The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

Nathan watched her kneel and was about to help her back up because there was no reason for her to kneel to him. she was in equal in everything in his mind and kneeling was something saved for someone of higher rank. As she asked to do something he blinked and raised an eyebrow his mind not putting his sweet innocent Terra being able to do anything like what she was planning. â??Of course love you can do anything you like to me.â?
She nipped her lip a little bit as she smiled. If he knew what he was getting, he hide his knowledge well. Her hands pushed at his knees, spreading his legs apart a bit as she moved more between them. And then, her one hand started to move up his leg, across the inner thigh and towards...... there....
He gasped lightly as she touched his inner thigh and started to rub up his leg towards his cock. He was laying there trying ot figure out what she was doing. If this had happened in six months after the two had been in love for awhile he would have been able to guess but right now he just couldnâ??t see it.
Her hand did meet it's destination, gently grasping him through his pants a moment before it went to start undoing them at the fly. She kept pushing forward, not knowing if she should stop between actions or what. She only knew how to do this from word of mouth.
Nathan gasped again looking down at her and biting his lip. She couldnâ??t be doing what ti seemed like could she? He was already breathing harder and his cock was nice and firm already just from what she had done. â??Terraâ?¦can you tell me what it was that you have planned?â?
Her hands did not stop as they unlaced the opening in his pants, "Well.... it's just... Sarah...... my new lady's maid... she told me about things that a husband and wife can do together beyond just the basics and well.... she assured me that if I did this right you would enjoy it very much." By now this pants hung a little more loose and she began to push them down, clearly trying to take the off all together.
Nathan was still wondering what it was that her new maid had told her about because it was looking likeâ?¦no no she couldnâ??t be doing that. He lifted his hips for her so she could push his pants of a little more enough so she could get them the rest of the way down. â??Umâ?¦just what did Sarah call this thing that she said I would enjoy so much?â?
She worked the pants down his hips, down his thighs, past the knees until they were pooled around his ankles were for the time she left them. Then, she looked up as her hands started to rub there way back up his now bare legs. Leaning in, she placed a kiss on the inside of his leg, near his right knee, "An... intimate kiss.... she called it..." she gave him another kiss, a little further up his leg and another.
His mind was reeling she was doing what he knew she couldnâ??t be. He leaned back and bit down on his lip wondering what he should do and down at her. she seemed to really want this and they were married. He finally settled on just letting her do this. His hand brushed her cheek and breathed deeply. â??As long as you are sure you want to love then feel free.â?
She kissed her way closer and closer until she reached the spot so close to his cock that he could no doubt feel her breath upon his skin there. She took a moment to gaze upon it, really the first time she looked upon an man's cock this closely and this diligently. Then she gave it a light kiss upon the tip.
Nathan tried his best to hold back his breathing wanting to try and stay focused because he didnâ??t want to scare her. as she kissed his tip he groaned softly in pleasure and panted lightly. This was the first time that he would ever feel a womanâ??s mouth on his cock. â??Mmmm thatâ??s nice Terra.â?
She could not help but smile a little, feeling urged on by his response to the kiss. It was just as Sarah had told her, but she wanted to build him up a bit more before getting down to the big event. And so her lips moved to his right thigh then, kissing her way once more from his knee inward.... until her lips crossed over a strange deformity in his skin. She paused and pulled back to see a scar there. Now any other person might not think anything of it, but she knew it, even in this dim lighting instantly and she froze at once.

She looked for a long moment at the scar, then up to her husband's face, then the scar and she suddenly realized what an absolute FOOL she had been to not see it before. That scar, the one on her husband's leg... was the same scar she had seen on the Fox's leg. The EXACT scar. Which meant only one thing... "You..... lying.... BASTARD!" she screamed at him as she shot up to her feet. Her husband and her lover the Fox were the same man.

