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The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

He slowly led her into his rooms closing and locking the door behind him. he leaned his head against the door sighing deeply. â??I am so glad that is over for the night. And tomorrow most of them will be leaving early so we donâ??t have to see them at all.â? He turned around and looked into her eyes. â??Now Terra I think we need to talk. I know that this wedding is rushed, and you feel you have got little say in it but now that we are alone let me ask you. Are you sure you want to go through with this tonight? We can always wait if you would be more comfortable.â?
She tried to give him a smile as she shook her head, "It would be best to just get the formalities out of the way. We will have to consummate this marriage at one time or another. Might as well make it now rather then who knows when. It is after all what is expected of us..." she stood, a little awkward, not sure if she should sit or lay down or what exactly.
The way she was talking with it all being business and what was expected of them. He sighed it was clear that she saw this as nothing more than their duty. In a way he thought it had to be his fault, or rather the Foxâ??s fault for leaving her in bed alone not showing her anything of the pleasure a man could give her. he slowly walked over to her and took her hands, slowly leading her into his bedroom. It was dark just the light of the moon coming in through the window. â??Would you like me ot get more light? Or should I close the curtains so it is almost pitch black?â? he was trying to do everything to make it comfortable.
She shrugged slightly, "Whatever you like your grace," was her only reply. Did it matter? Was it different in the pitch dark then it was in the light? Which was more enjoyable? Which was more... acceptable?
He sighed lightly and shook his head slowly. â??Very well we shall leave it as it is then.â? He stepped over to her and brushed his hand against her cheek leaning in to kiss her lightly. He had no idea if she would even respond to his touches but part of him still wanted to try. his hands on her cheeks gently held her there as he kissed her before looking into her eyes.
She did not resist his kiss as much as she had when they kissed at the wedding. BUT she did not respond as well as she had that night in the hall either. It was somewhere in the middle. An uncertain kiss of a sort that tender attempted to return the gesture, but was still timid in nature. "Should... should I under dress?" She had thought at first that he would send her to prepare with Anya's help. Now, she did not have anyone to help her remove the elaborate dress.
He smiled and kissed he lips again lightly smiling more. â??Let me my wife. I will need to learn how too.â? He came around behind her and brushing her hair to one side he leaned in kissing her neck feather softly. His hands rested on her shoulders and lightly brushed down her back to the first tie that was holding her dress closed. Slowly he started to undo her dress working it open as his lips continued to place feather soft kisses on her neck.
She was tense. She didn't mean to be. I just came with the moment. Being kissed in places that not even the Fox had kissed before. His fingers working the ties of her dress like he was her maid. It was a little embarrassing, even thought she didn't know why it made her feel that way. Perhaps because she never thought of it to be a man's work before. Perhaps it was because he made it clear to her in so few words that he planned on making his a common event between them. What if she wasn't good at it? Would he be unhappy? Would he find what he looked for in another bed? And why did that sudden thought sicken her? Mistresses were common enough. So why did the thought of the duke seeking on out not sit well with her?
Nathan kissed her neck softly his lips starting to gently nibble at her neck. He could feel how tense she was, and even though he knew that she wasnâ??t a virgin he knew that performing such a intimate act with someone that was little more than a stranger had to be scary. He nuzzled in close his hands finishing on her outer dress before lightly brushing his hands up her back over her corset and then over her shoulders lightly brushing the dress down so it could fall to her feet. His fingers started to deftly work at her underskirts so they shortly joined her dress on the floor.
The fabric of her dress went cascading to the floor, puddling into a pile at her feet. The cool air of the room hitting the newly exposed skin on her body from one side, the warmth of the dimly burning fire hitting her from the other. It in turn painted her a lovely light from behind that she did not even realize. She was to busy shyly crossing her hands over her middle section, her fingers nervously picking at her corset, nipping her lip just as nervously.
Nathan nuzzled in close kissing her neck softly nibbling around to her ear. â??Are you extremely nervous my bride?â? it was the hardest thing he ever did not calling her love right then. He wanted to but he had to remember the duke couldnâ??t be in love with herâ?¦not yet. He sighed softly nibbling at her earlobe softly. His hands came and brushed down her arms to take her hands in his and move them slowly up to the top laces of her corset in the front.
"Honestly?" she whispered softly, as she sighed, taking a moment to catch her breath, "Perhaps..... a little bit..... yes." As his hands placed hers at the top of her corset, she toyed a moment with the laces between her fingers, just resting them there as if she was contemplating if she wanted to remove them herself or let him. After thinking it over, she went about removing them herself. She would only be more nervous if he did it himself. At least this way she had a little bit of control.
He smiled letting her undo her corset his hands coming up and brushing over her arms as she worked. His lips continued to nibble at her neck and ear lightly. As she finished with her corset laces he gently turned her around in her arms his hands coming up to peel the constraining material down. He looked into her eyes for the longest time before kissing her and then stepping back reaching up to pull off his cape and his shirt. He then took her hands and led her toward the bed they would consummate their marriage in.
Her eyes were fixated on his, not allowing herself to look downward at all. When her gaze had started to stumble and fall, she shut her eyes. It was just then that he took her hand and started to guide her blindly towards the bed. Upon reaching it, finding the edge with her hand, she eased herself down to sit upon it, her hands in her lap.
He could feel how scared she was and saw her closed eyes. His hand brushed her cheek softly and he kissed her lips then her eyes. â??Will you not look on your husband, my wife?â? it hurt a little that she had her eyes closed and wasnâ??t looking him over admiring him the way she had when they started making love as the Fox. He knew her emotions were different but he still wished she would.
She flinched a little as he kissed her eyes for tenderly and sweetly. It was a bit shocking. Such an intimate action. Loving even she thought for a moment before her eyes opened to meet his. There in his eyes, she saw something. She didn't know what it was. It was like the way that the Fox had looked at her so many times. Was it..... love? For her? How was that possible. They hardly even knew her. But.... it was there. She could see it. "How do feeling about me?" she asked suddenly.
Nathan froze for a moment as she asked that question. He realized in that instant that he had been being far too loving for a normal arranged marriage. There was only one thing to do, be honest, mostly. He sighed softly and knelt in front of her not caring that he was naked. â??Terra, over these past few days I have seen a woman that I can respect and care for my whole life. Do I love you? No I havenâ??t known you long enough to, but it has always been my dream to love the woman I marry. And I can easily see myself falling in love with you. I just donâ??t want to have anything to look back on in our marriage, when I have fallen in love with you, which I regret.â?
She could not help but stare at him, totally and completely perplexed. It was so strange, but he seemed to put exactly what she had been feeling and thinking into words. The problem though was that it was how she felt.... before. Before the Fox took over her heart and changed all her hopes for her marriage. She sighed and struggled to find the words for what she wanted to say without hurting him in some way. That was the last thing she ever wanted to do. But how could he ever love her? He had another he loved, he had told her so from the start. The last thing she wanted for him to give up his love for this other for love of her. She could never love him for she feared giving up her love of the Fox. And there it was...... she couldn't love the duke. Not as long as she loved the Fox. And she would ALWAYS love the Fox. Dear God, how did she say that to him?

