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The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

Anya's hand held the edge of the door from behind, holding it in it's place at he pushed it a bit. "My lady is indisposed at the moment milord, even for her husband..." she tried to stand in his way further.

"Let him in Anya," Terra's voice intereupted from the doorway to her bedroom. That was where she stood when Anya at last gave him room to make his way into the room. Her hair was wet as she was brushing it out. She looked sweet and fresh wearing a night dress made of a light blue fabric, trimmed in soft lace. "May I help you, your grace?"

Anya still stood close at hand.
Nathan forced his way in a little till Terra let him in. coming over to her he bowed his head slightly. â??If I may my dear I need to speak to you alone. And no it canâ??t wait.â? He already knew of objections and was working to head them off. He looked at Anya, â??Give us a moment alone please.â? It was a command said in the nicest my threatening tone he had.
"Of course. In fact, Anya, you may go. In fact, you may call it a night. Sleep well," Terra said as she moved a little further into the room, being very casual. It was the only thing she could do. If she got all emotional, she didn't know what could happen. So it was best to just stay as stone faced as....... well stone.

Anya bowed towards Terra, "Good night milady." She said in parting before she looked to him, giving him a stiff bow and only giving him a, "Milord," before she departed, leaving them be.

"How can I help you, your grace," Terra asked as she continued to go about brushing out her freshly washed hair.
Nathan came over to Terra after Anya had left. he reached out taking her hands in his stopping her from brushing her hair. He gently turned her to face him and knelt in front of her. â??My wife, I have done you a great disservice tonight. I have taken what should have been a beautiful and pleasurable night for you, and made it nothing that special. I allowed my feelings to get in the way of what I wanted for you. Please forgive me Terra?â?
Terra had honestly gotten over what had happened between them not all that long ago. The nice hot bath had helped clear her mind and remind her what things needed to be like for her, she knew that it was going to have to be that between them. Now and always. The last thing she expected was for him to come showing up at her room and.... apologize to her?

She only shook her head, trying to stay stone faced and strong. "Your grace, there is nothing to apologize for. Truly there isn't. As for our feelings..." she trailed off slightly and took a breath and plastered on a smile unlike another other smile she had shown him before. Not her real smile. Not the fake smile she used to seem happy when he knew her heart was in pieces. A smile that was fake, as if it was painted onto her face to look happy. The way proper wives always smiled at parties, "Well one can learn to tame feelings so they do not interfere."
Nathan saw it clear as day in that fake painted smile, she really didnâ??t understand what he was trying to say to her. â??Terra, I know for a fact that I can never replace the Fox in your heart, and I would never try. Just as you canâ??t replace the girl I love in my heart and shouldnâ??t try.â? he stood slowly and looked down into her eyes. â??But neither of us can be with the one we loved first. But I can find a place in my heart to love you.â? Rather suddenly he picked her up bridal style and turned toward her bed room. â??And I know that you can find room for me if you will try.â?
The smile automatically started to fade the minute he bought the topic of love between them once again. Why was he so persistent on this matter? Why didn't he just want to be like everyone else they knew? And why was she time and time again relieved when he would proclaim his want for them to find love somehow with each other? "Your grace-" she tried to start but then when her literally swept her off her feet and started towards the bedroom with her. "What are you doing?" she couldn't help but ask, caught off guard by the sudden spontaneity of his actions.
He carried her into her bed room leaving the door open as he laid her on the bed. â??I nearly robbed you of the pleasure of a wedding night my wife. I am not going to let that happen.â? He slipped his shirt off slowly and moved to sit on the bed looking over at her. â??I am going to show you the way it was meant for a husband and wife to share their bed together.â? Kicking his boots off he knelt on the bed slowly starting to make his way toward her.
She looked at him, listening to his words with a look of total shock on her face as she sat up in the bed. "But..." she started, once again could not find the words for the moment she was faced with. He kept on changing all the rules she had been taught to know about marriage. Pleasure? Between a husband and a wife? Wasn't it pleasure between a husband and his mistress? None for the wife. Terra shook her head as if she was preparing to protest again. Her lips parted to do just that once more....
He didnâ??t let her even start, as he lips parted to speak he leaned in and slipping a hand behind her neck kissed her deeply. His lips pressed to hers deep and passionately. He poured all the passion he felt for her since she had come to live here with him into that kiss. His hand brushed her cheek as his other hand rested on the other side of her as he knelt over her. he pulled back slightly and looked into her eyes.â??Terra, I never want to have a mistress, I never want anyone to share my bed but my wife.â? He kissed her again just as passionately.
The ferocity and intensity, as well as sudden unexpectedness of his kiss, knocked her for a loop to say the least. Yes one very, VERY unexpected loop. She seemed dazed as his lips parted from hers and he spoke. The words not all sinking in right away since her mind was spinning. It was not until after he released her from the second stunning, mind blowing kiss she was able to speak in a breathless voice, "But we're not in your bed. We're in mine." She spoke before she could edit her own thoughts and then mentally smacked herself for such a silly, stupid comment after it was already out there. She sounded like an idiot.
He blinked looking down at her as she said that. It honestly in that moment of passion made perfect sense to him or at least as much as anything was. He slipped off of the bed and picked her up again. Not bothering to put on his boots or his shirt he walked out into the hall and headed right for his room. It was late at night so there was no one around but it was still not proper what he did. taking right back into his bed room he laid her on his bed and then knelt back over her. â??And now we are in mine.â? He kissed her deeply again.
The best way to define the noise that Terra made as he swiftly swept her up into his arms would be that she 'epp'd' with surprise. Instant told her to wrap her arms around his neck to keep herself from the falling out of his grasp. Of course, something in her just knew he would never let her fall. As she soon found herself back in his room once again, she blushed. It was a silly thing she said and he took it to play with her words, twisting them into a playful joke. His kisses were taking her breath away every time. Making her mind get fuzzy and filled with wonderful sensations. He was helping her to take her mind off of attempting to protest him and just focus on giving in.
He growled gently into her lips his hands brushing up her legs and over her hips. He was slowly letting his hands make their way up her sides exploring her curves. He broke the kiss and more his lips down to her neck kissing at her pulse and sensitive throat. His hands moved up brushing up her arms slowly. He didnâ??t want to hear her protest why would she anyway? There was no need to protest after all they were married. His hands, reaching her shoulders, slowly started to pull the shoulders of her dress down his lips kissing over first one shoulder then the other.
She gently let her eyes flutter closed as she laid there, indulging in his lips upon the sensitive skin of her neck. A shiver rolled right down her spine and beyond. Right to her toes as they curled in a sensational feeling. She knew this was pleasure. She felt is once before when she and the Fox had for a short time explored one another bodies. And now, she experienced it again. With her husband. It seemed odd. But then again, her husband was an odd man. An odd man giving her... "Oh God..." she moaned so quietly she wondered if he ever heard her.
His lips nibbled over her shoulders and her neck softly. As he brushed her nightgown down slowly he gained access to even more skin. He nibbled over her collar bone and down ot just nibble at the tops of her breasts. He stopped then and moved back up to nibble and kiss her throat and back up to her lips. his hands cupped her cheeks as he kissed her passionately. â??I am going to show you so much my wife just let me show you.â?
Her heart was starting to race inside her chest. Dear lord, she thought for a moment it might just burst. How could just a pair of lips upon her skin send her pulse racing so? And still he spoke of giving her more. It was insane! Even what he had done so far was usually unheard of in a proper marriage. She gasped lightly as she shook her head, "Your... your grace you don't... you don't have to..."
His finger came up and rested on her lips lightly. â??My name is Nathan, when we are in a room alone please address me as such. And stop arguing I know I donâ??t have to.â? He kissed her again smile. â??I want to.â? It was then he pulled her gown down a little more letting her breasts pop free. His hands quickly moved up and cupped the soft mounds lightly rubbing at them. His lips slowly started to descend down her throat and collar bone heading for her breasts.
Call him by his name?! Oh now things were just getting outrageously scandalous. Not even her mother, who had been married to her father for 25 years now, used his real name. Not in public and not in private. And yet.... a smile very slightly crossed her lips. It was a nice idea. To have a closer relationship to her husband. He had been suggesting it thus far, but getting so informal with him to call him by his name, it was the first time that things really started to sink in to her pretty little head.

