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The devil Within Rp (active to join)

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Kara eyes gew wide the only person that was in her life a lot was her ex could it be he turned her in the perv. She did not know but she was going to find out and kill the son of bitch. sleep how was she suppose to sleep with all this gaurds playing with her she wanted to laugh but of course she was stuck. she just laid there wanting to be free and kill them all.
That night was crazy and while adande was on the phone talking he went to sleep. the guards played with them for hours until they themselves got tired even the one over germain and they left the room the sleep leaving them there until morning. When Adande got up to start the new day he was on the phone again telling how things were going to work on day 2.
Germain sigh in relief when the guard and the others took off for bed. He looked over at Kara and shook his head in disgust by the fact of what the guards did to her. He soon fell asleep then he spoke out of no where, he is usually silent during most of the morning time. "He'll try and change our habits. Doctors do that but like my boss said, "once a hacker. Always a hacker even if you think you're broke"."
Kara had fallen alseep with anger deep inside of her. Kara jerked her head at the sound of Germain and said " yes a Hacker can;'t leave their ways but you know one can always pretend to be broken then when they are caught off gaurd that is when you kill them all";. She laid her head back down still blind folded and wanting to be free cause her arms and legs where starting to hurt.
Adande came in with a bucket of ice cold water with ice in the bucket and poured it on kara. "Morning Subjects. Are you ready for another day. I hope you two had a good night cause I going to work you guys out today." he said moving to the middle of the room with guards coming in more then last night.

The guard that was over germain, his name is Alex, came back over to germain "Hello there germ. Did you miss me?" he said licking germain's neck. "Calm down," Adande said to him as Alex got a ice cold bucket as well and pour it on top of germain's head.
Germain gave Alex a cold look when he locked his neck then when he felt his hair wet he was beyond pissed he hates getting wet. He struggled as hard as he could to get free. "What the hell was that for?!"
Alex smiled "to make sure your up and incase you made an accident last night." taking the vibrating cup off of his cock that was on all night.
Germain gave himself a mental smug. "Oh sure thanks for the bath. I'll be going back to sleep now." He knew he would probably splash him with water again but this time he would go into a deeper sleep. Leaning back, he closed his eyes and slept with a smile in his mind.
Alex frowned at germain closing his eyes at him "I can see why adande wanted to take it hard on you guys, but you better wake or you not going to like what I do to your senstive friend here." he said stroke his dick.
His eyes jerked open when Alex stroked him. He lead out a low growl. He also remembered of Kara's plan and decided he would be the first to break. So he lead out also a low moan.
Kara jerked awake with a start and hissed at the gaurds and said ";next time you want to bath me warm up the dame water and use soap for christ sake i stink". she then went back out. she was awake but in her own mind . she had to lay her head down to hid her smile at her words.
"Warm up the water, would you like a dried towel and nice clean clothes to go with your sarcasm?" one of the guard said unhooked her from her position and helping/dragging her up to her feet and holding her still. Adam finished with germain unhooking him and stayed close to him. Adande smiled "Good news, we're going on a field trip today. Your task for the is going to be outside. so lets go."
Kara felt her hands and feet go free but she had trouble at first standing till the blood ran thou her body and the cramps worked themselfs out. She still could not see for the blindflood but she did not care to see their faces right now. she heard what the gaurd said and added ";yes a dry towel and clean cloths would go nicely with my sarcasm";.
Germain was mighty glad he was able to stand but still not able to see, he felt Adam standing close. "I like to have my personal space Adam"
Adande laughed at them, handing out handcuffs Kara was and germain where both handcuffed to guards. As Adam was cuffed to germain "Silly, nothing to you is personal." Kara was stuck with the guy talking back to her "I'm all out of fresh clothes and towels but you can have some shut-the-fuck-up, it came in yesterday."
Kara listened to the guy and a weird smile came across her lips for a breif second before she let out a laugh but said no more. She knew from the tug of her arm she was stuck to this basterd.
Adande nods "Alright, as I said this is a field trip and a listening exerise, you are handcuff together with someone that I'm sure is more than happy to guide you outside while you are still bindfolded. Which ever team gets to the very top of this island get a day off and other one get my undivided attention for the day. That seem more like a reward than a punishment so also the first one get to have a special phone call as well. now get too it." Adande clapped his hands and the guards took off running with germain and kara behind them.
Kara decided sense she was teamed up with a gaurd and if she won she will get a day off and a phone call who on earth would she call maybe use the phone to find out some info on the guy who turned her in then call him threating his life. She turned to the gaurd and said ";alright sense i have to do this and Iam stuck with you we might as well get along tell me what to do and i will do it";.
Germain let himself be dragged by the guard. There was no one special he wanted to call but a day off would be nice. "Don't screw up"
Adam laughed looking back at germain as they made it out of the prison "Don't slow me down." they were slightly behind Kara and the guard. the guard looked backed and smiled at adam " Alright if your going to listen, then run faster, we're in the lead."
Germain picked up the pace but felt his legs shake from all the hand and blowjobs he got yesterday. "I would run even faster if you hadn't fucked up my cock so much"
Kara felt her legs scream out in pain but when she looked back and saw adam she did what she was told and picked up her speed even thou her legs wanted her to stop.
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