The devil Within Rp (active to join)

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She gave off a fake smile then added "i fear that Adande is going to use me to please all those guards turning me into a slut just for the fun of it i have only had sex with one guy then he tore my heart out so i fixed him.". she made a strange little laugh and added "but even if they think they have fixed me for dear foster daddy they are going to be in for a surprise".
Germain nodded in disgust. "Yeah. I don't have a family nor foster. Adande will try and change me for my "friends" heh, funny a gentleman gangster living again amongst other gangsters. But Kara seriously you might must have it easy. I nearly broke a guard's neck and arm. The one who was your partner during the race." He heard Adande and sighed in disgust. "Oh joy. I do love mornings especially today. So, when's your execution Adande?" He teased with a smile.
"Hopefully not before I meet the guy that you kiss ass too." he said smiling at him. "Below you is a puddle of water in a steel bucket right. Well I know Germ will like this trick because it is a trick I learned from gangster movies. Word assocation. Being I say something and you will give the right reponse. If you don't or refuse to, I'll just shock the shit out you until we get it right. Fun right."
Germain looked down below and thought 'shit!' He then looked back up at Adande his eyes widened but then shook his head mentally and glared at him. "And you think this will make me a better person? It'll make it worse. I'll then become the darkest man ever hacking kidnapping and killing." Germain then spit at Adande's shoes.
Kara put some distance between her and Adande and said ";your one sick bastered";. she looked at Germain and knew she had it eaiser then him and wished she could put a stop to all this shit they are going to do to him. she shook her head was she falling in love with the dude just cause they was in the same spot no she wont let that happen.
Germain looked over at Kara and saw her concerness/worry for him. He gave ger a solid nod indicating to you that he'll be alright.
Kara nodded back but then found her bed and sat down no longer looking at him but decided not to dwell on it she was here to make she took over the place and everything better for her if she stopped to worry about Germain as well she might lose sight of that. When she took over she will let him got that was for sure and he can do whatever he wanted as long as she was far away from him herself.
"Oh you guys have no idea just how sick I can be. Now let make it more interesting I said a word and you get it right no shock and we move on. If I feel we made some progress I'll let you go with my laura as she does whatever they sent her here for. Get it wrong you will feel a shock and don't worry I won't let you die so easy we have a defibrillator incase of any overshock." he then pulls the machine and starts it up tapping the poles together to spark it "Alright, I many volts can kill someone again? lets just start at 20 volts and if it too much I lower it a little." he get in the middle of them "first word loyality. Who are you two loyal too?"
Germain did not speak. A gangster had no loyalty to anyone not even their boss. But then again he might get shocked so lie and don't get shocked or tell the truth and not get shocked. "I am loyal to no one"
Kara eyed adande and said "my birth parents ". she was telling the truth all she did was to make money and get them free so she could live with them but that blew up in her face when she landed in jail but at least they were lose some where. she then decided to stay loyal to herself after that.
Adande nods and keeps the sticks up pleased with their answers. "Hate, who do you hate most of all." He was expecting himself but still waited a little for a response to see if they will lie to him just because he could shock them at any moment.
Kara stood up and said "I do not know you and my foster father cause i wanna kill you both";. she did not care if she was going to get shocked for that answer but she had the look of hatred in her eyes.
Germain mocked a thought. "Gee let me think. You, the guards, the man who ratted on me, oh and thank you so much for almost letting me break your neck" he turned to the guard whom he almost killed.
"Watch it you two. This is the word game not your life story. Next word lust, what do you lust for? and I not a perv you can lust for anything."
Kara looked at him and said ";freedom";. she figure given where she was at it was true i mean come on she was stuck. she wanted to run at him and tackle him taking out but knew if she did he would shock her.
Adande sighed and shocked germain "You're a guy. Bi-sexual guy but still a male non the less. you expect me to believe you have nothing to lust for? Try harder."
Germain felt the shock and bit his tongue. "I may be a bi-guy but that doesn't mean I want a guy. I lust for nothing at the moment"
Kara woundered if that was true or did he lust for the same thing as she freedom. she did not know or maybe deep down he knew she would free him so he was laying back abiding his time. she watched as he was shocked and thought if he was telling the truth why one earth was adande shocking him.
"Then curl up and die if there is nothing for you then" He said shocking him again "I can call them a say you would much rather be in a box six feet under then, to be alive."
Germain felt his body shake from the shock. He then knew hecwas going to have to do it. Break. "My lust is to no longer be the man Im currently am, dark." He said, pretending to be broke. His head was bowed but he gave a sly wink towards Kara. "That's the truth. I swear."
Kara was shocked this guy was truely cruel to the bone. She shivered and deiced to step up her plan she was going to make one fast and put it into action and then she was going to make them all pay.
Adande let it go, he looked back at laura who was writing stuff in her notebook and he mouthed something to her and then turned back around "Pretend, who do you guys pretend to be?"
Kara thought about that one for a bit who would she pretend to be. she never thought to pretend to be anyone she loved who she was. "I pretend to be no one i love who Iam". she hoped that was the right answer.
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