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The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

His fingers pressed under her gown and slipped up toward her pussy brushing over her inner thighs softly. His fingers brushed against her moist sex lightly rubbing it softly moving up to rub lightly at her clit. He moaned softly around one of her nipples and smiled up at her slightly. He didnâ??t comment on what he was thinking since right now she would probably run if he did but later he would mention how obvious it was she was enjoying this. His mouth left her breast and slowly he started to kiss down over her stomach his fingers teasing her lightly.
"Ahhh! HAaAaaHH!!" she cried out in surprise as his cool fingers robbed over her bare lips. She had not had time to re-don her undergarments between her bath and him arriving at her quarters. She barely had the time to get the night dress on, which was now bunched up around her waist. The contact of fingers touching bared skin though, it was outrageously sensual. This was a step further then she had gone before which... suddenly made her wonder. Was there more to sex then a little turn on and then the main thing?
His mouth kissed down over her flat stomach nipped softly at her perfect skin. His fingers gently pressed into her waiting and wet opening working inside her slowly his fingers working her inner walls lightly. All the moans and things that were coming out of her mouth made it clear that she was loving what he was doing to her. he knew that what was coming shortly would make it even better. His head moved down and he kissed her inner thigh softly.
Eyes flung open wide as frantic words suddenly spilled from her lips, "What are you doing?!" she asking between the growing panting of her breath. She lightly picked up her head to look down at him only to throw it back into the pillow again, overcome by a wave of sudden pleasure. Her hands twisting the bedsheets, her body lightly shivering from the sensation of his cool fingers rubbing against the burning heat of her inner walls. "Oh god Nathan.... what are you doing?!"
He smirked and his fingers pressed into her deeper and started to thrust lightly. â??Mmmm pleasuring my mistress nothing else.â? He smirked and then his mouth closed on her clit started to suck on it the way he had been on her nipples. His tongue flicked over the swollen nub of pure pleasure as his fingers thrust into her hot waiting passage working her inner walls two fingers spreading her wide for him to tease and enjoy.
Terra gave out such a cry that no one in the whole castle would ever doubt the legality of this marriage. It was most certainly being consummated. The noise was pure sex. A moan so wild and free, it was almost shameful. Something about the way he had called her mistress, why did it make her heart race and her body respond in such a way that was tantalizing and made her toes curl in delight. "Nathan!" she whimpered out his name desperately now.
His lips worked her pussy and clit hard sucking and nibbling lightly at her heated sex. His tongue worked over her clit and even down lapping at her lips lightly but mostly her clit had attention lavished on it sucking and swilring his tongue around it almost roughly. His fingers worked inside her roughly thrusting in and out rubbing up against her g-spot hard as he worked her inner walls with the skill he had gained over the years.
Her head was doing more then just spinning now. Dear lord she was soaring high! It was more like hurdling throw space not knowing which way was up and which was down. The bedsheets were all twisted in her hands as she tried to ground herself to the bed for support, but that seemed to be impossible. Something in her was telling her there was no returning to earth, not until going over the edge. But.... what was this edge her instincts told her of. And how close to it was she really?
Nathan was lost just as much as she was in the taste of her and the feel of her body just about singing under his efforts. His tongue worked around her clit and suck and nibbled at the bud of pleasure. His fingers never slowed in her tight wet pussy working to push her closer and closer to the edge. He wanted nothing more than to make her fly over that edge as fast and as hard as he could making her fly to heights of pleasure she never dreamed of.
It was rising within her. The urge to take the leap. The urge to give herself over to her husband. Part of her was still trying to resist it as her one hand continued to twist at the bedsheets while the other grasped the pillow below her head and twisted that as well. The sounds coming from her were desperate. Trying to hold on yet desperate to let go at the same time. Then... there it was. She finally could take no more and was falling. With a great cry of shock and surprise, the most intense wave of pleasure hit her body, making her writhe out of control, shivering and tossing about on the bed.
Nathan felt it coming and worked to drive her over the edge hard and fast. As she climaxed he moved up slipping his arms around her holding her gently so she didnâ??t hurt herself in the middle of her pleasure. The night could end now for him and it would have been perfect. Finally he had been able to give the woman he loved who was his beautiful wife the finishing orgasm that she deserved.
Terra was panting as it all finally ended. A few small shivers struck her in the moments right after, but they soon stopped and she was left limp and feeling almost like she was floating on the bed, her gaze fixated up towards the ceiling as her mind tried to make sense of what had just happened to her. It didn't make any sense at all. How was a feeling.... like THAT... humanly possible. Closing her eyes and just thinking about it sent another shiver through her and made her tingle alllll over.
