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The Sword and The Rose. ((Kolath x Butterfly))

She graced him with a slight yet still proper smile as she placed her hand in his. "Things are well husband. We do have some things to speak of, but that can wait. Dinner awaits us. I am sure that you must be famished from your travels..." she trailed off a bit as she waited for him to offer his arm. And when he did, she accepted it with her own and together the walked towards the dining quarters. "Though... I do not know where it is you have traveled home from. You're letter did not say."

She had wondered where he could have been since... well no one seemed to know the answer when she asked. The conversation was just meant to be light and pleasant. Something to kill time.... and to keep her mind off of how it spun more and more with each and every step.
He took her arm and started for the dining room. He nodded listening to her information, it worried him a little that there was something they needed to talk about but since she passed it off till later he guessed it wouldnâ??t be such a big deal. He hadnâ??t thought about a cover story for where he had gone for all this time, quickly he worked something up, â??I was called to the border post in the Anware pass, there was some trouble with a Heirogen merchant and it took a lot of careful diplomacy to work out.â? With his duchy being right on the border it was something that had happen several times in the past and so it would make a good cover story for now.
"Hmmm, I... see..." she said. But she didn't see. In more ways then one. Something like that, while important, she could not see taking a whole weeks worth of time for the duke. A few days at the most. And she couldn't see cus things were getting a little blurry. Her stubbornness to see to the needs of others before her own was swiftly catching up to her, but she tried to whole on to her grip on reality as best she could until she could not hold it anymore and with a groan, stumbled. The room really was spinning now as she started to tumble down.
As she stumbled, Nathan with his honed reflexes was there in a instant holding her up slipping his arms around her. â??Terra what is wrong?â? he looked into her face his hand touching her forehead, having learned a little of medicine he could tell she wasnâ??t sick because of the lack of heat. Something wasnâ??t right though. â??Arnold send the dinner to her graceâ??s chambers I will take her there now.â? He gently picked her up like a bride and took her quickly to her rooms not even bothering to knock before he laid her down on the sofa in there.
She only groaned as he laid her down on the sofa, her head resting back against the pillow. She was conscious enough, but still had her eyes closed as she spoke finally, "Forgive me... I just.... I suffered a slight spell...."

They were soon joined by Anya who brought with her a basin of cool water and a cloth. The maid went and sat along the sofa with her mistress, dabbing her head while Arnold cleared his throat in the doorway to signal Nathan to join him in the hall.

When he at last joined him in the hall, Arnold spoke with him in a hushed voice. "Your wife is to much like you for her own good. Right after you left, there was a food shortage due to a rat problem. She put everyone on strict rationing. And because of events recently... she has not eaten in well over a day now. She's a little thing, but with how much she's been running around and taken care of... she needs to eat."
Nathan sighed and smiled a little at what Arnold told him. â??I was hoping something of the girl I knew in the forest would come out.â? Nathan whispered so that no one but Arnold would hear. â??I wondered if it had to do something with food since she doesnâ??t have a feaver, this is why I told you to have the dinner brought here.â?

Arnold nodded, â??Yes sir and here it is.â? As if on cue several servants walked into the duchessâ?? chambers with the food that was to be served in the dining hall.

Nathan dismissed Arnold and stepped back into her rooms as the servants had brought both dinners. He sighed and looking at the platter with the much larger portion he narrowed his eyes a little. â??Please take this extra food on this portion and equal it out with that of her grace, she needs it more than I do.â?

The servants were used to his ways and smiled a little evening out the portions between the two of them.
Anya watched without saying a word. She just kept dabbing at Terra's forehead. Watching as he had them even the potions out, she could not help but smile a little. Another man would not care so much for his wife in an arranged marriage, but he was so... different. After the servants left, Anya rose and crossed to him, handing him the cloth, "I think that she is in well enough hands without me..." she gave him a bow and departed, leaving the couple alone again.

