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The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

She sighed, "No. That's what's so unfair. He's not a monster. Not by a long shoot. I had thought when I left you that.... if the duke were a horrid man that when he found out about what I had done with you and that it was my choice to do it he would turn me away and...." she sighed again, confessing to him what she had hoped all along, "and that I would be free to return to you. No one else would have ever taken me and I had hoped you would still want me. But the duke is nothing like that. He welcomed me with open arms and accepted me. He even supported what I did. I think he admires me for it even. I could never betray him. He is too good a man."
Nathan couldnâ??t help his heart from soaring as she said all those wonderful things about him. it was all he could do not to just tell her the truth right then. He sighed nuzzling softly into her hair. â??I am so happy that you have found a man that can understand you Terra. had he turned you away I would have gladly taken you back, but as it is you need to stay with him. even if he would let you go and come out and be with me. This is where you belong, I could tell that watching you dancing with the duke tonight.â? He brushed her cheek lightly looking into her eyes again. â??he is a good man Terra, and well worthy of your love and respect. For your sake, forget about me and move your love for me to him. isnâ??t that what all girls want? To love the man they marry?â?
She raised her face to look up at him, "You were watching?" she asked softly, but let the question fade away as she shook her head, "It's too late and that's the problem. I love you Fox, with my whole heart. I can't let go of you even if I tried. I don't know if there is any of my heart left to give the duke. And even if there is..... never as much as you now hold. I CAN'T forget you."
Nathan looked down into her eyes his hands both come up cupping her cheeks softly. He leans in kissing her deeply. He holds the kiss for some time before he leans back his hands pushing the hood of his cloak back. â??Terra there is something that you need to know about me.â? He reaches back to start to untie the mask, he works slowly even if she tries to stop him he continues. The he slowly starts to pull the mask off, â??I amâ?¦â?

â??THE FOX!!! THE FOX IS IN THE CASTLE!!â? a guard had found his climbing gear and followed it up the tower and was no standing on the ladder up to the observatory. He pulled a whistle from his belt and sounded it the sound carrying over the entire castle courtyard. In moments the entire garrison would be marshaled against himâ?¦little did they know who he was.

Nathan turned and with a swift kick knocked the man down to the balcony below. It stunned the guard but that would be just the first of many if he didnâ??t leave now. Turning back to Terra he kissed her deeply having retied his mask as he kicked the guard. â??I love you Terra, please try to love the duke he means well.â? With that the Fox turned and ran to the ladder, but rather then grabbing it and climbing down he just jumped off the ledge his cloak helping his disappear into the night so no one could see where or how he fell.
She had once stopped him from removing his mask, but this time, something inside her told her to let him do it. Something inside told her that maybe, just maybe it would help her to let go of him. There moment was of course ruined by the guards. She gasped, unsure of what to do, frozen as she watched him flee. And he knew then..... she'd never see him again.

Before she even had the chance to let that horrible realization sink all the way in, she was seized harshly by the arm and as the guard dragged her back down to the library.... she only then realized something else entirely. She had just been alone, in the middle of the night, with a wanted man, that had broken into the duke's castle. She was like a traitor in these guard's eyes as they not to gently drug her down into the main castle again. She had to almost run to keep up with them to keep her feet from dragging along the stone floor.

They took her right to what she knew to be the duke's quarters, banging on the door, waiting for entry. Terra was pale as a ghost. The duke had accepted her before, but how could he still do that now? And this was not just a simple sending her on her way now. This was treason. He could have her imprisoned. He could have her killed.
Even if she had not thought through what her being caught with the Fox meant Nathan had. Even as he fell he knew he had to get back to his quarters now. So distracted by both the thought of her as a traitor and by the feelings he had just expressed to her that he almost missed his hand hold. He struck the iron bar hard his stomach taking the brunt of the blow. He groaned softly and then started to swing on the bar. He had planned escape routes from every point in his castle he just had to focus to get to his chambers before the guards.
He made it with just a moment to spare. He slipped into the window and pulled the mask, cloak, and tunic off just as the guards pounded at his door. Pushing them deep under his bed he pulled on the shirt he had been wearing earlier that night. Opening the door he let them all in.

The guards quickly explained what it was they saw and who she had been with and everything including some over the top story of giving chase after the Fox but he had disappeared right in front of them when they had him cornered.

Nathan nodded slowly and then looked at Terra, â??You all may go I wish to speak to lady Terrra alone.â?

The guards blinked at then obeyed.

Nathan hadnâ??t moved as the door was closed. He wanted to finish what he had been saying at the tower but there was no way she would believe him as the duke, only coming from the Fox would she believe it. â??Care to tell me what really happened up there? Did you go up there planning on meeting him?â?
She stood before him, a little messed up from the treatment of the guards. There was no use in trying to lie to him. She never had before and was not planning on doing it now either. Even if it did not work out in her favor, he did not believe her, or simply that he did not like what he heard.

