
He smiled and nuzzled against her neck softly kissing the tender skin. His hands continued to explore her body slowly before one slipped down between her legs to rub lightly at her hot wet pussy. he smirked nuzzling her neck nipping softly. â??Mmmm I fear that you are the one that can wrap me around your finger my love, I just learned from the best.â? He gently picked her up his hands slipping under her ass to lift her up and carry her over to the bed still basically straddling him as he lay down.
She smiled, holding herself tight against him as he carried her from the doorway into the bedroom with him, only letting her grip loosen a little bit when she hit the mattress. But when her grip loosened, her lips moved in to press hard against his before she pulled back and whispered to him, "Will you make art with me now darling?"
He smiled and kissed her back deeply moving onto the bed with her his large body covering hers as though protecting her totally. his hands moved over her body slowly tracing up over her thighs and over her breasts. His mouth moved over her neck and across her throat and back up to her lips. â??whenever Iâ??m with you even if just holding you, it is art my love, there is just never time to capture that moment.â?
"God," she said suddenly, shaking her head, "You always say just the perfect things to make me fall deeper in love with you ever passing moment." Her face grew devious as her hands rubbed his upper arms, somehow making it a suggestive even with the simplicity of her actions. "Makes me want you more each moment as well...." she whispered with a smile. Now THAT was deliberately suggestive.
He smiled and leaned over her moving his body to cover hers more fully. â??Well it is only fair for your beauty, and your spirit makes me love you more and more every passing moment my wife.â? He leaned in kissing her deeply growling in response to her statement of wanting him more each moment as well as her smile. It was the sound of pure need and spoke only of how much he needed his wife in this exact moment. Slowly he pushed one knee between her legs and up against her moist pussy grinding against it slowly.
Her back arched slighting in pleasure, pressing her upper body against his while the lower went and rubbed against his leg. "Oooooh," she moaned into his lips, grinding her hips and pussy a little more firmly against him. Her hands started heading for his pants, the very last thing between him, her, and the next 48 hours.
He smirked and leaned back keeping his knee up against her as she worked on his pants. He wanted out of them as much as she wanted him to be out of them. His thick hard cock could clearly be seen through them outlined in the leather. He watched her eyes as her hands did their work his knee doing its work on her hot needing pussy.
Her eyes were intense as they were fixated upon the bulge that waited for her within his pants. But the way that he was continuing to press against her pussy left her stumbling over her fingers as she worked on getting them undone. Not able to stop herself from laughing lightly as they waged a sexual war against one another. When she finally got them unlaced she started tugging and pulling to get them off.
Nathan couldnâ??t help but chuckle a little as he and his wife fought against each other, both wanting to get to the same thing but making it hard on each other. As she finally got his pants unlaced he pulled his knee away and rolled onto his back pulling her with him to help her get his pants off he wiggled out of them some with her on top of his strong thick male body, her smaller softer female body looking small but at the same time they seemed to fit together perfectly.
Terra gasped in surprise as he turned the tables sort of, playing him under her. This position felt a little exciting to say the least. Instincts seemed to want to kick in and remain this way, but not knowing this could be a way of making love, once his pants were off, she started moving to lay upon her back again.
He knew that this would be knew for her but he thought she might try it out at least before moving off. his hands came down on her hips and smirked up at her leaning up and kissing her deeply. â??Where do you think you are going?â? his thick hard cock was pressing up against her pussy hotly and every move they made had it rubbing against her.
Biting her lower lip at the sensation him rubbing against her were giving her. "Mmm... I.... oh darn you Nathan!" she cursed him with a playful smack against his chest. "I want to have SEX!" she cried out in frustration. "Let me go so we can!"
He blinked as he realized she honestly couldnâ??t see it. he held onto her hips moving her a little so that his tip pressed against her entrance, all she had to do was push down. â??Love we can have sex, and damn it I want to also just push me in and lets start having sex love.â? His eyes were dancing in lust and mirth seeing if she would get it.
Her brow winkled in confusion a moment before it smoothed out into one of understanding. Then a blush over her cheeks. "Oh... you mean........ we can? Like this?" she asked as she tested his theory by pressing herself down on him, finding herself taking him into her tight lips easily and she gasped at the feeling. "OH!"
He smiled and leaned back looking up at her as she slowly lowered herself onto his thick member. He growled his hands wanting nothing more then to just pull her down onto him in one hard thrust. He held back for now letting her get used to the idea of being on top. his fingers dug into her hips a little in the agony of control himself.
Slowly, she took him into her, not really as sure about this yet and really just testing it for the moment, lowering herself as an almost torture. "I had no... idea..." she whispered out, a little smile on her face as she took just a little bit of him in before starting to pull him out again.
Nathan was at his last reserve, she was taking so long to get him inside her that it was starting to hurt. His fingers dug into her hips needing her to move down on his totally. it was at that moment she started to pull back off of him. there was no way that he could stand that, he pulled her down hard onto him his hips moving up in the same moment sinking his entire length into her in one thrust. He panted and sighed deeply in pleasure the pain disappearing finally being inside her.
"AHHH!!" she screamed out in shocked from the sudden, amazing, bold move he made. "Oh my god Nathan!" she whimpered, loving the feeling but at the same time, it was so intense it brought a few tears to her eyes as she buried her face in his neck, shivering on top of him as the sudden sensation of their joining.
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