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The devil Within Rp (active to join)

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Germain felt as if he were about to collaspse. His legs were killing him but he endured it and kept running soon he was dragging Adam using his other hand yo guide.
Adam and germain caught up and passed Kara and her teammate but felt the uneasiness with Germain and his weak legsbut matched his paced. Running through the low amount trees in the area they see the remains of the old jail that was here years ago.
The guarded sighed not wanting to loose "Hey you going to do what I say right, Hold on." he then picked Kara up in his arms and took off quicky gaining on adam and germain.
Kara felt herself get picked up and wanted to be put down but was glade she did not have to run anymore. she did not fight the guard that had her but did as she was told she held onto him.
The guards ran up the hill but while they were running people where keeping a close eye on them and told Adande what happen with kara and the guard.

Adam was slowly passing germain the the top was just in reach, But it was not to be The guard carried kara passed adam and germain and got to the top of the hill with a lady in a white coat and glasses had a stern look on her face seeing Kara carried to victory.
Germain huffed and then fell, his legs burned so much he couldn't run. "If you hadn't fucked my dick so much. I would have been able to run faster. Now it's time for you to die"
Kara still in the arms of the guard that carried her to victory took one look at the lady in the white coat and something deep down inside told her her day off was not going to be fun but rather this all had been a lie. She pushed herself out of the hands of the Guard and said "okay can i go sit down for a bit and be alone i played your stupid game".
The woman pushed her glasses up and uncuff everyone "Alright, though I don't agree with how things played out, I didn't make the rules so Kara will get the day off, Though I feel that germain should also be rewarded so you will get a day off as well." She thing walk up to the guard and whispered something in his ear and he nods in agreement. Stepping away she nod "Alright if you two will follow me Kara have a special person on the line wanting to talk to you."
Germain looked at the woman curiously. He gets a day off as well? He followed the woman as he wondered who was on-line for Kara.
Kara eyed the woman hoping this was not a trap but nodded her head and followed this strange looking woman.
They get back to the place and adande is at the door waiting for them he sighed seeing the woman there and mumbled something under his breath. "I thought this would work out better for me but it seems like the leash has gotten a lot tighter." The woman expressionless commented "Well, you of all people know what that is like for someone to get pulling your chain, I assume." adande has a dry laugh and then walks over to the guard near Kara, he whispers something in his ear, and he nod and hands his gun over to him. Adande then takes a step back and blow the knee out from under the guard with a gunshot heard followed by screaming. "Alright. Now that taking care of, come with me kara I have someone you will love to get your hands on, almost as much as me." the woman tell the others to carry the guard back, "Germain is it?" "no it's Germ!" Adande yelled out, "You are free to take the day off inside."
Kara screamed when she heard the gun shot close to her and the guard go down. She could not figure out why on earth Adande was shooting him in the knee was this his way of telling her she better not raise up against him she shook her head no she will keep to her plan. She then turned to Adande and looked at him with a glare but when he said there was someone she would love to get her hands on she could not help it she was carious so she followed Adande to where he wanted her to go see this person.
Adande took Kara into a small sound poof room with a table and a phone on top of it. He then pulled out a seat for her and then sat down next to the phone. "Okay, she is here go ahead and talk," Adande said sternly. There was a long pause with only breathing on the phone until the voice finally said something "H-H-Hi honey," there was silence he didn't want to do this not until everything was in place for him but adande told him what this will do to her and will make things easier for him. "I-I guess I can't call you that now that you know, You're not my real daughter."

Everyone sat and waited the guards who weren't protecting the doorways were not goofing off and messing around.
Kara heard the voice of the Man who had raised her all her life and even tried to give her the best life he could but in the end Kara found out in the end he was not her real father. she wanted to slam the phone down but instead said "yea i know your not my real dad so why lie to me all those years and why try to keep me from my real dad when i found out after all you know how tech crazy i was i mean i was bound to peace together my history and find out my real parents were"? she did not even look at Adande but waited for his respons.
"it's complicated to explain, my marriage was in a rough patch and seeing you. You brought our family together, As from hiding it. I know it was the wrong thing to do and I'm sorry. I know me on the phone asking for forgiveness from you is something I don't expect, and I'm not going to ask to be forgived. I know what I did was wrong but after you ran away and then hack into our back accounts. I had to call the police in." Adande kinda smiled "This is all sweet and stuff but I need to speed things up since I have a busy day. See "dad" is the reason why you are here and who would love to see you when you come out."
Germain had a day off he could relax but instead he prepared himself for what is to come tomorrow. For tomorrow could be worse than today. The only thing he needed to prepare was his mental stage.
Kara knew that she had hacked into their bank accounts in anger for what they did but she given up by her real parents so why not be taken in by someone else but to hide it . she just listened to what all he had to say and then said "whateever you say". she was then looked up as Adande said his part and hot anger boiled within her cause he was enjoying this all. she said into the phone ";one day your gonna regret what you did to me ". she slamed the phone down and looked up at Adande and said ";you think this all fun games now will you think that later". she shoved the table down with the phone on top and said "do what you want but know this you will never get what you want you might break me but it will not go pretty for you in the end."
"Kara, Kara, Kara, I'm not here to make you in something that will be fun for me. You need to understand that this is a job for me and it just so happens that you're are in the place that I have to work." adande said laughing at her anger "I read your file and learn all about you, not because I know you or picked you out from a list of people. Dear old dad has grown fond of you and wants you back as the devoted daughter that you once was. That is what I'm here to break you down as, and once it done your dad is going to come here and you will never see me again. I enjoy my work, I enjoy seeing people like you, the strong willed 'you will never break me' types. That's why I'm here because I like my job and I do a damn good job breaking people like you for a living." he then stands up "Your going to be shipped off as a new person. Kicking and screaming telling me to go to hell, to die. I been through it all, believe me, with more death attempted then Hilter.
But I know what you are going to do before you do it, and I know what to do to make you think make you act and know that whatever you think is going to happen in the in. It is not, because I'm the guy holding the gun, the cell, all the cards and I'm the fucking man." he then walked to the door "And by the way the next time a guard helps you I will aim for his head."
Germain paced around the place. He knew Adande's main purpose is to break but when he returns if broke, the gang will most likely turn against him. No, he needed to be strong.
Kara eyed him and thought if he kills all the gaurds for me makes it that much eaiser boy he had no idea what he has this time. She just calmed down and said "the sooner the better and i did not ask the guard to help he just did it on his own i just asked what he wanted me to do and i will listen and do it";. she thought wow he is playing right into my hands. She then watched him go happy to have him gone then sat down in a chair no way was her old ex foster dad gonna have the girl he once had devoted to him making him look good if his wife left him all the better.
Adande left and got back on the phone, everything was working the way it should. The guard that was shot was able to get to Germain. "Hey, look everyone here is trying to relax and your messing with our fun just sit down somewhere." he was in a wheelchair with a big wrap on his leg with blood on it. The woman walked over to Germain "Quite, this is a day of rest you should take it and make the most of it."
Germain rolled his eyes and walked over to the guard. "You're right. I should make the most of my relaxation." Germain grinned and put pressure on the guard's wounded leg as hard as he could. "Now this is relaxing"
Kara paced in the room with the table turned over and the phone on the floor. she wanted out but doubt they would let her roam the place studding it more. She deicded to just sit in a cornor and think about all that is happening to her.
The guard yelled in pain and rolled back in his chair "You, fucker! In enjoy your free time while you can because tomorrow is a new day. and I'm going to have to release my stress on someone." The woman laughed and starting writing in her notebook.
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