Shaking her head, "No your grace. I did not. I went up to the tower to think, clear my mind, anything. He appeared there. I don't know how he got in, I swear to you. I never thought I would see him again."
He nodded slightly seeming to think it over. â??The Fox can get in anywhere that he truly wishes so it is not surprising to me that he can get into my castle. Why did he come? Was he going to take you away from here and have a wonderful loving life with you from now on? The real question is why didnâ??t he take you with him when he left?â?
"He never truelove said why he came," she confessed the truth once more. "I suppose to check on me? He asked me how you treated me. If you were a monster to me. I told him the truth..... that your not at all a monster and that I couldn't betray you by ever leaving you. I owe you that much after you have defended my reputation. He departed telling me he feels that you mean well." She left out the passionate kisses and what she had told him. Also left out his urging her to let him go and love the duke. She meant what she told him though, she did not know if that was something she could do. "I'm sorry your grace. There was not even enough time for me to alert the guards to his presence. He was only with me a few short minutes." A few minutes to say good bye, without the words ever being said.
Nathan sighed nodded and standing up slowly. He walked over to her his hand brushing over her cheek lifting her chin to look into her eyes. â??I know how much it must hurt to be told that by the man you love.â? He leaned down kissing her forehead softly, â??If it would have made you happy I would have let you go with him.â? he looked once again into her eyes smiling his hand still on her cheek. â??Thank you for staying even with the way the guards treated you. I will make sure they donâ??t again.â? He stood there for a moment looking into her eyes not moving not sure what to do.
She looked at him, completely stunned as she stumbled to speak, "You mean.... that's it? You're not going to yell at me or punish men or send me off for being a traitor?" He defended her name still, even now that it was getting into a place where it would very well drag him and his down with it into a pit of despair. "I don't understand. Why?"
â??Because, there is no reason to. I know why you were up there and itâ??s ok, I am a little bit jealous of this rogue that has your heart but thatâ??s about all. I know that he was just here to see you because he loves you and want to make things right. Because that is what I would have done if I was him.â? he smiled and slowly drew her toward the door. â??Donâ??t worry about me and what this will do to my reputation I will deal with the nobles.â?
"I...." she shook her head, not sure what to say. He explained himself time and time again and yet it still didn't make sense. They were strangers. They should not be so supportive of one another. Well, she should always be supportive of her husband. That's how she was always told it would be. But to have him come and support her back. This wasn't how she pictured it to be.

When he opened the door, the pair found the guards still there, as if ready to take her away. Not expecting to have found them there, Terra reacted by cowering a little behind her fiance, holding onto his arm for shelter from those that would gladly hurt her.
Nathan glared the guards down, â??The lady Terra can not control the actions of a rogue like the Fox, she is not in league with him in anyway. Please make that clear to your men Captain, she is to be your mistress and so you will treat her with the utmost respect if you do not I will see to your punishment. Understood?â?

The captain was about in as much shock at Terra but he slowly finally nodded. â??Understood my lord.â? They all stepped aside clearing a path.

Just to be sure she was alright Nathan took Terraâ??s hand and led her out into the hall. â??come I will see you back to your chambers my dear.â?
She held his hand tight as they departed, leaving the guards behind. Once they were out of earshot, she whispered to the duke, "You are......." she actually cracked the slightest hint of a smile, "Something else. To say the very least." Arriving at last back at her room, once the door was open, Bottom came running out to greet her, as if he knew that she had, if only for a moment or two, be in some kind of danger and was relieved that she was alright. She knelt to the pup and greeted him with a pat on the head and directed him back into the room as she stood to face the duke once again, "I.... I truly am sorry. I have caused so much chaos in your home since I arrived."
He smiled and brushed her cheek again. â??You have done nothing of the kind.â? He smirked whispering, â??My horses cause a mess in the stable everyday and yet I keep them. You have only done it once in this week so you are doing fine.â? He was trying to make a joke to lighten the mood. His hand still hadnâ??t left her cheek as he looked into her eyes. He had caught that little bit of a smile from before and wanted only to see that more.
She graced him a few seconds more with her smile before she let it slip away and she turned to head into her room, "Good night your grace. And thank you." The door lightly shut behind her, without waiting for any kind of response from him.

Before she knew it, she was once again standing before her mirror, but this time in her wedding gown, the veil lowered over her face as Anya knelt down next to her, adjusting the dress for her. Time just seemed to fly in this place. Since the night of the party and the Fox appearing, Terra had shut herself up in her room. The talk from the nobles about how she had been meeting with the bandit and let him get away and this and that was to much for her. Rather then put herself through it, this time she just avoided it. But in doing so, she did not see much of the duke either. He was off preparing for the event as well as helping to salvage as much of her reputation as possible. He was such a good man. A good, good man.

