The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

She watching him leave her bedroom, but before he could leave the sitting room into the hall, she popped in the room and asked him, "May we have dinner tonight? In your quarters? Together?"
He stopped at the door turning and smiling at her charmingly, a smile that had been said to cause many a noble girl faint. â??Gladly my wife I would love that. I will check with Arnold and send him around with the time that I will be available.â? He blew her a kiss before turning out of the door and going back to his rooms.
She nipped a little at her lip as she rested herself against the door frame, feeling the fainting events of that smile. It had taken her a long time to admit it, but at last she could.... Terra had, as some point she did not know when exactly, falling in love with her husband. And tonight, she would let him know it. She only hoped he might come to love her as well.
Nathan returned to his rooms and found a very perturbed Arnold standing there waiting for him. â??And just what do you think you have been doing?â?

â??What ever do you mean?â? Nathan asked as he slowly started to get undressed for the bath.

â??What do I mean? You didnâ??t let me know you were coming back or anything I could have had things ready for you if only you sent the messenger hawk as normal. But no you show up and end right up in her bed? What if she recognized you.â?

Nathan sighed and walked into the room with the bath slipping into the large stone tub settling down. â??I would love her too figure it out, I am getting tired of lying to her. Arnold just pleas stop worrying and let Terra know when I am free for dinner tonight.â?

Arnold sighed and left to get things ready for the dukes unexpected return and to tell Terra when the dinner would be.
After receiving the message on the time of dinner, Terra spent the whole day preparing for it... with her new maid. She and Anya had come to an understanding that... Anya did not like Nathan and so it would be better for her to move to a position within the castle where she did not have to see as much of him as she did usually. And so Terra's new maid helped her to prepare. It just so happened that she had offered the position to the very maid that had given her the ideas about how to pleasure her husband and with the two now alone much of the time, they giggled like girls about the things the new maid, Sarah, told her and taught her. There was a connection with Sarah that had not been there with Anya in a long time and it was refreshing. Perhaps it was also one of the things that helped her mood. And Anya was still employed in the kitchens so everyone was happy.

