The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

He smiled as he saw she was uncomfortable, he gently stepped closer his hand taking hers and kissing them softly. â??Terra, please relax I didnâ??t mean to scare you, I want you to know that you are welcome to ride in my lands any time you want. As long as you promise that whenever I can you will let me join you on your rides?â? he was smiling at her and lightly brushed her cheek. â??I want to know who you are Terra inside, I want you to be free to just be you not the wife that everyone expects. At least around me can you try? I know that you have been trained to hide it but will you at least try to get to know me as yourself?â?
She thought for a moment how she should pull her hands away but.... she just could not. "Nathan, you are just such a sweet man." Shaking her head lightly as she sighed, "I don't know if I can. I mean, I lived my whole live almost basically free to do as I pleased, but now I just," Terra hung her head slightly. "I'm afraid Nathan. Afraid I will say the wrong thing in front of the wrong person if I'm not so very strict with myself. If I start doing it in front of you, what if I forget again and I end up doing it in court. It's bad enough I let myself be lax in the time I was with-" she paused, "well with you know who. I confess Nathan, I pretended while I was there. That I was someone I am not. I pretended I could be carefree and normal. But I was lying to myself. I'm not those things. I'm this. I'm a duchess. I'm not normal so how can I act it when I'm not?"
He looked at her and the look was clearly confused about something. He let one of her hands go still holding the other one softly. â??I donâ??t believe that to be true at all Terra. I am a Duke also and yet I think I act like a normal person. Just because you would not fit into the â??acceptable normâ? I do not see what this should be a problem at all. I know that society places a lot of importance on being what people expect. I donâ??tâ?¦in case you didnâ??t kow.â?
She could not help but shake her head light before she even replied, "I know. You are unlike anyone I have ever meet before. In society at least." She had to correct herself slightly because she had to admit that he reminded her of very much of the Fox. And that made her realize that she could really have learned to love Nathan in a very natural way.... if not for the Fox entering her life first. God! She was being so unfair! So much so that she gave a soft sound of frustration. Just a slight one, though she wished she could just scream. Maybe it would make her feel better.
He smiled and looked into her eyes seeing the turmoil behind her eyes and hearing the soft soud of frustration he brushed his hand over her cheek. â??I heard that, Terra and I think there was more where that came from isnâ??t there? We are alone out here, you donâ??t have to hold it in.â? he kissed her forehead lightly, â??I wonâ??t think less of you for needing to just let it out.â? He whispered softly before stepping back giving her a little bit of room if she wanted it.
She looked at him like he was crazy, but at the same time one look and she knew he was not going to take no for an answer on this matter. So she sighed, shrugged slightly and just gave a meek, "Ah." It was clearly not all that she had bottled up inside her, but it was all she seemed to be offering.
He just blinked looking at her with a incredulous stare waiting for her to go on. â??I know you better than that Terraâ?¦even in the short time we have known each other I can tell when you are holding back.â? He just folded his arms in front of him waiting for her to continued.
She put a hand on her hip in protest, staring him down before she took a breath and gave another one, "Ah!" It had a bit more power behind it but clearly not the full powered version of it still. She also added once she was done on a frustrated sigh, "This is silly..."
He laughed and shook his head slowly, â??No this is therapy now come on, Iâ??m sure you got more in you than that.â? He couldnâ??t help but smirk a little as she was being so stubborn about this and it was making him frustrated but at the same time he was enjoying it too.
She crossed her arms then, a sort of smug look on her face now, "Oh really? Well then show me how I should be doing it then? I must be frustrating you enough for you to give me a good example." Her face showed she would not make a fool of herself unless he did it first.
He smirked and walked up to her before turning and standing beside her. â??Alright fine, you are being a bit of a pain.â? He took a deep breath and then let it all out. In one large deep tenor yell, â??AHHHHH!!!!â? it echoed through the forest a little around them disturbing many birds. Finally he stopped and took another deep breath. â??Much better.â?
Her eyes grew wide before she confessed to him in a meek voice, "I didn't think you'd actually do it...." But he had and so she had to be true to her word now. Planting her feet, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. In that breath she let it all build up. All the frustration went building up and building up until she threw her head back and just, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" She screamed, but it wasn't enough. She took another breath and screamed again, "AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Before she just collapsed to her knees, panting for breath.