This time left along with her thoughts had been trying on her. She tried to not think about what that last meeting with the Fox had been like but it was no good. His parting words that she should forget him and fall for the Duke. Conflicting feelings left her unsure of what to do. Part of her, deep inside, was already starting to do just that. He had been so kind and welcoming to her, how could she not feel at least a little something for him that could one day maybe, MAYBE grow into love. But then part of her felt like she was betraying the Fox. He was a good man and deserved to be honored within her heart for all time. But then, didn't the Duke deserved to be honored as well? So torn.... so torn.
The days had not been so easy on the duke but he was used to it. he fielded questions and put down arguments about the Fox and Terra. he sighed and just took all the stares and the accusations that they threw at her and just dealt with them.

It felt so good to finally have the wedding day come around. Nathan sighed leaning back in his chair drinking some cool red wine. Finally the nobles had stopped bothering him just last night. They had the thoughtfulness to let him have his day, since they couldnâ??t convince him to stop it.

For once in a long time things seemed to be going off without a problem. The bishop had actually been close by on other business and so was able to be there and bless their wedding. It was about that time, Nathan stood at the front of the great hall in his finest court garb. His hand rested on the jeweled hilt of his sword waiting for his bride to enter. The musicians started to play the song that she would march down the aisle to. The crowd all turned to look back at the doors for her to enter.
The guards opened the doors and revealed Terra on the other side. No one, not even the nobles that had a strong distaste for her, could deny one fact about Terra in the moment. She was beautiful. The veil completely covered her face, but still her face could be seen, looking like an angel. She held her head high as she made her way down the isle, the long trane of her gown gliding behind her. It was almost like having to make her way though a gauntlet as she made her way past all those that thought her so many things. A traitor, a whore. She couldn't help but wonder what the duke was thinking of her as she approached him, stopping and standing before him, waiting to see if he would still extend his hand to accept her.
The only thing on Nathanâ??s mind was how beautiful she was and how lucky of a man he was to be given the chance to love her. as she came to him he willingly held out his hand taking hers and slowly guiding her the rest of the way up to the bishop. There was so much that he wanted to tell Terra but he knew that for now he had no choice but to let things play out as they were happening.

The bishop looked down on them both as they kneeled before him and he began the ceremony. Beginning the prayer it was echoed by the monk choir in the loft. The ceremony would take some time as it always did, having started in the late afternoon it was nearly an hour later that they were told to rise now as husband and wife.

Forgetting the sore knees he had been struggling with the last few minutes. Nathan turned and looked at Terra slowly lifting the veil. He looked into her eyes for a long moment the whole room seeming to wait with held breath to see what he would do. Leaning in Nathan slipped a hand behind Terraâ??s neck and he kissed her softly and first but slowly growing deeper. Despite the fact that most the nobles had things they worried about with this marriage they all cheered.
Afraid of the response she had to his last kiss, she held herself back from giving into his kiss. Refusing even to letting herself give herself even and inch to move hers more into his. She feared if she gave herself that inch, the scene before the nobles may grow far to improper for comfort. It was not exactly the most ideal first kiss as husband and wife, but it was an acceptable, proper one. She could grow to like the duke, grow to be friends, but was still hesitant about trying to love him.
Nathan felt her holding back and just smiled slightly before leaning back looking into her eyes. He whispered lightly. â??Itâ??s ok I do understand.â? He turned taking her hand and led her out into the center of the great hall. The music started and the two of them danced, as was the custom the couple was to share a dance just the two of them to show how well they worked together.

The remainder of the reception started as the servants brought in food and tables already for everything that was needed. The cake was cut and happiness was wished. Even if it was wished with a snicker in the manâ??s voice. The night moved on till late in the evening when people were heading to bed. The bride and groom would be expected to do so as well.
It was a very uneventful, thank goodness. After the last time, everything being calm and quiet was a welcomed change. Though it was a bit tiring. A yawn signaled that now was the perfect time for them to depart for the night.

She had no idea what to expect from this night. After sort of sleeping with the Fox, it SORT of prepared her for the night again. Sort of. The Fox had hinted before he stopped that there was more to sex then what she had experienced. Would she find that with the duke? Part of a ladies breeding was learning that in the bedroom, it was not a ladies place to expect pleasure. Should she go with him not anticipating it or not?
Nathan held his hand out to his new bride taking her hand lightly. â??They are expecting us to be leaving soon and so it would be best if we did as they expected.â? He slowly led her out of the hall and into the hallway heading back toward his chambers. All along the path to his rooms Nathan was trying his best to think of what he should do tonight. If he worked too hard on pleasuring her it wouldnâ??t fit what he knew of arranged marriages. But at the same time his heart really only wanted to pleasure her to the best of his ability. He sighed lightly as they neared his room, this was going to be a hard choice.
"Of course," she simply replied to him as she followed him down the hall. It was a sort of.... odd feeling. To be walking past everyone of those guest and have them looking at you. Having them know what you were on your way to do. It should be a private matter that was now just EVERY BODIES business. It didn't seem right. It was only making it harder to walk down that hall knowing that while they had sex everyone would KNOW they were having sex.
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