The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

Giving her husband the benefit of the doubt, she let it pass though something was still nagging at her in the back of her mind. Something was just... not right, but she could not put her finger on what exactly it was. Just.... something. His change of subject did take her attention for that matter though. Not necessarily in the best way though. It brought her to a question that had long bothered her. "Why did... why did it take so long? For you to pay for my release I mean? I was there for a long while and yet your home is only a day or two ride from where ever it was we were being held."
He sighed as he dodged one arrow and walked right into another one. Closing his eyes he sighed softly again and then looked at her. â??Iâ??m sorry that I left you there so long, it was not my choice. I was away for part of the time and when I returned I had to prepare things so that I could have the money. He was asking a bit for both of you and I just didnâ??t have it on hand at the time.â? He was hoping that it would be enough for her since it had been obvious that she had not received training in finances
Thankfully he was right about that. Her common sense told her it was a poor excuse but the training that she had been given was different and overpowered common sense. "I figured it had to be something like that...." was all she said as she sighed and started to pick at the food again, not sure where to go with the conversation.
Nathan was a little lost himself on what more to say. He had found the needed excuse for why he hadnâ??t sent the money right away and it was at least partly true, there had been a long stretch of time that he hadnâ??t been home, and he or rather Arnold had needed to gather the money but it didnâ??t take a month little more than a day had passed.

Nathan sighed and looked over at her and couldnâ??t help but smile a little. â??Um Terraâ?¦â? she had gotten a little bit of the fruit she was eating on her cheek just past the corner of her mouth. It was good to see a little less perfect side to her even if it was a accident. He touched his cheek where it was not being able to help but continue to smile trying not to as he wasnâ??t sure how she would take it.
"Hmm?" she looked up to see him pointing at her face, but in a moment of shear innocence, she reached up to touch her own face on the opposite side her her face then the one he had been trying to indicate to her. Upon finding nothing there, she grew puzzled as she continued to run her fingers long that side of her face and cheek.
He couldnâ??t help but laughed a little at her innocence and moved his finger to the other side of his face. â??Other side Terra same place.â? He was still having a hard time not smiling and laughing lightly not at her but at the situation.
And now she was blushing as she sheepishly moved her hand to the other cheek and as she directed her eyes downward, rubbed off the extra smug of fruit upon her face. "Oh..." she was clearly embarrassed, "Thank you." As if afraid it would happen again, she started to eat her food with much more caution.
He was still smiling until he saw her attitude and actions change into ones being much more tense and more controlled. He could see what was coming and knew that he had to head it off before all the progress made today was lost. He dipped his finger into a bowl of crème fresh and quickly reached over and flicked it over her nose leaving a large white dollop on the tip of her nose, as he smirked cheekily.
Her eyes sort of crossed as she looked down at her own nose. And then she looked at him, not a amused look as she reached for a napkin to clean the spot off her nose, "Now why would you do something like that Nathan?" Her nose clean, she placed her napkin in her lap once again.
He smirked and placed another dollop of crème fresh on her nose as she cleaned the first. â??Because you are becoming tense again and need to loosen up. I wasnâ??t trying to embarrass you by pointing out the spot of food on your cheek, and yet you are being defensive again even though itâ??s still just me.â?
She looked up at him a moment with frustrated eyes, a huff sound showing her distaste for this behavior. It seemed at first that he was not going to win her over with this one.... until.... she reached for her own nose, taking the cream off it and then placing it in turn on his nose instead. She crossed her arms and gave him a slight, sly smile as if in victory.
He blinked and then laughed lightly before taking the cream and placing it back on her nose but this time he let a couple blueberries he had been holding in his hand drop down the front of her dress right between her beautiful twin mounds. He smirked again knowing he was leading up to a bit of a waste of food at least in the minds of someone that didnâ??t see he was winning her heart slowly.
The look of shock on her face was genuine. "I can't believe you just did that!" she scolded, but with a smile on her face and a laugh in her tone. She was quick to retaliate this time as she picked up the bottle of wine and promptly started to pour it over his head. "Two can play your game!" she said with a laugh.
It was his turn to be shocked as she up ended the bottle on his head like that. Coughing and sputtering he shook the wine from his hair and looked up at her. â??Oh you better run.â? He laughed and sprang to catch her aiming to wrap his arms around her and pull her down to the grass with him.
She flinched a little as a bit of the wine flew from his head and got onto her, laughing. But as he moved to give chase, she in turn moved to flee him. She stumbled to her feet and gave a playful cry and she took off running down the hillside, the smile on her face having ground bright by this time. She dared to look back to see how close he was.
He growled playfully as she escaped his first attempt to catch her and pushed himself up to chase after her down the hill. His long legs were used to running in the forest and so he would easily be able to catch her quickly, that and her skirts were slowing her down some since they werenâ??t made for running. He was closing in quickly with her and almost able to pounce on her again when she looked back. He smirked confidently andâ?¦lost his footing. He fell face forward rolling the rest of the way down the hill ending up on his back blinking wondering what had just happened.
She turned just in time to see him fall and she instantly worried over him! "Nathan!" she called out in distress as her playful antics automatically turned to protective and worried ones. She went to his side quickly and fell down next to him, instantly going to check his head knowing that a hit to the head the wrong way can be devastating. She handled him with care and caution, "Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?"
Nathan lay there for a moment and let his wind come back before he looked up into her eyes. Smirking he suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down rolling over so that he was knelling over her holding her down softly. â??Now this is what you get for pouring wine over me.â? He smirked and one hand moved down and through her corset started to tickle her ribs lightly, which is not easy but he did it.
Her fear for his safety fled out the window as he proved to not be that hurt at all. She huffed once again, not showing much of a reaction to the way he attempted to tickle her, "I was worried about you and you used my worry against me! That's not fair nor it is very nice!"
He smiled stopping his attempt and just knelt over her his hand coming up to brush over her cheek lightly. â??Iâ??m sorry but itâ??s your own fault for pouring that wine on my head.â? Even as he said it a drop of wine fell from his hair down into the slope of her neck. He looked down into her eyes his breath coming back still so he was breathing rather hard as he looked into her eyes.
"But YOU put the cream on my nose first," she protested back, not noticing the bead of wine on her skin. It just sat there, not really going anywhere, waiting against her skin. "AND the blueberries down my blouse. They have all squished down there. My skin will be stained blue now! You deserved the wine over the head."
His eyes tried to stay on her eyes but when the wine was just sitting there looking so tempting on her neck it was too hard to not look at it. he growled softly as she described how her skin would now be blue. He leaned down and closed his mouth over the wine sucking lightly his tongue swirling over the soft skin as his hands rubbed down her arms.
Her eyes went wide! "Nathan!" she gasped as he made such a bold move. And yet, the boldness of it... was sort of exciting. Took her breath away. She closed her eyes lightly and she moaned ever so slightly as it rumbled in her throat against his lips. "What.... are you doing?" she asked softly.
He growled softly against her thrust and continued to suck and lick at her throat moving down slowly against her skin. He smirked and took a moment to look down into her eyes as his hands moved to brush over her cheeks lightly. â??Iâ??m cleaning up the mess I made.â? He kissed her lips lightly and moved back down to her collar bone his hands brushing over her arms and sides lightly.
Realizing that he intended perhaps to do some more.... outrageous things.... with her, here in the middle of a clearing, in broad daylight... she couldn't help but automatically tense up from head to toe. It seemed taboo beyond belief, especially with someone she was not fully comfortable with yet but still she did not protest. Just... swallowed deep.
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