The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

He felt her tense up and after placing one more kiss on her collar bone he leaned back letting her up and looking into her eyes. â??Sorry, I got a little carried away there. I was just enjoying being with you and let myself lose control for a second.â? He smiled and stood slowly offering his hand to her to help her up. â??We should hurry back before that blueberry stains your dress.â? He turned back for the picnic going to clean it up having to bite his lip to stay focused and not continue with his desire to have her.
She could not help but be shocked at how he stopped. As much as it made her feel, well, uncomfortable, she had not actually expected him to stop. Yet she did not question him. She joined him in collecting their picnic and packing it up again, not saying much of anything until they were both atop their horses once again and a safe enough distance from one another that the attraction she felt could intervene anymore, "So, when will you need to leave on business again. The servants mentioned you go away often."
He wanted to say something anything to take it back to the fun they had been having but that wasnâ??t going to happen anytime soon she was still to afraid of being herself around him. he looked over at her as she asked about his business trips and bit his lip lightly. He did need to work out a system for spending time in both his lives or one would get neglected. He shrugged lightly, â??I donâ??t know probably a couple weeks, I hope it is at least that so that we can spend some more time together getting to know each other.â?
She nodded in reply, "That.... would be nice." And it was the truth. If they were to married, they needed to get use to one another. And maybe at one time, MAYBE, they could have a somewhat content life together.

It was not hard for them to find time to spend together in the next week, for it started to rain and just didn't seem to ever stop. Not enough that there was a threat of flood, but enough to keep them shut up inside. At first she did not attempt to seek him out for company, but after the second day, she wished for more company than just Anya all the time. The time together was simple and light. He showed her more about the castle, they spoke of affair of the land so she'd be more comfortable taking his place in decisions while he was away. By the second week when the sun finally came out again and they were able to take another picnic, she was getting much more comfortable with him, but not comfortable enough to share more intimate moments with him.

Just as things were progressing though, a note arrived to him from Jacob. The Fox's people were fearing he had been captured since he had not appeared to them for some time. He had never been away for so long. Before Terra came along, he favored spending time with the Fox's clan. His balancing act of his two lives was going to start being a problem.
Nathan knew that it would be tough juggling two lives but he needed to be able too. He decided to spend two weeks at home with Terra and then a week away, when he came back he would spend two weeks again and then find away to spend two weeks away as the fox. This time as he was leaving her took the time to tell her and said that he would be back in a week. He lightly kissed her cheek not wanting to assume anything even though he wanted to kiss her lips.
He then returned to the life of the Fox, everyone was so happy to see him glad that he had not been captured. That night he talked over the problems he was having with balancing the two lives and got some advice from the prince and Jacob. Tomorrow they had a large strike against a caravan with the tax money from the northern provinces in it. it would be just the thing to make everyone see that their leader was still with them.
Terra did not realize just how much she'd miss her husband until he was gone. It only took a day to feel a longing for his company which she had grown so very use to. Perhaps this would not be so bad after all. It wasn't perfect, but at the very least, they were friends.

Everything seemed like it would work out..... until talk reached Terra. Through Anya never the less.

Terra had been sitting in her room, reading a book when Anya came in. Now Terra could tell when something was on her friends mind, especially this time for she noticed that Anya had a look of pity upon her face. "Anya, what's wrong? And don't pretend there is not a problem. You wear your emotions on our sleeve."

The girl sighed, "I should not tell you your grace. It will only break your heart."

"Well if it has something to do with me then you have to tell me." She put the book down, and motioned for Anya to sit with her. In all honestly, Terra did not think that whatever worried Anya was that bad. She did tend to over react. "If it's about me then I have a right to know."

"It's not about you... directly," she said as she tentatively sat down, "It's about the duke."

"Anything that involved my husband involves me as well," she said, noting how Anya raised a brow at that idea. She was definitely letting Nathan's idea that they were equal partners sink in.

Anya seemed tentative but then at last, "I know where the duke goes..."

Terra looks confused, "As do I. He goes on business trips and diplomatic missions."