The smell of the food roused Terra enough to open her eyes and turn her head towards the smell as the food. When she noticed however the even portions, she turned her head towards him and one look she could tell, "Arnold already told you.... didn't he?" She sighed, "I so wanted to spare you at least one night of worry..."
Nathan nodded in answer to her question. He smiled and slowly started to cut some of the mutton from the bone. â??My dear wife, I wish to know what is going on in my lands. Donâ??t try and protect me from anything.â? He smiled and after cleaning his fingers on the provided towel he reached over brushing a strand of hair back from her face. â??I do appreciate the thought though.â? He continued to slowly eat taking a drink of wine he asked, â??So why is it that you havenâ??t eaten in almost a day? I understand the need for rationing but you need to eat yourself so that you can continue to govern well.â?
Terra's mouth watered as she moved to sit up. It seemed a little strange to her to be eating like this, with the low table between them as they sat on opposite sofa. She glanced towards the more formal table but he was already eating so she sort of awkwardly attempted to pick and pluck at her food. Even though she was clearly starving, she still maintained her usual eating etiquette. Her back straight, small dainty bites. "One of your the barons on your land came to pay you a visit only to discover you were away last evening. He spent the night and I gave up my dinner to keep him happy. He didn't understand why he should be subject to the rationing when he was a guest in the house. And then this morning..." she trailed off a bit, "One of your sheep farmer's arrived with a problem and I gave him and his sons my rations since I thought they would be famished from their travels..." she kept her eyes down as if she had done something wrong.
Nathan closed his eyes as he heard about the Baron, there was no need for that his barons should have known better, but some had started to learn the ways of the other nobles of the land. â??Itâ??s alright my dear. I would have done the same thing with the farmer and his sons. But with the baron he should know better. I will speak to him next time I see him which of the barons was it?â?
She shook her head lightly, "It does not matter," she first started to brush the matter off but one look at her husband as she looked up a moment and she could tell that she had to answer him, "Baron Wistlee. BUT he only was only expecting what one should as a guest within a duke's home," she added seeming to defend the Baron. Or was she more defending her decision to give the baron his way so very easily.
His eyes narrowed, â??Most nobles of this land grow fat and lazy while their people starve around them. I do not allow what they expect of me to change the way I think.â? He sighed and rubbed his temples lightly, â??Iâ??m sorry you are right, there are certain things that people expect and we have to be careful when denying it to them. If it had been me they would have just put it down to the way that I am, but you are still someone they arenâ??t sure about.â? he sighed and smiled at her. â??Thank you for doing so much for my land while I was away. Without you I donâ??t know what would have happened.â?
She just smiled slightly, "I tried your grace, I mean Nathan." She flinched a little bit as she forgot once more how he had asked her to address him. "Forgive me it's just.... it will take some getting use to calling you by your first name.... Nathan." She kept her face still lowered a bit as she basically picked at her food still.
He stood up and walked over kneeling next to her his hand resting on her cheek. â??Terra, listen to me. I know that I am asking you to change the way you think about many things. Donâ??t worry about it you will get used to it. I shouldnâ??t have dropped so many things on you at once the way I did.â? he smiled and brushed his hand over her cheek. â??You are weak my dear maybe I should let you eat in peace?â?
She couldn't help but feel some kind of small spark between them in this moment. A strange spark. Like.... it had never been there before and yet had ALWAYS been there. Her body has a strange yearning for him. And he had only just given her a few nice words and touched her cheek. Her reply was in a soft whisper, "You.... you can stay...... if you like...."
He smiled and brushed his hand over her hair lightly leaning down and kissing her forehead. â??I will stay than because I greatly miss your company and want to indulge in more of it.â? he looked over to the table that was meant for eating at and motioned too it. â??Would you feel better over at the table my wife?â?
Her voice seemed to fail her and she could only nod a little bit in a reply of yes to his suggestion. "It would be easier to.... to cut my food. Yes, it would be a good idea." She moved to sit up and put her feet upon the floor, reaching for her plate to take it with her to the dining table.
He smiled and picked her up carrying her over to her table than went going back to get the platter of food and the drinks as well as his own plate. â??I understand. I know that Iâ??m a little unorthodox.â? He set the food down and poured her some of the spiced wine and started to eat with her showing the most impeccable table manners that even her mother would have been impressed at.

