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The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

Nathan slowly looked around the room spotting many potential problems but also there were a few women that seemed liked they would be sympathetic to what she was going through. He knew these women and their husbands, they were the ones that were secretly giving supplies and gold to the Fox and his band of rebels. They should be normal people. He slowly sat down and looked over at her smiling. â??You are going to be fine.â? Already there were some nobles, and their wives coming up to meet her. the master of ceremonies was standing by to present each couple as they came up.
She adopted that fake smile once again that she wore so often nowadays as the night began. They pair would be greeted by one couple, carry on a brief and formal conversation with them before they gave their blessing and left only to be followed directly by the next noble and the next and the next. So on and so forth, seeming to never be ending. One conversation blended into the next until one could not be sure were one ended and the next started. It was all just formality after all.
After the second song ended Nathan was about ready to pull his hair out. As the next couple started to advance on them he held up his hand. â??Excuse us but the lady Terra asked to spend some time dancing tonight. So if you will excuse us I wish to take this chance.â? He held his hand out to Terra and stood. He wanted so badly to ask her for permission but knew that it wasnâ??t right in this setting, if he said something she was to do it period.
She felt much the same way but was resigned to grinning and bearing it. Already prepared to greet this next pair of nobility that was stepping forward, she was stunned when her fiance cut them off and offered her his hand. Gracing him with that same fake smile she reached out and took his hand, rising, "Of course your grace. As you wish." Together the took to the dance floor and were swept up into the tune of the third dance. She said nothing as they started the dance.
As they danced he spoke softly too her, not soft enough to draw attention to the fact that he was but not loud enough to be heard. â??Iâ??m sorry I was just not sure how much more I could take. I hope you donâ??t mind, I know that the smile you have been giving everyone including me is one that has to be there. I saw the real one you have once with Bottom, I someday wish that you could be smiling because of something I do for you that makes you happy.â? The rest of the dance was in silence. He smiled softly at her as the dance ended and they would need to get back to the chairs, or to socializing.
"Maybe someday, your grace," she commented as the ended the dance with a bow and a curtsy to one another, "But it shall not be tonight I am afraid."

Before they could return to their seats, another couple approached them. "Come now your grace, take a break from you greetings and join us for a drink. My wife will watch after your fiance for awhile for you." He did not have much of a choice for before he could even speak he was swept off in one direction and she into another. Before he knew it, a drink was placed into his hand and he was among a small group of gentlemen. One of them patted him upon the back, "She's a lovely catch your grace. You should be thanking your father for getting the contract written up for the marriage between you..."

Meanwhile, Terra was swept up into a crowd of ladies all with one question on their minds, "Lady Terra. Is it true that you were captured by the Black Fox?" One asked followed by another, "Is he truly a rouge as the tales tell of him to be?" And another, "Come now Lady Terra...." they all smirked almost viciously at her, "Do tell us all."

Meanwhile, the conversation still went on among the men, "Yes, thank your father, but curse the Black Fox. Taking from you what is so rightfully yours...." their tones all hinted of a hidden meaning.
Nathan was having none of the game the other nobles were playing. He did catch their hidden meaning and didnâ??t show anything on his face. he merely shook his head laughing. â??Come now gentlemen, there is no need for this. The Black Fox tried to take something from me but as you can see.â? He motioned to Terra, â??There she stands safe and, whole.â? He placed special emprises on the last word his eyes making it clear that they had best just accept it. had he just lied to them about Terra? no he was the Fox how could he take something from himself. He changed the subject to more mundane things, coving things such as the harvest and new irrigation ducts wanting nothing of their games.
The noblemen humored him for a bit, but they all still thought the same things. The conversation strayed away but eventually came around full circle once again and back to Terra and her time with the Fox though. "I have got to hand it to you," one of them directed towards Nathan, "It takes a real man to take on such a responsibility as a lady such as Terra." He smirked as if he was a know it all which he certainly did, "And to try and save her face like this with a rushed wedding. Why... the really dim nobility will never second guess things 9 months from now, will they?" The men all had a little chuckle, certainly at Terra's expense.
Nathan was just at the wrong point right then. His hand shot out grabbing the baron that had made such a crass comment as that by the throat. It happened so fast Nathanâ??s fist shot forward and slammed into the manâ??s face the clear sound of his nose breaking echoing through the great hall. He said nothing as the gasps around the hall. Slowly he walked over to Terra and held his hand out to her. â??Excuse us everyone.â? He slowly led her out of the great hall seething deeply whispering to Arnold to end the party and just send everyone back to their rooms.
Terra was having it up to there with the questions and comments floating around her as well. She was just much better at grinning, baring it, and just taking what what they dished. Not giving them the pleasure of a clear reply to any of their comments. She did not see the see the scene caused by Nathan, only the aftermath as the whole rooms attention was thrown that way, catching the sight of the nobleman, face bloody and twisted in shock and pain. What has happened? Then she caught the fast moving image of Nathan as he came forth and pulled her away. She didn't protest, she only blushed as she saw the faces of the people they passed. All judgmental and disapproving. Once they were out into the hallway again, she dared to speak, "What happened in there?!"
Nathan stopped when she asked the question sighing. He took a serving cloth from a passing servant cleaning his fist which had the nobleâ??s blood all over it. â??I couldnâ??t let his say those things about you and not have some form of repercussions.â? He sighed leaned back against the wall knowing they were far enough away from the great hall that none of the nobles would come this way back to their rooms.