Sarah helped prepare a bath for Terra with fragrant oils and while she soaked in it, they went over the tricks Terra wanted to know one more time. Then they went over them again as she helped her into the undergarments that Sarah had snuck into the castle for her to tantalize her husband then helped her to dress over it. Then dolling up her hair and her face so that when dinner was almost ready, she was a goddess divine for her husband to behold. Sarah parted with her near the door to Nathans chambers, where Terra knocked and waited to be allowed entry.
Nathan had spent the day with a bunch of bossy and noisy nobles all wanting his attention and all assuming that he would give it to them. When it had finally come to a end Nathan hurried to get ready for his date with Terra. he bathed again and got dressed as he normally did in a fine shirt and breeches, simple but elegant. He didnâ??t have any time to even comb his hair. He brushed his fingers through his wet locks letting them dry as they fell which turned out to be rather dashing. He opened the door when she knocked and stood there totally speechless as he looked at her. she was beautiful divinely so. She looked like she had just come down out of heaven to him. â??Wowâ?¦ you lookâ?¦wow.â? It was the only word he could think of.
She smiled and laughed slightly, blushing slightly, "I'm glad that all the primping I did does not go un-noticed." The smile was still on her face as she realized he was frozen in the doorway, blocking her way inside. "May I come in or shall we stand here in the doorway all evening long?"
As she said that he blinked realizing that he had been standing there like a total idiot. â??Iâ??m sorry please come in Terra.â? he stepped to one side and as she came in he offered her his arm to lead her over to the table which already had dinner lair out for them. â??Iâ??m sorry I feel like I am underdressed for this dinner now. If you can give me a moment I can go put something more fitting on.â?
As he tried to move away, she did not release his arm to go. "No, no, you look just fine. Dashing even." Tugging him towards the table again, "And I'm dressed quite normally. For how I was raised at least. This is how I would dress every night for dinner with my family... and that's a casual dinner." Taking him to the table, she did not take her seat, but waiting for him to pull it out for her. She wanted this night to be perfect down to the smallest detail.
He smiled and nodded walking with her over to the table. â??Alright Terra you win.â? He already pulled her chair out waiting for her to sit down before helping move it back in and going around to sit in his chair. â??Weather our parents made you dress up like that or not my dear you still love beautiful.â? He gently took her hand from across the table and kissed it lightly smiling at her. â??Now then shall we begin?â? he poured them both some wine before sitting down across from her.
Dinner was just perfect. Calm, yet with just a touch of... sensuality. She had to stop herself from laughing as she from time to time caught his stunned face, reacting the slow, deliberately sensual way she would eat a piece of food or would almost moan before commenting how good the food was. And then for desert.... strawberries with cream. If this didn't get him in the mood for when she suggested she spend the night with him, nothing would. "Would you like some?" she offered, a seemingly innocent smile on her face.
Nathan picked up early on that she was trying to be sensual but it still shocked him each time. This wasnâ??t Terra the wife of Nathan, if anything this is what the Fox would have gotten should the relationship had continued. He could see this playful side in her with the Fox and clearly in loveâ?¦.it was then that it hit him. the prince and Jacob had been right, she was falling in love with him. he shook his head once to clear that thought since he couldnâ??t expect anything to come from this. He looked up as she offered the strawberries and nodded slowly. â??I would love some my dear.â? He came around to sit next to her to just be closer to her.
She picked a berry up and dipped it into the cream, letting it get all over the tip before she held it to her lips and just..... slowly and almost like some kind of torture she devoured it bit by bit until there was nothing left of it. Picking up another one, she dipped it and held it towards his lips, "They are delicious..."
He suppressed the growl that came to his lips because he was worried that he was reading her wrong and this was just part of her training. If he had any idea what she was planning he probably would have pounced on her right then. As it was he leaned closer and took the berry from her with his lips letting the soft skin of his lips suck at her fingers a little before pulling back. He could play this game too.
She could not help but bit her lip a little, getting the message that he was taking her bait. Sarah had told her to be bold and daring bout it. Might just excite him. What better time to test that but at this moment? "Would you mind Nathan if I spent the night?" she said without any kind of warning.
He just froze for a moment and looked into her eyes not believing what he had just heard. There was no way that this was the Terra that froze up every time he got close to her. his face was a mask of disbelief, she couldnâ??t be really leading up to a night that they would spend together could she? â??Are you serious Terra?â?
That was not exactly the reaction she had expected from him. It was not the reaction Sarah promised her she would get. Suddenly her confidence was melting and she became nervous that she had been reading him wrong. So much so that she quickly tried to retract her invitation she offered, "Oh, it was just an idea, but never mind." She rose and gave him a quick bow, her face red with embarrassment. What had she been thinking about being bold and confident. Maybe he didn't want a wife like that, "Forgive me for stepping out of line. Good night Nathan." She went to retreat, totally embarrassed with herself.
He didnâ??t let her get two steps before he stood and grabbed her hand lightly. â??Terra waitâ?¦â? he gently pulled her back to him turning her to look into her eyes. â??Terra forgive me I just wasnâ??t expecting you to want to stay.â? His hand brushed her cheek as he looked down into her eyes. â??I would love you to stay the night if that is what you wish my dear.â? He gently leaned down and kissed her lips softly his hand still brushing her cheek letting her know just how much her wanted her to stay in that kiss.
She sighed a little bit, as if trying to find her strength once more but the majority of it was all gone and she was a bit meek again. "I don't know what came over me," she whispered, "I was acting like some other person there for a moment, wasn't I?" What she didn't realize was that she was more like herself in that little bit of boldness was more her then this meek little wife she was starting to slip back into.
He saw her quickly falling back into the way she always acted. The collected the having everything right even if everything is falling apart around you. He could see that he needed to do something to bring her back to him back to what she was thinking of. He pulled her close and kissed her deeply his hand slipping behind her neck the other around her waist. For a long time he just stood there kissing her pouring his love and passion into her letting her feel the way he loved her. pulling back he looked down into her eyes, â??Terra, I think that you were letting yourself be yourself not what everyone thought you should be. â?? he brushed his thumb over her lips, â??Stay with me tonight Terra please?â?
His kiss captured her heart right from the start of it. It seemed to stop for a moment before it started to soar and fly until her head was floating in a dizzy haze. Took her a little time to recover from it until she was able to look deep into his eyes, resting her hands upon his chest, "I'll stay, only if it's what you truly want." She paused and there was a hopeful look in her eyes, "You already have me Nathan... but I never have asked you if you want me. Do you?"
Nathan brushed his hand over her cheek looking into her eyes. He could see that she was very serious about all this. Smiling he looked into her eyes, â??And you already have me Terra, I want you to stay and I want you as my wife for all time.â? He kissed her again his hands slipping around her waist pulling her close against his body. he held her there for a moment before he slowly pulled away and started to back toward his bedroom holding her hands lightly
Terra didn't know why, but hearing him say it made her feel so good. Three words... I want you. She didn't know why it was so important for her to know his desire for her, but it was deep down in her heart. Giving no protests, she followed him along until they both entered into his bedroom. She took the liberty of closing the door behind her as they entered so that if anyone came to clear their plates, they would not be disturbed. Then she turned to face him, a light smile on her face, "Say it again?"
He smiled and moved over to the bed looking over at her as he removed his cape and boots. Moving to sit on the edge of the bed he looked at her smiling. â??I want you Terra more then I could ever say.â? He patted the spot on the bed next to him, expecting her want to come and sit by him or lay down even. He had no idea what was coming thinking she might just want to sleep with him next to her.
She could not have placed him in a better spot for what her original plot was. For a moment there she had thought of not going forth with it. But him sitting there like that.... it was an invitation if she ever saw one before. Moving towards him, she did not that the spot upon the bed beside him, but knelt before him, her hands on his knees, "Nathan.... may I... may I try something..... for you tonight?"
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