The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

She easily turned over to look up at him and once more her eyes filled with tears. But the rage was gone. Even if she wanted to, she was far to worn out to lash out at him. Instead she started to cry and reached her arms out, looking for him to take her into his arms and hold her.
Nathan was so relieved to see that she was alright that he just reached down taking her in his arms at once. He pulled her close as he knelt there beside her his hand stroking her hair and snuggling her in against his chest as the both knelt of lay there on the cold stone floor. This was just too important for him to notice that there was any form of discomfort.
She buried her face in his shoulder as she wept just a little bit into his shirt for a few moments before she started in a soft, quiet whisper, "I wish you had told me.... I don't care if it puts me in danger. I... I would have much rather know all this time then face all the torment and pain I've had inside all this time. And if I had know... all this time we could have loved one another rather then learning to all over again."
He sighed and held her close his hand rubbing over her back and kissing nuzzling into her hair. He snuggled her close and then gently picked her up carrying over to the bed and laying her down. He stayed close slipping behind her so she can still bury her face in his chest. â??I know Terra, I was still confused about what to do when you first came here. I was close to telling you when I read your letter, I need to get after Jacob and the prince for convincing me not too.â? He sighed and kissed her hair holding her. â??All I can say Terra is that Iâ??m sorry and I was wrong.
"He knew didn't he?!" She asked suddenly as he looked up at him, "The prince KNEW about this and he just sat there and let the two of us end up in such pain!?" Lucky for him at the moment her rage moved to the prince, "Some leader he'll be!"
Nathan looked at her for a moment and snuggled her close. â??Yeah he knew, shortly after he came into the camp he figured out who I was. And then when you relieved who you were to the rest of the camp well he found out the rest.â? Nathan brushed her hair lightly snuggling her in tight against his chest. â??I love you Terra, and never meant to lie to you, it just is the way of life that I have had to live for so longâ?¦it just continued. â??
She shook her head, unable to comprehend fully his apology, still focused on the prince, "He knew who I was.... long before we slept together...." It was clear now that those who disaster could have been avoided if only the prince had said something to them.
Nathan brushed his hand down Terraâ??s cheek and slowly lifted her chin to look up at him. â??Terra, I know this isnâ??t going to sound good, but he could see what we were doing early on, if he knew who we both wereâ?¦he could see we were heading for disaster and though I would love to blame someone else this came from the fact that I lied.â?
She tugged her chin away and looked down in her own shame, "I lied first. You lied to protect your cause.... I just lied..." She felt sick to her stomach. "I lied to you as the Fox... and I cheated on you as Nathan... I'm a horrible person..." She was suddenly not shifting any of the blame on him but directing it now in her own direction like she had in her letter to the Fox.
His hand brushed over her cheek lifting her face again and looked down into her eyes. â??No Terra, it is both of our faults.â? He leaned down and kissed her softly pouring his love into her as he held her there trying to stop her from thinking such negative thoughts.
She felt the love in his kiss and finally understood why. Why had Nathan kissed her like he loved her so from the first kiss. Because he did. At last, her kiss matched his, pouring the love she felt for both the Fox and Nathan into it for at last she could love him without feeling guilty she was betraying the other man in her heart.
He kissed her back deep and passionately finally being able to show all his love for this girl that he held so close. â??I love you Terra, and I am so sorry I lied.â? He nuzzled her close and lifting her up moved to the bed and pulled the covers over them both settled down in the bed a little more. He kissed her hair softly. â??Unless you kick me out right now Iâ??m going to stay and sleep with you tonight.â?

With no objection coming he settled down and soon with holding and stroking her hair he was soon asleep. Nuzzling in close he slept better than he had since the last time they had shared a bed. He woke early still holding her close and just laid there enjoying not having any lies between him and the woman he loved.
There were no lies between them, but still many questions remained. Sleep was not the time for answers though. Sleep was the time for enjoying his arms around her and knowing she could just enjoy the touch and feel of him at long last. Just as she had when he was the Fox to her. She awoke in the morning feeling better then she had in a long while. Rolling over, she gazed up at him as she was snuggled against him. Looking right into his eyes, she saw it all there at last and she smiled, "Morning....."

Before he could reply though, the doors opened and in fluttered Sarah. It was a totally different experience from when Anya would walk in on them in bed in the morning. "Good morning your graces. Breakfast awaits you both in the sitting room at your leisure and I shall have bath water sent in once you are both up and out of the bed." She went about picking up the few items of clothing that had been removed last night, but when she realized that they were both still wearing most of their clothing, she put her hands on her hips and spoke her mind, "Still in your clothing? How did you have any kind of fun with so many layers still on?"

Terra smiled and shook her head a little, "That will be all got now Sarah. Thank you." The maid smirked back and bowed, "As you wish your grace."

