The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

She could see the thoughtful look on his face, her brow narrowed as she watched him attentively. "Nathan... what's on your mind? You are will me and yet I know you are not truly with me. What's wrong?" She rubbed her foot against his side a little bit, "Share with me a little bit?"
He sighed and then looked back into her eyes clearly back with her this time. â??Loveâ?¦I worry about telling you because you could be at risk if I do.â? He sighed again and looked into her eyes before nodding remembering what happened the last time he kept things from her. â??I found a document in the regents personal quarters, it said the king is still alive.â?
That got her attention as she sat up straight and alert, "What?! But.... we just received an official notice proclaiming that the king was still missing in action. It is assumed that he is a prisoner of war! Is he alright?"
Nathan nodded his head slightly and sighed. â??He is being held by the regent in a castle deep in the forgotten woods. The prince, Jacob and I have all been planning for how best to get him out of there.â?
Her heart was suddenly hurting for fear of him and his life. She moved to kneel in the tub, getting a bit closer to him so she could reach out and rest her hand upon his chest, "Nathan.... it could be a trap for you. They know you have the prince safe somewhere. The regent will want him dead and he'll try and smoke him out and you as well."
Nathan looked up into her eyes his hand brushing against her cheek. â??I have already been there love. I saw the king, he is being held there I have no doubt about it.â? he sighed looking down biting his lip wondering if he should tell her about what happened when he went thereâ?¦it would not have taken two weeks had he not almost been captured.
Watching his face as he spoke, she started to get a deeper message, even one that he might not be meaning to send her quite yet. As it sunk into her brain, she sort of slumped in her body language a little bit, "You have to leave again, don't you?"
Nathan sighed and nodded reaching up brushing his hand over her cheek again. â??Yes love I do have to leave again soon. I have two nights that I can spend here with you. The prince knew I was going to be gone a long time so he let me come see you before the attack.â?
She paused a few moments to sit looking over his face before she moved herself to rest her body against his strong chest, her breasts pressing against his skin as the water warmed them both, "I had a feeling... I... I'm going to worry something terrible over you the whole time you are gone Nathan..."
He gently wrapped his arms around her, his hands rubbing down her back and brushing her hair lightly. â??I love you my dear Terra, and donâ??t worry too much. Within a week of my leaving you will hear how the Fox has taken a castle and put all to the sword. Or something like that.â? He kissed her lips lightly. â??And I will come home to you again.â?
She sighed as she rested her head against his chest, "I don't want to loose you. When you were hurt," her hand reached down to tenderly though not at all suggestively brush her hand over his leg where his scar was, "and I almost lost you... before I even really had you, I was so worried." She lifted her face to look up at him, worry in her eyes, yes, but an understanding as well. "I know though that you must go this. If you are not willing to fight, then who will fight for our true king?"
He sighed kissing her hair lightly and just holding her close nuzzling into her and enjoying being with her. â??I am sorry my love, if there was anyone else I would let them do it.â? he sighed his hand brushing her cheek lightly smiling at her. â??I love you and I will always return to you. You can beat up the prince with my blessing if I donâ??t.â? he smirked slightly at that trying to lighten the mood and make her laugh he hoped.
She did laugh slightly, but the topic they were on still plagued her something awful. And so she took it upon herself to change it as she pulled away again and went about making herself busy sudding up her hair to actually wash it as she adopted a smile on her face, "Have you eaten darling? I had not even thought to ask before now. I can have someone bring up dinner for you."
He sat there just enjoying the sight of her and the warmth of the water. â??No I havenâ??tâ?¦â? he trailed off for a moment thinking back, â??For the past two days in fact. We have been so busy planning the attack that we hardly took any time to eat or drink. Rescuing the king has consumed, the prince, Jacob and myself.â? He sighed and then leaned forward his hands taking the soap from her before starting to help her wash her hair. He wasnâ??t trying anything seductive, just the simple act of helping her wash her hair was so special to him something he feared he might not be able to do for a long time.
