The devil Within Rp (active to join)

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Germain laughed like a madman. "Not unless I break your good arm." He knocked the guard over and fliped his arm over so his wrist was touching the shoulder blade while the other arm was wrapped around the guards neck. Germain began pulling on the arm. "Don't forget. I'm a gangster. I know how to break bones" he whispered pulling on the arm some more.
The woman stop laughing as everything went quiet guards started to come over she walked over to him and bent down grabbing his neck and pinching his nerve in his neck "Don't take this too far, you have made your point. The last thing you would want is to have the guard torment you while testing. They aren't going to kill you but they can make this worst then it needs to be, just slowly get off of him." she whispered in his ear. Adande saw what was going on but let it go, he had a day free so he was going to make the third day very painful.
Kara sat in her cornor rocking back and forth and saying "they all must die they all must die " over and over again. she felt like she was losing it becoming insane so what she welcomed it or maybe it was a way to keep her sane she had no idea of knowing.
Adande sent Adam to check up on Kara but when adam went in there he saw her rocking back and forth "Kara? are you okay?"slowly walked up to her and still was ready to pull out his gun if she would go and attack him not hearing what she was saying.
Kara stopped at the sound of foot steps not wanting anyone to know her plans. she looked up and said "iam fine like you care anyway you just want a toy to play with".
Germain groaned and let go of him reluncantly. "You got lucky bastard just a bit more and I could have snapped both your arm and neck" he got up from the spot and walked away after slamming the guard's face on the ground.
"Kara, we just here make sure he doesn't go and fuck anything up. Plus he wanted me to see if you were okay you haven't come out of the room, this is you day to relax." he slowly got closer "if you want we could even give you a warm bath this time."

the woman smiled "I like you Germain, it's too bad that I had to meet you here." she then started to walk away.
Kara knew she needed a bath bad sense the guards had peed on her the other day. she stood up and said "alright a bath then sense this is my day off maybe i should get to boss the guards around ". she shook her head laughing and said "never mind still a bit angry perhaps that bath would help me to relax".
Adam nods "Alright, and no one with mess with you today not even Adande. Come and follow me," He said walking out and taking her under the prison and the Public bath where the guards took showers and got clean. He showed he the big bathtub and started to run the water. "You really shouldn't be down, but here. I'll be outside if you need anything just let me know." he walked out

She walked over to Adande and they talked about how things where going and if anything was out of place he just smiled and said "You should know that I can adapted plans but so far everything is going well."
She nodded her head and followed the gaurd to the bath area and watched him fix up the bath for her. she watched him leave then after putting some bubbles in it she stripped down the prison cloths and kicked them aside and they kinda smelled too sense they was on her stinking body. She got in the bath and hollered out "hey can you get me some clean prison cloths brought down but make sure they toss them in i want no one to see me";. she hoped he would do as asked if not she would put the prison cloths she had back on.
Adam went to get a fresh new pair of clothes and tossed them on the ground he then waited a bit before saying something "You know, I really shouldn't say this but I was once in your position."
Kara just nodded her head and closed her eyes and leaned back loving the bath then said "if you say so man but nothing right now can change my mood but this bath feels so good thanks";.
Adam sighed and stayed quiet waiting for her to finish. The rest of that day went to prepration for the next day and it was going to be a day that the guards and adande couldn't wait for.
Kara got out of the bath and said "I must hand it to you Adam even in hell you can be a gentleman". she laughed at her own comment but then she put on her cloths and walked right to him saying "so then i take it you show me to my cell now right".
Adam wanted to say something, but he couldn't get the words to come out about him being a gentlemen. He just nod and took her to her own cell. He also told germain about where his cell would be and then smiles at germain "We didn't get a chance to play today but I will have tomorrow for you."
Kara saw that her cell was next to Germain's still and so she walked in with out much of a fight. she leaned against the wall and said to adam "bye now i wish to be alone ". she just ignored the boys talking as she slummed down and closed her eyes trying to figure out her thoughts.
Kara looked up and said "wish i could kill them all right now". she then got up and laid down on her bed and said "at lest thou this all i know it was my foster father who turned me in so i know who to kill when i get out". she closed her eyes looking like she was going to sleep.
Germain woke up the next day feeling refreshed. His day off was over but it was worth hearing and seeing a guard in pain. He couldn't help but chuckle when the guard yelped in pain. "Whimp" he said to himself getting up from the bed to stretch his body.
Kara woke up not too long after Germain and seeing for the time being the guards have not come in to start their next day in hell . she got up and walked over to the side of her cell and put her fingers thou it saying "how long do you think this can go on before we crack and get to kill them all"?
Germain heard Kara and walked closer to the wall. "Knowing them. They'll probably make it a lot worse for me. To tell you the truth, I do not know, but know that even if we are cracked a miller's and hacker's instincts still linger in the heart.:
That morning Adande got everyone up at four in the morning so it was still dark outside. Bright manmade light filled the cells as guards came in dragged them out of there beds. and into a small room with a glass window on one wall and two large heavy duty steel buckets with two inches of water and chairs inside of them. Chairs had ankle straps and arm-rest with straps as well. The guards both of in the chairs and strapping them in, taking off there shoes and then waited for Adande to walk in.

Instead the woman from yesterday walked in. "Good morning, everyone. With everything being to crazy yesterday I haven't had a chance to introduce myself to you. My name is Laura, and I was brought in to be a voice of reason. That is not to say that I won't step in and save you two from whatever fate that lies before you. I am only here to see the fruits of his labor and if this is something we can use in the future. I don't know what he has plan but he said to make up for what he missed out of doing to the loser, he have to do now."

Adande then walks in with a folder in hand and pulling cart that has a sheet over it. "Are you the chatty today, just get to the corner." he put the cart in between Kara and Germain. "So, bitch. Did you have a good bath? I sure hope Germ had a chance to relax. Because let me tell you I'm a little behind on my work. And I know the first day I said I was going to get mean, then turned around a gave you a day off." he looked back at Laura and then turned back to them "But rest assured I'm not going soft."
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