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The devil Within Rp (active to join)

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"Why do you two suck so bad at having a meanful relationship? I faked one and it lasted for 3 years, before I just told her it wasn't going to work out. So explain?"
Germain thought about what Adande asked asked. "Well let me think about this hm...I just don't see what the point of it is. A few weeks is fine with me"
Kara just shurgged and said "Its not me its not my fault he goes for the greener pasters and do not want to be around me and my computers and besides if one has tech why need someone in your life to bitch and complaine your always on it';.
Kara cocked her head from side to side then said "if you think you can change me into something everybody wants your welcome to try it".
Kara looked over to Germain and cocked her head from to side to side and then looked away not sure on what she felt about him sense she knew love was not what she wanted.
"I'm not going to change you into a slut and I'm not going to pimp Germ either. Whatever you think is going to happen and what is really going to happen are two different things."
Kara just shurgged her shoulders and said "whatever man but i wont be the perfect daughter for dear old foster daddy ether so good luck on finding something we both want".
Germain looked down at Kara once again and thought to himself why was she looking at him like that. Could she be in love with him? No, impossible, he's younger than she is. He looked back up at Adande, "I seriously don't know why you're changing me, I don't have a fmaily who want me to be perfect, and the gang will not like a gentleman gangster."
"Last Question, What do you think aout each other, do you two think that it would work outside of this cell or are the two of you bonding because of it."
Germain raised his eyebrows. What kind of a question was that? "I think of her only as a friend, nothing more, nothing less"
Kara wanted to slap him bad but just said "i would never know cause i would not seek it out to try it i just want to be free its all i can think about".
Adande laughed "Very interesting, maybe next time I'll tell you why your here germ. Now before we move on," he shocked them both "I'm in charge here and I'm slowly getting to point where I couldn't careless what happens to you while your in here."
Kara bit down on her lip as she felt the pain a whimper going thou her body but she would not let him enjoy her pain.
Adande walked away and had people slowly get them out of the water and into wheelchairs where they were again strapped down in and followed him out of the room.
Kara was glad to be out of the water but she just laid her head to the side wishing for death one way she knew she could be free or to kill everyone both really good ideas
"You can't complain you had a day off yesterday, so now we are doing double time. It should make it easy because of how weak you to are." He came to a room with two metal table and strap on it. He then get Kara on top of table and Put her body into an X shape. and got to germain and injected him will a sex craze drug "You remember what kara looked like the first time hot and ready for sex? I just gave you a stronger dose of it with a little extra side effect."
Kara was stuck to the table her hands above her head and her legs spread wide. She still had her cloths on so that was a good sign. Was he Adande going to have Germain fuck her like crazy. she was not about to hang around on this dame table and find out so she started trying to get free while the two men talked.
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