He slowly looked up at her looking into her brilliant green eyes. â??You knew didnâ??t you? You knew what they would say about you because of this hastily arranged marriage? You knew what it would do to your reputation. Why?â? he really didnâ??t understand no one had ever given anything for him in social circles he was normally the one people used to gain higher standing. Though now that he thought about it if there was anyone that would it would be Terraâ?¦she was just that way. It was one of the reasons he truly loved her.
She meet his gaze a few moments, locking eyes with him as she listened to him ask his questions of her. For a few moments after, the silence between them grew longer and longer until she finally sighed, keeping her eyes for once on his as she spoke, "Yes, I knew what they would said. I also knew what would be said if we delayed the wedding to long. An unchaperoned lady living in your home? They would call you a rake and a rouge testing his merchandise before the final sale. Either way, my reputation was to be ruined. I decided it would be best if I could at least save yours." She lowered her eyes away then as she took another breath before going on, "And as for why..... because it's the least I can do for you after what I have done." She didn't elaborate much more then that.
He had never thought about what they would have said in the reverse, it didnâ??t bother him what people thought of him, hell it would have been nice to never again be invited to a social party. He sighed shaking his head slightly. â??You didnâ??t need to do that for me.â? His hand gently slipped under her chin lifting it to look back into her eyes. â??You have nothing to feel ashamed of, you did nothing but follow your heart. And I have a feeling had you truly been Anya you might have stayed there with your love am I right? Had you had the freedom to do so?â?
"It's hard to say what I would have done if I have the freedom to do it. I never had had it so... it's hard to know." She sighed and turned away, casually walking toward the window and leaning against the frame, gazing out into the night, "I don't know what I would have done. But I know what I should have done. I never should have betrayed the marriage contract. I've caused all involved pain. I have ruined my name. I have broken the marriage contract our parent's signed. I have robbed you of your rights as a husband. And the Fox no doubts hates me for lying to him."
Nathan sighed shaking his head and slowly walking over to her his hands coming up to rest on her arms lightly. â??I donâ??t like hearing you talk like that. You are not at fault for following your heart. I do not feel robbed at all, because I understand your pain and know how hard it is.â? He gently turned her around looking into her eyes the shadows starting to get long. â??And I donâ??t think the Fox hates you, most likely he hates himself for what he did. Again he is not at fault for following his heart, but imagine if it had been any other noble men what would they have done? It would have destroyed any support that the Fox might have had in the nobles. So unknowingly he put his entire cause at risk, and you know what? I would have done the same if I could be the one you love.â?

The moon shone down on the pair casting shadows over them both, but to Nathan it seemed almost as though her eyes were shining of their own accord. Slowly he leaned down his eyes slowly closing, finally finishing as he lightly pressed his lips to hers. One hand under her chin the other on her arm neither forcing her to stay ther.
She had not seen it coming. Well, she had actually seen him drawing close to her lips with his own, but she had not seen him actually meeting his with her own. Not by a long shot. But then, before she knew it, there they were, kissing. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt a spark course through her. She had only ever felt like this once before. That was when she had kissed the Fox. Was it just how kissing a person for the first time felt? She had thought this could only be a special feeling before, but now.... it was one of two things. It was nothing out of the ordinary.... or somehow without hardly knowing the Duke, she was falling for him as well.

For a moment, Terra pressed her own lips against his, returning the gentle kiss, letting herself get slightly lost a moment. This was just what she had hoped for. To find feelings for the man she would have to marry. But that was before she had given her heart to the Fox. As if realizing all of a sudden what she was doing, Terra quickly pulled away, pressing herself back against the window frame as far from him as she could get without turning and running. A look of shock in her face. What was she doing? It was impossible to give her heart away twice, right? How could she find feelings for the Duke when she had feelings for the Fox? It was like... betraying the Fox. And so soon after leaving him. It was shameful! She was like some wanton hussy falling for any man that would kiss her. And if that was the case.... did she even love the Fox then? She was so confused.

The answer was of course simple. She only loved one man, she just didn't know it was alright to love both sides of him. She just didn't know that and thought the worst of herself instead.
As she pulled away Nathan almost followed her to kiss her again and gently pin her to the wall. it was what the Fox, or the duke would have done with the woman they were in love with. It was her eyes that stopped him. taking a step back he bowed slightly and whispered very softly, â??I will have Arnold show you back to your rooms. Forgive my forwardness my lady.â? He turned on his heel and walked away down the hallway. It was what either of his personas would have done but he forgot one thing, the duke canâ??t be in love with Terraâ?¦itâ??s a arranged marriage there wasnâ??t supposed to be love there was there?