As it ended Nathan smiled and moved up beside his wife his arms slipped around her waist and chest. â??And that my bride is how it is supposed to be between a man and his wife.â? He kissed her neck lightly snuggling her back against his chest so that they spooned together. He was ignoring the hard thickness of his cock that pressed against her hips as he held her. it didnâ??t matter to him, right now all that mattered was the pleasure he had just given his wifeâ?¦his love.
She was speechless. Absolutely and utterly without word. She just.... didn't know what to say and so she lay there, totally in a bliss filled shock. Never in a million years had she thought it could be like that. Not even when she had been with the Fox had she imagined it to be so..... thrilling! "Mmmm," seemed to the only way she could bring what she was feeling to the surface before she sighed and ended up just snuggling back into his grasp.
He smiled and nuzzled in close to her enjoying just being there with her. now that his mind had finished what it had set out to do in giving her pleasure, it started to make it clear that he was needing release also. He growled gently against her ear nipping at it gently as his hands slipped up and cupped her breasts. His lips at the same time started to nibble at her neck and move slowly around toward her throat even though she was laying with her back to him.
She gasped ever so slightly as just a few nips and kisses ignited the fire with her once again. It was amazing! How could, after experiencing such overwhelming, intense THING... could she want it all over again so quickly? Perhaps that was the answer to it actually. Knowing now what it was she had been missing, only made her want it all the more. She closed her eyes and groaned lightly, showing him her enjoyment of his actions as she tilted her neck a little.
He smiled and kept nibbling at her neck his hands rubbing her breasts lightly. His thick cock pressed against her ass lightly as he held her closer to him. â??Mmmm well well if I didnâ??t know better I would think my wife enjoys this.â? He smirked and gently rolled her onto her back kneeling over her kissing her lips deeply his hands moving up again to cup and rub at her breasts and nipples. â??Mmmm you know that it can be even better in the middle of sex my dear?â?
Her breath caught for a moment before she whispered out, almost shyly, "It.... can?" she asked in hesitation. "Are you..." she seemed doubtful as she cut herself of with a soft moan and rubbed her body back against his. "How is that humanly possible?" She shook her head gently. No, it was impossible.
He smirked and kneeled over her gently pinning her down to the bed. â??Let me show you my bride.â? His mouth closed over her nipple again sucking at it lightly and growling into it. his hands rubbed her breasts lightly just working to get her wet enough again to make it so that he could show her how good it felt during sex.
He didn't have to try much. Her body didn't require much more then the few nips and kisses he had already given her had roused her body back to the perfect point for sex. The attention he paid to her tender nipples and plump breasts once more was just like an added bonus of delight. "Mmmmmm!" she moaned, arching her back just slight enough to press her breasts into his eager mouth.
He could already feel how ready she was through his pants. Growling softly into her nipple he leaned back and slipped off the bed pulling his pants off letting his cock out. Slowly he kneeled between her legs naked again as they had been earlier this night. He smiled kissing his wife his hands rubbing up her thighs and then to her breasts. â??Are you ready my dear Terra?â?
She did not watch him remove his pants, but could tell when he came back to lay between her legs, his cock was resting against her skin. It was large. It was hard, hot, and throbbing. And her body wanted it. Damn her wicked, wanton body. Swallowing slightly, she nipped her lip and nodded in reply. But then she opened her mouth, and stuttered slightly, "Will... will it be.... different this time?" she asked, recalling how unsatisfying the first time had been earlier in the evening.
He couldnâ??t help but chuckle kissing her softly. â??Yes my bride this time it will be different, I will make sure of it.â? slowly he started to press his long thick cock deep inside her tight wet waiting hole. He kissed her deeply and started to kiss down her neck as he sunk in as deep as he could. Slowly he started to pull back and thrusting into her again and again. His lips moved slowly over her skin, â??is it different?â?
The only reply he got from her was a deep moan and the rapid nodding of her head as her hands reached to grasp onto this shoulders. Her eyes were closed as she pressed her head back into the pillow. A look of pure intense pleasure filling her face as her lips hung parted with more sounds of pleasure spilling from them. Oh yes, it was different alright. Like when he had stuck his tongue and fingers into her times 10! He cock was able to go deeper into her then his other parts ever could. She had not realized earlier just how deep he was able to sink into her and how he filled her so well. The rock hard length of him satisfying and pleasing her immensely.
He smiled as she moaned and nodded knowing that he was having the right effect. Had she been able to say anything coherent it would worry him but with the way she was acting he knew he was doing his job right. Growling gently he took her nipple back into his mouth sucking on it lightly. At the same time thrusting slowly inside her starting to slowly build up speed on his thrust moving in and out of her.
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