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The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

She sighed. She was all of a sudden missing the Fox so very much and the freedom she had there with him in the wood. Thinking of just gazing off at the horizon with him. Things were simple there with him. She didn't have to worry about her reputation there she could just be, her. The Fox and her glazing off at the..... she stopped and her gaze went up seeking out the highest tower. "What's up there?" she asked suddenly, pointing up at it.
He looked up at what she was pointing at shielding his eyes and smiled. â??Would you like to see it? I left it out because it is such a long climb up there. But if you like books it is well worth the effort.â? He gently lifted her to her feet and started to lead her into the castle once more. Arnold came walking by them and Nathan stopped him. â??Arnold see that lunch is sent up the to tower library for me and the lady Terra.â?

Arnold looked a little surprised and then nodded, â??As you wish your grace.â?

Nathan led het up a long curving stair way with a few rooms off of it. He stopped at each one showing her laboratories and sitting rooms that were not currently in use. He continued up till they reached the end of the stair. There was a huge double door leading into the top of the tower. He placed his back to it and smiled. â??Ready?â? and pushed the doors open with a little bit of effort. There was the sound of curtains being pulled back and light flooded the room beyond the door. It was a huge library two stories high and as large around as the tower.
The journey was quite the climb but never the less she suffered the trek. She needed to know how to get there for she knew she would want to make the place her sanctuary. The promise she and the Fox had made about that tower and all. She could see he was clearly proud of this tower library, but she was a little to distracted to be as enthused as perhaps he thought she should be. "It's lovely," she commented as she glanced about the room, looking for a window or a balcony, "The view must be wonderful over the land..." she commented trying to urge him into helping her find such a place.
The truth was that he knew why she wanted to be in this tower. He was just trying to see if he could distract her from finding the spot. When it was clear he couldnâ??t he smiled and nodded taking her over to a large floor to ceiling window and opening the doors in it letting her out onto the balcony. He smiled and motioned her out. The balcony ran all the way around the tower giving her any angle of view she wanted. He stopped at a ladder that went up the side of the tower. â??Let me show you someplace I have never shown anyone else.â? He climbed the ladder helping her if she needed it.
She paused, glancing out over the edge, just barely seeing the spot she was looking for before he drew her attention to the ladder. Looking up, she swallowed slightly, a little pale. It was high up. So very VERY high up. She hesitated a little, her hands reaching for the ladder, but when she willed herself to start climbing, she found herself frozen. "What... what if I fall?" she called up in question.
He reached down taking one of her hands and smiling gently urging her up. â??I wonâ??t let you Terra trust me.â? He smiled and helped her up the ladder. At the top was a small balcony that led into a room where all the walls were glass even the ceiling was glass. Inside it were several telescopes looking all different ways. â??This used to be a look out post for back when wars were frequent but I have changed it into a astrological observatory.â? He motioned to the dome of the glass roof. â??This tower can be seen from miles around it is used a landmark by many. When the sun catches it just right people would swear the roof was made of diamonds.â?
She held her breath the whole time that they when climbing up the ladder. She didn't start breathing again until her feet were at last on stone once again. Glancing about, she knew what the items around her were but in all honest she had never seen one in person before. "Is that.... telescope?" For the moment she forgot about her main reason for coming this high up in the tower and she stepped towards the strange object, gracefully reaching out to touch it. "I've never seen one in person. My father says it's a useless device..."
Nathanâ??s eyes narrowed a little as she said her father thought the telescope useless. It seemed fitting for the earl to say that seeing as what his ambitions were. â??Well I will grant it does nothing to help in the pursuit of power or monetary wealth. But it does open up a whole world to you that you might not ever know existed other wise.â? He smiled a little looking up into the noon day sun and smiling. â??if you are interested I could show you sometime after we are married.â?
For a moment, perhaps she had actually forgotten what kind of future she was about to be forced to face. Then he had to remind her of the challenge she had ahead of her, "Yes..... once we are married...." she repeated as her eyes wandered out the glass windows and over the horizon. Only then was she able to pinpoint the very spot she and the Fox had made their vow to one another. It seemed to far away from this point of view. Was he out there now? Thinking of her as she was now thinking of him? Missing her as she missed him? Wishing things could be different, just as she was.
He saw her looking into the forest and smiled coming up beside her and moving the telescope so that it was facing the right way for her to find where they had been standing. It wouldnâ??t give enough magnification to see someone standing there but she would be able to see the tree clearly. â??Here they are also useful for seeing things on the ground at a great distance.â? He sighed and stepped back giving her space and time.
She looked at the telescope, and hesitated. Not ever having used one before, she did not know that it would not let her see a person standing that far away. She thought it would and that idea actually frightened her. What if she looked into it and he was NOT standing there? Her heart would sink and break. For her own good, she just had to think and believe he was really there. She didn't know if she could go on any other way. Just about to turn the offer of looking through the telescope down, a voice from the balcony below called up to them. "Your grace! Lunch is served!" came Arnold's voice.
He sighed a little glad that Arnold had given her a chance to break the problem that she seemed to be facing in her mind. He looked at her and reached out his hand too her motioning to the ladder. â??Would you like to go first lady Terra?â? he was actually thinking about her modesty when he asked because a lady in skirts climbing down a ladder to a man wasâ?¦well revealing.
"Thank you, your grace," she said taking his offered hand and letting him help her down. She felt far to guilty being up here with her husband to be when all she was thinking about was the lover she yearned for. It was not fair to the duke. No, she'd not come up here with him again. Married or not. She had promised the Fox this would be their place. She had hurt him so much that keeping at least that one promise was the least she could do for him.

