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The devil Within Rp (active to join)

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"Well you see this stuff doesn't desolve into the body this stay in the bloodstream and collects right in here." Grabbing his, Penis and slowly stroking it. "It's going to build and build within here until you need release and when you can't take it anymore someone will be here to release it."
Germain felt his cock arouse and harden as Adande stroked him. The dose was gaining up and was strong but Germain did his very best to be stronger.
Germain's groan turned into a moan. This felt good to him, very good but he didn't want it to feel good. He wanted it to stop. As if his body betrayed him, he nodded.
Kara laid there on the table thinking why on earth did she need to be here she did not want to see Germain get abused by Adande she wanted him to take his hands off of him. she lefted her head off the table and tried to pull one arm free.
Adande smiled "What in the world am I going to do with you huh Germ?" quickly jerking him off "You two are just so emotional that it's crazy right? it's building up and you want to release it inside somewhere right." he then tied a knot around germain shaft."Youre not going to be able to cum now, unless you ask me too. Plus it just going to stay there fight as long as you want this stay inside the body unlike the one I gave her."
Germain moaned out as Adande jerked him off. He felt himself build up, wanting to cum, he was about too but stopped when the doctor tied his shaft preventing him to do so.
Kara was ignoring the two in case Adande wanted her here to watch. she was going to put her whole mind on getting off the dame table.
He then let germain go and walked over to kara. "Your clean from yesterday right?" lifting her shirt up and pulling her pant and panties down. "I should get you wet first right? Nah, I'm just going to make you feel it more from your skin." rubbing a special kind of lotion that boosts the senitivity of the skin and hair on the body. "Look, you want to find a way to release right you can put your cum right in here." rubbing Kara belly.
Germain was glad he let go of him and walked over to Kara. "Then let's hope I wont need to release" he groaned keeping it in the best he could.
Kara felt her shirt get pushed off and her pants and panties pulled down. when he said for Germain to release inside of her she glared at him saying "he does not want a dame child";. she did not like him rubbing her belly.
Adande laughed and got to her ear "This is what you really want to happen, you hate the fact that he said he looks at you as only a friend. Deep down you like the idea of germain getting on top of you because you feel that he will be different then the rest. And you would like the idea of him being connected to you though you hate it that I'm here to watch. Anything, you think you hate I know that you really like it."

Adam came over to germain "I told you I will be able to play with you today." coming around and sucking on the top of his dick.
Kara glared at him saying "i do not want him on top of me nor do i want to have a child in a hell hole like this and on top of all of that i do not need you touching me at all got it". she could only glare at him should could not punch and kick him till she was no longer made at him. She tried again to get free wanting this all to end.
Germain felt himself jerk when he sucked on the tip. It felt great, he hated it. He hated that the dose is getting to him. Strong and fast.
Adam smiled has he teased and mess with germain while Adande was warming up kara with special lotion "Hey, what wrong you don't like this this, you want to cum soon right?" Talking while he still had him in his mouth.

Adande whispers in kara ears "There is one more extra side effect just for you in mind, you see the more a more build up there is the more it release, and it will make you just as horny so I guessing between the two of you and how strong it is you two are going to be at it for hours with out sleep, food, or water."
Kara just glared at him saying "now i know how the drug and how it works on the mind this time i wont let it get to me";. she went to work again on her right arm tying to get it free. she knew she could get her arm free if she her whole mind it and taking it off her body and want its starting to want.
Adande still close her on her "Just like when we first met only this time you won't go crazy. You got it into your bloodstream by fighting back if you would have just let go and have me treat you, then you wouldn't be so sex crazy that day. I think you just want to be punish, you like the idea that I keep having to do more and more because whenever I say 'do worry this is be easy,' some how you always make it more difficult. You ex-bofriend propose to you and I sure you messed that up. You starting to get feeling her him over there, and you will mess that up too." looking over at germain. "For once in your life, I'm going to give you a sure thing, and a part of me just wants to see how you going to fucked this up too." he then get on top of her with his knees on table and most of his weight on his stomach. "You know I'm right, and that is why part of you wants to die, because deep down as much as you hate me, you hate it more that you are starting to doubt yourself."
Germain bit his lips in order not to give in but it was hard, very hard. His lips parted slightly and moaned. "Doubt? Doubting myself about what may I ask"
"I was talking to kara but I know why you doubt yourself Germain. The fact that the group won't take as a gentleman is a lie I think that as long as you got the job done it didn't matter if you can back as a nun. No the reason wy you doubt yourself is that you are unaware at the female perception. though you call youself bisexual, you show no sign of knowing what women around you think about you or the feeling they have. For example it hurt kara for you to say you see her as just a friend. Even Adam who was once a member of the opposite sex has grown fond of you yet you won't see it. which is why you are in the state you are in now."
Germain looked over at Kara, he said he only liked her as a friend because he didn't think she would like a way younger man and what?! Adam has grown fond of him. This was starting to get a little too much for him. "I think I'm going to throw up"
Kara looked up at Adande and said ";okay first off in no way hell did my man propose to me instead he got tired of me and left me for anther and second what makes you think i was hurt when Germain said i was only a friend to him ever thought maybe i would like that to have a friend not a boyfriend to be free to be me the girl iam";. She looked over at Germain and said "I also like you as a friend as well";. she then turned to Adande on top of her and said ";get off of me in now way i doubt things or fuck things up and if me telling you to get off fuck's things up then yea for me";.
Germain nodded in agreement but with Adam sucking him off, he felt like cumming. He moaned out and arched his back. "Oh god"
Adam stop in annoyance and grabbed Germain dick "What does it digust you that I was one a woman? you shouldn't act that way with somone handling your junk like this you know." he then pulls germain by is penis over to kara and starts to rub the bottom of her foot with it.

Adande smiled "You two can be defient all you want to it doesn't problem me, in fact it makes this easier."
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