The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

Her words cut into him deeply and he had to bite his lip hard to stop from snapping at her in anger, not at her but at the stupid gossiping servants that knew nothing. He slowly pulled himself out of the bed and stood leaning against the wall looking out of the window. He finally turned around and looked at her. â??Terra it isnâ??t just a marriage to me, I have been falling more and more in love with you every time that we spent hours together just being friends.â? He sighed coming back over to her kneeling beside her next to the bed. â??I told you before I want no other mistress than my wife. I donâ??t care what the servants think I am doing but I am not with a mistress I am out on business as I told you.â?
She looked at him, just as confused as he had been looking at her before. Part of her was strangely relieved to have him admit once again that he had no mistress. "I knew in my heart I should not have believed it. Can you forgive me for doubting your word Nathan? I'm so sorry. This is my fault. If I had not gotten so worked up over it I never would have gone out riding."
He smiled and reached up brushing his hand over her cheek and smiling more before he moved up kissing her softly. â??Of course I forgive you Terra, I know that we donâ??t have much to build a loving relationship on yet but I want to have one with you some day and for that I need to give my heart only to you.â? He slipped into the bed on the other side of her where the food was and snuggled her against his chest. â??Iâ??m not going anywhere and no more talk about this being your fault we will learn to trust each other eventually.â?
She smiled softly once more, snuggling against him as his shoulder and letting herself slip quickly to sleep again, "Mmmm, no more talk. Sleep now," she mumbled before slipping away again.

The following day was not very peaceful though. Her fever only grew worse and when the doctor came to check on her, his worst fear was realized. The infection only grew worse and the only hope was to go back in and drive it out. The worst part thought was that she was going to be awake and aware through it all this time. "Your grace," the doctor told him away from where Terra could hear, "You might not want to be here for this. It will not be pretty."
Nathan didnâ??t care he was staying. He had been there with Terra through it all so far he wasnâ??t about to leave her when she needed him the most. After all she had been there for him while he was recovering from the arrow wound out in the forest, and he would be here for her now.

He gently slipped into the bed behind her and slipped his arms around her letting her hold his hands so that she had something to squeeze down on. he kissed her neck feeling the fever even there and whispered softly. â??You will be fine Terra do you hear me? You will be fine.â?
She gently nodded, not being all that fully there at the moment. But one touch from the doctor's tools to cut into her stitches and she was in a world of pain. She instantly started crying and her hand clamped onto his. No matter how much pain she was putting him in, it was only a tiny fraction of the pain she had to suffer at that moment.

"You must hold her still," the doctor told him. "If she thrashes to much it could cause my hand to slip and more damage will be done. This is a tricky enough procedure as it is."

"Nathan!" she whimpered, starting to squirm in his grasp as if on cue.
His hands squeezed hers hard in return not caring about the pain she was putting on him. he nuzzled into the softly whispering softly into her ear. â??I know it hurt Terra but the doctor is trying to help you.â? His arms held her close as he held her hands his powerful muscles holding her tight enough that she couldnâ??t move too much. â??Be brave love just hold on to me I wonâ??t let you go and I wonâ??t let you be hurt .â? he let himself slip in calling her love rather than by her name in the heat of the situation.
Terra slipped in and out to the moment. One second she'd be holding his hand tight, the next she'd go limp until the doctor would touch the wrong nerve or something that would wake her again and leave her in tears. "Nathan!" she would whimper, letting him know it was he and he alone she was thinking of in that moment before she'd slip away again.

