The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

He smiled and nodded before starting off at a more brisk pace quickly moving through the town and out into the woods. He never went far from her wanting to make sure she was safe since it wasnâ??t far from here that she had been attacked. They got to the glade with no problems and he unloaded the saddle bags spreading out a blanket for her before stating to lay out the food like last time. This time when he had finished he settled down much closer to her and in a position that he could snuggle up behind her if she let him.
He didn't even need to ask her permission for as she saw the space open for her... she took it, instantly snuggling up against him. Sighing, she rested her head against his chest and just... relaxed. "Were you ever going to tell me?" she asked quietly.
He smiled and snuggled her close kissing her hair, glad that she let him hold her like this. He sighed as she asked that and slowly nodded. â??I was going to, I had wanted too before but Jacob and the prince stopped me from doing it.â? he sighed and looked down kissing her shoulder softly. â??I would have told youâ?¦when I figured out how to protect you.â?
Taking a moment to lean forward and reach for some of the fruit before she took her place once again nestled against him as she took a piece of the fruit and reached it over her shoulder towards him, "You should stop listening to what the Prince tells you to do." Taking a bite herself on a sigh as she tilted her head back to look up at him, "He has not given very much good advise now has he?"
He smiled and took the fruit taking a bite before snugglign back against her again. He laughed lightly and kissed her neck. â??Perhaps I shouldnâ??t but he is my king and so I do have to obey him in most things. But I think that I can disobey him in matters that pertain to my wife.â? He kissed her neck again his arms pulling her close against him and growling softly. â??You know how hot you look in these clothes?â?
She smiled and nipped her lip as she turned her head and looked towards him, "You want to know something.... that was the point." Looking into his eyes a moment, she could feel the heat in them before she turned, "No.... now none of that! Yet at least. We have a lot still to talk about." She pulled away and turned to look at him, but as she paused, she didn't know what there really was to talk about, except, "How did it start? You being the Fox and such?"
He growled softly at her very flirtatious response and had just about taken advantage of it when she pulled away. He sighed as she asked the one question he had hoped she never would. There were no more lies that would come between them but there were thigns he wished never happened. â??I became the Fox when I killed the original Fox.â? He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face before looking her in the eye again. â??I was just coming home from my time abroad fighting for the king. I knew that things had gone downhill since the king died but I was not expecting to find highwaymen on the kings road.â? He shook his head slowly, â??The poor fool attacked me, and though I tried to spare his life he charged right onto my sword. After that I returned to my home after burring him. when I found out everything that was going on I couldnâ??t just stand by and let things go.â?

He stood and walked over to the tree leaning against it away from her for a long moment before continuing. â??The Fox was slightly known around these parts as the highwayman he was, but I was able to use his identity to hide who I was. And so the Black Fox was born, the righter of wrongs and the avenger of the king.â?
She listened, the look of shock clear on her face. Her eyes followed him as he stood. Being so close to him, she could sense his pain in how he came to be. And so she rose up and crossed to him, placing a hand upon her shoulder, to show her support for him. "I'm glad you killed him," was the first thing she said. "If he still lived, the Fox would never have grown to such a symbol. And what more, he could have killed you that day. Instead, he gave life to a great man."
He sighed and turned to face her before leaning back against the tree and snuggling her close kissing her hair. â??I know but still I regret having done it since he was just a innocent man forced into a life style because of the regents grasp for power.â? He sighed and nuzzled her hair just holding her not knowing what he should say to her. finally one thing came to his mind and he just whispered it softly, â??I love you Terra.â?
And this time, hearing him say it, it was like music to her ears that she had not listened to in a long long time. Beautiful music and the song was just three words long. Sighing against him, she smiled and closed her eyes, before singing the little song back to him.... and really for the first time, "I love you.... Nathan." It was the first time admitting her love for Nathan her husband directly.
He froze for a moment and smiled leaning down and kissing those beautiful lips pouring his love into the kiss. His hand brushed over her cheek and smiled lightly at her looking into her eyes. It felt so good to hear her say that and not to the Fox but to him. â??I love you so much Terra, you donâ??t know how long I have been waiting to say those words and you know they came from me, both sides of me.â?
"The truth Nathan..." she started, nipping a little at her lower lip as she said it, hesitating before she at last went on, "the truth is that even without knowing that the Fox and my husband are one in the same... I did start to love you. I just couldn't say it. I felt that admitting my feelings for Nathan was like betraying the Fox and in turn thinking of the Fox was betraying Nathan." She sighed, "You have no idea how much of a battle has been raging inside my head and heart."
He smiled and kissed her forehead lightly sighing deeply. â??I know my love. I came to you that one night as the Fox hoping to spare you the battle that I could see you were going to fight through.* he sighed and looked down into her eyes. â??You are just too stubborn and in love to let go of him.â? he kissed her deeply his hand rubbing down her back through the rough pageâ??s shirt as his other hand moved to cup the back of her head. â??I have always loved you Terra, even when I left you our first night together when I was still the Fox. I just was so shocked that I couldnâ??t stayâ?¦if I had only stayed you would have found out who I was that night.â?
