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have you ever.

Yeah(sorta) I ended up in the hospital on my birthday and my boyfriend had planned to take me out but instead he brought my sushi and frozen yogurt :)

Have you ever had a hard time with family member trying to stop them from making bad decisions?
Sadly my impact was closer to radiation exposure rather then Earth shattering as hers was.

Have you ever found yourself in the most packed gathering place; during an event ( Holiday / celebrations / vacation )
And felt completely alone?
There have been way too many occurrences with that happening. Usually when my friend drags me to a club or other drinking social event. (I don't drink, so yeah, forever alone.) I know everyone there and usually get along with them great, but for some reason I just feel like the loneliest person in the world.

Have you ever had a dream feel so real that when you woke up you felt depressed and disappointed because you preferred the dream world?
I don't know if you could actually say that, but recently I took medicine that caused vivid dreams, and I couldn't wait to get to sleep!

Have you ever gotten into a sleep pattern that was wrecking your life and yet couldn't get out of it?
No, not really. (I'm usually aware that if I'm feeling that good it's because of the meds I've taken minutes earlier!) :p

Have you ever danced in public like no one was watching you? (Check out the girl waiting for the bus...she's fabulous!)

^ She must have been hot stuff forty pounds ago - and, in her mind, she still is! ^

Boogieing down Telephone Road in Houston at one in the morning to "You Don't Have to Call Me by my Name!" by David Allan Coe - on the center stripe!

Have you ever had repetitive sex with someone, and it was immeasurably wrong - but twenty and more years later you can't forget how good it was?
XXtraPrince said:
^ She must have been hot stuff forty pounds ago - and, in her mind, she still is! ^

Boogieing down Telephone Road in Houston at one in the morning to "You Don't Have to Call Me by my Name!" by David Allan Coe - on the center stripe!

Have you ever had repetitive sex with someone, and it was immeasurably wrong - but twenty and more years later you can't forget how good it was?

Well despite time not being as exact as the question -
Yes I can recount several awe-inspiring, mind-blowing encounters of hot steamy sex.
More like within the last ten years for I am still in my twenties...

- Digressing. -

Have you ever found yourself driving a little recklessly to a rather enjoyable song? ( Bonus points: Did everything go well or worst as you got into it ? )
When I'm alone in my car, I blast my radio, singing to the top of my lungs to any and every song. My rearview mirror will actually "vibrate", it's so loud. On occasion, I have ran a stop sign/light because I wasn't paying close enough attention, but thank goodness, I've never caused an accident or injured anyone. :p

Have you ever tripped on apparently nothing in the floor (just your two left feet) in front of a bunch of people watching, and you tried to act like nothing happened?
Not on the "floor" (indoors), but have on numerous occasions tripped over the foul line, a line of chalk on the infield dirt or outfield grass on a baseball diamond (old hands attribute this to making insufficient effort not to step on it, baseball's Original Sin).

Have you ever had sex on a baseball diamond (details)?
No, but uh...I wanna know what stadium you frequent. :p

Have you ever caught a fly ball while at a baseball game? (And you thought I was going to be naughty.....)
^ When I played (Father Time has sent in a pinch-runner for me) I was all over, usually at the correctpark. ^

Tens of thousands of times. Dropped a couple.

Have you ever been a game-time scratch, not because you were hurt but because you were in bed fucking?
(Oh come onnnn....We want details...)

No, I've never committed any adultery, legal or otherwise. (Well, unless you consider adulterous "thoughts" as adultery, and then I'd be in trouble!!)

Have you ever read some of the confessions here in the forum game threads and thought to yourself, "Man, I have lived a boring life!" ?? :p I have... :(
Nawwww, I need no excuse to do drugs. The getting close to someone would just be an added bonus.

You ever blurt something out.. instantly shocked that you actually spoke your mind out loud?
I have indeed. It can be quite maddening.. but also quite irresistibly drawing to engage with such an opposing force.

Have you ever successfully willed yourself to fall back asleep and continue with a wonderful dream?
Fallen back asleep yes, but to continue a marvelous dream no. I usually get the dream and then it takes a hard left into nightmare land.

Have you ever wanted to take responsibly for a child simple because you don't think they're in a good environment but you can't?
Maybe not like the devil but perhaps more like a cat. ;)


Have you and your SO ever pulled off onto a dirt road at night and had a quickie on the hood of the car?
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