It wasnâ??t two minutes later that Arnold came to her taking her hand lightly to steady her. he had seen everything and knew the whole story. He felt sorry for them both knowing they both truly loved each other but she didnâ??t know who he was, and Nathan couldnâ??t decide if he could love her in a arranged marriage. â??Are you alright lady Terra?â?
She could not speak as Arnold asked her if she was alright, only nodding as she took his hand and went with him in silence all the way back to her room. What was she doing? Falling in love? Already in love? Loving two men at once? Not loving anyone at all? Filled with such confusion that she just needed time to think. "Thank you Arnold. Could you please send Anya to me so that I may change for bed?" It was still rather early for bed, but what else was she to do? And like a flash of light she had an idea of exactly what she wanted to do, "On second thought Arnold, I will take care of myself tonight. Let Anya be. Thank you...."

She went to her room and helped herself out of her horrid gown and letting her hair down. Once that was done, she slipped into a much more simple dress and snuck out into the hall. Trying to recall the tour the Duke had taken her on, she found her way to the tower library and bravely climbed up to the point where she could look out over the night. The moon lit up the land so she could see her place with the Fox well. With a sigh, she just stood there, gazing out at it. It had to be love. It felt like love. But then, what was it she felt for the Duke?
Nathan had walked aimlessly through the castle for awhile and then headed for the tower library. He was just getting ready to start the climb when he saw her heading up there. It was then that a idea came to him. he missed having Terra in his arms and wanted nothing but to hold her for awhile even if as the Fox. Grabbing some equipment from the castle he went to his room and donned the tunic, mask and cloak that the Fox always wore.

Slipping out the window he started to climb up the tower using the hooks and rope he had brought. Finally he braced himself for the last throw tossing the hook up to catch on the masonry that he had placed just for this even though it looked perfectly normal for it to be there. With a soft click the hook set and he climbed slowly up pulling himself up over the edge smiling seeing her standing basking in the moonlight that came through the glass.

Working around to the door he leaned back against the frame. â??You know he is not there looking for you as you are for him.â? there was a smirk in his voice as he had made sure that he was standing in clear moonlight so she could easily tell it was the Fox.
She had heard the slight sound he made as he came to the top of the tower, but so deep in her thoughts that she wrote it off as the wind. It was not until a voice interrupted her thoughts that she flinched. At first, she thought it the duke and was certainly not prepared to see him right now. She turned slowly to face him.... her eyes went wide in shock. "Fox..." she gasped, whispered before she took off and sprang across the short distance between them. Throwing her arms around his neck, her lips sought his out without a second thought, passionately pressing them together. No hesitation, not holding back. Just passion and relief. It was in this kiss that she knew, without any second guessing.... this WAS love.
As she rushed at him he couldnâ??t help but smile and reach out to catch her pulling her close kissing her back deeply. His hand slipped up into her hair the other around her waist holding her close as he kissed her deeply. He could feel the love she had for him, the Fox, and could only hope one day to have this as the duke, in fact that was why he was here. slowly he pulled back from the kiss his hand coming around to stroke her cheek lightly. â??Iâ??m sorry Terra, I shouldnâ??t have left like I did that night.â?
She smiled so happily into his face and his eyes before she rested her head against his chest, hugging him tightly, "I'm just glad you came to see me once more Fox. I am so sorry about that night. I didn't think you'd ever want to see me again. That was why I wrote you the note. I just..." she nuzzled her face against his chest, "I didn't want things to end like they did. I'm sorry Fox. So sorry I lied to you. I wish I could take it all back."
â??Note?â? he paused and realized she must have left him a note and since he hadnâ??t been backâ?¦oh this was bad. His mind worked fast trying to figure out something to say that would explain why he wasnâ??t aware of the note that she had left. â??Iâ??m sorry Terraâ?¦I have not wanted to go back to that camp yet since it is so empty without you there. I havenâ??t seen your note yet.â? He kissed her hair feeling that was a good enough reason and it wasnâ??t a lie either. â??I didnâ??t want them to end as they did either.â? He lifted her chin kissing her lightly looking into her eyes. â??Had I only knownâ?¦â? there were so many things that he wanted to say about having known who she was. â??I love you Terra very very much.â?
Her eyes started to fill with tears that were quickly falling down her cheeks, "Oh Fox..." she quickly buried her face against his chest once again as she started to cry, "I love you so much....... but..." but she could never be with him. Seeing him again only reminded her of that horrible fact. Perhaps if the Duke had turned out to be a monster of a man, she would have run off with the Fox to live a simple life with him. But she couldn't do that to the Duke. He had been to kind to her and taken her in when she knew no one else would. He stood up for her even when all those comments the nobles were saying were more then likely well deserved. She couldn't betray him, "Why do things have to be so unfair?"
He held her as she cried nuzzling her hair wishing again that she could run to him as the duke and do this. He sighed lightly and reminded himself that it took months for them to get this close, just kinda sucked having to do it all over again. â??What is unfair my dear? Is the duke a mean bastard? Was I totally wrong about what I knew of him?â? there was a little bit of worry in his voice afraid of what she would think of him.
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