"No.... he doesn't. I spoke with some of the other servants who have been here for awhile. They told me that the duke has been taking long trips for sometime but not on business. They said it's..." she hesitated knowing that her friend and lady had been starting to fall for the duke but she had a right to know she was being lied to, "The servants say he had a mistress. He goes and spends weeks at a time with the mystery woman."

Terra looked on in shock for inside her knew it was not true. Somewhere deep down perhaps, but on the surface level, "That's nonsense. Nathan has assured me he keeps no mistress. He did mention there had been a women he loved..." she paused, trying to recall what it had been he said about the other woman, "But.... he could not marry her..." if she had not already been sitting she would have needed to take a seat.

"Like a man can't marry a mistress...." Anya added in.

"Leave Anya..." Terra said quickly.

"I didn't mean to hurt your grace. But you do deserve to know the truth about the man. You are good and don't deserve to be lied to like-"

"LEAVE Anya," Terra repeated more firmly. This time Anya obeyed leaving Terra alone to think this over. It could not be true. He would not have lied to her like that. He assured her that he would not share his bed with any mistress. Only his wife. A little voice nagged that of course it didn't count if he went to the mistresses bed.

Terra needed air! She quickly went into her closet and changed into something more comfortable for riding. She rushed down to the stables, as if she was running from what now nagged her and tried to convince her was the truth.

The stable hand helped her to saddle Buttercup and he was the only one that knew that she had gone out. She told him she'd only be gone a few hours.

But when the sun was setting and Terra had still not returned, the man worried for her safety and went straight to Arnold. Soon everyone in the castle was worried over the duchess for it was not like her. A search party was sent out to look for her. And when a hour after sunset, Buttercup was located with her rider and no sign of Terra nearby, worry grew to fear.

While the search continued slowly through the night, Arnold slipped away to send a message to Nathan. If Nathan returned to find he had not been sent for right way with his wife missing, Arnold knew there would be hell to pay. He only hopped the message would reach Nathan in a timely manner. He had already been done for three days and could very well be away on a mission already.
The message reached him just as Nathan was mounting up to head off for this large attack on the tax money. The plans were already laid and everyone knew what their job was in this attack. Nathan was about to give the signal to head out when Jacob came running up to him a message in his hand.

â??Fox this is important you have to read this now.â?

Nathan looked down at Jacob before taking the message. His eyes went from irritation to shock in an instant. â??Jacob I need you toâ?¦â?

â??I know Fox.â?

â??And you will have toâ?¦â?

â??I know Fox.â?

â??And you..â?

â??FOX! Go!â?

Nathan needed no other statement from his friend before he turned his horse and galloped away into the forest leaving a bunch of worried and questioning people behind for Jacob to deal with.

Nathan barely had the sense of mind to use the secret passage way into his castle since the fox riding in would be very bad. He rushed into his room quickly changing out of the Foxâ??s garb and putting on his noble clothes just in time for Arnold to come in overjoyed to see him.

â??Your grace I havâ?¦â?

â??We need to get every man at arms out into the forest at once to find her Arnold.â?

â??Your grace Iâ?¦â?

â??And we will need to gather as many volunteers as will come from the town.â?

â??Your graâ?¦â?

â??And make sure the doctor knows that â?¦â?


Nathan was so unused to be called by his first name by just about anyone that he stopped looking at Arnold wondering what had come over the man.

â??We found her, she is in her room right now the doctorâ?¦â?

Arnold might have finished what he was saying but Nathan was already gone. He came to her door and didnâ??t even bother to knock just coming in to see how she was doing.
Bottom sat outside the closed door of her room, his ears drooping. He wanted to go in and when he say Nathan, he followed him into the room before he could be stopped.

Terra lay in the bed, deathly pale, sweat covering her brow. Things were still a mess and the doctor was just finishing up the last few stitches to her shoulder. It did not look good at all, even from all the way across the room. The dress she had been wearing when she left for her ride lay in a torn pile on the floor, the shoulder of the dress bloody. Upon hearing him enter, all heads in the room turned to him except for the doctor. And ladies that were there, Anya and two others, all turned to him and bowed in greeting. Worried covered all their faces, "Your grace..."