Slowly making her way down the ladder, she waited for him at the base before they entered the tower library together once again and shared a lunch. Bottom, of course, was right there to take whatever scraps they would give up to him.
That day the duke laid all the plans for the wedding, with Arnoldâ??s help. Letters were sent out to ever baron and earl under the dukeâ??s rule setting a party for his future bride to meet them all. Even though Arnold tried to explain what this quick wedding would mean to people there was nothing that could shake the duke from his course, not to mention he had never understood how people could assume things about people that they knew nothing about.

The days passed quickly preparations being rushed through quickly. Things would seemed rushed but at the same time it was all getting done. It was the day of the party, three days before the wedding and Nathan was making sure that the final things were done for the party the rooms were ready and the food was all prepared. It was a lot to make sure was done and he was getting overwhelmed even with Arnoldâ??s help.
Terra sat looking at her reflection in the mirror of her vanity as Anya stood behind her, doing up her hair for the party ahead of her. There was much silence between the two of them, but Terra could tell by the look on Anya's face in the mirror's reflection, the way she lightly shook her head, they were both thinking the same thing. "Something is on your mind Anya..." Terra said softly, "Don't be shy. Share it with me."

Anya hesitated but eventually spoke her mind, "People are bound to get the wrong ideas, milady, about this rushed wedding. Already the duke's servants whisper about the possible circumstances behind the timing. What is the duke thinking?"

"Honestly?" Terra replied on a sigh, "I am not sure what he is thinking or even if he is thinking at all. Of course the first thing I thought of when he suggested that the ceremony happen so swiftly that the bishop would not have time to arrive was what I'm sure the servants and nobles alike are saying. But then I thought what would be said if the wedding was indeed delayed another month or two. In one situation, both my name as well as the duke's is ruined. This way.... only mine is. And my husband looks like the hero from coming to a poor lady's aid. Taking in the poor creature no one else would. Attempting to save her face."

Once Anya was finished with Terra's hair, she rose and stepped into the elegant violet dress she had picked out to wear tonight. Anya started to lace her up into it, "Besides, the Duke has told me he does not participate in court often so at least I will not have to face the ton to often. And eventually another scandal will take attention away from me and I will be old news. It's only for a few days. I can handle the whispers a few days..." at least she told herself she could.
Nathan walked through the hallways after having seen to the last guest that they were settled in their rooms and knew when to be there. He sighed taking the cap from Arnold placing the clasps on his shoulders. â??Good?â? the older man nodded slowly. The duke was dressed rather finely for him. a fine silk shirt, with a dark maroon shirt under it that could be seen just slightly through it. A gold chain of office around his neck and a fine sword belt with a jeweled hilt at his side. his breeches were solid black as were his boots that clicked loudly on the flag stones. His cape was black on the out side and maroon on the inside matching the rest of him. his hair was groomed well and his beard only had slight stubble making him look a little rakish.

