The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

He stopped in his tracks at her first word and smiled moving over to sit on the bed with her. he brushed her cheek lightly and continued to smile. â??Well I could always go away again and come back tomorrow morning for you if you just have to greet me formally.â? He smiled and leaned in his lips softly pressing against hers. â??Iâ??m sorry that I woke you Terra, I just wanted to check on you before I went on to bed.â?
She kissed him back, noticeably a bit different kiss. There was some extra passion in the kiss that had not been there between them before tonight. "It's alright, I was not really asleep. Just laying awake. Did you have a good trip?"
He blinked at the kiss from her feeling the extra passion in it and couldnâ??t help but return in like kind. He smiled at her as she asked about his trip and realized that he would have to find away around this question each time. â??It was a very informative trip. And though I didnâ??t find what I was looking for I did start on the right path to finding it.â? he looked into her eyes smiling. â??How about you? Did you have a good time here alone?â?
She smiled and nodded a moment, "While I missed you Nathan, it was nice to be able to get up and walk around without someone constantly telling me I should not move. I walked about and got to know more of the staff." She bit her lip slightly as she recalled the moments she had spent where the ladies educated her on ways to really make her husband happy. "I missed you though...."
He was shocked that she admitted that and just sat there for a moment in stunned silence. He then smiled and kissed her forehead lightly. â??I missed you too Terra more then I could say.â? He smiled and his thumb lightly brushed over her cheek and even went so far as to brush over her lips lightly. â??Iâ??m sorry if I was being overbearing before but I was worried about you.â? He looked into her eyes for a long moment before blinking and blushing slightly, â??Well I should let you get to bed and go there myself.â? He started to stand slowly.
"Alright," she said as she scooted over, opening the space next to her and pulled the cover back, welcoming him to join her. Without even asking or anything, she just left in invitation open as she laid back down and turned onto her side. She was going to be pretty embarrassed if she was so bold to offer and he did not take it.
He watched her pull back the covers and just stood there for a long moment after she rolled over. There was no question that she was offering him a place to sleep and it was with her. he looked down at her back as she just laid there not giving any other sign. He slowly walked over to the door and closed it since there was likely to be a draft and the fire would have a hard time keeping the room warm if he didnâ??t. He stepped out of his boots he had put on just to come see her and hung his cloak up, the one he had put on just to look like he got home a moment ago. He pulled his rough shirt off and dropped it with his boots before coming over and slipping under the covers with her his arms wrapping around her and nuzzling into her hair.
She was relieved when she felt him slip in behind her and wrap his arms around her like so. For a moment, she feared he would not take her up on the offer and then leave her totally embarrassed and alone. But no, she smiled a little to herself as she snuggled back against him and sighed almost happily, "Good night. Oh, and welcome home."
He smiled and breathed in her scent softly before closing his eyes. â??Good night my wife, and thank you.â? He sighed softly and snuggled in closer against her kissing her neck softly before relaxing in the bed with her and falling asleep better than he had in awhile.

The morning dawned and Aiden slept late into the morning because of traveling so late. The household still didnâ??t know that he was back and Arnold would be a little put out when he found the Foxâ??s clothes in the Dukes room but no duke.
He was sleeping so peacefully that she did not have the heart to wake him when she rose at her usual time. Slipping from the bed, she donned a robe and summoned a few servants, including Arnold. "Have a bath made ready for my husband. He still sleeps in my room and I don't want anyone to disturb him. Also see that some breakfast is ready when he awakens." She wore a smile on her face the whole while before she dismissed them and went about her usual routine."
It was about mid morning around nine of the clock that he woke up. He slowly slipped out of bed and looked around for Terra. he had no idea that it was so late so he was a bit shocked that she was out of bed. He pulled his shirt back on and put his boots on before stepping out into the main room of the chambers. He looked around to see if anyone was there especially if Terra was there. What he was greeted by was the scent of hot buns and bacon. His mouth watered and stomach growled as he moved over to the table looking at the food hungrily.
He was already sitting down and eating his food when the door opened and his wife re-entered. "Good morning," she greeted him cheerfully as she crossed the room to put a book she had been carrying down before going to take up the seat across from him at the table, "Nice to see you awake. I had the servants prepare a bath for you in your quarter. It awaits you once you break your fast with me."
