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have you ever.

Never tried a ghost pepper... but this one time... FUCK. Some hot sauce is just TOO hot

Ever had sex under the stars?

Oops I was posting as slair did. Yes I used the handle of a spatula as a dildo on an ex.

Ever been to a concert and take off an article of clothing?
Slairlayh said:
I ate a stick of fried chicken with sauce flavor called "The Atomic Bomb". In fact, I ate two.
I had stomach cramps for two days straight.
But I haven't tried ghost peppers.

Have you ever...used some kind of kitchen or dining ware in place of a dildo?


*Grins sheepishly*....yeah. >_>

I have had sex under the stars, yes, and it was quite wonderful!

... gotten a tattoo that you later regretted?
I have "Daisy Dukes"! ;)

...provided sexual favors to get anything in return, money or some other benefit?
Nope, can not say I have.

Have you ever researched a partner before responding to a request? Like check out old role plays and their thread and f-list.
I have, but experience showed me that I hadn't been thorough enough, at least on one occasion.

Along the same line, have you ever concluded, based on what you found in a partner's Rabbit Hole/F-List, that y'all were very compatible and discovered in time that wasn't true?
Yes, unfortunately I have had that experience. (But then again, I doubt anyone on this site has not experienced something similar, eh?)

Have you ever considered continuing/ continued a specific story/ plot with someone else after your original partner disappeared?
No. I've thought about it, but concluded little purpose would be served by taking perceived pot-shots at other Members.

Have you ever gone and tried something that you considered adding to a role-play plot just to get an idea how it'd work?
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