The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

She smirked and then moved quickly to kneel before him, "Well, I was planning on showing you last night but fate took that option from us." Her hands rubbed up his legs and started to unlace his breeches, "I can show to now if you are truly that curious."
He growled gently his hand coming down and brushing through her hair. â??Mmm if it is what I think you were planning lover then Iâ??m more then curious.â? He smirked and pulled his own shirt off letting her handle his breeches just leaning back to enjoy the show. The thought of his wife doing what she was suggesting made him hard just thinking about it.
He smiled and brushed his hand over her hair lightly looking into her eyes. â??No my love I never let anyone do it to me before. I wanted to enjoy it with my wife the first time it was ever done. Though I honestly never thought my wife would have gone so far as to find out about it.â? he brushed his finger over her lips, â??It is considered something that is only done by whores and wonton women.â?
She blushed a little, conflicted a moment. Part of her happy he had never had it done so if she was truly bad at it he would not know it. But part of her felt... well... "Do you think me those things?" Sarah had told her much of the same but also said it was something a woman did for her man so show him she truly would do anything for him. Sarah had told her it was much of the same of what he had done for her that wedding night with his mouth. Was it really the same thing? Oh the wickedness of double standards.
He reached down his hand slipping behind her neck and gently but firmly drawing her up to him. he kissed her lips softly rubbing his hand over her cheek. â??No I donâ??t think you are those things. I know you are not out sucking every manâ??s cock between here and the capital. That is what it means to be a whore or wonton woman. You would only do something like this, the same reason that I would use my mouth on you, because I love you and want to pleasure you. Donâ??t think anything else of yourself.â?
She smirked as she rested her hand upon his cheek, kissing him more firmly, using her tongue to lick at his lips a little be between her slow, luscious kisses. "Mmmm... I love you..." she whispered as her kissed moved to his chin and then down his neck as they traveled further and further south again.
Nathan smiled his hand brushing over her cheek again. He lay back as she started to kiss down his body and just sighed softly loving what she was doing to him. The thought of her doing that was just about more then he could handle, it was just such a intimate act, he never could have asked her to do it. he sighed closing his eyes wanting to be surprised when she got down that far.
She was about half way down his body when she glanced up at his face, seeing that content look there that told her he was loving this more then anything else he ever had before. Giving a light laugh, she paused a moment to fold her arms and rest them on his belly, smirking up at him, "You are just loving this aren't you?"
He felt her stop and then lean against him and he looked down opening one eye. â??Can you blame me my love? I never thought that I would ever have my wife love me again, and that was knowing that she loved part of me. Then you found out I thought you would kill me before doing something like this. This justâ?¦.it is something I never thought I would have with you Terra.â?
She gave him a very warm but serious look on her face as her finger played over his abs drawing little patterns for a moment, "You know... you should have told. Things between us could have started off so much better." She kissed his belly button a moment, letting her tongue lick at it before starting to move south again.
He gasped lightly as her finger traced patterns over his stomach growling softly and shaking his head slightly leaning his head back and sighing. â??I was still so confused when you came to my house after being with me in the forest that I didnâ??t know what to do. When I read your note I almost came rushing back home to tell you but the prince and Jacob stopped me, something I need to get after them for.â? He looked down at her for a moment smiling, â??Care to help me?â?
That one got a nice hearty laugh from her as she had to pause her decent to reply, "I would simply love to ring the prince's royal neck for causing such trouble. If he had only taken the time to enlighten at LEAST you to who I was before things grew physical between use in the woods, things could have been much different. You can handle Jacob, but the prince is all mine."
He laughed and shifted a little settling on the bed more for her comfort and his for what was about to come. â??Deal, I would prefer to not get in trouble for killing the heir to the throne, but I will back you up.â? He smirked and reached down his hand brushing her cheek and hair. â??think we should stop talking for now what do you think?â?
She raised a brow in his direction, "So eager are you my dear bandit?" she smiled as she placed another kiss about his lover belly, alarmingly close to the final destination now as she only drifted her kisses down his leg.
He growled softly as she so teasingly came close to his erection which was straining at being so hard. â??Yes I am my dear duchess, I do want what you are offering more than I ever thought I could.â? He bit his lip trying to stop any small sounds of pleasure from slipping out.
She just happen to notice him biting his lip at that moment as she in turn bit his leg. Not hard, but enough to get him to look down at her. And when he did, "If I am going to do this, I want to know exactly what you think of it every moment. No biting your lip my duke, I want to hear every moment of your pleasure. Or I will not be going any further then I am now..."
He gasped, â??Ow!â? he narrowed his eyes at her before sticking his tongue out at her. â??Such naughty words coming out of my innocent little duchessâ?? mouth.â? He smirked, â??how did I ever get so lucky?â? he leaned back again sighed and waiting for her to continue not holding back anything just waiting.
"Who knows?" She commented. It was after all dumb luck that they ended up together and so much in love now. Their marriage had been arranged, they were throw together in the woods by fate it seemed. So many things that should have worked against them coming to this moment but the stars had aligned just perfectly for them.

Her lips at least got back to their task once more as she kissed at his leg some more before moving to kiss over his other leg, taking the long route to the main event.
He growled in pleasure as she started to kiss over his legs again loving every moment of it. â??Mmm you are such a tease my wife.â? His muscles were rippling under his skin in response to what she as doing to him. he wanted what she was offering so badly but she was denying him, not that he didnâ??t love her teasing just that it was getting to much and he might not be hold back from taking her if she kept this up.
Totally unaware of the effect she was having on her husband, Terra unknowingly took it to the edge of his sanity before her lips finally touched his hardened cock for the first time. It was a tentative yet long lasting kiss right upon his tip as she watched his face with her eyes to gauged his reaction to if he had liked that.
He gasped arching his hips in sudden and intense pleasure. He reached down at the same time as sitting up. â??Terra waitâ?¦You have got me very very close just from your teasing and I need a moment to clam down.â? He bit his lip gently lifting her head up to kiss her lips softly. â??You havenâ??t even gotten to the best part yet and you almost have me finishing already, you are a natural love.â?
Seeing how worked up her husband was so suddenly, it filled Terra with confidence in her bed skills. Nipping at her lip she could not help but reach her hand to rest on his bare leg, rubbing his skin there, even when he told her he wanted to calm down, she intended to keep him warmed up if he liked it or not.
He gasped and leaned his head back moaning softly before he looked into her eyes. Even though she was trying to keep him worked up it had given him the moment he needed to get his mind back in control enough to not explode on her before she worked a little bit at it. He smirked and growled softly, â??Mmmm you are evil woman.â? He said it in such a way that it should seem a compliment in praise for her power she was showing rather than a put down. He lay back and sighed in pleasure letting her continue if she wanted too.
She had to laugh at that, taking it as a compliment. She might not have a few days ago, but now at last finally seeing her husband for what he was she understood the blessing words from him as she moved back to her former spot, not taking if he was calmed enough or not, she didn't give him the chance to protest any more as she wrapped her lips around him without any more teasing and licked his tip.
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