The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

He smiled and reaching over grabbed his shirt and sitting up her laid it on his back before leaning back against the tree slightly. He motioned for her to turn around. â??Mmmm then turn around and just lay here with me under the stars.â? He leaned close kissing her neck and snuggling her against his body just letting move if she wanted too.
Snuggling herself back against him, she rested her head against him her hand resting on his leg as she nestled between his open legs, her bottom rubbing back against his bulge, but not attempting to rouse him at the moment. She just wanted some time to sit with her husband. Just.... sit. Just be with him. She sighed as the light in the sky gradually started to turn the blue to pink with the setting of the sun, "Oh.... I never thought I could be so happy."
He smiled and rubbed his hands over her arms and shoulders lightly kissing her neck lightly holding her close. â??I know love that is how I felt when I married you. I just wish you could have known and felt the same with me.â? His hands continued to lightly rub over her naked body just exploring her but not doing anything to really get her fires burning just enough to keep them at a low simmer.
She sighed. It was a sigh of regret, "If I had know who it was I was marrying, I would have been much happier that day. Forgive me but I confess..... it was not a happy day for me. I loved the other you so much it hurt to think I would never see that part of you again." She nuzzled her head against his chest, "Mmmm if only I knew." Closing her eyes, she started to relax. There had always been this tense stress in her since she first arrived in Nathan's home. This was the first time that she could honestly just breath.
He smiled and kissed her neck lightly his hands brushing up her arms before he lightly turned her chin to look into her eyes. â??I know love, and Iâ??m sorry I listened to the prince and Jacob when they told me I shouldnâ??t tell you.â? He sighed and nuzzled her lips lightly before kissing her gently. â??Thank you for forgiving me my love. I donâ??t know what I would have done if I had totally lost you because of this.â?
She gently kissed his lips as she rolled a little to rest more on her side against his body as she nuzzles against him like he were a pillow, "You'll never loose me..." she whispered as she gently kissed his chest and shut her eyes to relax, listening to the sound of his heart beating within him.
He smiled and gently brushed his hand against her hair just enjoying having his wife there with him. he kissed her hair lightly his hand combing lightly through her red locks. â??I love you Terra, more then I can ever say.â? He wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm as they lay there the night starting to creep up on them and a soft wind coming up carrying the scent of water lilies.
She lightly whispered her own feelings of love back to him before she slipped into such a relaxed place that she actually passed out into a heavy sleep, naked against him body. Having planned to make love to him under the stars, that plan was now dashed it seemed as she shivered with the cooling air hitting her skin.
Nathan had been about to start getting things a little heavier with his wife since the moon was rising and the starts were just coming out. It was then that he felt her asleep on his chest. He smiled kissing her hair and waited a few moments before gently laying her down. He slowly dressed her being careful not to disturb her too much before he wrapped his cloak around her and set off on Wesleyâ??s back leading Buttercup.

He rode easily carrying his wife. Finally reaching the castle about nine of the clock, he let the stable boys take care of the horses and just carried her up to her soft large bed. He opened the door to her chambers and her maid came to help him. he smiled and laid his wife on the bed kissing her forehead softly as the maid set the covers right. Nathan turned to leaveâ?¦
But he could not move away, for her hand was on his arm, holding him from leaving her side, "Don't you even think about it..." she groaned a little as her eyes opened and she smiled, not tugging him but hoping that he would move closer again. She had woken while riding back but stayed still and silent to not alert him to such a thing. "You will not be sleeping in any bed I am not in..."
Nathan looked down at his wife and at the hand holding his arm. He smiled and taking the hand moved back over to her leaning over her looking into her eyes. â??Oh really and just how are you going to keep me here my wife?â? his tone and eyes spoke of playfulness, and enjoying being a bit of a rogue. His finger traced her jaw line clearly wanting to stay but wanted her to make him.
She smirked, here eyes still a little drowsy, and while she looked at him, she spoke to the maid who was smirking like a cat off to the side, "Sarah, if you would not mind locking the door on your way out...."

"Of course your grace," she said highly amused. As she headed for the door she locked it and as she went to close it, smirked at Nathan, "Have a good night your grace."

