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The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

If he wanted her completely incoherent, his wish was granted. She was so overwhelmed by the sensations their two bodies caused one another. Her hand reached to rest upon the back of his head, rubbing her fingers through this hair, twisting it and ever so lightly tugging his hair, especially when his rubbed against just the right spot. He would know when because she would gasp and tug at the moment a little, or big, shock of pleasure coursed through her.
He growled as she gasped and tugged at his hair knowing enough to know that he had found the one spot that would drive her insane. He growled into her nipple giving it one last lick before moving up and kissing her deeply his hands finding hers and interlocking their fingers as he kissed her. he changed his thrusting a little to make sure to always stimulate that one spot inside her that made her gasp like that. His own pleasure was building but he worked to keep it down long enough to give her everything he wanted too.
Just as always, he was so very right about her. She WAS going insane. Slowly, but ever so surely he pushed her and her body back towards the edge again, just as he had done before. And now, knowing what was to come.... oh it only made her want it more. She yearned for it so that she started to move her own hips against his and discovered that it was even better. "Oh God!" she whispered against his lips before letting a long string of moans came flooding forth.
Nathan couldnâ??t continue his kissing and working her body with his mouth. He leaned down panting into her neck growling softly as he thrust deep and hard in and out of her taking her deeply. It felt so good to be with her that he was losing himself in the moment loving everything that he was doing to her and everything she was doing back. He nipped her neck as he thrust harder into her wanting to drive them both over the edge as he felt his nearing.
She tilted her head back into the pillow, giving him all of her neck to do whatever he pleased with. Her own mouth hung open, gasping for air. She needed air for she felt light headed as she got ever close to the oblivion. Her body, starting to catch on to the rhythm he was setting with his thrust, tentatively tried to match it. Ever so slightly thrusting her own with his thrusts. They still have some work to do to become perfectly in tune with one another, but hell.... she would not mind practicing till perfect if it always felt like this.
His thrusts were getting almost frantic as he panted into her neck hotly. The feel of her tight wet walls getting closer and closer to orgasm was driving Nathan faster and faster to the edge. Nipping softly at her neck he kissed up to her ear. His hot breath played lightly over the sensitive skin. He growled hotly into her ear as his thrust got harder and most intense. â??Cumâ? he whispered breathlessly into her ear panting hard as his own orgasm started to raise.
Terra did not know what the word he whispered to her meant, but the way he said it, with such power and such..... oh she didn't even know! It turned her on something awful. What ever that word meant it was like some kind of magic spell on her. One word to push her beyond the point of return and she went spiraling out of all control, over the edge and she burst around him, her back arching high from the bed and her hand squeezing his, "NATHAN!!!" she cried out his name as it all happened at once and so sudden.
He growled loving it as she arched against him and came hard. He pushed once more deep into her so that her entire pussy worked his cock as she came. It wasnâ??t long before he came hard also deep inside her filling her up with his hot thick seed. He moaned deeply growling into her ear. â??mmmmm Terra.â? it was all that could get out around clenched teeth as he panted and moaned deeply. He finally settled and nuzzled in close against her neck panting hard and deep, â??Mmmm and again..â? pant â??that is howâ?¦â? pant â??it is supposed to be.â? She slowly rolled onto his side still trying to catch his breath.
She did not even have the strength to roll to her side. She remained just exactly where she lay, legs still spread open, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to find her breath once more. Glazing up at the ceiling, a million things racing in her mind before she finally spoke, breathless as she was, not even turning her face to him, "What does..... cum mean?"
He laughed lightly rolling over and slipping an arm around her waist kissing her neck and shoulder. â??Wellâ?¦â? he blushed a little. â??It is the vernacular to refer to what you just did. â?? He kissed her neck and gently moved closer to her snuggling in against her. â??The word used in correct society to describe it is, orgasm, but cum is the vernacular way of saying it.â?
She could not help but blush. For a number of reasons really. One, she knew the word just had to be something scandalous. But also... she didn't quite know what even orgasm meant. Well she KNEW what it was like but not before this moment at least. It was a little embarrassing really. "Oh...." was all she could say in reply, still laying still. "I see," even though she really didn't.
He leaned over her a little looking down into her eyes seeing the confusion and hearing it in her voice. He kissed her again deeply and snuggled her close. â??You donâ??t have to know everything Terra, I want to help you understand some things. If you ever have any questions about anything you can ask me and I will never put you down or tell you it isnâ??t a womanâ??s place to know.â?
She only blushed more. She wouldn't be asking him ANYTHING, that was for sure. As the moment started to pass and she was thinking rationally once again. And in doing so, a sort of..... guilt, started to sink in. She had carried on like some kind of.... wanton hussy. Ladies did not act like she just had. It was, well, unladylike. And a part of her also felt like she had betrayed the Fox. No, a lot of her felt like she had betrayed him. He should have been the one she acted so improper for. But, this was for her husband so perhaps she should have? Confusion only grew more and more until she rolled away from him and just, sighed, "Thank you. Should I.... should I go now?"