"...Nathan...." she said softly, just testing the sound of his name on her lips. And then, finding it to be satisfactory for her, "Mmmm..... Nathan," she repeated again, letting her body stretch out a little bit as she resigned herself to let him do what he wished.
Nathan couldnâ??t help but growl as she used his name, it sounded so beautiful and sexy rolling off of her lips and tongue. His hands rubbed at her breasts working the beautiful mounds with expert knowledge his fingers brushing around and over her nipple. Slowly his lips worked their way down over her collar bone and then started up her breast slowly. And finally his mouth closed around her nipple sucking at it lightly his hands still kneading lightly at her breasts. He had forgotten how good he skin tasted, it was like he was getting drunk on her taste.
He was a getting drunk on her taste, while she got drunk on his touch. Being intoxicated was a very nice feeling. It made her feel like she was spinning even though she was staying in one spot. A light whimper came tumbling from her lips as his wrapped themselves around her nipple and began to suck at it, sending her spinning even faster it seemed. "Na-Nathan...!" was all she could manage to say.
He growled around her nipple sucking at it hard as his hands cupped her breasts rubbing them softly. He had every plan to make her know the pleasure he had denied her twice so far. His lips moved from one nipple to the other lavishing attention on that one just as he had been on the other. His tongue swirled around her nipple as he sucked at it letting the tip flick over hers lightly. This night couldnâ??t have been more perfect for him unless it had been the first time tonight and not the second.
The idea that this was her second time was far from her mind. Nathan was doing far too good a job of distracting her from all the apprehensions she had about him and her and the Fox and proper society and... well... everything really. And it was a good thing as well. If he gave her even a moment to think about how she was giving into him so very easily (at least easily for HER) she might not be squirming in pleasure under him. And yet, this was really only as far into foreplay as she and the Fox had gone that night. To her, she knew the next and only other step really to be the main event. And in all honesty, she anticipated it.
Because of the way things had happened that night with her and the Fox, Nathan hadnâ??t gone as far as he wanted to but tonight. Well he was going to spend a long time just on her pleasure which meant that there were going to be a few more steps between now and the main event. Honestly he wasnâ??t even sure that they were going to have the main event again, it would all depend on what she wanted. His mouth continued at her nipples moving back and forth from one to the other nipping and sucking at them both pouring all the talent he knew how to into them. Gently he pressed her breast together and was about to take both her nipples into his mouth at once but then remembered, it might be too much like that time with the Fox and she might start to realizeâ?¦best to not. His one hand slipped from her breast and pressed down between her legs starting to rub at her through her night gown.
With a gasp, Terra suddenly recalled THIS feeling. Yes, yes done this before. Felt just as good now as it did then as well. And knowing the progression of things... it could only mean one thing was next. Nipping her lip, she whimpered. Oh dear, she really wanted it, didn't she? She was being like some little, wanton slut because damnit all if she didn't want sex with her husband. Inconceivable! She laid back and waited for it, knowing deep inside there was some kind of hidden something that she had been missing up until now and dear lord she hoped she'd soon find it.
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