The doctor glanced to see that it was indeed him before turning back to his work on Terra's shoulder, "I'm sorry you had to return home under such terrible conditions your grace..."
Nathan didnâ??t even hardly notice that the others were in there. He moved through them quickly moving close to Terraâ??s uninjured side. He recognized the wound as that of a crossbow bolt and couldnâ??t help but let a little anger cross his face. â??Unless you are the doctor there is no reason for you to be in here now leave, that includes you Anya.â? Expecting to be obeyed he looked at the doctor. â??How bad is it?â?
The three girls all exchanged confused glances at how he commanded they leave but the doctor nodded to them to leave. Anya was the last to exit, hesitating in the doorway as the doctor went about finishing his work and spoke to Nathan as well, "I will not lie to you your grace, it is bad. She went out for a ride mid-day yesterday and more then likely was hit not long after. We did not find her until this morning right after sunrise when we could finally see well enough to spot her. Infection has already set in. I have done all I can for the time being. The removal of the bolt was difficult and I hate to say it was no doubt painful. The next few days are going to be very critical. If the infection grows worse, I will have no choice in reopening the wound." He just finished things up then, cutting the thread and wiping off his hands. He glanced to the doorway were Anya still linger, "Fetch a basin of hot water, a basin of cool water, and a number of clean clothes then find something light to dress her in." Anya turned and went to do as she was told quickly.
Nathan sat on the bed beside Terra as the condition she was found in was explained to. He gently brushed his hand over her forehead feeling the extremely high heat. He leaned in kissing her forehead softly, whispering, â??Iâ??m sorry Terra I should have been here.â? he choked back his tears and looked up at the doctor knowing what he needed to do mostly but needing some specific directions. â??What do I need to do to bring her back?â?
The doctor shrugged, as he placed the cloth he had used to clean his hands on the night stand along with the bolt he had taken from her shoulder, "I can't say. Things are still up in the air. She could take a turn for the better or the worse in the blink of an eye and we'd have no control over it. I would think we just make her as comfortable as possible. Once Anya brings the water to clean her up, I'll make sure to have her then send for new bedding. Since these are blood covered." As if she knew she was being spoken of, Anya came in then, holding the towels and followed by two others, one with each basin. The doctor gave the orders about the bedding and the two girls went off to get new sheet while Anya found a light night dress for her to be changed into. The doctor handed the basin of cool water to Nathan, "For her head," he said while he used the hot water to clean around the wound. Terra groaned a little and twitched a moment when the warm cloth touched her skin.
Nathan took the cool water setting it on the other side of the bed and dipping a towel into it. after squeezing out most of the water he lightly brushed it over her forehead leaning in as she stirred lightly. He kissed her forehead whispering softly to her. â??Shhh its ok Terra Iâ??m here I wonâ??t let anything hurt you again.â? Nathan looked up at the doctor and waited till the wound was clean and bandaged before taking the man aside. â??Give it to me simple and truthfully doctor what are her chances of living? I have seen many men with worse wounds pull through and many with wounds only half as bad die so donâ??t try and protect me what are her chances?â?
The doctor sighed and opened his mouth to start speaking, but the maid entered and while they went about starting to clean, the doctor motioned for him to follow into the sitting room where Arnold was as well, waiting to speak with Nathan. "In my opinion, your grace, her chance of death are indeed greater then her chances of living. I have little doubt that I will need to reopen the wound within the next 48 hours. She's weak and if she does not wake long enough to take enough food to build her strength up enough, she might not pull through the second intrusion. If the infection does worsen and we don't go in to try and stop it... she will die." The doctor patted him on the shoulder slight, "It would be a good idea for us all to pray a little the next few days. I will have food sent up regularly because if she wakes, even if only for a moment, we have to get her to take in something."

