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The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

He sighed and slowly stood and brushed his hand over her cheek. â??Terra, I know enough about the Fox to know that he cares for people. He wants to see the people of the land treated right, this is why I have no problem with him normally.â? He sighed and squatted down in front of her, â??And he loved you, that tells me that in your heart is a good person. Not one of these stuck up, arrogant, more worried about how their hair looks then about the fact that their people are starving nobles. I donâ??t want a wife that is perfect in the society, I want one that I am sure I can count on when I have to leave on business, one that will help me make the right choices for our people.â? He smiled his hands taking her, â??And donâ??t worry no one but me will know that you came to my bed deflowered, and you know I donâ??t care about that.â?
She looked at him, slightly puzzled, "How would you know anything about the Fox and I? I said I loved him, I never said he loved me in return. I mean, I think he did but...." she gave a frustrated sound and pulled her hands from his. Standing she crossed away from him and went to the window, looking out it, unable to face him. "We have different opinions on what is best for the title we now both hold. You see it as if you don't need to have allies in society for your land and people to survive and I have known nothing other then having strong allies is the only way. Perhaps we just.... need to do things each in our own way." She turned then to face him, "And people already know. You don't need to be a genius to guess it. If I had not given myself to him, I would have been taken by force in everyone's minds. The scene that was made at the party a few nights ago was proof enough. Even if I have been, no one would believe it one way of the other. If you have a higher standing in social circles, your word would be enough, but since you have no allies to stand by your side......" she shook her head, "It matters more then you say and think Nathan. May I be excused? I wish to return to my rooms."
He just watched her knowing that he had given a little too much information away. However even as she brought all that up he thought of explanations for how he could guess what was going through the Foxâ??s mind. â??I know the Foxâ??s reputation with the people, not with the nobles. That is how I can guess so much of what I do.â? He stood and walked to the bed room coming back a moment later with a robe that he has brought to his room yesterday in case she needed it. he held it out to her nodding and getting the door for her. â??you may go if you wish your grace, but there are two things that I should mention to you first. One, allies among the nobility only last as long as the nobility lasts, allies among the people are there forever. And two, I know how important your honor is and I respect your sacrifice that you are making.â? He bowed slightly still holding the door for her.
Terra took the robe from him, but only because it would really be bad for her to be seen in only her night dress and the walk to her room was far enough that she would likely be seen. She looked at him as he said his last two bits of peace with her before she, just shook her head, "Thank you," was all she said as she walked past him and out the door. She basically raced back to her rooms and shut herself up inside once there.
He closed the door right behind her dropping the bar down so that no one could come in. â??But I donâ??t accept it.â? Walking back into his bed room he turned up the lights so that he could see clearly. He had been one of the first ones on the scene after a servant of the house had been raped a year ago, he knew just how much blood there should be. Pulling out a knife from his boot he placed the sharp blade against his skin and slowly drew it across the palm. Squeezing out just enough blood he quickly wrapped his hand and pulled on his gloves to hide the wrapping. As he came back out of his bed room he found Arnold there in his sitting room. Only Arnold could have gotten in with the locked door. â??Arnold see that one of the most well known maids for gossip comes to clean my bed, I want everyone in the castle to know that the wedding sheets were stained with blood.â?

Arnold bowed his head slightly, â??Very good sir and shall I ask your physician to come see to your hand?â?

â??Yes but also see that the proper soothing herbs are sent to the duchess, no one but you and I are to know the truth about her virginity understood?â?

Arnold nodded, â??I will make sure with the Duchess that her maid can be trusted with the secret.â? He bowed and left Nathan to his own thoughts.
Terra soaked in the tub, eyes closed as she just indulged in the soothing warmth of it. Anya had made sure it was there waiting for her filled with fragrant oils and nice hot water. She just wanted to soak for a long long while and hope that some of her troubles would maybe, just maybe wash away.

As Arnold delivered the drink that Nathan had requested be sent to Terra, Anya took it at the door from him. He didn't even get the chance to see Terra to speak with her and Anya would not give him the time to speak him. "You grace, something soothing for you to drink. Arnold delivered it for you." And Terra knew that mean it had to have come from Nathan in some way. She sighed, shaking her head. She didn't understand why he constantly was looking out for her so much. It was going to take getting use to. She only hoped she could in time.