Rage filled her. He LIED to her. All this time he lied! Why did he not tell her from the start. Things could have been so much simpler that way. She would not have felt so guilty loving the Fox when she should have loved Nathan. She would not have felt so guilty loving Nathan when she felt it was like betraying the Fox. Why did he do this?! To torment her?! To teach her some kind of lesson!? "Lying... thieving... scoundrel BASTARD!" she yelled at him again before turning and fleeing. Running from his rooms and at top speed returning to her own. Where upon she locked the main door to her room from the inside as well as rushing into her bedroom and locking THAT door as well.
Nathan just sat there as she screamed at him. She had been so far along that his mind had already started to fog over. As she screamed at him he slowly came back to the real world. She rushed out of his room and he sat up about to follow her, when he realized his pants were still down. Having to stop and get dressed again really quickly gave her the time to get into her room and lock the door. He did however hear her slam the door to her bedroom and sighed deeply. He had no idea what he had done to make her so mad but he would be damned if he wasnâ??t going to find out. He walked over to the wall and pulled lightly on a scones and the wall slid open enough to let him slip inside and through the passage ways. This one led to an exit right behind her fire place in her bed room. He silently opened the passageway and stepped inside her room.
He found her pacing about swiftly, mumbling to her self wildly as she did. She was replying in her mind every moment they had been together since she had arrived as Nathans wife and now looking back she saw every little detail that should have tipped her off into noticing it. At the sound of the passageway creaking open she turned and watching him slip inside. He had secret passageways too! Her eyes were like flames as she picked up a hair brush and flung it across the room, right at his head, "BASTARD! Why didn't you trust me! Why didn't you tell me!"
Nathan was just able to duck out of the hairbrush. He looked at her in shock, wondering what it was that had her so upset. Tonight Nathan was just totally off his game, first he had missed what she was planning to do when she knelt down, and now he was completely missing what she was even talking about. the passageway closed behind him as he looked at her slowly coming closer. â??Terra I donâ??t know what I did to make you so upset but I didnâ??t mean to lie to you about it.â?
She picked up a decorative egg... thing that had been in her room and she prepared to launch it, pausing to hear him about before her rage built up again and it went flying at his head. While she reached for something else to throw at him she screamed at him, "You don't know! Well that makes two of us that didn't know. You don't know this and I didn't know that I was married to the damn Black Fox!" She threw another decorative trinket at his head.
Nathan again was able to dodge the first thing thrown at him without much trouble the reflexes he had built up as the Fox making that easy. However as she screamed at him that he was the Fox he just was so shocked that he didnâ??t even think clearly enough to dodge again. The second thing struck him right in the forehead and he fell back onto the floor slightly stunned for a second. He pulled himself up and looked at her once again on his guard. â??Terra, now wait.â? He quickly moved across the room and grabbed her arms before she could throw something else. â??Will you please let me explain?â?
"Explain what! That you have been lying to me for two months now! Was it fun? Was it a game?" her face was full of rage yet her eyes were full of tears. Clearly, she was hurting just as much as she was angry at him for this whole thing. "I hope you had fun for I have been in a mental HELL this whole time trying to figure out my feelings! A total WASTE on a liar like you!"
He held her tight struggling to hold her and not hurt her. â??You think I wanted to lie? Do you think that I wanted to have the woman that I love think I was a total stranger and have to make her fall in love with me all over again?â? he pinned her gently to the wall looking into her eyes his own filling with tears as he held her there. â??You donâ??t know how many times I wanted to tell you that I was the Fox the man that you are so madly in love with, but I couldnâ??t Terraâ?¦â? he sighed and let her go turning his back, â??I just couldnâ??t.â?
"It's quite easy... Terra I'm the Fox. SEE!" she still struggled against him, filled with so much rage that had been bottled up inside for possible her whole life and it was all coming out at once. "I did it! I told you who I was so why couldn't you do the same for me!? I made a whore of myself and you couldn't even show me the same truth I showed you!"
He turned back on her his face a mix of anger and pain much like hers. â??BECAUSE I COULDN'T RISK YOUR LIFE!â? he took her hands in his and force her to look at him again. â??If anyone ever found out anything about me and they knew that I love you they would come after you and use you to get to me.â? His hand brushed her cheek lightly. â??I didnâ??t want to put you in danger, you already were by people guessing you and the Fox were in love. The last thing I needed was them coming after you because you knew my identity.â?
Emotions were welling up in her face. A raging inferno of mixed up, confused emotions as she started to shake her head. "Get out," she whispered at first before screaming in his face, "GET OUT!!" She could not face him right now. There was so much to process and screaming at each other was not helping.
Nathan looked into her eyes and stood there for just a moment more before letting her hands go and turning to the door. â??I love you Terra, and no matter what I thought I was doing the right thing.â? He unlocked and opened her door walking out and leaving her to her self.
He would clearly hear the sound of the door being locked once more behind him. And then she gave she gave such a cry of her built up emotions that he could very well hear it through the thick door.

For the next few hours, Terra went through every emotion she was feeling. Rage as she broke various things about her room and left it in a horrible state of disarray before she moved onto betrayal and despair, collapsing into a pile on the floor where she cried and cried until she was so weak that she could not cry any longer nor could she even bring herself to pick herself up from where she lay in the floor. And right towards the very end, a small hint of the emotion hope hit her heart. The two men she loved were really just one. It at least made one thing easier, even if it seemed so small a thing at the moment.
Even after things had quieted down inside her room Nathan did nothing he just sat there out in the main room waiting. Finally after a few hours he went to the secret passageway and slipped back inside her room. He silently stepped in seeing her laying on the floor just laying there. He was worried she had done something to hurt herself and rushed over to her. â??Terra, Are you ok?â? he lightly touched her shoulder to turn her to face him.
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