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have you ever.

No, and I don't think I ever want to go.

noticed someone's blouse unbuttoned or their pants unzipped in a public setting, but was too embarrassed to go "tell them"?
Yes, I have noticed but was too shy to go tell them. (Yes...I'm shy dammit!) :p

witnessed a crime but didn't tell anyone?
Yes, because I stopped that shit. True story.

Thought, "that is far too much bacon."
A few times. Eventually you get to a point where it's just too much salt and fat despite it being delicious.

Wondered if you'll ever get a decent night's sleep?
No, thank goodness. But that is a fear of mine, maybe a silly one, but a real fear, nonetheless.

had dreams (or maybe I should say "nightmares") of being chased by something/someone, and you wake up out of breath as though you HAD been running?
... I am being chased through a warehouse by a naked woman with a number four short-handled coal shovel. I burst out through an exit and immediately confront a policeman and explain. He replies, "I ain't shootin' no naked woman!" Exasperated, I ask: "Jesus F. Christ, what do you want me to do - buy her some clothes?" Just then I wake up, exhausted and sweating fifty-caliber machine-gun bullets. I go to the bathroom to take a piss, and happen to look sideways. There, in the tub, is a number four short-handled coal shovel.

... Been arrested and thrown in the slammer?
Nope. I'm a good girl. ;) (Well, at least I obey the laws of the land

...ate a raw "ghost pepper" completely chewing it up and swallowing it with nothing to eat or drink for 3 minutes? :p

No, and I fully intend to never ever do that ever.

Attempted something strange because a very attractive person wanted to?
I have not. :)

...sang the wrong words to a song and it was a long while before you figured it out? (Remember the Kenny Rogers song, "Lucille"? He says, "With four HUNGRY children, and a crop in the field", and I thought for the longest time it went "With four HUNDRED children and a crop in the field"! :p
No, I'm not allergic to anything that I know of. (oops...wait! Once as a kid, I ate some poison oak berries because I thought they were "red" (unripe) blackberries. I was (and still am) highly allergic to poison oak/ivy and that stuff broke me out from the inside out...was horrible! ) :(

been driving in your car, the windows rolled down, the wind in your hair, making it an utter mess, songs blaring on the radio...and your destination unknown?
Almost; I was a young kid with a new car, just "out touring" (driving like hell out in the country)... but my hair was in a military crew-cut and was unbothered by the breeze.

... Arranged to meet a friend at a certain bar, went and didn't see him, so left only to find the next morning that he was in an identically-named bar ("Brookside") in the next town over?
Hell yes. I love just blasting metal with no real place to go.

Ever eaten cheesecake so divine all other cheesecakes after have tasted like sand?
XXtraPrince said:
Almost; I was a young kid with a new car, just "out touring" (driving like hell out in the country)... but my hair was in a military crew-cut and was unbothered by the breeze.

... Arranged to meet a friend at a certain bar, went and didn't see him, so left only to find the next morning that he was in an identically-named bar ("Brookside") in the next town over?

No, that would be most unfortunate.

I love cheesecake (chocolate, strawberry, cherry, heck, I like them all...) but I don't think I've ever found THE cheesecake. (Where did you find this grand cheesecake?)

gone on a romantic camping trip with someone special?
I have a few times, but it was all cooked and set up by "me". I've never had one prepared "for me". That's the shits, is it not? ;)

fallen asleep while talking to someone on the phone?
No, because I usually just have "nightmares"...LOL

jumped into a creek or river from the side of a bridge?
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