He was a little confused by how she was acting but he also kinda understood being the only one that could right now. He sighed and rested his hand on her side kissing her naked shoulder softly. He knew what he was going to ask was completely improper but he still wanted it. Any man that was in his position, that of the duke falling in love with his bride and having just pleasured her completely, would have felt this way. â??If you want to leave I wonâ??t stop you, but Terraâ?¦I would love for you to share my bed tonight all night.â?
She hesitated a little bit. Really..... she should go. She had left before and should leave again. And yet, he wanted her to remain and honestly she wanted to as well dead down inside. Not wanting to admit that to herself though, she blamed it on him really. "If staying is what you wish for me, then I shall," she told him as she snuggled her head against the pillow to settle into a slumber.
Nathan gently held her kissing her neck and holding her close to his chest. â??Thank you.â? He sighed hearing that she was staying only because he wanted too. He snuggled in close with her and just settled down slowly. Finally falling asleep next to her holding her throughout the night. He was hoping that they would connect after making love at least a little but still there was nothing or at least there seemed to be nothing.
As she drifted to sleep, she knew that there was indeed something. But it wasn't what he had hoped would form. The guilt was growing and festering inside her as she fell into a dreamless sleep that lasted through the rest of the night and into the morning as well.
He woke slowly and slipped out of the bed moving to get dressed for the day. He had felt the distance growing between them slowly over the night. Even though there was no reason for it there seemed to be a gap that was expanding. He sighed deeply and went out to have on to the pages bring them both breakfast in the outer rooms. He also sent word to Anya that Terra would probably like a bath when she got back to her rooms. He settled down on one of the large chairs looking into the fire trying to figure out what he could do to fix the problem that he had made for himself.
Not long after he had settled down, the door to his bedroom opened and Terra came walking out, looking rather disheveled in the nightdress she had thrown back on. It almost seemed like she was attempting to be sneaky about it and by the look on her face as she turned to exit out the main doors, she had not expected to find him waiting for her. "OH..." she blushed and gave a light bow towards him, "Good morning your grace."
He smiled motioning to the spot across from her. â??And good morning to you your grace.â? He smirked knowing she wasnâ??t going to be used to that title yet. â??Terra, I thought I told you that when we were alone I would like it if you called me Nathan.â? He picked up a glass of spiced wine and took a small sip. He knew that there was a lot of things that he was wishing from her that she might now be expecting or know how to deal with. However it was something to link them together, like last night, and he was going to take every advantage of it.
She glanced a moment towards the door, looking like she wished to retreat through it, but since he offered her the seat, she could not deny the offer. Crossing the room, she sat at the small table across from him, feeling odd still dressed in her nightdress and looking a mess while he sat across from her fully dressed and looking rather dashing already. "I know I just..." she knew it wasn't proper for the kind of relationship they currently had. Well, at least from the way she was viewing the relationship, "I didn't know if we were alone..." she said in an attempt not to offend him. "Forgive me....... Nathan," it was hard for her to say now that her head was not swimming in pleasure like it had been the night before when she used his name quite freely.
He smiled and poured her a glass of the spiced wine placing it on the table in front of her. â??I thought that you might do me the honor of sharing breakfast with me my bride.â? Even though he could see that she was somewhat uncomfortable with him being so open with her it was something he was going to do no matter what. He reached over taking one of the sausages that the cooks had sent them and starting to slowly eat it watching her.
Terra had already sort of gotten the idea what he wanted from her with the food laid out upon the table. It was funny, but the platter was so much like.... him. So informal the way everything was thrown together on the platter to be picked at and placed on just a small plate before her. He didn't even seem to be using his place, just picking and eating directly from the platter. She looked at the platter, a little hesitant before reaching out and just picking some fruit and placing it on her plate to pick from it there. She was acting like a totally different person from the one that would sit at the Fox's table laughing and eating hearty meats and casually drinking the spiced wine. Now, she was like some kind of proper trained, mindless, zombie. Perhaps she really was. And she knew it. Was there any of the person she had created for herself in the woods really in her? Being Anya was seeming more and more far away from who she really was. Or at least telling herself she was.
Nathan could feel the tension and slowly shook his head. He knew Terra wasnâ??t always like this, it felt as though she was putting a intentional shield up between them to keep him away. He could guess how she was feeling right now though he had no idea how to help her through it. taking his plate he gathered some of the grapes and sat back looking at her, watching her eat slowly. â??Terraâ?¦â? he sighed putting the plate back down. â??Please Terra, when we first met I could sense something different about you. And the fact that you were so willing to admit that you loved the Fox told me you were. I was hoping that our relationship could be something more than the cold relationships of the other nobles.â? He sighed looking at her, â??I was hoping you could be my friend at least.â?
Terra stopped her picking at her food as he spoke to her and was silent even afterward. She sighed and reached at last for the spiced wine, taking a long sip of it as if she needed it for strength. "I would like that too, I will admit, but I don't know how to start. I feel...." she shook her head, "I don't know how I feel." She closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair, "You said it yourself. Your grace. I'm your wife now. A duchess. I have to be a good duchess both to you and to society. I've already tarnished the title with coming to your bed already used. I feel like now I have to make up for my faults by being strict with myself in every other possible way."
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