He was right beside her his arm coming around her waist as she fell and coming down with her to the ground. â??There, better? Or do you need to let more out?â? he offered his support in way of his arm around her waist and his strong body right there to hold her if she needed it. he wouldnâ??t move no matter what even if she pushed his away he would stay there.
She took a few moments to compose herself before she shook her head, "I think... I think I'm alright. I think it's all out." She shivered slightly before taking another breath. For the first time in a long time, the air in her lungs seemed clean and clear. For the first time in a long time, she felt.... okay. "I do feel better. Much better actually."
He smiled his arm around her waist and the other lightly holding her arm closest to him. â??I am glad to hear that, come letâ??s go back to the blanket were we can rest you look like you could use some food after that.â? He kissed her hair softly feeling like they had made some progress in at least helping her unwind a little if not them coming closer together as a couple.
She lightly nodded her head, "Yes, I think that would be best. I suddenly feel hungry once again." Rising to her feet, she used his support only a little bit but in all honestly, she was standing mostly one her own as they walked back to the blanket. She allowed him to help her back down again. By the time he took his place once again beside her, she was already digging back into the food. "I never knew that screaming could feel so..... free."
He smiled settling across from her again. â??I know when my mother first introduced the idea to me I thought it was weird too but it just helps sometimes. You donâ??t have words to express what you are feeling but it needs out so scream.â? he smiled and offered her another glass of the spiced wine. He couldnâ??t help but smile as she dug into the food. She was still being proper but she defiantly had her appetite back.
It was clear that some kind of weight was lifted off of her shoulders as she sat there. She was just.... casual once more. It was as if, at least for now, the Terra he knew knew as the Fox was somewhat back again. But the affection was not there. It was indeed all the way back to square one with her again. She acted towards him the way she did back in the beginning of their time together in the woods when they would skip stones and play with Bottom. Even before the time their walks began. He had a ways to travel still to win her heart as Nathan as well as the Fox. "You mother had need to scream?" she asked as she accepted the filled cup from him.
He laughed and nodded slightly. â??Oh yes, there is a reason that we were betrothed Terra, our fatherâ??s were best friends and my father thought very much like yours. Now knowing what you know about the freeing power of a scream could you mother use one every now and then?â?
She shook her head and the somewhat happy smile slumped slightly, "My mother and father are a perfect match. They both think alike. Have the same opinions on all matter... my father's opinion not matter what it maybe. Again, the betrothal was the only thing that prevented me perhaps from being just like them for with a husband already chosen, they did not force the same lessons upon me as they did my sisters so I grew up.... out of place among them really. Georgie the scoundrel is the only one that I am even remotely close to but he is always away."
He nodded seeing the problems she faced and understanding. â??I understand, my father was the same way yours is and if it hadnâ??t been for my mother I would be like him.â? he took a sip of wine and looked across at her smiling, â??I know that I am not a normal noble, I think of the common man differently than most if not all nobles do.â? He smiled and laughed lightly, â??I find it funny that the one person I can think of that agrees with me on how to treat the common people is my rival in love.â? He just shook his head at the irony of it, even more so since he knew that his rival in love was himself.
She had been smiling pleasantly, the cup raised to her lips as he mentioned his rival in love again and she stumbled. He needed to teach himself not to mention the fox at all for instantly her face started to sink once again and she lowered the cup. Slowly her appetite was slipping away from her. "Yes.... funny isn't it...."
He instantly saw the change and realized what it had been that got her to react that way. â??Wait wait, donâ??t do that or we will have to go scream into the wind again and I think one time a day is best or we will start to lose our voices. Iâ??m sorry Terra, I will get it to a point that I donâ??t mention him I promise just please bare with me a little bit right now as I relearn?â?
Nathan couldnâ??t help but look a little shocked at what she said, or at least that was what he tried ot make it look like. He was really shocked at how close he had come to revealing himself. â??Wellâ?¦â? He blushed looking down, â??I seem to speak of him too often for you comfort and well, he has been on my mind since he first kidnapped you.â?
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