Terra could not help but laugh at how open her new maid was with such private things, "Now, you are quite properly locked inside and only I know the location of the spare key." She still lay on the bed, with a smug smile on her lips, "You are now my captive."
He laughed smirking slightly as he knelt on the bed boots, sword and all looking down into her eyes. â??Your captive, indeed. Do you know the penalty of holding a duke against his will? I suppose it is a good thing for you that I know of secret passages through out this castle that I could use to escape anytime.â? Though he wasnâ??t making a mad dash for one, far from it. his hand brushed over her cheek as he slowly leaned in his eyes still locked with hers a soft growl slipping from his lips as they brushed against hers.
She laughed lightly as she moved to sit up and leaned back against the headboard smugly. "Oh? And what is the plenty you speak of? Would you truly behead your own pretty little wife for keeping you captive in her bedroom all night long? I'm sure there are many a man that would like to be held captive in a ladies bed. Are you not one of them?"
He smirked and moved to start pulling off his boots and unbuckle his belt dropping both over the side of the bed before moving up and looking into her eyes before kissing her softly. â??A lady would never hold a man captive in her bed, this is just something that wouldnâ??t be done.â? his hand brushed her cheek looking into her eyes, â??however a lucky man is he that is held captive in his wifeâ??s bed by her choice. And one that can look into her eyes and see the love he holds for her reflected back at him in hers.â?
Her smiled was so warm as was the love in her eyes as she locked gazes with him and the slightest moan escaped her lips as she pulled him into a kiss, whispering against his lips, "And what do you see in my eyes Nathan?"
He smiled kissing her back growling softly against her lips. â??Mmmm I see the same thing you see in mine Terra. nothing but the love that I hold for you and you for me.â? His hands brushed over her body down her arms and lighlt over her breasts through the thin material of her menâ??s shirt.
Another light moaned escaped her as his hands rubbed the fabric over her and it made her skin tingle once more. "Why do I suddenly feel like the captive to your soft touch and lusty eyes?" She laughed slightly as her own hands went to pull at the hem of the man's shirt. Pulling it up and odd over her head, tossing it aside. Looking down she blushed a little since he had not re wrapped her breasts when he dressed her and she was not topless before him. Something she had been before, true, but still.
He laughed softly kissing her again before she pulled the shirt of and smirked roguishly down at her before he leaned in kissing her neck. His hands quickly took advantage of her exposed state and cupped her breasts lightly rubbing at her nipples. â??Mmmm Because you are my captive love, just as I am yours.â? He gently brings both of their hands that have their wedding rings on them. â??Seeâ?¦we are bound to each other by bond stronger than any door or chain.â? Looking into her eyes his lust and desire for her pouring into her as he kisses her deeply. "The bonds of love."
In the first moment, her fingers intertwined with his, a moment of tenderness. A moment that was soon turned slightly scandalous as she moved her lips to his ear and whispered, "Chains sound fun as well..." He had her maid to thank for that one as the young maid had shared more then a few things with her about the possibilities of love life with one you truly loved.
Nathan for the longest moment just knelt there over her in total shock. Had she really just said that? Was this the same Terra that he had knownâ?¦he hoped not he was liking this new terra that was deeply in love with him. he smirked kissing her deeply his hands rubbing at her breasts firmly growling softly into her lips as his knee once again pushed up between her long lean legs.
Adjusting herself a little to get the most comfort from their current position sort of propped up against the headboard of her bed, her body rubbing against his where ever it could get him. "Mmmmm, no comment to my scandalous suggestion darling? Has your little wife shocked you into silence?"
He smirked, â??A little my love but not in a bad way just never thought you would say such a thing.â? He kissed her again and pulled her down a little on the bed his hands slipping do her pants quickly working to remove them. â??I do believe I will have to raise Sarahâ??s wages if she keeps giving you suggestions like that. â??
She smiled and just laid back letting his nimble fingers work at removing the pants from her again a second time today. "I'm sure if you give her that offer.... she'd be sharing tidbits almost constantly. She'd told me quite a bit already." She wondered how much he's want to know that SHE knew already thanks to Sarah.
He smirked and quickly stripped her of her pants, before moving back up to lean back on the pillows beside her. â??Oh? And just what has my wife learned from her new maid?â? he smirked his hand rubbing from her breast down between her legs rubbing t her womanhood softly before moving back up his fingers slightly wet with her juices.
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