This went off an on for some time before the doctor finally stitched her back up again. "You can let her go now. The worst is hopefully over."
Nathan didnâ??t let go but he did loosen his hold on her a little shifting her over so that she was snuggled back against his chest. He had been crying most of the time as she screamed and fainted and then repeated the process. He nuzzled into her neck nodding softly looking up at the doctor. â??Thank you doctor, I will continue to try and get her to eat as often as I can.â? He tried to smile slightly but instead just buried his face in her neck holding her the love he had for her pouring out into her as he just snuggled her close.
The doctor sort of smiled at the sight of Nathan snuggled against his wife like that. As he cleaned up and packed up he delivered his instructions, "Indeed. Broth until the fever goes down than try to get her to take some more hearty foods. Force her, but don't force her... if that makes sense." He patted Nathan's shoulder, "Her chances are better now, but the next few days are still critical." Those were his parting words as he left them alone again.
Nathan nodded at the instructions and just held her. he would still be holding her no matter how long it took for her to wake again. He hardly noticed the maids come and going changing the cool water with fresh and making sure the bowl of broth was always warm and ready for her when she woke.
Twas once again into the night before she stirred and woke. Her back to him as she moved to snuggle back against him. She had a moment suddenly of clarity mixed with one of delirium. Which one it really was truly was unclear but... "You're here..." she whispered as she sighed and snuggled back against him. "I'd the way you hold me anywhere...." but was she talking to Nathan? Or was she talking to the Fox?
Nathan didnâ??t even think about who she might be talking to since it wasnâ??t really registering that she might be out of it enough to think that it was the Fox. He leaned down and kissed her neck softly snuggling her back more into his chest. â??Iâ??m glad love, and I wouldnâ??t be anywhere else the woman that I love is in trouble and so this is where I belong.â? He smiled and picked up the cup of broth bringing it to her lips. â??Drink you need to get your strength back.â?
Her eyes were still closed as she took the broth. It was like she was in a dream. Perhaps she was, "Will you stay? Can you? Just for a little while." She smiled in her dreamy state, "Fox... please?" She didn't realize who she was talking to. Or perhaps she really did. Perhaps in this strange state, she was able to recognize Nathan for who he really was.
Nathan froze as she called him the Fox and realized that she somehow recognized him when not thinking clearly. He bit his lip holding her gently kissing her hair gently. He sighed softly knowing that he had to just admit it right now and let her know it was him and if she remembered it later then so be it. â??Yes love I can stay and be with you till you are better.â? He kissed her neck and got some more broth from the large bowl they had brought. â??Now try and take some more love you need your strength.â?
She took a little bit of the broth before pulling away, "No more...." she smiled softly, "Not with a kiss first. Just one Fox. I promise won't ask for anything else. Just a kiss." Thankfully her eyes were still closed so she still had not seen who she was really talking too.
He froze again and then sighed knowing that he needed her to drink the broth. â??Okay love but you have to keep your eyes closed.â? The room was already cast in shadow and she was still fighting a fever so she probably wouldnâ??t had mattered even if she did look but he wanted to be sure she didnâ??t. he gently turned her chin and leaned in his lips lightly pressing against hers before kissing her deeper than he had in a long time.
She kissed him weakly and yet there was more passion in the weak kiss then she had ever shown to Nathan. If there was any doubt over if he feelings for the Fox were still there and still strong, he knew now that she loved the Fox deeply still and for just a moment, if only for a moment he could love her back as intensely as he wanted to.
Tears came to his eyes as he kissed her before lightly pulling back and holding her once again brought the broth to her lips. â??Now drink love you need your strength.â? His voice was wavering as he held her and thought about the kiss and how good it had felt. At the same time he knew that as Nathan he would never feel that same love and passion and it hurt deeply to know that he himself had ruined his chances of having a loving passionate relationship with his wife.
Still smiling, she nodded and took in the broth until she could take no more and passed back out again.

That was the last time she was delirious with her fever. It died down after that and from then on, she was must more aware of her surroundings and of her husband. If she recalled anything about the encounter where she knew him to be the Fox, she did not let on about it. In fact, it was more then likely a lost memory, written off only as a dream. On the third day, she was sitting back up again in the bed and the doctor had declared she would live without a doubt and that she needed to eat to build her strength back up again. But she was growing weary of being trapped in the bed, and complained to her husband over it one day, "I feel so much better. Cannot at least eat a meal at a real table again?"
Nathan had been sitting there holding her hand as Anya was getting her dinner together for her. Nathan sighed and shook his head before he stood and slipped his arms under her shoulders and legs gently lifting her up. â??Not yet but I can let you get closer to it.â? he smiled and moved out into the sitting room where Anya was just coming in with the food. He lightly set Terra down on one of the couches still reclining but in even more of a sitting position as he pulled a large table over to her. â??Better?â? he knew that he was going to get a ear full from Anya.
She granted him with a happy smile, "Yes much better." Terra did not even notice the tension that was suddenly between Anya and Nathan, to focused on the food Anya was laying out on the table. "I'm so terribly famished! I fell like a glutton. Can you ever see past my faults?" she asked him. It was good to see her light hearted nature had not only returned, but flourished greatly. As hungry as she was though, she still waited until Nathan pulled up a seat to eat with her to dig into her food. In the meantime, hearing a little whimper, she looked down and saw Bottom sitting on the floor, looking up at her with happy eyes. She leaned over and picked him up, plopping him down in her lap where he'd share a little bit of her meal with him.
Nathan looked at Anya and then turned kissing Terraâ??s hair before sitting down across from her to eat some since he had been eating little since she was wounded. â??Faults? What faults? I like a woman with a healthy appetite. Most women you canâ??t get to eat because they wonâ??t fit in a dress that is so narrow you canâ??t put your hand through the waist. I much prefer the company of a woman that can join me in eating and enjoying the food.â?
The conversation was pleasant for a long while. And even when the subject matter turned unpleasant, she still kept it light and airy, "You can't possibly be thinking of sticking around here much longer. This injury ripped you away from business that you no doubt need to still finish. This time, when I say I am alright Nathan, I mean it. I am alright."
He sighed and shook his head not wanting to leave her in any shape of being sick. â??Forgive me for wanting to help my wife, who has quickly become one of my best friends, when she is injured.â? He knew she was right about needing to get back to the camp but at the same time he was torn because she still needed him in his mind and it would be awhile till he could realize she was alright.
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