The dinner was passed through with little more conversation as he watched her eat. She was so beautiful in everything she did and he couldnâ??t help but feel a more and more in love with her all the time. Having her in his arms before was a little too much for him. he wanted her badly and since they were married he planned on taking her to bed again tonight as long as she was feeling up to it.
Even though they were only speaking a little, she could feel the heat between them. She could not help but notice how he watched every move that she made. And she could not help but watch every slow deliberate and.... someone sensual move he made. Perhaps it was all in her treacherous head of hers but she could just feel how he wanted her. And as she finished up, she couldn't help but notice her heart was beating quite fast.
Slowly Nathan stood up and walked over to her side of the table. He gently pulled her chair out and bent down picking her up again. He carried her bridal style into her bed room before slowly kneeling on the large bed and laying her down leaning over her. he pressed his lips to hers softly as his hands brushed over her arms and up to her cheeks. â??Terra, may I spend the night in your bed with you tonight?â? his words were innocent but his eyes held the truth of his question and what he was really asking.
She watching him as he rose and seemed to just... know. Know that he was coming for her and that she was destined to submit to him. As much as she still felt a stranger to her husband, there was no denying how attracted she was to him. Her heart hated her traitor of a body as she melted into his lips. She could only nod a yes in reply to him when he asked to spend the night with her. Even if she didn't want him to spend the night, she would not deny him. It was a husband's rights after all. Lucky for her though was that she wanted it as well.


As the sun rose the next morning it found the couple still sleeping in her bed. Both of them still quite naked. Terra was in such a deep sleep. It was strange to her really. She had not slept this well since... well since the last night she had slept beside Nathan. And before that, odd... it had not been since she slept in the Fox's arms. All this was, of course, not yet realized fully by her. Perhaps when she woke, it would be a bit more clear. Until then though she snuggled into her pillow and sighed through her sleep.
Nathan had made sure that Terra was well worn out from last night and smiled as he woke to find her still asleep. He pressed softly closer to her kissing her neck and holding her beautiful naked body against his. Even though he was the duke right now there was nothing he could do about being in love with the girl he slept next to right now. He nuzzled in more kissing her neck making sure they were both fully covered as he held her close. It was a good thing to because just a moment later Anya walked into the room not expecting him to be there.
Her body just seemed to know what her eyes and head could not see for it responded to him just as she would when she slept in his arms as the Fox. Nuzzling against him and a simple soft smile crossed her lips a moment.

Anya was flabbergasted to find the pair like this. From what she knew of their marriage thus far, him spending the night in HER best was the least likely thing any average servant would expect. One look at them and Anya quickly retreated closing the door a bit loudly and disturbing Terra's slumber. Slowly she came to. A few moments later she realized exactly what was going on around her and instantly she tensed in his arms. She was back to that Terra that he needed to break still from her shell. "Good.... good morning..." she whispered.
He smirked at Anyaâ??s reaction and continued ot hold Terra till she was fully awake and tense in his arms. He sighed and gently leaned over kissing her lips softly. â??Good morning my wife.â? He then let her go slipping to the other side of the bed to find his clothes. He knew she probably didnâ??t want him to stay any longer, or at least her mind didnâ??t. â??Thank you for last night my dear, I hope you enjoyed it as much as you seemed too.â? He couldnâ??t help but smirk a little as he pulled his pants and shirt on.
As he moved again, she did the same. Pulling the blankets about her body as she sat up on her side of the bed. Her eyes trailed towards him a moment getting a glance at him from behind before he pulled his pants on and she instantly turned her face away as she replied, "Thank you..." was her only reply. Not confirming or denying the pleasure she had received before adding, "Were you satisfied?" It was so strict and formal and in truth she regretted saying it the moment the words left her lips.
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