"I...." she struggled to speak before she shook her head a moment and sighed, staying silent for a moment. And then, "May we just get alone with this?" she almost whispered.
Those words coming from her lips right after he basically told her that he wanted to fall in love with her, they cut deep. Nathan stood, his body moving slowly. His tender touches to make her enjoy the night were gone, now it was just about the deed. He gently though firmly picked her up off the edge of the bed and moved her into the center, before kneeling over her. his cock was already hard and ready for the night since he had first started undoing her dress. He spread her legs slowly and soon pressed his thick cock inside her pussy.
Now, this was, in truth, what she had expected. This was what she told an arranged marriage was suppose to be like. Fulfill the obligations of the contract and nothing more. He had his life and she had hers waiting for him to call upon her. He would have his mistresses and she would.... sit and wait. She would give him children and hopefully his mistresses would not. Now it was a marriage like the ones she knew.

And she regretted it. Regretted it, but accepted it. More then she could accept risking giving up the love she held still for the Fox.

The only sound from her as he entered was a very slight intake of breath, but from the sensation of the entrance. It didn't hurt any, but it did feel a little odd. Her body had only just gotten use to the Fox when he ended it between them. What was odd was, it did not feel strange at all. She would think she'd have to get use to the new member inside her but it was like, it was already ready. Perhaps that was just how it was.
Nathanâ??s mind was blank as he thrust into Terra there was no love no passion just the need to get it over and done with. The act was all that mattered it seemed that because he had been the Fox and she had fallen in love with him as the Fox he had destroyed any chance of her loving him as the duke. It seemed all she wanted was the act to have children for him. even with the Fox begging her to love the duke she still wouldnâ??t open up to him. It really made him mad, his thrusts never got too rough but they did pick up speed so that in just a few moments it was all over. His seed filled her and he pulled out of her. Pulling out of her he turned and sat his back to the head board panting softly. â??Itâ??s done. You can go.â?
It happened in such a way and in such a short frame of time that any kind of pleasure or anything else that would make it good for her to sink in. And then, well he said it best. It was done. Feeling horrible for some reason, she very woodenly rose from the bed and went to her discarded clothing.

Putting on the shift and her under shirt, only loosely lacing it back up to keep it on her body as she would return to her room. Picking up the dress, she went walking to the door. She opened it and then.... "I'm sorry." Her voice was soft and meek, "I'm sorry that I just don't know how I feel about you and I don't know if I am every going to be able to give you what your wished for. To love your wife. I don't want you to love me, if I can't love you back." She turned to leave again but once again paused, "I think you are a wonderful man. I wish... I wish you could have married the woman that you told me you loved. You deserved that, but you got me instead. A girl that doesn't know what she can or can't give you. I'm sorry."

She left then and went straight back to her rooms, ordering a hot bath from Anya who saw to getting it and her ready for sleeping alone.
Those last words she said hurt him deeply not only because of what she had said but what he had just done. He was angry at her and at himself. â??Damn itâ?¦â? he pulled on his pants and a shirt and started pacing in his room. What did he say to her how did he make this right while still not making his lie any worse than it already was. Finally he started for her rooms only to pace outside them again. Fortunately the area he room was in was the family area so no guests would come up here unless invited.

Sighing he finally knocked on her door. He still wasnâ??t sure what he was going to say but he would start with the apology he owed her.
There was sound from within before at last the door was opened and he was greeted, not by his wife but by Anya. One look from her and things were mixed. It could be told that she was not fond of him but at the same time knew her place and respected him for his position. "Good evening, milord..." she greeted him, but did not welcome him inside.
He looked at her seeing the passive aggressiveness in her eyes. She wouldnâ??t disobey but she would not offer anything to him he would have to say everything he wanted. Well Anya, or the previous bitch of Terra would not stand in his way. He placed on hand on the door and pushed slowly. â??Let me in Anya I need to see my wife.â?
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