He turned as she came in and smiled at her. â??Hello Terra, it is nice to be awake. You didnâ??t have ot go through all that trouble for me.â? He smiled looked across the table at her just not being able to stop smiling. He poured them both some spiced wine and then went back to his plate of food. It was the first time she would see him outside of a formal dinner eating with at least some modicum of what was thought normal. â??How long was I asleep? Or I should say how late in the day is it?â?
She took the napkin and placed it in her lap, feeling the formal.... informality of the air between them. And it honestly pleased her. THIS felt normal and it felt right. Somewhere right in the middle between the strict dining rules of her father's home and the sometimes basic free for all with the Fox's people. "Not to terribly late. It is still breakfast time though you are getting a late start compared to me. You'll have to catch up to me for as long as you are home, there will be no slacking off mister."
He nodded at her comment about the time but then looked at her sideways as she said there would be no slacking off. â??Oh really now? And just who do you think you are to order the duke around?â? his tone was clearly playful as he smirked at her before taking a large bite out of an apple. He chewed smiling at her waiting for her to give as good as she got considering that was the type of comment she would have made when he thought she was Anya.
She gave him a sly smile, clearly feeling much more comfortable with him then she had when she first came to his manor to be his wife. "You have not taken up your place yet as the man of the house since you have not yet left the bedroom. Until you give an order, I still feel that I am the one that is in control."
He laughed leaning back and just loving the way she was right now. This was the Terra that he had fallen in love with. He shook his head and smiled at her, â??You know that I am the man of the house even in the bed room my dear wife. So it doesnâ??t really matter where I am as long as I am here I am the duke.â? He winked at her and stood coming around to kiss her cheek lightly not wanting to assume anything about kissing her lips. â??You are doing a wonderful job of running things Terra, thank you for doing that for me.â?
She just smiled and offered him her cheek while she continued to eat, "Thank you. I try. And besides... you can't slack off because if I can't slack then you certainly cannot. Do you want people saying your wife does more then you do?" She raised a brow almost in challenge.
He laughed lightly and shrugged. â??Iâ??m sure that you do anyway so it wouldnâ??t matter to me if everyone else thinks it.â? he brushed his hand over her cheek before going over and continuing to eat. â??I donâ??t suppose that I will be able to get out of that meeting with the nobles coming up after all will I?â?
She laughed, "If you wanted to avoid it, you should have stayed away until it was over." She stood then, having had pretty much her fill of her meal, crossing towards her bedroom, leaving the door open to talk to him from across the distance as she took a seat at her vanity, properly doing up her hair as she could not earlier with him asleep in her bed still.
He had a little more to eat and smiled at her as she walked into her room. â??You are right, I could always leave again so that you can handle it.â? he said that as he walked into her room standing there watching her for a moment as she worked on her hair. â??Mmm here let me help you.â? He stepped behind her taking the brush and pins from her helping her start to do her hair.
She let him take over control of her hair without a protest. Sitting, watching their reflection in the mirror, she smiled at the image she saw there. They really were a lovely couple, she had to admit. "If you must leave, then be gone with you," she said jokingly of course. "Then you shall miss the surprise I have for you." She smiled into the mirror, knowing that would catch his attention.
He continued to do her hair slowly getting it into the right shape. He looked at her in the mirror at the comment about a surprise. He leaned down near to her ear and smiled. â??A surprise? And just what kind of surprise do you have planned for me my dear?â? he smiled and leaned in kissed the curve of her neck lightly which was currently exposed as he worked on her hair.
That slightly seductive move from him sent a chill down her spine and filling her suddenly with a hint of anticipation and thoughts of giving him the surprise at this moment. She hid those thoughts though. "You'll have to just stay for awhile to find out what it is."
He smiled and finished with her hair and kissed her neck again. â??Well then I guess I will just have to stay awhile wonâ??t I?â? he smirked and stepped back admiring his handy work before helping her up and gently turning her around. he brushed her cheek lightly and kissed her lips softly before backing toward the door. â??I will see you later my dear wife I am going to take advantage of that bath you had prepared for me.â?
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