The drink did just what it was suppose to, soothing her and relaxing her. Something she needed very, VERY much. Propped up against the edge of her tub, she drifted into a nap and only awoke a while later when the water had started to chill. Only then did Anya come and help her to dry with the soft, plush towels and dress for the day. Only then did she realize that...... she had no idea what her days were meant to be like now. "Anya, will you please deliver a message to Arnold for me? Have him ask his grace what I am do to for him today." She didn't think anything of using two servants in the middle to communicate with her husband. It was a habit she didn't even realize she would have to break. It was how she and her family had spoken for many years.

And that was exactly what Anya did, going to Arnold, who in turn when to Nathan.
Nathan had been expecting this question and was already for it. Arnold found him already in the court, and knew the answer right off. He returned and informed Anya that the Duke would like her to join him in the main court room. There was a seat set up for her and ready on the same level as he was. No longer would he put up with the societyâ??s concept that women were lower than men, she was his wife now and he would have her sit beside him.

For the next two days he would want her to come and observe the court and meetings that most husbands informed their wives were none of their business. He would have welcomed any input that she might have given but none was forth coming. He had plans to continue this but on the second night things changed.

A message arrived from Jacob telling him he had to get back there now. He had no choice before first light he was out of the secret passage and riding through the woods once again as the Fox.

Arnold had special instructions for Terra that morning as he waited outside her chambers for her to waken.
Terra was starting to get into the routine of things, even if it was not what she expected her duties in her husband's home would be. It felt odd being up there in front of the court sitting beside him. The all looked at her like she was some kind of out of place object. It was part of the reason she kept so quiet. In truth, she had many ideas for his land, but dare not speak them out. Maybe someday. A big maybe.

As she finished fixing her hair for the day, Anya came to greet her and inform her, "Your grace, Arnold wishes to speak with you."

"Show him into the front room Anya. I shall greet him momentarily." True to her word, she came to meet him in her sitting room, accepting the bow he showed her in respect and she graced him with a light smile, "You wished to speak with me Arnold?"
Arnold held out a letter to her bowing deeply. â??Your husband regrets he can not give this to you in person, your grace.â? The letter held a message from Nathan.

â??My dear Terra, forgive me for placing this in your lap so quickly, and suddenly. In the middle of the night I was called away on urgent business for the kingdom. I knew that this would happen eventually but I wished it had not been so soon. You have been coming to court and advisory meetings with me to learn my will and for the people to recognize you as my wife, the duchess. Until I return you speak for me in all matters and even after I return only I sitting on the court throne will be able to overrule your judgment.

Arnold knows my wishes for this, he will back you up and, if need be, the guards will back him up. The common people are good people and will except you if you reach out to them. Just ignore the nobles, know that you have my full authority as my wife.

Your husband

Terra reached with her hand not holding the not for the arm of the chair an guided herself to sit, her face paled. Anya came to her side to assist her if needed, "Your grace.... what's wrong?"

"He.... the duke... he wishes me to..." she looked to Arnold, "Is he mad? I have been his wife for less then a week and he intends for me to take his place until he returns? Doesn't he have others do that for him? Who took his place when he was away in the past? I.... I can't do this. What is I do something wrong?" She shook he head a little, "I don't know what he wants for this land, even if he seems to think I do." She looked to Arnold for some kind of guidance. Looked to him for help for she was petrified.
Arnold could clearly see that Terra was scared as she read the note. He came forward kneeling in front of her, it was shocking that at his age he was able to do that with such ease. â??Your grace, there has been no one that the duke trusts to rule for him while he is gone on his errands for the kingdom. Anything of basic need I handle and will continue to handle for your grace, but the nobles will not accept me as the dukeâ??s proxy. In their minds it needs to be someone of noble blood. I can advise you but the duke has always had the ability to see people for their potential, and he sees you able to do this.â?
She continued to shake her head, "Then the duke is truly blind! They will never accept a woman at the duke's proxy! One meeting with me and no one will come to any others. It's a ridiculous idea!" Her hands where shaking as she held the note in her hands. "I could face the people maybe, I can't face the nobles."
â??The nobles are the ones that you have to face. And if they will not come to the meetings then they will face the duke when he returns. They know better than to defy the will of the duke like that, any that do pay them no mind as his note says, they are merely doing that to get what they want.â? Arnold thought for a moment than smiled. â??Think of the nobles as a bunch of whining children all making demands and throwing temper-tantrums, there is not much difference. Besides your grace the next meeting with the nobles is four weeks from now, I am sure that his grace will do his best to be back before then. As for open court with the people, all the issues that I can handle I already do and you have seen how many still come before the Duke.â?
She had to take a few breathes to calm herself and let what Arnold was telling her sink in. After a few minutes the color returned to her face and she sighed, "I think I'm alright now. It was... it was just a shock I suppose." How could he trust her this much already? It was a huge responsibility and god forbid that she need to actually use these powers he had granted her.