A few moments later, the doctor left, but before Nathan could re-enter the bedroom, "Nathan..." Arnold caught this attention and motioned him to join him across the room, far from any of the maid's ears, he whispered, "This wasn't an accident. Where we found there were other boot prints with dried blood in the dirt. Someone else was there. Possibly two or three of them, long before any of us got there. If they didn't cause it, they at the very least left her for dead."
Nathan thanked the doctor before he left and said that he would make sure to keep an eye on Terra can call if he was needed. As Arnold stopped him and told him very simply that this was no accident Nathan just froze. For a moment his face was expressionless just taking in all that he had been told. A moment later it set into a hard clenched jaw that clearly wanted to rip apart the man or men that had done this to his wife. â??Send out our best rangers and have them track the man if they can. I will be staying here till she is better. That is where my play is now.â?

Arnold was a little shocked but nodded and turned to make sure the orders were given.

Nathan turned and headed back into the room to tend to his beloved wife.
The maids by then had cleaned up a good portion of the room. They had already changed Terra but it was time for the bedding to be changed and the girls looked to him for help, "Your grace.... could you... could you hold her up while we switch out the sheets?" They would have already done it, not even asking but in all honestly all the maids feared to hurt her and suffer the wrath of the duke for it.
Nathan nodded and gently slipped his arms under Terraâ??s legs and shoulders holding her close letting her head rest on his chest as he held her up for the maids to finish changing the bed. He lightly kissed Terraâ??s hair and held her close as he waited his heart feeling a faint pulling at it as though it would break if something were to happen to her. As the maids finished he placed her gently back down on the bed her head against the pillows brushing her hair back from her face. â??Thank you if you are done cleaning you may all go now.â?
The two lesser maids bowed and took the orders at once, leaving the duke and duchess be. Anya, however, still stood in the room. She was silent a few moments before she stepped forward and took a stand. "Your grace... I can watch her. I am her lady's maid after all. I'm sure she'd prefer someone she knows and trusts watch over her..." she didn't say what she was thinking. That Terra would not want to be watched over by almost a total stranger. "I know what will make her comfortable. You don't have to be here."
Nathan knew it wouldnâ??t be that easy to get rid of Anya and he sighed as he took a seat on the bed next to Terra. he picked up the cloth with cool water and laid it lightly on her brow before he looked to Anya. He had heard the sound in her voice but let it pass since he knew that Terra still wasnâ??t sure about him. â??Anya, I know you are her loyal servant and I thank you for the offer but I can take care of, my wife.â? He put a little bit of emphasis behind the last two words making it clear that he was telling her to leave.
Anya stood her ground, in fact she took a step closer still, "Forgive my, your grace, but you have no clue as to anything that your wife wants." She crossed her arms, "Besides.... don't you have business you were in the middle of? She would not want you to stop with your duties for her." Bottom, who had been sitting near the foot of the bed this whole time, glared and growled low in Anya's direction.
Nathan narrowed his eyes and stood slowly taking a step closer to Anya hearing something in her words but not sure what it was. â??See here Anya, Terra is my wife and I have no other duties then to see to her well fair if you have a problem with me doing that. Thatâ??s fine you are welcome to leave the families service anytime. Until then I asked you to leave, donâ??t make me have Arnold remove you by force.â?
She just glared at him, before backing away slightly. She left him with a parting, "You'll see... your grace," before she finally left him and Terra alone at last. Well, and Bottom as well, who sat on the floor looking up at where Terra lay, whimpered as she tired to jump up, but fell just shortly short.
Nathan watched her leave before closing the door behind her and moving to the bed sitting beside her again and cooling the towel again. He smiled and reached down picking bottom up and stroking his fur lightly before setting him on the bed at Terra's feet. He would be there however long it took for her to get well. It didnâ??t matter about his group in the forest or about the dukedom all that mattered to him was her. food would come and he would keep it near them so that he could stay there and have some and if she woke he could try and get her to eat.
A few hours later, after the cool water had already been replaced once, Terra at last stirred, groaned, moved her shoulder and hissed at the pain the movement caused. Her eyes fluttered open slightly and she looked around, seeming to be in a daze.
Nathan had started to be in a slight daze drifting in and out of wakefulness so that he would get some sleep while still watching her. as she moved he sat up totally alert and he picked up a cup of cool water leaning over her a little. â??Shhh Terra donâ??t move you are badly hurt, here drink there if you can.â? His hand brushed her forehead lightly still finding her hot with a high fever.
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