She gave him control of washing her hair as she sat just smiling warmly listening to him talk. Her face lit up with alarm as he confess he had not eating not only today but in TWO days. "Then it is settled. I am going to rinse my hair and while you finish relaxing darling I will send for someone to bring food for you form the kitchen at once!" She reached for the clean pitcher of water from the table next to the tub to pour over her head, "I never thought I would look forward to getting to watch my husband fill his belly, but I actually do!" she laughed with a light smile.
He smiled and leaned back to let her clean her hair with the water. After she was finished he slipped his arms around her under the water and just snuggled up against her kissing her neck softly. â??Knowing how smart Sarah is Iâ??m guessing she already thought of it.â? he finally let her go after a few moments of holding her just enjoying her presence. Leaning back in the tub he sighed deeply and just smiled letting her out to get food for him.
"Oh I sent Sarah to be-" she started as she rose from the water then froze, looking at him and his words registering. "Sarah KNEW you were here?! And she didn't tell me!?" She adopted a shocked look on her face then a pout, "Remind me to scold her in the morning! You two are both such tricksters." Finishing her climb from the back, she put on a dressing robe and left to the other room, pulling the cord to call for a servant. When they arrive, she asked that a light fare of food be brought up to the chambers. She went into her bedroom while she waited, putting on the night gown that Sarah had laid out for her as well as the dressing robe over top of that before she took a seat at her dressing table to start brushing out her hair.
Nathan leaned back in the tub after she left just letting the aches of the many fights he had been in since his last time home just soak out. He sighed deeply laying there giving his love time to get everything set up for him. he started to get out of the tub then realized he had forgotten something key to being modest, his robe. He sighed and slipped out of the tub before going to the door, peeking out to make sure it was only Terra out there.
She did not notice him for at the same moment, a knock came from the outer doors to her sitting. She rose and went to them, bidding the servants enter as they carried a tray of fruits, cheeses, bread, and come meat. Directing them to place it upon the table she waited to show them out with a smile and a thank you before calling into Nathan while she went to pour him some wine in a glass at the table, "Darling, your dinner is here."
He didnâ??t come out till the servants were gone, when they finally were he stepped out and couldnâ??t help but smirk roguishly. â??Well, this is what usually happens when I come into your room, I end up naked.â? He smirked and shrugged not sure what to do since his rooms were a little of a distance away and he would have to go naked to get the robe.
She shook her head and while she was perfectly content to let her husband sit there in nothing at all, the room was a little chilled to night and the last thing she wanted was for him to grow ill at a time like now when he would need his health and strength. "I will get it for you. You sit and eat. Pour me some wine and I will be back shortly." But she didn't go to the door to leave. Instead, she went to the entrance here in her room to the passageways. As she flipped the leaver to open the doorway, she smiled over her shoulder, "I've learned a thing or two while you were away." Slipping into the passage, Terra headed to his room.
Nathan smiled and shook his head lightly before going to sit on the smooth wooden chair pouring them both some wine. â??So I see my love hurry back.â? He hadnâ??t realized how hungry he was till he was sitting in front of the food and his mouth started to water instantly. he dug in quickly his manners about as good as they were out in the forest but not taking any care for appearances. He would be about half done with the food when she got back, by then his eating had slowed.
She came back the same why she had left, his dressing robe as well as a pair of pants to him draped over her arm. She placed the pants over the back of his chair before she then put the robe over his shoulder, kissing his cheek from the side before she moved to take her own seat, sipping at her wine, indeed just loving getting the chance to look at him. "How long do you think you will be gone for?"
He smiled at her before slipping his pants on and tying the robe shut in front. He then sat down to join her in sipping at their wine. â??Iâ??m not sure love, could be weeks. There is a long trek that has to be made before we even get close to the castle and from there we are going to be forced to strike at the castle. Could be over a month lover.â?
She sighed and picked a little at the food on her side of the tray, "I understand, but I don't have to like it. The sooner it is all over and either the king or the prince are upon the throne once more, the sooner you can come home to be with me all the time." She gazed off seemingly into the distance, picturing her ideal future with him, and it all brought a smile to her face.
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