And sure enough, she was needed to put at least some of that power to use that very day. Rats had somehow over night infested one of the food storage rooms. It took half the day and all the cats they could find to get the problem under control but it left their food levels low. It was left in Terra's hands to decide. Do they harvest earlier then they anticipated or ration out their food? The first day on her own and her people already looked to her.... oh dear...

Meanwhile, the Fox received a warm welcome from his people as he arrived at the camp. It had been a long time since he had been there, since the very night everything went wrong. He was well missed by all. The prince was there still, watching and smiling. He had been just dying to know what had happened between Nathan and the true Terra....
Nathan had missed his people but even being among them again brought little joy. Things just were not the same without Anyaâ?¦no Terra there. He sighed and walked over to the prince glaring a little. He motioned to his hut, and went in the prince following. â??You knew didnâ??t you?â?

The prince couldnâ??t help but chuckle a little. â??When did you find out?â?

Nathan sighed softly sitting on the bed, â??Just after deflowering her as the Fox, and I mean just after.â?

The princeâ??s face twisted in a grimace for a moment, â??Ewwâ?¦bad timing. Has everything worked out alright?â?

Nathan went on to tell the prince where things stood and the prince just shook his head sighing before he turned to leave. â??I wouldnâ??t worry Nathan, she loves who you are, she just has to come to grips with loving both parts of you.â?

Nathan sighed sitting on the bed as the prince left. he just happened to glance over at his desk and saw a note there with his name on it. however it was the way it was written that caught his eyeâ?¦it was Terraâ??s hand writing. He reached over and laid back opening the note to read it laying down.
As he opened the note... indeed it was clearly from Terra, even though she did not sign her name at the bottom of it...

My dear Fox,
I am sorry. I cannot tell you enough how sorry I am for what has happened between us. Do not get the wrong idea. I will never regret our time together. I will never say that I am sorry for falling in love with you. I will never say I am sorry for sleeping with you and letting you be my first. What I am sorry for is that I lied to you. I never should have. It was foolish. I should have come clean with you once things started to progress between us.

I have hurt you, but I do not expect forgiveness for what I have done. If you offered it I would not accept. I hate myself for lying to the man I love. You deserve so much. So much more then a liar like me. I hope that you find someone who can love you and let you love who they truly are in return. I do not deserve that. I do not expect to ever find that.

I go to a man whom I have already forsaken. I do not anticipate he will be happy when he finds me in my current state. But I will not lie. Not this time and never about you. I will never let anyone think it was anything less then my own choice to lay with you. I am sorry to him as well for I have betrayed him before ever even knowing him. I have betrayed the man I love and the man I have once hoped I could love, but I don't think I ever can. Not as long as I love you. No never as I love you.

I accept the punishments I am sure to face now. Let them all call me whore. Let them call me ruined. Maybe they will be right. You are a good man and I will never let anyone say otherwise of you. To fight for your name and the great cause you stand for is the least I can do, even in such a small way, after all the pain I have caused you.

Good bye Fox. I wish that you may you find happiness and success in your fight. May you find love again in someone more deserving of you then me.
Nathan couldnâ??t stop the tears from coming to his eyes as he read the letter. After he finished he rolled onto his side and buried his face into the pillow and was shocked that her scent was still on it. no one else had used the bed since they had on the night that he took her virginity. Smelling her scent and having just read that letter sent him into deep heartfelt sobs.

