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The devil Within Rp (active to join)

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Adande laughed "you think people show there emotions and heart for everyone to see, what you are right now is just a fascade that you put up because of me. Kara, is a hacker she is no one to get rough, and Germain is a gangster but kind of a soft gangster. Neither of you two will get to the point where you would revolt and try to take this place over. Would you kill me? Yes, I sure. you both will jump at the chance more then anything else but you going to kill me and have the resolve the lead this place and have people follow you on this island. Not a snowball chance in hell." Shocking them "Now give me another person you pretend to be."
Kara fell off her bed when she shocked and screamed out in pain. she had to think fast who did she pretend to be she was great with tech maybe she could think of something in that feild . ";I pretend iam a gamer when i hack". she hoped that worked cause she was running out of options.
Germain turned his head to her scream then back at Adande. "You sick psychotic bastard!" He struggled to get lose so he can eletrocute the man.
adande smiled "You two like each other now huh. I guess I should bring that drug out again so you two can fuck. 'no, I don't want to suck dick, you can't make me.' I should think about that for later that could help me out if you two got busy." he laughed at his worry for her. "Next word, Selfish, what are you most attached too in this world?"
Kara glared at him and when Germain got all angry at her scream she just shrugged it off. She thought what she was selfish off and made a cocky smile and said ";my body";. she wanted to see what his reaction would be to that one.
Adande rolled his eyes at her dry comment about her body and just moved on "Fear, what is the one thing your afraid of?"
Kara looked at him and wanted to say nothing but thought the better of it . she then said "I fear becoming what all men want most that slut".
Germain was a gangster they had no fear. But he did and he kept it away from them. He decided to do the same and keep his mouth shut, he did not care if he gets shocked. He will not tell him his fear.
Adande when on and shocked Germain "What you have no lust and no fear? and Bitch what you have against sluts. Your exboyfriend had sex with one and your now bitter about it."
Kara was now very angry and said ";how dare you call me a slut i only sex with one man and he cheated on me and yes i have every right to be bitter i was good to that jerk and yet he still wanted to tear my heart out but no more will i let a man do that to me again".
"Ha yet your falling for a bi gangster. You sure know how to pick them don't ya." Adande turned the voltage up to 30 and shocked germain again. "and you, you just going to have her loose trust in men you know that. if she this broken up over her man having sex with a women imagine the rage if she found him having sex with another man."
Kara glared at Adande and said "who said i was falling for anyone what makes you think you know how i feel about people ". she gripped a sheet on the bed wanted to run at him and attack him. she could not for she knew she was stuck.
Germain felt the 30 bolts come through his body. He jerked but kept silent until a whimper escaped his lips. He now wished he told them his fear. "Why the hell did you shock me?!"
"cause you still didn't give me an answer for your fear." he said shocking him once more the guard couldn't help but smile at how it was going for him.
The bolts hit Germain again. He bit his bottom lip in order not to scream. He mentally sighed and gave up. "Bridges. My fear is bridges. Happy?"
Kara thought about what he had just said about bridges and thought something must have happened to give him that fear.
Adande nods saying "that's isn't that scary. I thought you were going to say something like butterflies, or cars or something that is stupid that we can't avoid." he then loooks back at Laura wording something, and then back to them. "Alright now that we got the easy questions out of the way no comes the hard stuff. Kara, How long did you date your ex? and germain when was the last time you dating a female."
Kara sighed and knew he was going to ask that some how so she said "a year before he got tired of me";.
Kara looked at him and said ";my ex you asked how long i was with i was not much into dating all about the tech".
Germain raised his eyebrow. Longest realationship? He had to fe nodding. "About four weeks at the latest. Yeah, my realationships don't last a week"
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