After she left, she smiled at Nathan once more, "Well.... that's my new maid...."
Nathan looked up as Sarah walked in and though he had been told that Anya was gone it still shocked him. he just sat there as she went on and on so openly about intimate subjects making it clear that she disapproved, not that they would do such things, but that they didnâ??t do anything. He looked down at Terra and just started laughing. â??I think I like her though she will take some time to get used to not being looked down on as a low life.â? he leaned down and kissed Terra softly looking into her eyes. â??I think we need some time to ourselves today, will you come out and ride with me after I see to some business?â?
She sighed into his lips as they kissed, loving how his kiss felt this morning, she ended up moaning into it. "I would very much like that. We have much to talk about. And they are all things said where we can speak more freely..." she looked towards the door and whispered to him, "Where walls do not have ears."
He laughed lightly and picked up a metal cup sitting on the night stand. Throwing it at the door where it would make a loud clang easily loud enough to deafen someone listening at the door for a few seconds. â??Well we will just have to take some time to ourselves then.â? He smiled and kissed her lips again. â??Terra, I want to stay and eat with you and maybe even enjoy a bath with you but if I hurry I can be ready to go in just a couple hours.â? He slipped out of the bed kissing her once more. â??I will hurry my love.â? As he reach the door about to leave he stopped and looked over at her. â??Terra, ride however you want to today please.â?
As soon as he was out the door, "Sarah!" she called as she stung out of the bed. By the time her feet hit the floor, Sarah was there, with a big smile on her face. "I need you to do something for me and it needs to be done quickly. I only have a few hours before we will be riding." All the while she spoke she was already changing from her clothing she had slept in to a dressing gown to wait in til her bath was ready.

"Anything your grace, what do you need?"

Terra smiled and told her what she wanted and what needed to be done to make it ready. It sent a slight shocked look across Sarah's face before she went into fit of laughs, promising to have it done for her. Meanwhile, Terra took her breakfast swiftly before she took a just a quick bath before the majority of the time was spent making sure her outfit was ready. When she stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself, she was either about to get in a lot of trouble of be praised until the end of time by her husband....
Nathan grabbed just a little bit of fruit and meat as he left hurrying to the courtroom. Arnold was already there setting up the plan for today since the duke was back. â??Arnold what is of the most important thing that I must deal with today?â?

Arnold blinked and pulled out two listings of things that needed to be dealt with. â??The baron of raven hill and, the earl of seven pines both have problems that need dealt with today your grace. If I might ask why?â?

Nathan smirked and sat in the chair at the head of the court room. â??I will see only those two and deal with them quickly. My wife and I are going out riding today.â?

Arnold just about fainted in shock from that. This was most irregular, however so was most of what Nathan did. â??As you wish your grace.â?

The two meetings went by quickly and Nathan sent a message to Terra that he would meet her at the stables for their ride. He quickly went about changing and looking as dashing as he could after taking a bath. He quickly put together a basket of food for them and headed down to the stables just an hour before launch when he had said to meet.
His back was to her when she came outside but he surely knew she arrived when the stable hand nearby looked up and beyond him... and dropped the saddle he was holding.

There was Terra...wearing men's clothing that had been tailored rather quickly to her form. They actually belonged to a page boy, for Nathan's clothing would have needed far to much tailoring for the amount of time they had to get ready. She came walking towards him, looking quite pleased with herself even though all those around looked at her with their jaws on the ground. A few of them even dropping things they had within their grasp and their items just lay in the dirt unattended as they watched her cross to her husband and the horses. "You told me to ride how I wanted to...." she told him, explaining herself before he asked her to.
He didnâ??t turn around till she spoke having been making sure that her horse and his were well saddled. â??That I diâ?¦.â? It was that moment that he turned around and saw her. his eyes registered shock as he saw her and her form clearly outlined in the mens clothing. His jaw was hanging limp for a long moment before he smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. â??That I did my love and you look wonderful.â? He pulled her close and leaned down kissing her deeply slightly leaning her back so she had to rely on his arms to keep her up since she would fall if he let go.
"Mmm!" she gasped a little into his kiss as he dipped her back, her hands reaching up to grasp onto his shoulders for a little extra support, but she still felt uneasy and unbalanced as they kissed. Eventually, she felt as if she was going to fall and she wiggled a little in his grasp, her eyes happening to look to the side and see everyone still looking at them in shock. She then whispered, "Nathan, everyone is watching."
He smiled and lightly kissed her again before his strong arms lifted her back up with him as he straightened. â??Let them watch maybe they will learn something.â? His hand slipped behind her neck and he kissed her again deeply but not dipping her this time. â??Shall we go?â? his whispered against her lips before he stepped back offering to help her mount again but thinking she wouldnâ??t need it knowing her.
She had thought she would be the one to knock him off his feet with her attire, but it was him that was taking her breath away. Nodded, yet speechless as she went to Buttercup's side. She WAS about to mount up but paused and looked over her shoulder to him and smiled, "Help me?"
He smiled so pleased that she had asked for help and stepped up behind her. he leaned down kissing her neck softly as his hands rubbed down her sides and slowly lifted her up after wrapping around her waist. He lifted her gently but firmly up letting her body rub against his softly as he lifted her up till she was in the saddle and could take care of the rest. He quickly hurried to Wesley and mounted smiling over at her and then starting off at a trot waiting for her to join him. he looked over at her smiling, â??Where shall we go? Back to that one lovely spot?â?
Smiling over at him as she settled more firmly into the saddle, riding with a leg on each side like a man. "Perhaps we shall speak more of the cottage we will build there?" she asked with a smile, waiting for him to lead the way for it.
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