After about twenty minutes he slowly slipped out of the bed his tears having dried. His face was set in hard stony look. There had been too much lying that had tainted their love, it was time that it all stopped. He came out of his room like a man on a mission. it just so happened that Jacob and the prince were coming to see him right then.
Jacob turned as Nathan rushed passed him the prince also, â??I say Fox where are you going?â?

â??To tell her everything.â?

â??WHAT!?â? both the prince and Jacob couldnâ??t hold it back as the just stared at him as he headed for the stable. Both of them shook themselves out of the shock and rushed to grab him from mounting up.

â??Now just wait a second.â? Jacob said pulling him down from being half way up onto his stallion.

â??Yes indeed what are you thinking?â? the prince agreed.

â??I am thinking that there has been too much lying going on in our relationship and its time that she learn the truth! Now get out of my way and let me go see my wife.â? He once again tried to mount, and the prince and Jacob stopped him.

â??Now my dear fox I understand how must be feeling right now but see here. if you tell her now what will it do? Hmm? It will make her be in danger thatâ??s what. Once she knows who you are she is in danger your enemies will do anything to find out who you are, and that she is your wife will make it more likely to hurt her.â? Jacob was nodding in agreement with the prince.

Nathan sighed and finally stopped trying to get up on his horse and just leaned his head against it. â??So what do I do? If she ever finds out that I misled her like this she will never forgive me. It would be better just to tell her now and get it over with, she might be more forgiving if I tell her myself.â?
The two men looked to one another, trying to find some kind of solution for their friend. Jacob came up to him and put his hand on his back, trying to lead him away, "There is no easy answer my friend. If you tell her now, she'll be hurt. If you tell her later, she will be hurt. There is no way around it. But either way, if she truly loves you she will forgive you."

The prince then cut in, "But she can't forgive you if she's dead." He said bluntly. "It is a dark time now my friend and you are fighting a dark battle. Many want you dead. The less that know the better. If you tell her and if she is captured, tortured and killed because she knew, would you be able to live with yourself? And you are needed, more then you know."

"This is a hard time friend, but it will pass in time. And who knows, by then, perhaps she will love you for who you are truly. Her husband. Come, let's all go sit and you tell us how things have been. The wedding must have been nice. Perhaps we can help you."

"Yes," the prince said with a smile, "I have a way of knowing how to win a ladies heart and I will gladly share my tricks with you."
Nathan sighed and let his two best friends slowly lead him from the path he had set out on. he hoped they were right, and knew they only wanted what was best for him and for Terra. he spent the rest of the day telling them about the wedding and enjoying their company. Finally toward the end of the day as the sun was setting they told him why they had needed him to come out so quickly. It would seem that somehow the prince was starting to find their smaller military camps on the edges of the forest. They needed his knowledge to replace them. It looked like he had a lot of work ahead of him.
He was away for a week but alot happened in that time. With the food in the one invested room cut basically in half and then most of the rest of it tainted so it could not be eaten, the choice was left to Terra. Start the harvest now even through it was not planned for another month yet, or try and make it throw on what they had?

In the end, she figured that it would hurt their land as a whole to start the harvest now for this little set back would not hurt those with their own stocks of food. The farmers and such living on the land. It only effected those in the castle walls. Her decision was strict rationing for everyone. It shocked everyone. Not her choice, but that she made the strictest rationing on herself. She only took two small meals a day and only one of them had any kind of meat in it. The rest of her normal rations went to the people. It did not effect the average workers much at all.

The this plan ran into trouble when Baron Wistlee paid an unanticipated visit. Upon finding the duke was not at home and they did not know when, he declared he would only stay the night. But when dinner rolled around and the rationed portion was placed before him, the man didn't seem to understand why HE should be denied a large, proper meal. So to make him happy, Terra had no choice but fake a stomach ache and give up her own meal for the night to him. Her stomach ached alright, but only because it was empty.

As she went to sleep that night, she never anticipated waking to eat breakfast so much in her life.