Kissing him, their lips pressed deeper and deeper and deeper into one another the more they went on. It made her blood grow hot in her veins and left her with an ache all over her body like she had not felt in a long while. Her cheeks blushed as she felt it growing and she could not help but wonder if he felt it as well.
Nathan pulled back after a few moments his hands still on her back and rubbing softly. He looked down into her eyes and then down over her body. seeing every curve of her body outlined in the tight menâ??s clothes she was wearing he couldnâ??t help but feel the same heat she was. He snuggled her against his chest kissing her hair as he lowered them both down to the ground leaning back against the tree sighing happily.
She couldn't help but melt a little as he held her and lowered her down to the ground with him until she was laid out on the ground, looking up and into his eyes. She raised her hand to tenderly stroke his cheek a little before she grasped him behind the neck lightly and tugged him lightly towards her lips.
Nathan growled softly his hands brushing over her cheeks as he leaned in kissing her deeply. His hands brushed down her arms one moving back up to slip behind her neck pulling her close. His other hand brushed down over her arm and then back up to brush down her shoulder brushing over her breast and down over her stomach before moving back up to cup her breast. Panting heatedly he pulled back looking into her eyes. â??Terraâ?¦you look so sexy in these clothesâ?¦please I need you.â?
By the time he looked up at her again, she was already thinking the same thing that he gave voice to. His hands rubbing over her body only added fuel to the first that burned within her and between her legs. Knowing now that when they had sex there would be no need to feel guilty over letting herself give into the moment.... she wanted to test out this new kind of sexuality. Nodding, her hands reach out to tug at his shirt so she could pull it off, "I want you too." She didn't even think to stop and think about how they were about to have sex in broad daylight where anyone could happen upon them.
Nathan leaned back letting her pull his shirt off before he leaned back in kissing her deeply his hands moving over her body. No longer was he holding back no sure how much she wanted him to do, he knew she wanted everything he had to offer and he was going to give it too her. his hands moved over her long lean curves rubbing down her sides and over her hips as her whole body was framed in those tight fitting clothes. â??Mmmm I think I like you in these clothes love, no large skirts to get out of the way.â? He smirked and kissed at her neck nipping lightly at her throat as his hands moved over her bodying touching everything like it was the first time.
To her it felt just as new and exciting. As if it was their first time together and in many ways this was. It was the first time they were going to be together with no lies between them and lay totally exposed to one another with the light of day. There was no hiding even if they wanted to. Good thing she didn't. She tilted her head back and moaned with his lips nibbling at her soft skin, "I didn't know if you would like the clothing..." she whispered.
Nathan smirked and moved back up looking into her eyes. â??Mmm I do but there is one problem with them love, I wouldnâ??t want every man in my lands looking at you the way that I am right now.â? He growled softly kissing her softly before his hands came up and pulled her shirt off over her head as well. He was dying to know what she was wearing under all this since he knew she couldnâ??t be wearing all that she normally did. â??Mmm you are my wife, and these clothes do show off a little more then I prefer. At least if other men are looking.â?
She lifted her arms up so he could pull away the top layer of her clothing, revealing a totally bare stomach, no corset all at all. The only thing she wore was a thin layer of cloth that was wrapped around her breasts to keep them bound to her body. Ridding with them free and wild would not have been wise and in all honesty she did not leave home thinking they would end up at this point of undressing one another. "And.... what about when you are the only man looking?" She asked with a smirk on her face, her hands still resting in the grass above her.
He smiled down at her his hands tossing her shirt aside with his own. His hands came up to lightly hold hers for a moment gently pinning her there as he kissed her lips deeply. Everything he was feeling for her just flowed out of his body to hers no longer held back by the shield of lies and misdirection that had been there. He looked down into her eyes again smiling, â??When I am the only one looking? Anything you wear is perfect for me. Though in these clothes you are more than likely to end up in this situation again and again.â? He kissed her deeply again as his hands started to lightly brush down her arms.
Moaning ever so lightly into his lips and could not help but love the feeling of his body pressed against hers. Even the subtle feeling of his hands pinning hers down gave her the strangest feeling of heat and yearning. "Nathan..." she whispered his name against his lips. "Is that a promise?" she asked before a smile crossed her lips, "For is so... I shall have to dress like this when ever we are alone."
He smirked and kissed her deeply growling into her lips. â??Mmmm Terra you donâ??t have to dress like this to get me to make love to you.â? He moved his lips down off her chin and then back along her jawline nipping gently at her ear. â??All you need to do is start kissing and nibbling a little love, I will get the message.â? He smirked and let his knee slip between her legs and rub up against her a little only two thin pieces of fabric between his knee and her pussy.
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