He came to Terraâ??s door and knocked lightly. â??My lady, our guest will soon be gathered may I come in and speak to you?â? he knew she might be in the middle of getting dressed which is why he asked about speaking to her, at the same time making it clear he wanted to speak to her privately.
There was no response at first before the door opened and Anya allowed the Duke inside, Terra's voice calling from within, "You may enter your grace..."

When he did, he found her standing in the center of the room, looking more the part of a noble lady then she ever had before. The violet dress was trimmed in hints of gold, lace, ribbons, the works. The corseted bodice was covered in hand embroidered flowers. And since it was a corset as well, her breasts were pressed and pushed to be on a lovely display.

"You may leave Anya," she directed her servant that gave them both a bow and departed, "You wished to speak to my your grace?"
He just stood there for a moment taking in Terra the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen. Dressed as she was now she could look no more lovely in noble eyes. However there was one missing thing that Nathan knew made her as she was now pale in comparison, her smile. â??You look lovely my lady. I have only a few times seen you look more lovely.â? He took her hand and kissed it softly. â??I merely wanted to talk to you about the nobles you will be meeting. â?? he went on to describe a few of the outspoken ones that she would have to face. explaining that they will be trying anything to debase her, subtly because they want to do it to him. â??Iâ??m sorry to say that you are marrying a man not well liked in noble circles.â?
She couldn't help but let that comment about him seeing her lovelier before. That had not known one another long so... there had not been many chances for him to think her beautiful. Thinking about it a few moments before just writing it off as him being nice to his bride to be. Taking in all that he was telling her, she nodded, "I understand. It will not be the first time I face proper society like this. It is my introduction as your bride, yes, but I was a the daughter of an earl before that."

He did not make any comment about what to expect about their chatter regarding her possible condition and so she did not bring it up either. "Shall we then, your grace?"
He nodded slightly conceding the point that she had done this type of thing before. He smiled and went to the door and completely out of character for a duke opened the door for her and then stood there waiting for her to proceed first. â??I knowâ?¦but I was a knight before I was a duke, even though they say you should be a step behind me I prefer walking equally with you. That is how our relationship should be in my mind love or no I respect you for your wisdom and knowledge. This is our first party when we will be seen as one, I wanted to make it clear what I thought of you and your station with me.â?
She stood, shocked by his declaration to her on how he intended things to be. Equal? Equal?! "There is no such thing as equal, your grace. Not in polite society. Men are men. Women are possessions." She shook her head at his offered arm, "I know you have said you are not welcome within society your grace and I can tell you do not care, but it would be suicide to do such a scandalous act. Especially before marriage. This is not the time to make a statement your grace. Perhaps after the wedding, but not before it. Not under pressing conditions as we already face before them. We are not one until we are wed. It's still coincided improper until we say 'I do.'"
He sighed and nodded conceding the point again. â??how did I ever survive in court before I had you to set me right.â? There was no sarcasm in his words at all it was a honest statement. Sighing deeply he took her hand and stepped out into the hall a different air descending on him. â??I realize what you said is true but you need to know I still hold to what I said, but they donâ??t need to know that.â? He smiled at her and led her toward the main hall stopping just outside of it. â??Ready?â? the master of ceremonies had their name ready for them and waited till the signal to open the door and announce them.
She took a breath and sighed, pulling her hand from his to adjust her dress a little, smoothing down the front of it before tucking a loose strand of hair back into place. She placed her hand within hers once again and nodded, "As ready as I can be," was her reply.

A moment later, the signal given, the were announced to the room, "The Duke of Mount Pointe, Nathan Da’jeer, and Lady Terra of Winston..." All conversation halted. All eyes turned towards them to watch their entrance. Ready to judge and nit pick every little detail.
He led her in just slightly a step ahead of her as would be needed to lead her in stepping down the stairs slowly enough for her to stay with him. he led her down the aisle that was made by the nobles under him heading for the dais. There were two chairs waiting for them after they would reach it. leading her up the short flight of stairs again he turned to face the nobles finally. â??Thank you all for coming to wish me and lady Terra well on our future together. Let us begin.â? He motioned an the musicians started to play the first song of many to come tonight.
Most of the crowd went back to what they had been doing before the pair entered. Another chunk of the crowd moved out to the dance floor to get the party rolling with a little dancing. Then there was select few groups that kept there eyes on Terra and whispers already started about her. Terra was no fool to miss those people as she sighed and moved to take her seat. It was going to be a long night, she could already tell.
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