That was when a second, possibly even greater problem came about. She was awoken early and had to meet with a band of sheep farmers. A wolf had gotten into their barn the night before and slaughter 2 dozen of their herd. Their coats had not matured enough yet to be salvageable to sheer and make wool for the coming winter AND they would not be able then to afford to buy enough food for their family for the same winter. Another misfortune, but perhaps at least a small blessing.

"We have recently had a food shortage here in our castle. Return home and bring to use whatever meat from the sheep you can salvage and we shall buy it from you. That way you will be able to still buy food for your family and help with our current food problem."

Pleased by their lady's ruling they went home and did just that. In the mean time, she expressed her total and utter frustration with Arnold. "Is it always like this Arnold? One problem after another?"
Arnold has just brought her something to drink for the mid-day recess from the court. â??Lately it seems to be, it almost is like the gods are frowning on our lands. everything seems to be coming at us at once your grace. First the horses all escaping, then the fires, and now the food shortage and the sheepâ?¦I fear if something should happen to the fields, we wouldnâ??t be able to recover if something happened to them.â?
She sipped her drink, a though full look to her face. And then she shook her head, "No.... it all seems to strange to be a coincidence. Arnold, if I gave you orders to do something, would you have to tell my husband of it? Even if I asked you not to?"

Arnold looked a little worried, "As long as it was for his grace's good I would not have to tell him your grace."

"I think it is. I just don't want him to worry of this. Especially if it's nothing. But... just in case... I would like more sentential posted along the fields. Especially during the times of the day when no one is working in them. Overnight especially. Just some extra patrols. Just for a little while until the harvest is over."

"Ah, as you wish your grace it shall be done," Arnold told her with a bow.

"Thank you Arnold," she said as she started to head off towards her rooms, but then paused and turned, "Oh and Arnold. When the farmers return with the meat, please see that they are paid accordingly. And give them my morning rations that I missed this morning. They will me worn out from all the going back and forth." Not remaining to hear and protests over how this would have been two meals she had missed, she turned again and retired to her rooms. Her stomach growled, but she just told it to hush. She wouldn't need to skip another meal, not if they would have some more food again from the sheep's meat.
Arnold sighed and shook his head slowly as he turned back to see to the duchessâ?? commands. â??That girl is perfect for Nathan, if only the two of them would just realize it.â?

Nathan arrived back that night. He took time to change into clothes that he had Arnold prepare for him so that he could ride in looking travel weary. He finally rode up to the castle and was let in. the guards at the gates has set runners ahead to the castle so that they would know the duke had returned. None of them noticed that this was the first time they had seen him return from one of his trips.

Arnold informed Terra and then went down to meet his master at the front door.
Terra had been already in the middle of preparing herself for a private dinner once more. Looking casual. But when the message was delivered to her that her husband was drawing near, she knew he couldn't see her in her current state. She summoned Anya who helped her to get all done up like a Duchess should look for her husband in a pretty gown. Her empty stomach was not too fond of the tight corset that Terra threw on. It was empty, and no she wanted to tighten it to boot?! She just needed to get through another hour or so. But did she tell him about what happened? When he saw the small portions placed before him, he'd know something was up. "Anya, go to the cook. Have him put a part of my rations on my husband's plate for dinner."

Anya only looked at her in shock, "Your grace you can't keep giving your own food away to others. You have not eaten in over 24 hours now. It's not healthy."

"It's not like I am not going to eat at all. Just, make sure his plate is full enough that he does not question why. I will informing him of the situation later on just, let him have tonight before he becomes burdened with the problem." As the loyal servant that she was to her mistress, Anya did as she was told.

Going down, she did not stand to greet her husband along side Arnold, but was close at hand to greet him. She wanted to show she was a devoted wife and naturally had to be there to greet him upon his return. As she stood there though, she could not help but feel a bit unsteady on her feet. Slightly dizzy.
Nathan greeted Arnold and was a little disappointed that Terra wasnâ??t right beside him. he knew that she was used to doing things a certain way but he had hoped that she would have realized he wasnâ??t one to like that way. He walked up the steps to her and took her hand, kissing the back of it lightly. â??Hello my wife, how have things been since I was gone?â? He would normally be asking Arnold but he wanted to get her and himself into the habit of talking about anything.
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