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have you ever.


Ever sing to the car radio and then realize someone was watching you in another car?
Yes. On several occasions. In the army there were these couple officers who simply enjoyed being assholes. And I don't mean that "I'm a tough officer and I call everyone a maggot!" act. These two guys just were complete and utter assholes. Also in couple other jobs I've had I have had to work alongside homophobes and loud racists.

Have you ever gone to your school or job and only then realized that you have a day off.
Yes!! I thought I had missed the bus and my mom dropped me off in the front. By then class would have already started. My mom drove off and I couldn't get through the front doors and did not have a cellphone and my school was in the middle of bum fuck. Thank god a cop drove by and told me there was a tornado warning and school had been cancelled and called my mother. I got my first cellphone after that ^_^

Have you ever texted someone something confidential and found that you sent it to the wrong person?
Kinda. I had some personal information on my phone, it was stored in a 'memo' and it wasn't like I was planning to spread it anywhere. For some reason the keypad lock had come off with the phone in my pocket... Then I get messages asking 'why am I telling THAT to people' and I find out that my phone had selected just that particular memo and sent it as a text message.

To several people, including mom, brother and my landlord...

Moving on.

Have you ever seen a person you just don't like and then try to hide before he/she notices you?
Several times.

Have you ever made up an excuse to not attend someone's special occasion? (baby shower, birthday party, bar mitzvah, wedding)
Christmas morning: Spend it with mom and her boyfriend or dad and his new wife? Gave them each and hour then made them cough up the gas money and split the day with the two of them.

Would you instantly embrace or freak out over being a single parent if your partner left you with a child, with no intent to come back?
Not at all. I grew up in a single parent home, so I fully understand how to raise a child with out a spouse. I would just feel bad for the spouse not getting to see their kids grow up.

Have you ever had a dream and the events of the dream take place in real life?
^^ I know. I know.

No I haven't quite gotten to that point lol

Ever planned something for the person you love only for it all to fall apart?
Our anniversaries are a litany of those kinds of things. Birthdays and Valentine's too!

Have you ever had a big-deal dinner with your lover planned, then had to play an extra-inning ball game (or something like that) and wound up too tired to go?
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